Kirkwood Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant William Leo McEntee
On behalf of the men and women of the La Habra Police Department we send our thoughts and condolences to the Kirkwood Police Department and the family of Sergeant McEntee. It doesn't matter where we work, when one of our brothers or sisters fall, we all feel the pain and the loss. Rest in peace Sergeant McEntee. You will never be forgotten.
Sergeant Jeff Baylos
La Habra PD, California
July 12, 2005
Our deep felt sorrow goes out to Sgt. McEntee's family. Thank you for sharing him with the community. I am sure that he touched many, many lives in his job. He and his family remain in our prayers.
Jackie Tiemann, citizen
July 12, 2005
God bless you Sergeant! You will be greatly missed. You were a great father and friend. I feel privileged to have known, and worked with you. My deapest condolences go out to your family. You will never be forgotten!
Det. Patrick Herremans
Muskegon County Sheriff's Department, MI
July 12, 2005
Our children go to school with the McEntee children and so we feel a special sense of loss. I, in particular, although never having spoken with Bill, have seen his wife on several occasions picking up the kids from school and acknowledged her with a nod and a smile or a brief, "Hello." My husband met Bill at a recent Girl Scout event with Bill's daughter, and remarked on what a nice guy he was and that he wished he had had the opportunity to get to know him better. That's how you get to know people around here - on school parking lots and at parish events. Both Kirkwood and the family's school parish of St. Simon are wonderful, warm communities that have come together in an overwhelming display of support for the McEntee's. From lemonade stands to pizza parlors to friends and family available at a second's notice, it is nothing short of wonderfully remarkable to witness the many ways in which these two very special communities have come together in support of the family of their fallen officer and friend. From the beautiful family pictures to the heartwarming eulogies, it was clear to us that this police officer was, indeed, a very special man. And so, although neither myself nor my husband know the McEntee's very well on a personal basis, we feel a great sense of loss as fellow parishioners and school parents. I, in particular, feel great remorse through the common thread of being a mother and a wife, and so I share some of the painful sense of loss that his family is feeling, although I know that I can never begin to understand the full extent of it. I would just like to let Bill's wife and children know that I hope the pain will soon subside, to be replaced by nothing but warm, wonderful memories of this very special Irishman.
Go in peace and with God, Bill.
July 12, 2005
I am a sister of two St. Louis PD officers, one St. Louis Co. officer and a friend of the McEntee family. My heart is breaking for all who loved Bill. This senseless beyond comprehension but perhaps Bud and Shannon needed him now. Go with God, Bill. You and your family are in the prayers of more than you could ever have imagined.
Karen Wehmeyer
Sister of;
Capt. Jim Moran
P.O. Ed Moran
P.O. Colleen Moran
St. Louis
Karen Wehmeyer
July 12, 2005
Rest easy brother, we'll take it from here...
Patrolman L. Beardsley #214
Wyoming,MN Police Dept
July 12, 2005
To the family, brothers and sisters in uniform and many friends, my most heartfelt sympathies go to you on the loss of your hero.
Thank you for loaning Sgt. McEntee to us. You may never know all the lives he touched, but rest assure, each live he touched - touched others and they touched others. May his legacy for his love for you and the people, city, state and country he served, live on forever.
Rest in God's sweet peace my brother.
Chaplain Chris Robinson
Troop I
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Chaplain Chris Robinson
Troop I, Missouri Highway Patrol
July 11, 2005
I would like to extend my condolences and deepest sympathy to Sergeant McEntee Family, Friends, and the Kirkwood Police Department. My thoughts and prays are with you all. Thanks Sergeant McEntee for your years of service, you are a true hero; I salute you. May your soul rest in peace.
Patrol Officer
Prince George's County Maryland
July 11, 2005
My condolences for the family and friends of what sounds to me to be a fine Police officer. May God bless the family to help them through this tragic time.
Deputy Sheriff, Louis Rodriguez
Miami-Dade Police Department, Miami, Florida
July 11, 2005
Please accept my deepest sympathies. You are an inspiration to officers in England, particuarly at his difficult time for us. I pray that your family will find peace. My thoughs are with you.
Inspector Dave Slade
Metropolitan Police. London
July 11, 2005
From a fellow police officer in London, Please accept my deepest sympathies. Your bravery is an inspiration to my officers and myself. I pray that your family will eventually find peace.
Dave Slade. Inspector. Borough Task Force. Greenwich Police. London. England.
July 11, 2005
May The Good Lord Watch Over Sgt. McEntee and his Family.
Sgt. McEntee will be in our prayers as will his Wife and Children.
God Bless them.
Investigator Bob Hughes #583
NJ - Office Of The Attorney General
July 11, 2005
To the family and friends of Bill McEntee and the men and women of the Kirkwood, Missouri Police Department, you have my deepest sympathy.
