Tennessee Highway Patrol, Tennessee
End of Watch Friday, July 8, 2005
Reflections for Trooper Todd Michael Larkins
Merry Christmas and I still miss you
December 24, 2006
What should be a happy time of year is again covered with a dark feeling. I think of you everyday and miss you more and more with each thought. I know you are still smiling and watching over us everyday and for that I will always be thankful. Keep watching over us each day and know that you are in my heart and my thoughts
December 17, 2006
when another troopertold me about the truckers laughing about what happened to you i have never been so angry in my life. i now write every citation i can to those who would laugh, and every time i do i think of you and the sacrifice you made to you community and friends
December 11, 2006
God Bless You Trooper Todd Michael Larkins. I send out my condolences to your family, friends and the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
Deputy J.B. Yates
Russell County Virginia Sheriff's Office
December 7, 2006
We missed you yesterday. I am thankful for all of the time that we had with you. As always - you were/are in our thoughts. Love you!
November 24, 2006
Happy Anniversary, Baby I love you!!!!
Your Wife Eternally.
October 28, 2006
I think about you each day - but you are weighing heavy on my thoughts today. Love you & miss you always!
October 27, 2006
Well I know that you are still smiling even though I feel like this world has once again let you down. When I saw on the news the "deal" that was given to the heartless individual who stole your life I felt as if I was reliving July 8, 2005 all over again. What I gather from that your life was worth 2 months in jail to the state. Well i want to assure you that is not the way that anybody else feels and I hope you know that while the state was not willing to fight for you I and everyone else in this community that knew you and loved you will continue to fight for you and your name. Todd I will never forget you or your smile and I would trade my world for one more chance to see you and talk. I know that the hatred that everyone feels for mr. bowers you do not feel, and if we ever want to be with you again we will have to forgive. maybe in time I can accept what has happened and know that god needed you upstairs but as for now I can't help but to feel sad for you as well as resentment against mr. bowers. I will continue to pray for strength to make it through everyday so I will be strong when we meet again
October 1, 2006
Todd when I think of you as I do daily my heart fills with sorrow when I think of the wonderful family you left behind, my eyes fill with tears every time I see your face on a bumper sticker or bigger than life on a billboard. But as with John Robert I smile when I remember your smile and the enjoyment you got out of life and the THP. Today you were on the news again, and at first I started to cry for the injustice, I felt was shown to you by our court system.
And then I saw your wife, and I felt I had to let you know that how truly awsome she is (oh I know you already knew this),but now the state of Tennessee does too. She has fought hard and has never backed down from the cause. Only God knows how many families she has saved from a sorrow to deep to explain with words. Thank you Todd for protecting us
while here on earth and for keeping us safe from heaven. And to your wife Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. May God Bless Youand keep you safe
Sandra Sanker
Sanker'sMarket / Burns Fire Dept
September 25, 2006
Just wanted to take a moment and say a word, Todd. I drive by your accident site everyday when I go to work, and I always think of you and your family. You all are in my prayers. Just know that your wife's efforts, and our enforcement efforts have made a difference I believe. I have noticed it in Nashville a great deal.
Officer J. Humphreys
Metro Nashville Police
September 18, 2006
God bless your family!!! You are not forgott
-a dispatcher and police wife
September 9, 2006
Well Baby we did it!! On Tuesday Carina and I watched your first Move Over billboard go up. Thanks to Doug, Thunder Alley and all that participated in the Badge 356 poker run. I'm working on getting more billboards up!! I know that we can help to send some officer home to their family. I love you and can't wait until you and I are back together again for eternity. Until then I know our love and memories will sustain me. I Love you!!!
Your Wife to and through eternity!!!
September 2, 2006
I know it has been a little over a year, but I still remember the day like it was yesterday. I didn't personally know you, but you went through THP academy the same time I was going through TLETA. My thoughts and prayers are with your family always. I see your face every day when I get in my patrol car. I have placed one of the "Move Over" stickers in my back window. I have also given out several of the stickers to other deputies within my department and others to get the message out and to keep the memory of you living on!
August 15, 2006
Today is your birthday, and as always, you are in my thoughts! Miss you and love you! Happy Birthday!
August 12, 2006
Todd, well a year has passed and the pain of the first day still feels the same, everyone said it would get easier but it has not. That first day still seems so real and I have carried that feeling with me, it doesn't leave, it doesn't get any better, because, you are still gone, I know you are up there watching down on us still making a differance I just wish that I could still have you here with us. Todd I so wish things could of been differen't I love you and miss you each and everyday. so I will wait till I can see you again till then keep smiling down on us and watching over us.
