Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Lance Corporal Jonathan Wade Parker

South Carolina Highway Patrol, South Carolina

End of Watch Monday, May 16, 2005

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Reflections for Lance Corporal Jonathan Wade Parker

It has been six months today since you were taken from us. My heart hurts every day when I think about this, but it hurts so much more today. I wish I could undo this and bring you back home, but I can't. I know I will see you again someday, but the time here without you is so hard sometimes. I am trying, though. Every morning I think of you when I am out walking and I look up and see all the colors of the early morning sky. I know that it was you who taught me to have a greater appreciation for things like that. Always know how much I love you and how proud I am of you.
Forever in my heart,

Sue Wife of Trooper Parker

November 16, 2005

Oh, Jon,
How we miss you so. Nevertheless, we are thankful to know that you are with our Lord in heaven, and thanks be to God, we who also believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, will one day be reunited with you, and with my Dad (I know you two are having a heavenly time together). As the Christmas season approaches, we are going to miss you even more, but we are going to strive to keep our hearts and minds focused on the Christ of Christmas and the hope of heaven that He brought for all of us.
Your favorite Ma-in-law

Debbie Brewer, Mother-in-law

November 10, 2005

I met you for the first time at the Spouse's Retreat in September. After you stood up and said something about your husband, I could definitely see that some of my own pain and yours is very similar. I asked Molly about you and then she introduced us. We were the only 2 widows out of about 90 that were not granted the gift of children with our husbands. Although the road of grief is so sad and heart-wrenching, please know that you never have to walk the road alone. I wanted to post a reflection because you have been on my mind this week. (I tried your email after we got back from the retreat but it didn't go through for some reason.) You have my info, please contact me anytime. I look forward to seeing you again and to meet Jon's family at National Police Week, which I know will be so close to his EOW marker. I am sure that Jon is so very proud of you for continuing to uphold his honor. You uphold it every day just by carrying on with your life.
God Bless,

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

November 1, 2005

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of your last day and our last conversation. I continue to pray for all of your family and I will never forget you brother.You are a true hero.

S/Trp G A Griggs

October 24, 2005

Thank you for your service. You are a true Hero.

October 21, 2005

Dear Jonathan's Family,

I am sorry to hear of your loss. You truly have my heartfelt sorrow and condolences. GOD gives us Angels on this earth and sometimes they are taken before we are through with them. GOD just had another mission for Jonathan and we know he is in good hands. From talking to Tracie up here in Anchorage, Alaska it sounds like Jonathan was a wonderful man!! For those lives he touched will remain something special in their hearts. Remember all the good times and cherish those memories and when it is time to meet again it will be a joyful reunion!! :o)



Deb Lamoreaux & Family

Deb Lamoreaux

October 21, 2005

i was thinking of you today. just wanted to let you know, jonathan, i am doing good. I have a good job. I love that job. I think you would be proud of me. I pray for susan often, and grandma parker. i pray for momma, and aunt karen, and uncle mike. I've been praying more. I miss you and love you, tracers


October 21, 2005

You are forever imprinted on my heart. I have never known or loved someone as special as you. I still can’t believe that this is real and that you are gone. It hurts my heart so much to think that. I miss you more everyday that passes & would give anything to have our life back the way it was. We had so many plans for the future that will never be now. I keep asking myself why this happened & why it was you, but only God knows that. I know you are safe now and having the time of your life. I find comfort in knowing that you are ok, but I still miss you terribly.

Until we meet again, my love....


October 19, 2005

Dear Jonathan,
Yesterday, your mother brought a cake honoring your birthday to our Mothers of Angels meeting. Her friend, Stephanie has made a wonderful scrapbook about you, for your mother. She shared that with us also. You are not forgotten. Your mother's friend, Cindy

Cindy Parker

October 12, 2005

Dear Jon,

Tomorrow would have been your 30th Birthday...instead of a birthday card, I planted a tree in your memory on St. Augustine Drive. I'm taking a "memory' cake out to Tony's Gun Shop for your friends and fellow law enforcement guys/gals to enjoy. Today, Dad and I quietly reminisced your birth happy we were...!

We love you and miss you, Jon!

