Livingston County Sheriff's Department, Kentucky
End of Watch Thursday, June 2, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Roger Dale Lynch
Happy Heavenly Birthday Roger!
It just hit me, you are forever younger than me and have been for so long!
Hard to believe that If you could have stayed with us- that this would be the Big 70.
I miss you. Can't believe how it's been 19 years since I last saw you.
I don't think that I will come back and write again this year. But... as I so often do- I will be thinking of you.
I will be hating that night as always. As long as my mind stays clear, June 2nd will haunt me
Continue to RIP❤️
Judy Coleman
May 30, 2024
Here we are, this day has rolled around again. I Hate this day and truly would prefer to sleep thru the entire day, but then I think of all the people, little animals and things that make me smile and even though I hardly ever feel like I know where I am supposed to be or what I should be doing, I know I'm blessed that God has kept me and I know I am right where I'm meant to be. Zach graduated from high school this year. Seems impossible but then I look at my older grandkids who are just a little younger and again realize how quickly they grow up. He's a fine young man. Cute as can be- still favors Michael a lot! As always, I wander here to this page, on or abou this day. I tried to write to you the other night but I ended up erasing it- so tonight, I'll try again. The other day, while visiting tis page, I printed a letter and mailed it... Hopefully it will help a family who is dealing with the possibility of an upcoming probation of the one who took their loved one's life. It's absurd that they could ever be considered or granted probation. Thank you for not putting us through that. I am always thankful that your killer is not breathing and that you are the one who put an end to his life. No matter how long I live, I will never understand how people can get so out of control. Our country has changed so much since you were taken from us. Little children seem to be shot and killed weekly anymore. It seems that So much more anger and distress is everywhere. It's sad that so many people make such stupid choices and that hardly any time passes until we hear about another life being taken. Police officer's continue to be be murdered while they are trying to protect us and make the world a better place. All this killing! People get to the point they hardly notice. I'm so thankful that God's love and peace surrounds my life. I miss and love you Roger. I'd love to enjoy one more day of us all being together. Until then, especially the day you were mindlessly killed- remains very hard for all of us. It's just one day out of so many good days and times but... It was just such a shock. None of will ever be the same and this time of year Never gets easier.
Judy Coleman
June 9, 2023
I still miss you. Today we would have been married 50 years. I have been lucky enough to have someone in my life to love and be loved by. But I still miss you you were my life for so long. I will never forget you and will always love you. Happy 50th Anniversary .
Debbie Lynch
January 13, 2023
It has been 17 years my friend... 17 years since you laid your life down to save so many others. Thank you Roger, for all you have done while here on this side of eternity. I will never forget the many memories we shared or the night you paid the ultimate sacrifice. I can recall every detail about it. Sorry I did not get there fast enough. Seems God was truly protecting so many that night and in many different ways. You sir are a true hero. I know you are in heaven and that gives me great peace. Until we meet again....
20 year LEO, Robert Johnson
Former Livingston County Deputy Sheriff
June 2, 2022
Hi Roger, Well my annual journey here to write you a note is a couple of weeks early but I was thinking of you as well as Mama and Daddy, Sonny and so many other family members and friends. It is my plan to visit and put flowers on your graves soon. I know you are not there, I just want to leave some new flowers. My dear friend Carla Wills passed away this year on April 19th 2022. I have no words to say how much my heart grieves. I am sure she has or very soon will come by and say hello to you. She was such a kind and witty lady, I miss knowing she is there but she was very sick so it made it a little easier to tell her goodbye. Hard to believe but my Kaitie has her driving permit. She will turn 16 in December. It still breaks my heart that you never met, Kaitie, Lucas or Cru .They are really great kiddos. Fun to be around and happy. Lucas is really into shooting plastic pellets at targets and is involved in Jr. ROTC. Sometimes I look at him and it's like looking into the face of my own little boy "Brian" and other times, I don't see any resemblance at all. He's a good young man and I am proud of him. Cru will soon be 6 and will have completed kindergarten this year. He is such a free soul. He is curious, funny and 100% boy. You also never met Tony. I think you would have liked each other. He has been with me thru a lot of hard times. I owe him alot. He makes me laugh very often and even though his own health is failing, he continually stands beside me. Brian is doing well. A few years ago he made the decision to get his master's degree and then went to work obtaining his security license. Many years of hard work and sacrifice has paid off. About 3 years ago, he resigned from his job and stuck his foot out on his own. God has blessed him He is doing great and has opened his own retirement business. He is good to me and has always been there when I need him. Thankfully, I have been able to spend some good times with Elaine this year. I am also glad to report that Christy and I are healing as much as she will allow. I have no words left to explain to her what I've been thru. I feel that I am forever in her past now. It makes me very sad but I will respect her choices but also continue to pray that in time walls will come down. She will always be my best friend. Somehow I will be 63 this year... Still not sure that happened as so much of the past 10 years is a blur. Naomi Judd died this year. She took her life. Her family described her death as mental illness. I can't tell you how hard it hit me. I have suffered from and tried to hide my depression for years. I identify with much that she was doing. In public she was happy, enjoyed herself and even though she had talked about depression, it was so hard to even think about because she looked great and was usually bubbly and witty. Then I wake up one day and she had taken her life. I had shared with some friends lately, that although I have been depressed, I never had considered suicide. I would say that so they truly knew I was gonna get over what I've been through. When she died. I realized that she probably also never considered taking her own life. Her depression just kept lying to her and dragged her lower and lower. I began coming out of my darkness close to 2 years ago. It has been like having huge weights lifted from me. I now owe a debt of gratitude to Naomi because... What happened to her Could have easily happened to me. Now, I am aware and also that much more determined to take my life back and never go backwards again. Well, once again... I think I just needed to talk to you and this is as close as I can get. I love you Roger and miss you always. Your Birthday is coming up. I wonder what Birthday parties are like in heaven? In my mind, there is No doubt that you will all be outside sitting around a big ole front porch with plenty of shade from a huge maple tree.. Lots of guitars, singing, good food, homemade ice cream and cake! I will miss you until I see you again !!!
