Franklin Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana
End of Watch Friday, July 15, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Rogelio "Roy" Gonzalez, Jr.
It's time for National Police Week and Justin, Teressa, and I are going to Washington, D.C. to honor you. W.H. "Dub" and Carol or Bryan and Carol will be there with me to be your honor guard. I know you, you would be proud to have either one of these men honor you in Washington. I only wish that I could have asked about four of your buddies to accompany me there. You deserve to be honored for your sacrafice in this very special way. I only wish more of the family was able to go so that they could participate in the ceremony, too.
But, your wife,son, sister-in-law, and one of your buddies will be there to honor you !!!
It has almost been 10 months since you were taken from us. That seems totally impossible. It seems just last week that we were on the campground, laughing and talking around a campfire. Justin and I miss you so much...words could never express how we feel but you know since you listen to us talk to you everyday. I know that no matter what we say there is no possible way to bring you home to us but we can always wish for miracles, can't we??? We had a wonderful 17 years together that will forever live in my heart and in my soul. You will live ALWAYS through me...but I will always have a part of you with me because Justin looks just like you. When I look at him, I see you.
Watch over us, take care of us, and make sure we are safe.
We miss you and love you every minute of every single day.
Shelley and Justin
Wife and Son
May 6, 2006
To Sgt. Roy Gonzalez, his loved ones and his fellow officers:
Please know that your memory is revered and honored today.
May your family continue be to comforted by the warm embrace of their law enforcement family, and other police survivors who share this painful journey with them. My heart is with your family, and I hope to meet them in D.C.
Reading all the loving reflections left by those who cared for you gives us an understanding of what a good and honorable man you were and of the high esteem with which you are held, and how much you are missed.
Roy, as a peace officer you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Sgt. Gonzalez. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Roy gave to his community and the citizens of Louisiana, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on July 15, 2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
April 29, 2006
You are thought of each and everyday. Thank you for your sacrifice and for being the terrific person you always were to everyone. I pray for and think of Shelly and Justin daily. Please help watch over the guys as they continue to patrol.
April 25, 2006
We Remember, always.
We Appreciate, always.
We Love, always.
We Serve, always while we remember, love, and appreciate your service, always.
Officer Cody Cain
Franklin Parish Detention Center
March 20, 2006
Roy, it's been almost six months, but seems just today that you left us. I still can't believe what happened, but I know in my heart it was for a reason! I will never ever forget you and the professional way you handled your business! I just wanted you to know that we miss you very much, my friend!!!!!!!
Lt. Brian Eubanks
Franklin Parish Detention Center
January 13, 2006
A brand new year is upon us. It has almost been six months since you were taken from us. It some ways it seems like an eternity and in others we wonder where the time went. There is not a day that goes by that Justin and I do not think about you or talk about you. You are missed so very much by both of us. We still visit your grave all of the time and talk to you while we are there. Some of the guys on your shift visit you often, as well. They seem to really miss you alot.
We just wanted to let you know how much we love you and miss you during the holiday season. Patrol the streets of Heaven, watch over us, and keep all of us safe.
With all of our love,
Your wife and son
Shelley & Justin Gonzalez
December 31, 2005
hey mrs. shelly and justin
i just wanted to say i am deeply sorry i hope you can make it through i have went through the same thing except with a brother-in-law in 2003 it hurts so bad i know your heart is torn into a thousand little pieces but it will take time and 2 things you need to remember is God will help heal your broken hearts and the other thing just hang on thats one of the most important things those to words are so powerful they mean so much
hang on to what you had
hang on to what you have
hang on to each other
my deepest sympathy
kaitlyn hammond
Kaitlyn Hammond
December 29, 2005
We think of you and your family during these holidays, and offer thoughts and prayers as you celebrate without your loved one. Cherish the memories of the past and be open to new ones with your loved ones and friends. Your loved one will never be forgotten and always honored for their sacrifice.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 29, 2005
I miss you so much. Justin went hunting this morning. He was so excited that he was getting to go. He said, "Mom, wouldn't it be cool if Dad was still here and could take me." When he left, I thought I'd never stop crying. These are the little things that people never think about. Your patrol car is still on the highway. It is almost unbearable everytime Justin and I pass it. Mingo is driving it and I know that would make you very proud. It will soon be 4 months and it seems like an eternity. I know you are watching over us...Continue to do so and continue your patrols on Heavean's Street. We miss you.