Mom & Dad

Carol Parker
Mother of Lance Corporal Jonathan W. Parker

October 10, 2005


I think of you every time I come to Sumter. How you welcomed me when I began working in the Sumter office. You never got in a hurry for anything or anyone. I didn't name my first little boy after you like I told you I would. I know that you are looking down keeping all the guys safe. I'll see ya again one day.


Carla Seckinger Partridge
Former Dispatcher (Sumter HP)

September 27, 2005

To the family and friends of Lance Corporal Jonathan Parker and his fellow officers in the South Carolina Highway Patrol:

On behalf of our entire family, we wish to extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Jonathan was so brutally murdered. His heroism, valor and bravery will be forever remembered.

In reading the reflections about Jonathan, it is obvious he was a man of honor and a man devoted to his family. As a true southern gentleman, his courtesy stood out to those with whom he came in contact. His peers respected him and so many have fond memories of their times together. Jonathan will never be forgotten by those who cared about him, nor will he be forgotten by those who honor his courgage and dedication to his job, even if they didn't know him personally. His senseless death at such a young age leads a void in many lives.

May you be comforted by the support and caring of your law enforcement family, and other police survivors. We grieve for you and with you. Our family lost our beloved Larry Lasater when he was fatally shot this past April during a foot pursuit of two bank robbers, so we know the anquish you are experiencing. Please know that the brotherhood and sisterhood of law enforcement will be by your side on each step of the journey ahead of you.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the five years of service Jonathan gave to his community and the citizens of South Carolina, and the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on May 16, 2005 when he gave his life in the line of duty.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer
Larry Lasater, Pittsburg, CA PD eow 4/24/05

September 18, 2005

John you will always have a special place in my heart. We worked together and hunted together. As the deer season approaches it will never be the same, I still chuckle when I think about that big one you let get away. I am proud to say I knew you and more proud to call you my friend. You were one of a kind Forrest, and I am sure gona mis you. Bye Buddy.

L/Cpl J.S. Plowden
Former SCHP

August 30, 2005

It occurred to me that law enforcement officers are like domestic soldiers who serve at home rather than on foreign fields like our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. While our military men and women protect us from a foreign enemy, our law enforcement officers protect us from the all-too-real dangers caused by those who disrespect and break the law right here at home. Father God, protect those who serve as peacekeepers, both here at home and abroad.

Debra J. Brewerd

August 19, 2005

John, even though we've never met, I had always hoped that someday we would. I've heard such great things about you, that I'm sorry now that I did not take the time to look you up and and cement a friendship. I do hope that some day we will meet and and that a solid friendship will be born. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand. May God bless your wife Susan,and keep her safe. A Friend Always..

C A Miller
Valdosta, Ga.

C.A Miller

July 28, 2005


i am proud to know you and call you friend..i wish we could have worked on some of those projects you wanted to do around your house. i know this is not forever but only for now...

Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood,
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

W. H. Auden


July 27, 2005

To the Parker Family, may GOD watch over and comfort you . I met Jon in patrol school in May of 2000 and we became friends there. I enjoyed our conversation's after a long day of patrol school they will be missed, but like you Jon never forgotten . Until we meet again , Your Friend PB Randolph SCHP

L/Cpl P.B. Randolph
South Carolina Highway Patrol

July 27, 2005

My brother in Law Enforcement
I remember this tragic event and you and your family will always be in my heart. To a fallen HERO Lance Corporal Jonathan W. Parker GOD Bless you and your family.
Greg Walker
Marion County Sheriff's Office

July 24, 2005

To the family of L/C J.W. Parker:

As I sit here reading all 11 pages of reflections left to and for you in memory of Jon, I find it hard to hold back the tears. You see, I was working that day when the call came in about the chase. I was on the very highway when the accident happened. But I was 2 counties away. I am a police officer in Williamsburg County and felt helpless as I waited along with a fellow officer for a word -- "coming our way", "in custody"...SOMETHING!! I didn't know Jon personally, however I DO know him spiritually. Although I am a female officer, in Law Enforcement we are all ONE in the BROTHERHOOD. To his wife Susan, It's hard to cry looking up. "Look to the hills from which cometh your help" GOD BLESS!!

Cpl. Hamlet
Kingstree Police Dept.