Judy Coleman
Sis of Roger Lynch
May 19, 2022
Hi Roger, I have been thinking of you a lot this week. Hard to believe how many years that have passed since you were taken from us. I am so thankful that you and Debbie were able to come spent the night with me in Branson in May of 2005. We had such a good time. I just made a trip to Livingston County. Carl passed away on December 8th 2020. Carl was suffering from MS. Brian and his family had just spent some time with him during the Thanksgiving season. He was in pretty bad shape and had been in a wheel chair for sometime. He died from a blood clot. Very sad. Due to us being in the middle of the Covid pandemic, the service for Carl was postponed until his birthday on May 15th. Debbie and Amanda were there and I was able to meet them for lunch before I left town. Debbie is as pretty as ever and Amanda is too! Amanda has the best little personality and is such a pretty woman. I am so thankful for them. Our family is all gone but me- That is just too much for me to wrap my mind around so I try not to dwell on it. I bought flowers and had planned on driving out to see Sonny, You and Mama and Daddy. I just could not get myself to drive out there so I was just not strong enough to bring flowers-but I know that you knew I was thinking of you. I plan on making another trip to KY before the year is done. I try to imagine what heaven must feel and look like. Pure joy with no heartache or pain. Streets of Gold. A home prepared for us that we on earth can not even begin to comprehend. Looking into the face of Jesus. Until God calls me home I will continue to miss you. We all do!
Sister of Roger Lynch
June 3, 2021
My heart and prayers are with the family
Joyve Tucker
June 4, 2020
Rest in Peace.
Michael Robinson
US Army Veteran
June 3, 2020
God bless you
Mark Mottola
June 2, 2020
Roger, you would not believe how the world has changed these past 15 years.. My heart still breaks as I remember how in my mind Livingston County,Ky seemed so safe -compared to all that goes on in the world around us...and yet, as was proven to us on this horrible night 15 years ago- no place is immune to senseless violence. You are missed and loved.
Judy Coleman,
June 2, 2020
Here I am thinking about 14 years ago... It was about this time of year in 2005 that I last saw you. I am so thankful that you and Debbie made the trip to see me. We had such a good time. Lol, I remember what a baby you were and I remember Christy and I picking on you for getting Debbie to get you some popcycles. You were so spoiled but no doubt- you knew that. Lots going on in my life right now. My Tony, is really sick. He had bypass surgery last Friday and it's gonna be a hard road back to recovery with him. I selfishly worry about me during all of this. Am I strong enough to help him thur this? I truly have just began to feel like I am ok from all of the unwanted changes in my life. For a while my heart could not recover before something else tragic happened. I lost so many key people in my life in such a short time. I have finally came out of that fog and I realize all the time I wasted and will never get back. So, it is time to get busy living. You would be 65 this year...How crazy is that??? I am sure you would be doing your part to make me feel older than I am feeling and trying hard to not look the part. Ga'maISM is settling in. Not a year passes that I do not wish my grandkids could have known you. My Kaitie will be 13 this year. We have had a long talk about how she has to stay 13 for 3 years before she can go to 14, lol she is growing up and is just a beautiful young lady with a tender sweet heart. Lucas will turn 11 this year. He is a great kid. Such a thinker and a funny little guy. He is very polite and I always notice when we are out how he tries to take care of Ga'ma. He always comes back and patiently waits with me when my back can't make the entire walk in one try. Crubaby will soon stop calling himself by that name. He has grown up so fast and is just a joy for all of us. Right now he is still talking in unknown tongues with a word here and there that makes me understand. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks. I talked to Brian today and he said he is understanding more and more of what he is saying. He is a smart little man and patient. He will try over and over to help Ga'ma understand what he is saying. Lol, sometimes he even tries to act it out or will find something to pick up to help me get it. Funny little sweetheart. Well, This felt good. A part of me feels silly and wants to erase this...but I won't. I like to remember good times and the more I remember the better I get. This time next year I will have a good cry again as I read my last note to you. I love you and miss you always. This is a crappy time of year. No matter what I am doing, you are always seem to be be one thought away. I am in no hurry to die but I do look forward to the day when I get to see all of you again~ You better be standing there waiting on me!