I am sure Bill is resting easy now and is in the good company of our fellow brothers. I am confidant they are all up there looking after the rest of us as we pick up Bill's shift.
Rest easy brother.
Peter Damos
St. Louis County Police 1975 - 1981
ATSAIC Peter Damos
U.S. Secret Service - San Antonio
July 11, 2005
We really didn't know Sergeant McEntee as well we wish we had but the way Katie, Brendan,and Connor lit up when they or anyone talked about him is the reason you know he was a great man and an even better father. He always had a smile on his face anytime you saw him. The term gentle giant doesn't even begin to explain his heart of gold. Why such a great man's life had to be taken away like this no one can come up with any other explanation than his heavenly father needed him in heaven or maybe so St.Louis could become a closer community because of his tragic death. We know that his family, the Kirkwood Police Department, St.Simon's and all of his friends will miss him but we will all meet him once again in Heaven with a big smile on his face.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs.McEntee, Katie, Brendan, Connor and the rest of his loving family.
Erika and Sara
Friends of Daughter-Katie
July 11, 2005
Out thoughts & prayers go out to Sgt. McEntee, his family and the Kirkwood P.D. I woke up last Wednesday morning to hear of his death & I was shocked. Kirkwood is a geat community & I know one of the other officers from Kirkwood. The subject who did this took away not only a fine officer, but a great family man. The citizens of Kirkwood have showed awesome support during this tragedy. I only wish all communities supported their police the way Kirkwood does.
Rest in peace Sgt McEntee, look down upon us and keep us safe. We have the watch.
Sgt. Alan Hucke
Millstadt IL. P.D.
Sgt. Alan Hucke
Millstadt IL. P.D.
July 11, 2005
My deepes sympathies to the family of Sgt. McEntee and to the Kirkwood Police Department. It was an honor to serve in the procession. We will not forget you.
Crestwood PD
July 11, 2005
We are so sorry to hear of another hero falling. We pray for his soul and those who survive. We dedicate our day to his memory.
Chief of Police Charles R. Orth
Larned, Kansas Police Department
July 11, 2005
Thank God for the perseverance, and tennacity of everyone who in any way located and took this piece of excrement into custody.However there is no punnishment that is just for the henious and violent crime he committed.I hope and pray that this helps bring the beginning of clousure to the Family, Friends,Officers who personally knew Sgt.McENTEE,and the law enforcement community as a whole.Stay strong,have faith and draw on each others strengths.
May God Bless You All,and Brother, May You Rest In Peace,Watch Over, Guide Your Family and Fellow Lawenforcement Officers,through all their endeavors.
These words can in no way reverse the tragedy, but may help ease the Pain.
God Bless,amy my Prayers are with You.
RetPaState Narcotics Agent II DiMiceli
Pa Office Of Attorney General Bureau of Narcotics Investigations
July 11, 2005
I pray your family and friends will find strength and comfort in the reflections left by your extended and fraternal family. May your spirit have a joyous homecoming and enjoy your new post, “High on the mountain”
D/Sgt. Vencent Woods
State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
July 11, 2005
Sergeant McEntee, you have served your community and state with honor and dignity. We will carry on from here. To the family of Sergeant McEntee you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Please remember that you all are now part of a much larger family. To the men and women of the Kirkwood Police Department hold your heads high as you all carry on. Stay safe and watch each others backs. Rest in Peace..Boss...
Detective First Grade Robert F. Jackson
Metropolitan Police Department Washington DC/Homicide Branch
July 11, 2005
I met Bill McEntee in September 2001 when I joined the Kirkwood Police Department as a patrol officer. Being veteran police officer coming from St. Louis City and working his cousin Lt. Timothy McEntee, Bill made me feel welcomed as new officer with Kirkwood. Bill was kind and never abused his authority as an officer of the law. I never saw or heard Bill mis-treat anyone. Bill excersised his auhtority in a professional manner , with respect to all races of people with dignity and honor. God bless his family and his children. To all that respect the law and live by it's meaning, Sgt. William McEntee was the best of the best. By giving your life you saved a life!
Thomas Seymour
The Boeing Company
July 10, 2005
I am so sorry to hear of this tragic loss of Sergeant William McEntee. Please know there are so many people extending prayers for you at this time.
Mary Wilkinson
sister of fallen officer John Watson EOW 12-25-03
July 10, 2005
An Awesome Dad
If you have driven by the McEntee house the last two days, you would know that it has been bombarded by a stream of people coming to honor a man who has touched their lives in some way. Some just drive by and nod their heads; others park just long enough for a prayer. And every so often, a police car drives by, just because. Whether they stand silently, bring food, or come to play baseball with the boys, their presence bears tribute to a great man. Mothers with children in tow, dads, neighbors, fellow officers, friends and children make up the steady stream of visitors. They are there simply because they love Bill and Mary. They are there because somewhere, somehow Bill was a part of their lives. They are there because the best place to miss Bill is at his home with the people that he loved the most in the world. And they are there because Bill was always there: as husband, father, son, brother, coach and friend.