July 21, 2005

To the Parker Family, and friends of Officer Lance Corporal Parker, you are in my thoughts and prayers and my heart. Thank you for your service and protection. I am so sorry for your loss. He was taken too soon and now patrols the roads in Heaven. I am the mother of a young Philadelphia Police Officer and the wife of a re-tired Police officer and now the dangers and fears we feel everytime our love one goes out to protect us and our country God Bless you all Respectfully, Kathi Halligan Philadelphia, Pa.

July 17, 2005

As a former member of the SC Highway Patrol, I was especially touched by the death of Trooper Parker. There is no doubt he was among the finest officers to ever have served the people of SC. His family has every right to be proud of this young law enforcement officer. It makes me proud to know the likes of Trooper Parker carried on the rich traditions of the SCHP after I left. Two members of my Highway Patrol class have been killed in the line of duty. All gave some, some gave all. Laus Deo (Praise be to God).

Special Agent David Barrineau
U.S. Dept of Treasury, ATF (Retired)

July 4, 2005

Dear, Dear Jon,
I met you when you were 14 years old and I have only spoken to you by phone since then, but I always knew you were a special gift to all of us. Your uncle Art who also so suddenly left us a year ago is probably wondering what you are doing "up there" with him so soon, but I know he will enjoy the long conversations just like when you were both here. He was always very proud of you and with good reason. You will be so missed. I will now pray for both of you while I listen to the chimes I am hanging for you in my garden. Aunt Iris.

July 2, 2005

My dear Son, Jonathan: I want to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you. You touched so many people in all areas of your life with your kindness, understanding, mercy, and love. You truly made a difference in their the

Accident you went to on the Wednesday before the Monday you were taken from us.
You were the only one in the ER who took time with the poor lady who was so shaken by accidentally hitting the man on the bicycle which resulted in his death. Her physical injuries were treated, but nobody addressed her emotional anguish, "...except for Trooper Parker." The story goes that when you said goodbye to her, you also told her that you’d be praying for her. I’m told by her colleagues that when she heard the tragic news about you, she wept.

The lady at Black River Electric told me that she talked to you the morning of May 16th and you were so polite and helpful and you said, “You have a great day, Ma’am.” and she said, “You, too, Trooper Parker.” When she heard the news only a matter of hours later, she fell apart at work. It was quite a “coincidence” that she and I talked–we referred to it as a “God-thing” because someone called my number from Black River Electric, but it wasn’t her...I couldn’t get to the phone in time, but there on the Caller ID was their #...I called back to try to find out why I was getting a call from the electric company, and after being on “hold” for a few minutes, a woman picked up the line and asked who I was holding for, asked my name, and when I said Carol Parker, she replied, “Oh, I am so sorry Mrs. Parker. I talked to your son around 9:30 that morning–and then she told me the story of how sweet you were. We shared how much we loved the Lord, and that it was not a “coincidence”, but was a special little “gift” from God to me letting me hear from someone who had spoken to you that very morning and could tell me how helpful you were.

I’ve heard many more stories like that Jon, that would fill pages and pages...I just wanted to let you and anyone who might be reading these “Reflections” know what a wonderful young man you were and how we can all help one another and make a positive difference in the world simply by living the Golden Rule--“Do unto others...!” and as Jesus said, "Love one another..."

Well, Jon Jon, our family life will never be the same, but we are trusting in the Lord to help us accept the empty place in our family circle and to keep us constantly aware that you are in Heaven and enjoying eternity with Him! We all know the void can never really be filled, but God will make the void bearable for all of us in time.

You were a gift from God, and until we meet again at Jesus’ feet,
I will always be your loving Mother!

Carol Parker
Mother of Lance Corporal Jonathan W. Parker

June 26, 2005

There are no words that could possibly comfort you enough; I know this first hand. I just wanted to let you know that you are never alone, not now, not ever...May God be your peace in this time of sadness. You will make it through this I promise.

Shani Lake former ADOC Officer and fianc

June 22, 2005

God bless your family and friends I did not know you personally, but I do know that my husband was sure upset and said that you were a very good officer, Rest In Peace and ThankYou for your Heroism.

officer's wife sumter county

June 22, 2005

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