Sister of Deputy Sheriff, Roger Lynch Ju
Livingston County Sheriff's Department, Kentucky
May 17, 2019
Today is your Birthday and I have thought of you a lot today. We both sure let a lot of birthdays get by us- without celebrating. I would now be so honored to celebrate your day with you. I read the note that I posted from last year. I was so excited about our new baby that I wrote his middle name incorrectly. His name is Cru William Coleman. He will be 2 on 6/26. I so wish you could have meet Brian's little family. So many good times we had stolen from us. I still can not fully comprehend that you are gone. It's the magic of not living in Ky. It keeps me from dealing with the loss I feel. You are loved and missed. In a few days it will be June 2nd and I assume as usual I will await the end of that horrible day. Some things never change and some things I would give anything to be able to change.
Judy Coleman
Sister of Roger Lynch (Livingston Co KY)
May 30, 2018
We were tasked to choose an officer to write a report about in my BLET class. I chose you, sir. We are honoring fallen officers in this way in our class. It is my extreme privilege to make your story known among my fellow cadets. I am 51 yrs old presently and the "kids" in my class call me POPS. Thank you for your brave service and I pray that you rest easy sir. You'll always be remembered.
Cadet Jeffrey Webster
Surry Community College BLET Program
August 14, 2017
June 26 of last year, we had a new addition to our family. His name is Cru Michael Coleman. (named after Vanessa's dad) You would love him, he is very vocal but you cant understand anything else other than mama and dada. He will begin talking in Baby language and he gets to raising his arms talking with his hands. He is the sweetest baby! I wish you could have met him as well as Kaitie and Lucas. I have been blessed with sweet grandbabies that truly are pure joy in my heart. I suppose I will always come here on this horrilbe date and share my thoughts with you. You would be shocked at how much you are still missed by so many. I think of you on most days but I try to keep happy times in my mind. I hope mama made you a yummy cake on your birthday : ) Love and Miss you Always!
June 2, 2017
Today is your birthday and I'm thinking about you. I'll always remember you.
Debbie Lynch
May 30, 2017
I told myself that last year would be the last year that I would come here but I was wrong. Its your birthday today and you are on my mind. Happy Birthday, I hope mama makes you an exotic cake that will look great but that is filled with prunes ; ). We were all robbed of so many fun times and future memories, all because you were doing your job. Your life meant nothing to Joseph Calendar and everything to us. You will always be loved and missed Roger!!!
Judy Coleman
May 30, 2016
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
June 2, 2015
It is so hard to believe its been 10 years. I hope you are as happy to be remembered with your scholarship as I am to honor you
Debbie lynch
May 31, 2015
I sit here thinking How can it be that June 2nd will mark 10 years. I wonder about the family of the man who took your life. Sonny left us last year. Michelle had a beautiful baby girl on Debbie's birthday this yrar and my grandbabies are the size of so many memories of David, Amanda and Brian. We are all getting together in June for a 5k run in your honor. I'm sure it will be a huge success. I look so forward to seeing everyone. You are missed and as always nothing seems quite right since you ate gone. Love and miss you, Judy
Judy Coleman
May 1, 2015
I dread this day so much each year. Roger you are always remembered, loved and missed.
Judy Coleman
sister of Roger Lynch
June 1, 2014
Not a day goes by that I dont still think of you
November 25, 2013
I sure miss you! 8 years and it still stuns me like it happened yesterday, I am not so sure that Time heals every wound. I am thankful for the time that we had, the laughs that I can still hear and for the good guy that you were. The world is a better place because you were in it.
May 30, 2013
To fully appreciate the heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past. Your heroism and service is honored today, the 7th anniversary year of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.
Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.
I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
November 15, 2012
Brian, Thank you for sharing. I hate this time of year. It never gets easier. I hope that someday I can go there. The last time that I saw Roger, I shared some painful things that I was dealing with-with him. I saw such concern on his face and it made me wish I had not been so honest. He hurt because I was hurting. There was nothing else that he could do. I now hurt because he was stolen from us wayyyy too soon. I am still angry and although I am sorry for the Calendar's family's pain. I am glad that Roger killed him. It doesn't bring Roger back but I am glad that the piece of trash is not in a prison somewhere breathing. Roger you are loved and missed!
Judy Coleman
June 1, 2012
It's Memorial Day 2012 and I found myself in Washington, D.C. I went to the Law Enforcement Memorial for the first time and located Roger's name. As I kneeled down and scribed his name on two sheets of paper from the wall my 6 year old boy and 4 year old girl were laying on both sides and repeatedly asked "Daddy, why are you crying". I read one of the quotes carved in the stone at the memorial. It said "It is not how these officers died that made them heroes, it is how they lived." Roger was a great man and I miss my old friend dearly!
Brian Jones
Norfolk Police Department and Friend
May 28, 2012