Flint Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, July 16, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Owen David Fisher
Remembering and loving you and thanking God for giving us you if even for a short time. Your mum, Katie, Jeremy, and I will be together to remember and celebrate all you have been to us.
Love you,
Dave Fisher
July 16, 2010
owen, ive been thinking about you a lot lately. just want to say hey and i miss you. love you, kendra
July 15, 2010
Wasup Fish..was just thinking about you...were still riding together wearing the same blue but with different patches on the arms...lol...Its funny but I can't start my shift with out looking at my old beat up "heroes live forever" bracelet I got the day of your funeral...lol... almost five years and I've never worked a day without it..miss you bro
Ofc. S Lofton
New Haven PD former/present partner
May 17, 2010
Dude there's so many big things happening right now that you need to be here for. Just keep an eye out...love you everyday!
April 1, 2010
hey owen
just thought i'd drop in to let you know that i was thinking about you.. i miss the family so much, i think a nice road trip to see you and the family this summer is much needed. i love you and miss you still everyday..
little cousin
March 27, 2010
Love you and miss you! Please keep an eye out for us. There are a lot of big events coming up we wish you were here for....make your presence felt. We know you are always with us.
March 11, 2010
Hi Sweetheart
Just wanted to say I'm missing you. There are times when you must get tired of listening but I'm happy that you do. Please keep watching over us all.
March 9, 2010
Hi O,
I just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and hope you will continue to watch over us.
Love you,
David fisher
March 1, 2010
Tomorrow I'll be representing my department at a police funeral and I've thought of you all day. I know that when the bagpipes start tomorrow, all I'll be able to think about is my friend from Flint. You are missed brother.
Deputy Jason Gates
Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office
January 15, 2010
Hi O, Just put Hanky Boy to bed. Man, he's looking like you...which will mean he's handsome as an adult, but he may not love the awkward 4th-5th grade years...ha!!! In all seriousness, you two would have been two peas in a pod. It is true that time does help to heal some wounds, but having these boys is reminding me of how much they are missing out on. I just can't help but think about how much fun you guys would have together. Love you.
January 13, 2010
Hi O,
Jer and I were talking and could not believe this is the 5th Christmas without you here. I just saw a picture the other day of you playing with the new Pinball Wizard game on Christmas at our house back in Flint. I miss you all the time and especially during this time of year. Hope you can see us and keep a close eye on everyone.
Love you.
December 21, 2009
Hi O,
Tomorrow we shall all be together, as we are every year for your birthday, to reminisce, to have each other. Family is so important to you and your sister and mother and me, and it remains so to this day. We love and remember.
David Fisher
November 18, 2009
Happy Birthday! 28 years since you came into our lives. Love you toady and always.
November 18, 2009
Hi Sweetheart
It's your birthday and so many memories start to flow. We are lucky to have had the time we had with you and to watch you grow.
I miss you and wish you were here to share in all that is happening now.
Love you,
November 18, 2009
Seems like November is when everything really hits home. I still can't believe it's been 4 years without you here. I thank God for you everyday. If this was God's plan for you, if this is what we had to go through to have you in our lives, then it was all worth it. Doesn't make it any easier, but nothing can really do that. I love you and miss you.
November 11, 2009
Hey O,
Best time of the year is here...Fall! I am missing you like crazy. Hank keeps pointing at your picture on the wall which is strange...but, then I get to tell him who you are which is nice. Hope you're keeping an eye on us and getting a kick out of your nephew.
Love you.
October 8, 2009
hey o-
Just been thinking about you alot. now that im closer to turning 21 and getting ready for the academy. i just want you to watch over me for a little, i moved back home and my boyfriend broke up with me. i guess the marines was to much to handle with a girlfriend. i've been upset and struggling. so just protect him when he deploys still. and watch over me as i start my new journey into the police world. finally my dreams will be coming true. i miss you alot and hear that theres gonna be another addition to the family.. i miss you and wish you were here..
love always-
Little cousin
September 16, 2009
I thought of you yesterday (I do everyday.) as I entered Katie and Jer's. Your mum put Hank down, and he walked all the way across the house to me, doing the just-learning-to-walk Frankenstein gait to keep his balance. The sorrows, the wonders, and miracles continue daily as I remember that little boy twenty-eight years ago.
I love you.
David Fisher
September 13, 2009
Hi O,
Hank just turned one! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. I have showed him pics of you and told him about you...it can't hurt to start doing this early:) I often times find myself thinking of you while we are playing or going on wagon rides and what a great Uncle you would be. He doesn't know what he's missing. Next week is the sibs retreat...keep an eye out for a safe trip and some extra comfort.
Love you, Kate
September 3, 2009
Hi Sweetheart
A fine man and fellow officer has joined you. Clarence Banks, who did so much for our family when you died, died yesterday of a heart attack. It was CB who helped us with everything. He cared so much about caring for us. He will always have a special place in my heart.
I remember meeting his fine family and how proud he was of them all. They and Flint have truly lost a good man.
Please welcome him.
Love you,
August 14, 2009
hey O,
I havent been on here for a while, been very busy. As you probably know, I moved to Jacksonville, NC. to live with my boyfriend Christian. He's in the Marines. I miss you, and i still havent seen Hank, im sure that i'll make it home for christmas and hopefully everyone will be there, i hope. i miss everyone dearly and being here not having anyone except my boyfriend can get hard. Hows my gramps doing? tell him i met some people before i left who used to work for him and said he was a great guy. Hope you have been watching down on all of us, i know you do everyday but please watch me especially and point me down the right path. It scares me to have to be so grown up at only 20! gosh im 20 now. 2 more months till the big 21 lol. im sure you remember those days. lol i was just learning to drive when you passed and now i feel like a professional. I miss you alot Owen. I wish you could come and visit me here at Topsail island. the ocean is beautiful feel perfect with the nice breeze. im sure you could show me somethings i didnt know. you always knew the little things lol. i hope to see everyone soon and at least you get to see everyone daily. thats gotta be nice. i have been here only a week and i find myself thinking of Donna and i get tears in my eyes. AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch over him when he deploys, i just ask you that. too bring him back safely to me. I cant imagine going through what amy went through if i lost him. He means the world to me O. but before i start crying again i love you and i miss you so much. wish you were here to see this place.
i love you O!
Little Cousin
August 10, 2009
To Officer Owen David Fisher, his family and his fellow officers with the Flint Police Department:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Officer Fisher’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Officer Fisher and thank you for your service.
Officer Owen David Fisher
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc.
July 16, 2009
Hey O-
I don't like July 16-never will.
But I am so grateful for having known you.
George Hamo, Flint
July 15, 2009
Hi O,
Thursday your mum and Katie and jer and Hank and I will go camping together. We always are together on July 16, to remember you and what we have because you shared your life with us.
Missing you and thankful for you,
David Fisher
July 14, 2009
Hi Sweetheart
It is true. July is a hard month. Thankfully, there are so many happy memories it helps us all get through the tough times.
At the cemetery I was struck by how much the tree has grown. When we picked out your grave site, we were drawn to the tree. Like you, it seemed so full of potential and had room to grow. It has and it gives me comfort. So much has happened in the last four years. The time has both flown and crawled by. I know you have watched it all.
I miss you and love you.
July 14, 2009