Kirkwood Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant William Leo McEntee
st patricks day.When you and dad were here it was like the best day of the year like christmas ,now its just another day with out you guys.We will come out tomorrow to see you and remember some of the good times hopefully it will be fine but it will never ever be like it was. whenever I saw you walk in at our meeting point wearing that celtic jacket and big grin I knew it was gonna be a fun day.Ill remember that tomorrow (make sure you bring dad !) mike
March 16, 2007
An Irish Prayer
Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped into the next room.
Everything remains as it was.
The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no sorrow in your tone.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effort
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was.
There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it ws before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again. H.C. Holland
I'll see you Saturday and kneel and say an Ave there for you. Love you my Irish brother, Kath
March 13, 2007
Thinking of you so much lately the world lost a really great guy When I think of you I cant help but smile we had alot of laughs together over the years I truly miis that
March 13, 2007
Bill-Keep a watch over your buddy today. I know you will. Thanks-Love you.-Jayne
March 13, 2007
I know you were with me the other day thanks again for your help I owe you one!!!
March 9, 2007
Thanks Bill!!!
March 8, 2007
twenty months....we all need you now more than ever. Sometimes I don't know how I am going to make it, but know you would not want me to fall apart. I'll do my best, but please stay with me. I miss you so much and with everything going on, it just makes it worse. Love you.-Jayne
March 4, 2007
hey dad, i really miss you. i've been thinking about you a lot more lately, and i miss being able to make u laugh, and u making me laugh. sometimes i feel like i'll go to the old house and ull still be there. sometimes i can't even believe ur gone. i really need u right now..and i love you, and i always will.
March 3, 2007
Help me stay strong Bill. I wish I could call you and ask you what to do, but probably you would be calling me first asking me what to do. I love you, my life will never be the same. But I will always be proud of you. Kath
March 1, 2007
Hang on my good friend justice is coming and will be here soon...
March 1, 2007
Please watch over all your boys in the weeks to come as you know they will be going through a lot. Help them stay strong and get through it as quick as possible. You have never and will never be forgotten. Many don't realize how you impacted some of your co-workers lifes but you do. You are loved by many and some you never even met. Well stay safe up there and keep everyone down here safe.
February 28, 2007
Ok Mac, I havent talked to you in awhile. But you and I both know who needs your help and prayers now. Please be with him. He has alot going on and lots of tough decisions to make in the near future. Just give him a little kick in the butt or something so he remembers that someone is watching over him. Thanks!!
February 19, 2007
Happy valentines day Bill miss you and love you always!!
February 14, 2007
Tell Dad I miss him and love him. We lost a man with a big heart on Valentines Day. I'm glad your with him. Love you too. Happy Valentine's Day. Kath
February 13, 2007
Give dad a big hug for me - have a drink or two as well. Tell him I miss him every day. Miss you both. Love you-Jayne
February 13, 2007
Give Dad a rub of the hair for me will you I know he knows how much I miss him just like I miss you. Hard to believe tomorrow he's been gone 4 years Mike
February 13, 2007
Give Shannon a hug for me and tell her Happy 18th birthday. I know you saw they solved the murder of my first grade teacher. I thought of you when I saw that, I know you worked hard on that one. Love, Kath
February 10, 2007
Its not how you died that makes you a hero to me as horrible as that was, but rather its how you lived your life that makes you a hero to me A Father
February 6, 2007
Bill -
Nineteen months...still miss terribly and think of you every day...there are so many things lately I wish I could call and talk to you about...thanks for being with us at the hockey game - I told you if I went again and a fight broke out, it would be a sign that you were there - well, there were a couple of them - and one really good one! - and alot of pushing and shoving - a game you would have loved - and I can still see and hear your reaction when the fights broke out-memories I will never forget and that I am so thankful for.. It was bitter-sweet, but I needed it - thanks for being there. I love you-Jayne
February 5, 2007
I was just thinking about you a lot today. Actually I think about you a lot everyday. I hope you are at peace. I started a dialogue with God again. I know he has his reasons and I know I will find out why he took you from us one day. I know I will see you again one day. In the meantime keep me in your prayers and help me through all of this. I know you know how much we all miss you.
February 3, 2007
thanks mac!!
January 26, 2007
For Mary & the Boys
If tears could build a stairway
Lt. Jerome C. O'Keefe
Kirkwood Police Department (Retired) 1995
January 15, 2007
We all know there is a Blue Angel in Kirkwood.
January 14, 2007
Mac, how about your boys Chris and Gary? Without them those 2 boys might never have been found. Don't think none of knew who gave them that little extra nudge. Your still work the job up there. Way to go. I stopped by to visit u on Christmas Eve after visiting my little nephew Brennan. It looks like u and other sure liked their Irish wiskey. Thank you for looking after my little buddy up there. Yout doing a hell of a job up there just like u did down here. Keep looking after ur family and ur brotheres and sisters at the police dept. you are missed every day. Don't forget about us on the fire side either. Take care Mac
Bill Weyerich
January 14, 2007
I have seen fire and Ive seen rain Ive seen sunny days that I thought would never end Ive seen lonely times when I could not find a friend but I always thought that Id see you again...just one more time again. a year and ahalf and there hasnt been a minute I havent thought about you and what you meant to me but I know you know that. as long as you dont mind Ill just keep talking to you and letting you know how important you were to me and how badly you are missed....
January 5, 2007