Bill’s picture is on the front page of every newspaper, and news channel. Thousands of people, that he has never even met are praying and hoping and wishing for him. We can only nod our heads in agreement when we hear what a friend and role model he was for many people in the community. Bill is one of the good guys. Because Bill brought the meaning of honor and love to everything that he did, because it was filled with love. But besides being Sergeant McEntee to the community, and giving his life every day to serve and protect, there was a more quiet side to this “gentle giant.”
His son said it best when he announced, “He was an awesome Dad.” He wants to make sure that everyone knows. He wants to make sure that this is the first thing we say about him, and the last thing we remember. We already know he was an awesome dad, because we have been with them when his children’s faces lit up anytime he was around. We know because there were pictures of his children surrounding Bill anytime Bill wasn’t with them. We know because Bill was the happiest when he was dancing with his daughter at the Father-Daughter Girl Scout Dance, and running after the boys on the soccer field. And many mornings, Bill could be found with the other mother’s picking his youngest up from kindergarten, and his son would announce, “My Daddy is here today,” as he ran to jump in his arms.
Some of the boys that he coached are gathered on the front lawn in front of his house. They have already made a makeshift baseball field and are playing ball. Playing ball is just what you do at the McEntee house because Mr. McEntee was always outside playing ball with his kids when he wasn’t coaching. Sometimes, he played, in uniform, for a few minutes before he left for work, and most of his free time was spent with his children.
In their homes, on all of these boy’s walls, are pictures of their St. Simon teams with Mr. McEntee standing behind them, so they huddle together, around his son, because they are eager to talk about what a great coach he was.
“ Mr. McEntee never yelled at us.” He would come early to practice and play “3 on 3 or 4 on 4, or however many boys were there.”
“He had to kneel down to pitch the ball to us because he was so tall.”
They all talk at once because they cannot say enough about their coach: “ Mr. McEntee took us to the batting cages, kicked the soccer ball around and went to the park.” The baseball team has already made a pact to dedicate the rest of the season to their coach, and when soccer season rolls around, no coach will be able to replace him, but their green armbands that say “MAC” will be a constant reminder of who is missing. .
In the backyard, Bill’s family gathers around a table filled with food and beer. They are looking through pictures and crying and laughing as they remember Bill. We are taken back in time as we listen to stories of Bill as a brother and son. It is hard to imagine Bill as a skinny little boy because our kids think he is a giant. We are smiling as we hear about the first time he ever pitched a baseball, and can’t help laughing when we hear that he hit a couple of batters with his pitches. Bill, they remember, always ate at least three plates full of food when he was at his mom’s house, and returned the next day for leftovers. As we listen to his brother and sisters tell how he broke his nose and complain, “Dad always gave Bill the car,” we get to know a little more about why Bill was such a good man. His sisters lovingly talk about how much they admire his pride of the Irish, loyalty and love for family and the way he always protected everyone, and if you close your eyes and listen to his brother laugh, it just sounds like Bill. As the evening moves on, and laughter mixes with tears, we are certain Bill would want us to be laughing.
“ If Bill were here, he would hand you a “Budweiser” and tell you to sit down.” He was always ready to have a beer with a neighbor or sit for a while and make you chuckle, along with his booming laugh. And as his friends know, if you could keep up with him, he could debate into the early hours of the morning. But the next day, they would most certainly see him jogging around the neighborhood or playing ball with his kids.
Sitting at the McEntee house makes all the things we will miss about Bill come alive.
In his yard, at his house, we know that we will all certainly miss his laugh, and his smile. We will miss seeing him towering over the boys on the soccer field and coaching first base. We will miss parking next to him when we are picking up our children from school and we will miss our friend. But if we remember one thing about Bill: Mary’s husband, Sergeant McEntee, Coach Bill, and Katie, Brendan and Conor’s father, we will remember that he was “an awesome Dad.
July 10, 2005
I knew Mac for over 20 years. He was a great cop, father, and friend. He will missed. I will never forget about "Big Mac".
Mike Ubben
Bridgeton PD
July 10, 2005
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family, the Kirkwood PD and all of the fallen officers familys that have had there loved ones taken in the line of duty. I'm a resident of St Louis Co and I am glad to say that a@#hole has been caught, Fri Nite 7/8/05. I just wish he'd not had the chance to make it to jail, this is too easy of a way out after what he has done. And I pray that whoever was helping him hide will be brought up on all charges that is allowed.
As a future wife of a TN officer, I now understand and respent the risk that all officers take to do there job.
Just know that Office MC Entee is in heaven with all of his fellow brothers and friends. His job is now complete. Rest in peace.
July 10, 2005