Braselton Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, July 25, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant K. Todd Helcher
Hi , I think of you all the time and regret all the times we talked about spending time together , I know soon we will be back driving a classic listening to tunes and just talking about life , dawg I miss u
April 8, 2024
Another year without that smile. Time does not heal, it just passes. Miss you.
Sarah Elizabeth Holcomb
July 25, 2023
Time does not stop, but it sure does pass by faster than it should. Despite the passing you are still a treasure I'm glad I shared life with. You are forever in my heart.
Sarah Elizabeth Holcomb
July 25, 2022
dad, you’ve been gone for a little over 16 years now and man is it still so hard. this year has been pretty rough on me. i started driving and i only have one more year of high school left and not having you here with me hurts a lot but i know that you are always with me in spirit. today was thanksgiving and me and momma went to eat with papaw and we had a good day. on the way home she asked if we could go see you and we did and we both just got out and fixed up your grave a little bit and smiled. i know today was definitely rough on momma so i tried to be strong and not let her see me down too much. your big 50th birthday is coming up and i’ve thought about you so much. i miss you so much daddy. i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving up in heaven and were smiling the whole day. i’ll see you one day dad. i love you
November 25, 2021
Buddy I miss you so much !
Friend in Orlando,Fl
April 12, 2020
Rest in peace Sergeant Helcher.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 29, 2020
Sgt. K Todd Helcher #1350 EOW July 25, 2005 This day brings back so many memories. 14 Yrs. it is so unbelievable that you have been in Heaven this many years. You left three wonderful, smart. precious, and beautiful children. I know you are so proud of them. I am speaking for all of us your three children, Me ( your Mother-in Law ) so many friends, co-workers, people you helped. You were just your amazing self in all of our lives. We love you miss you and always will. I think of you everyday, I LOVE YOU MY HAND PICKED SON-IN-LAW !!!!!! I WILL SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. Love Nana Betty
Nana Betty
July 27, 2019
Sgt. K Todd Helcher #1350 EOW July 25,2005 This day brings back so many memories. 14 yrs it is so unbelievable that you have been in Heaven this many years. You left three wonderful, smart, precious and beautiful children. I know how proud of them you must be. I am speaking for all of us your three children, me(your Mother in law), so many friends, co-workers, people you helped. You were just your amazing self in all of our lives. We love you, miss you and always will. I think of you everyday, I love you my hand picked Son in law !!!!! I will see you on the other side. Nana
July 25, 2019
Happy Birthday, another year in Heaven , I can only imagine how wonderful it must be, no pain, no sorrow, only pure happiness !!! But the people still here that Loved, relied on you for advise, your love, your friendship still miss you and always will. you were definitely my second son and I relied on you for advice and help in life's curves thrown at all of us. I miss you as much today as the day we all lost you 7/25/2005 EOW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY HAND-PICKED SON-IN LAW, I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU, NANA !!!!!
November 30, 2018
Todd, It is starting to get cold, You would love it, the leaves are gorgeous this year. Our favorite time of year. I started Christmas shopping today, I know how you loved to shop and how much you loved Christmas and all the presents I miss you so much, My Hand Picked Son-In-Law. You were truly a special man, husband ,father and son-in-law. Oh by the way our Birthdays are coming up soon !!!! Love and Miss you Always, Nana
November 10, 2018
Todd, It's no special day, not a birthday, anniversary or anything special going on. Just another day that I miss talking to you, laughing and getting well needed advise. You were one of my shoulders to lean on always ready with advise and 99% of the time right on target. Marty could probably use some help being the one now that has to listen, Ha Ha !!!! I recently got to see Holden and Haleigh both are grown up and beautiful children. Logan stays to busy with sports to ever get a glimpse of him. But the football picture is great, he is tall, and also so grown up. Time is passing so fast, definitely where your three are concerned. The lights still blink sometimes in the master bath, I just always say "Hello Todd, I miss you too", then it stops. But I will definitely always miss my second son. Your favorite time of year is just around the corner, Miss and Love you always, Nana
September 17, 2018
I’ve met a lot of people in this walk of life, and as time passes they've faded away along with their memory. But I’m proud to say your memory walks beside me as I travel threw this life. There’s been Times it’s been so hard understand God’s, plan I miss you brother. You will live forever in your children and me Till we ride again...
July 26, 2018
I don't know why we didn't stay in touch , the years went by so fast seemed like only months had gone by since your wedding... I miss u my friend , Im sorry I didn't search for u , Sorry for your family ,sorry I never met your kids , let them know how proud me and my family were of you.I miss you alot ,
I know I will see you again my friend
,I'll make sure mom Cooks you shrimp and plantains .