July 20, 2006
Now You're Gone
Now you're gone
And I'm left to carry on
You were my best friend
I never dreamed it would come to an end
I miss you each and every day
I wonder why you had to go away
These wounds go to deep
Something I don't wish to keep
I know you're in a better place
But that doesn't help fill the empty space
Where you used to be
There is nothing left to see
July 10, 2006
For Alicia, in memory of Todd:
Our Blue Light Life
It is not easy to live the blue light life, but we do it every day
This is our life
We know the risks
And everyday we pray
Although the lights in our life may vary
Some are amber and some are red
We made our vow to this life
The colors may alter, but not the tears that we shed
Our loved ones will turn your heads around
Their uniforms and trucks without a spot
We are so proud of this life we live
Our hearts are forever caught
Then we hear the wail
Of a siren far or near
Our hearts do stop for just that second
That sound is someone’s greatest fear
So we move along in our days
As our spouses save your life
They have helped your child
Maybe comforted your wife
As you read your ticket
Because you failed to slow down
Or our loved one changes your tire
Or puts out the fires in your town
We must ask one favor
For that moment remember us
We wait for them each morning
Our children wait each dusk
For the meals we missed
Or the games they could not play
For the one lost song or dance
This is the price our families pay
So whether your choice is to move over
When they are stopped along the side
Or just to say thank you
Or to remember those who have died
Think of us once in a while
Maybe the next time you get the knock on your door
You would expect a delivery
We are dropping our knees to the floor
Do we dare to look out the window
Is it just our neighbor stopping by
Or is it our blue light life
Coming to say good-bye
Red, amber or blue
Our colors never end
This is the life we love
This is our plea to send
Whether you pray for them
Or whether you are praying for us
Whatever it takes to keep them safe
Pray for our children waiting each dusk
~Lara Feinberg
July 2006
Lara Feinberg, President and Founder
Families for Roadside Safety, Inc.
July 10, 2006
Today will be such a hard day for your loved ones.My they know that they are being held in the prayers and hearts of so many people.May Our Lord Hold them tightly and continue to comfort them.May you Rest in Peace.
July 8, 2006
I wish I could talk with you today.....This has been such a long year and not a day has passed that I don't think about you. You would be so proud to know that your picture is on the Move Over stickers that all of the THP will have placed on their patrol cars. I can imagine your grin at the thought. You left us much to early & that won't ever be ok, but I know that you would not have changed being a Trooper, even if you had known what would happen. Just know that you are loved & missed....you continue to make a difference. Thinking of you always!
July 8, 2006
I am sure that everyone is feeling your loss today and missing that smile that would light up a room. It is heart-warming to see the Move Over signs throughout TN - TN fatalities are down for the first week of July as well as for 2006 year-to-date as compared to 2005 - you are still helping others. I love you, Todd, and miss you more than words can say. Thanks for watching over us.........
July 7, 2006
I am sure that everyone is feeling your loss today and missing that smile that would light up a room. It is heart-warming to see the Move Over signs throughout TN - TN fatalities are down for the first week of July as well as for 2006 year-to-date as compared to 2005 - you are still helping others. I love you, Todd, and miss you more than words can say. Thanks for watching over us.........
July 7, 2006
Rest in Peace Brother
Deputy Bennett
Henry County Sheriff's Dept. (Indiana)
July 3, 2006
I drove past that dark spot on I-40 today and could not belive that you have almost been gone from us for a year. The pain that is here today is the same pain that I have felt everyday for a year. I know you are busy in heaven watching over us here on earth. To know that you are safe in heaven brings me comfort but I still have a selfish side that wants you back with us here. Remember that you were very loved here on earth and your smile is still brighter than the sun. Keep us save here on earth until we meet again and remember I will always love you and what you did for this world.
July 3, 2006
As the days draw closer to the anniversary of your death, I continue to think about you each day and I'm not certain that you can know how much you are missed. I can't imagine that there will ever be a day that I don't look for you to walk through the door with that great smile. You are loved by so many and missed so much. I know you are in a great place, but I can't help but wish that you were still here. Just know that your memory will always be alive....never forgotten.
July 2, 2006
I've known you my entire life. From when we started school to when we started Tech. I dream you're still around. Somehow, I know you are.
Jeff Hightower
May 31, 2006