Shelley Gonzalez
October 29, 2005
We think of you each day.
Carol Linder
daughter-in-law of Asst. Chief Bill "Putt" Linder, EOW 10/10/04
October 27, 2005
Shelley& Justin, Please know you are in my prayers, I pray God will lift you up and hold you in his arms, that you will feel his comfort at all times. The pain is huge and I wish I could tell you it will be over soon, but it won't and I think you know that now. God's love and comfort is the most amazing thing I know. Be still and listen to him, he is the best guide thru grief, he will put people in your path to help you get thru this, they will pop up out of nowhere. He is truly an Amazing and wonderful God and he loves you dearly. I hope to see you soon. Iwalu(I will always love U) Pat Carruth
Pat Carruth
Mother of Alexandria Police Officer
Jeremy(Jay) Carruth
EOW 2/20/03
Pat Carruth
October 14, 2005
Thank you for leaving a reflection on my husband Larry's memorial page. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your husband was a hero and won't be forgotten. I know exactly what you're going through. I wish I could tell you that it gets easier with time but it doesn't. The only thing we can both find comfort in is the wonderful memories and the precious gifts they both left behind. Thank God for the children. I'll pray for you and your family as I know that you'll need comfort in the months ahead. I'm sure our husbands and all other officers killed in the line of duty are together watching over us all.
Jo Ann Lasater
Wife of Officer Larry Lasater, EOW: 4/24/05
September 25, 2005
It has been two of the longest months of our lives. I visit your grave almost everyday but it is not the same. I miss you so much. I love you! I miss my BEST FRIEND... How will we survive your birthday, Thanksgiving, and especially Christmas without you???????
Things are SO different here....How we wish you could come home.
Justin loves you and so do I...
Your loving wife...
September 25, 2005
To the family and friends of Sgt. Roy Gonzalez and his fellow deputies in the Franklin Parish Sheriff's Dept.:
On behalf of our entire family, we wanted to extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Sgt. Gonzalez was so brutally murdered.
Shelly and Justin, may you continue to be comforted by the support and caring of your law enforcement community, and other police survivors. As I read the reflections about Roy, I saw how many people loved him and how his peers respected him. So many people commented on how he would go out of his way to help others.
I cried at so many of the reflections left about Roy. I was fortunate enough to have married into a large Hispanic family when I married a great guy who raised my young sons to adulthood after their own father was murdered when they were three and four years old. My husband Hank saw our youngest son Larry become a Marine officer and was so proud of the patriotic young man he became. Hank died in 1998, leaving my children fatherless for the second time. Hank never got to see Larry go into law enforcement and what a good cop he became. I know he welcomed Larry to heaven when Larry was fatally shot this April during a foot pursuit of two bank robbers.
One of our favorite family stories is about how then six-year-old Larry asked me (after six weeks of being in this new family structure), "Mom, what was I before I was Mexican?"
I hope Roy and Larry are together keeping watch over all of us.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Roy gave to his community and the citizens of Louisiana, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on July 15, 2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer
Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05
September 23, 2005
Mr. Roy, I am very terribly sorry that I never told you how much I respected you for what you were doing for us. You put your life on the line for us and some maniac took it away. Mrs. Shelley and Justin really miss you along with the rest of Franklin Parish. Today I went to the Sheriff's Office "job shadowing," and couldn't believe that you weren't there to help me with my tour of the office. I just wanted to tell you that I am VERY terribly sorry that I never showed my gratitude towards you and other officers of Franklin Parish. Me, my mother, my father, and my sister just want to say we miss you and wish you were here. My teachers at Baskin School miss you patroling the halls and stopping by to visit. We never got to take that fishing trip that you and dad were planning to make with Justin and myself, but it's okay. Thank you for all that you have done!