Victor Bencosme
April 21, 2018
Another Birthday you would have been 47 today. Your favorite time of year and mine too. Holiday dinners with family and friends, good food and all the laughter and happiness. I remember how you loved this time of year. I miss you being such a big part of our family as much today as I did when you left us 12 years ago. You are and will always be my " Hand Picked Son-In-Law ". More like my son. I think I hear you and Frank singing " Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire" !!!! Happy Birthday you are Loved and Missed, Nana
November 30, 2017
Losing you wasn't the hardest part...learning to live without you has been. Today makes 12 years. There is rarely a day that I don't look up and smile and say" I know that was you" when little things show up, especially with the kids. As they are getting older they are each more like you than the day's bittersweet, it's amazing and it's hard all at the same time. I know have failed you and them many times, but they are the three most beautiful and wonderful children I could've ever dreamt of us having. I know you see them and all they've accomplished and all that they are striving to be. They need you so please continue to show up and touch their hearts when I can't, comfort them when I can't, and give them peace when I can't calm their hurt and fears. Know that with all my failures that I have tried my best to love them enough for both of us. Holden is about to leave for college, don't let him be alone. Logan and Haleigh are about to start school again too, remind them that you're always a part of them and you never left their hearts....for life (love
July 25, 2017
I will never understand why the kids and I were so blessed to have you and for you to be taken away. Yes, I know God's plans and love are far greater than we could ever comprehend and we are not to question His course. Today is Father's Day and you were the best father I could've ever hoped for. You were the rare kind of father that went to every appointment when we were expecting, every pediatrician visit, even the one you thought I was crazy because Logan didn't talk much, the one who wished he could nurse Holden and the one who cried when you finally heard Haleigh was definitely going to be the little girl you had always prayed for. I have millions of memories to share with your babies. I pray that I am raising them to be the type of young men and young lady you would've guided them to be. I still see and hear you. You showed up at Holden's graduation and on Memorial Day you reminded us all that you're never far from us. I pray that as our children grow up so quickly that they always see and hear you for I know you've never left them. Thank you for being the best father to our babies that I could've asked for! You are missed and loved beyond measure and time!! Happy Father's Day Todd!
June 18, 2017
Today is a one of those Big Deal Days, You should be here. Your Son is graduating from High School. You should be here. These moments piss me off. He is a wonderful mature young man that needs you today. Unfortunately its hard to focus on all that's right when you not being here is so wrong. I know as the sunsets you will be watching, guiding and cheering but his heart is breaking.
May 26, 2017
Another Christmas one of your favorite times of year. It feels like it was only a short time ago we were all together and now we have all gone separate ways. I guess you were the glue holding it all together. Still think of you and miss your presence in all our lives. Merry Christmas in Heaven Todd.
December 26, 2016
Another birthday, continued heart ache, emptiness, fear and tears. This time of year hits hard no matter the thousands of days that have past since we held you. As every other day but with more flash backs and sorrow , today I celebrate you. Birthdays are only as special as the one's they belong to and today belongs to the best. You are forever remembered,loved and missed!!
November 30, 2016
Your son's just celebrated birthdays, 18 and 13 both very important changes in their lives. I wish you were still here to love, guide and protect them both. Holden never got to be a little boy, had to grow up to early and watch out over Mom and Brother and Sister. Which he has accomplished so very well. Logan lost you so early he can't remember how special you were, but your influence on all their lives still lives on. You are truly loved and missed by all of your family each and every day. Love Forever
October 15, 2016
11 years have passed and you are still thought of and missed dearly. :(
July 25, 2016
In spite of everything that is going on in the world these days I still remember all of the great advice you gave me when we were out there. I remember the abundance of patience you had and how you had a natural way of communicating with people that I have not seen since. You held no favorites, nor any animosity. You treated all with respect and you did the right thing...always. Ill never forget that night I was chasing that DUI suspect south on I85 and you finally caught up with me. You gave it a few minutes and then called it off. The first thing you did was tell me how you didnt want to have to knock on my family's door one night and explain to them that their son had been killed in a car chase... And then I think back to that awful morning after our long weekend on-duty when Lt. called my nextel fighting back the emotions to try to break the bad news to me...I will NEVER FORGET!!!.... NEVER!!!
Fire Controlman 2nd Class
U.S. Navy
July 9, 2016
Its that time again... I unfortunately did not get to meet you, I do however know you through your family. I am that sister you would be squinting your evil sneaky eye at right now. Letting me know that pay backs are hell.. Bring it Brother of my heart. I will buy her that itty bitty bikini anyway.. Because I can... I will take her to the lake and let her wear it anyway.. Because I can.. What else would an Aunt do? Oh, I will look up and give you that look right back... It is a game we would have played.. You being mad at me for encouraging her and me doing it to aggravate you. All Joking aside, Its almost your baby's birthday, Even though You said she will NEVER wear one of those. You would also have given in... Push over that you would be. She would have you wrapped around her little finger. I know that you are looking down and letting everyone know that She is your baby. You have every reason to be proud. She is good through and through.
March 16, 2016
Christmas has now came and gone once again without you. The four of us spoke of you many times today. And I saw you in their eyes and in their steps...especially in the funny ones. Three little sets of your blue eyes that squint just like yours did. Three sets of sneaky grins...just like yours. And three sets of beautiful giving loving hearts just like yours. I have failed beyond measure and disappointed beyond understanding in many things but there are three that I couldn't be prouder of. Our babies are the most precious of all your gifts and are a legacy of you that is richer and greater than any could compare. Forgive me for the stumbles and all out face plants as I trudge through. We will forever and always love and miss you!! Merry Christmas
Amy,Holden,Logan, and Haleigh
December 26, 2015
I think of you almost every day and remember your love for your family and just for life in general. You surely left an impression on all that met you along the way. Todd you will always be loved and missed by so many of us that were blessed to share time with you and know how special of a man that you were. Your legacy truly lives on in your beautiful children. Happy Birthday in Heaven.
November 30, 2015