Justin Lord
September 16, 2005
Sorry im not sure what im doing. Well i just wanted 2 say I LOVE YOU i never told you when you were here plz forgive me. Now i try 2 tell Mrs.G and justin i love them all the time. I think justin is getting a little sick of it. Well i just wanted 2 thank you for being a dad 2 me and many others.
Molly Galloway
September 14, 2005
Hello, Sweetheart.
I miss you so very much. Yesterday was your sons 10th birthday and you were not here to share it with him. We are having a party on Saturday for him and you will not be joining us for the first time, ever. Reality is beginning to sink in and the thought that you will NEVER come home again makes me sick to my stomach. We just miss you more than anyone could ever imagine. We love you, Daddy and miss you everyday. Rest in peace, sweetheart. I love you....I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU.
Shelley Gonzalez, Wife
September 10, 2005
Shelley & Justin,
We think of you often and hope you are doing well. We wish we weren't so many miles apart from the two of you. The both of you and Papi will never be forgotten - love you!!
Yvette Muñoz
September 9, 2005
Shelly and Justin,
I hope you know that people are still reading this and praying for you both. God Bless.
August 26, 2005
sue/wife of bill linder e.o.w.10-10-04
August 24, 2005
Although I didn't know Roy all that well, I have a few memories of him that really stand out.
Shelly, I know that you know how thoughtful and kind-hearted Roy was, and how he touched others through simple acts of kindness. Two years ago, my sister-in-law's mother was killed in a tragic accident on a dangerous parish road. Roy had not been back at work long after his hospital stay/scare with his heart. I knew through my husband that Roy's doctor wanted him on "light duty". It was still extremely hot that sad September day, the day of her funeral. As the funeral procession creeped along toward Hwy. 17, I could see ahead that there was a deputy at the intersection standing at attention on the baking hot asphalt alongside his police cruiser performing his "thankless duty" that we take for granted. As we neared him, I could see that the deputy was Roy. I thought to myself, "He does not need to be out in this heat. His doctor would have a fit!" But Roy's love for others shined bright that day, and he unknowingly soothed a heart-broken family for a brief moment through that simple show of respect when he probably should have and could have performed the duty while he sat in his car with the air conditioner on, cooling him like his doctor would have advised.
One other thing shared with me about Roy is the fact that he would get papers that needed to be served out of his co-workers' boxes and serve them without letting them know ahead of time that he was going to do it. Serving papers is one of the things that not very many law enforcement officers like to do, but he didn't mind doing it. He enjoyed seeing other people happy and making other people happy.
You can rest assured, Shelly. Roy will forever live in our hearts.
Carol Linder
August 24, 2005
Thank you all for the beautiful reflections that you are still leaving. I read it often and it means a lot to me that people are still remembering. I am afraid that his memory is fading fast, for it has only been a little over a month. God knows, Justin and I miss him every single second of every day.....
May God Bless All of You !
August 23, 2005
The men and women of the Mahomet Police Department extend our deepest sympathies to the family, friends and co-workers of Sgt. Gonzalez.
Thank you for your service. God bless you.
Rest in peace Sir!
Mahomet, IL Police Dept.
August 19, 2005
Hi Shelly,
I think of you daily--I hope you know you are in the thoughts and prayers of so many that loved you and Roy.I miss him--nothing compared to your loss of course--but each day brings that sadness that 'something is missing'from my day.I really miss him.
Deputy Bettye McCoy Biddy
Franklin Parish Sheriff's Office
August 18, 2005
Thank you, Mr. Roy, for serving for our parish. I was in the communications office today and it sure is quiet without you around! You and Mr. Putt keep the streets of Heaven safe for us. You made God proud. Love you~
Shane Scott
Franklin Parish Resident
August 15, 2005