Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff James Phillip Tutino

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California

End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff James Phillip Tutino

Dear Tutino Family,

I worked with Jim back in the early 80's at Wayside Max. We sure had some fun times together at work. I still remember Jim riding his bike to work and the CHP following his 280Z to the gate. HA!!HA! There are too many good men and women on our wall and I want you to know that Jim and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,
Ed Wetta

Ed Wetta Deputy Sheriff
LASD Retired

December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas sweetie. I love and miss you so much .

Rita Tutino

December 24, 2010

missed you for Thanksgiving had dinner with Nick and Michelle and James and Marie last night ... the kids are adorable ..Kendal is the sweetest little thing... You would be so proud of your guys ... They are handsome young men. Today would be a special day for Mom and Dad...their 75th anniversary ..please hug them for me I love and miss you all very much.

Maureen Tutino

November 28, 2010

Officer Grant ..Thank you for your very kind words. Just so you know it was an LAPD Officer who found Jim first and could not leave him because of the gun and badge until his LASD buddies got there .... I found him by accident in 2007 in DC and he came and spoke to my family and Jim's sons. I came in here today as it has been one of my "Jim " days where I cannot stop crying . I miss his smile so very much,
as does all of my family is especially hard when Christmas is coming as Jim was like a little kid then....he delighted in buying me, in particular,special things.....and hunted for them every year. the last Christmas he and his brother had their picture taken together in uniform and I treasure that picture a lot.
Jim ... I just know you are up there smiling down on your grandkids you have not ever seen in person and Nick in his uniform and all of the rest of us who miss and love you .

Maureen Tutino

November 11, 2010

Hello Jim:

Out of all the officers here on these pages you are the only one I was privileged to know personally. Albeit our time together was all too brief. I still have flashbacks to that day. Even this weekend, I was startled when I realized how near I was to Costco and the railroad tracks, but I was in Burbank not Glendale. I have put off writing this far too long.

We only rode the train home together a half dozen times. Our joke was how you would always appear on the days my usual riding buddy, Deputy Bill Alexander, was not on the train. I kept trying to introduce you two.

Yet you were both on Train 100 that day in seperate cars, while I was behind you waiting for 102. I still remember the mist that day. We wondered why 102 was so late and then it arrived and the conductor told us about 100. There were many who did not board the train but I did; worried about Bill and with no idea you were on the train.

They took us off 102 at Burbank and put us on a bus through Glendale. Through fogged windows I glimpsed the crime scene tape but had no idea I was now walking distance from the crash. We were stuck there for 45 minutes and there were so many moments I was going to leave the bus and go look for Bill but did not. I thought I would only get in the way. Knowing what I know now, I wish I had been there for you and Bill. He barely survived and you did not.

A few months later, I was transferred to Van Nuys and stopped riding the train. A few months ago I was back on the train and placed hand to heart as I passed the site. Hand to heart Jim you are always in my memory. May your memory be always a blessing and know that it is not just your family who misses you but an entire community. Hand to heart.

Jim Grant

James M. Grant, CIAN II
Los Angeles Police Department

November 9, 2010

Okay so you and everyone else don't think I am totally nuts ......I sent 1 reflection and it never went up so I thought I hit the wrong button and sent another ...oh well that's your Mom

Maureen Tutino

September 15, 2010

It is football time again and so I always think of you a lot in the fall. You would be out there working with those kids and looking to see how you think the Steelers will do.I don't know how that will go this year but they did win the 1st one. You would also be talking to your Dad about your Fantasy football stuff . We really miss you so very much. Our family has 3 babies coming in January about the time that jerk took your life away from us.One is your 3rd grandchild and 2 of your Aunt Vickie's grandkids are due then too. It has been a hard 5 1/2 years.
Sometimes it seems like a long time ago and others it seems like yesterday. It hurts just as much now as it ever did. Hug Mom and Dad and my bro Jeff for me ..I miss all of them too. keep smiling that beautiful smile . I just talked with someon from LASD on Saturday that worked with you and he looked at me and said that you were a good man. I actually went through the Command Post they had there at the crash site because of you being involved. A Mom's love always ...

Maureen Tutino

September 14, 2010

Well, football season has started again and I always think of you coaching your kids and playing your Fantasy football and of course looking at the Steelers...who knows about them this year.... I miss you every day ...wish we could talk again for awhile,so you can tell me what it's like there in heaven and how the rest of my family is doing. I pray you are with Mom and Dad and maybe helping all of Mom's special kids learn to throw a football too.
That's what gives me comfort a little, thinking that Mom needed help with those kids and God gave her the gift of you to help them. Nothing is the same since you left us .
I wish you were here to see all of the things you have missed ... Love you always

Maureen Tutino

September 8, 2010

I just miss you so very much ...losing you re-defined all of our lives, they will never ever be the same again... keep smiling and watching over us. I'm sure you put in a few words for your brother that helped love always..

Maureen Tutino

July 9, 2010

Hey dad... Stopped by the cemetery today to pay you a visit. Just brought back dreadful memories of the day we had to give our final good byes.. Dont ever let me or our family out of your hands from above. I know your protecting me from up there. I always feel like I have a guardian resting right there on my shoulder. I would give anything in this world to just see you again. Michelle asked today what I miss most about you, and I honestly just was speechless. I looked at her and just said "everything." I miss knowing I can call you for anything.. I miss getting advice from you.. And most of all, I miss how you used to always want me to stop by for a sec at your house. Just know that James and I are making the most out of what you taught us. His family is beautiful and I hope to be following that with Michelle. She always is talking about you. Asking questions as in trying to learn who the wonderful man was that taught me so much. Anyways, I love you so so much. And I carry on the legacy of 2658. Forever your son!!


Deputy Tutino

June 23, 2010

You and all of your loved ones are in my thoughts on this special day, Police Officer Memorial Day. Continue to watch over all of them. I know the special love and memories all of them have for you and that they carry with them in their broken hearts. Someone recently sent me this quote and I'd like to leave it for you Mom for I know the daily struggle she faces as I walk in her shoes:

"The sense of loss does not diminish with time. In truth, the expression' time heals all wounds' is a myth. For parents, the loss of a child is permanent and mental scar tissue really does not grow over the grim memory. Rather, all tears are expanded and a dulol ache remains.

Thank you for being the hero that you are, you will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 15, 2010

Been thinking about my Mom today as it is her birthday. Could you give her a hug for me and actually Vickie wants a hug for Dad too ....and I guess while you're doing that you could add one for my bro Jeff and his wife Marie. We miss all of you a lot ....but this weekend it was mostly my Mom with Mother's Day and her you. Please keep smiling down on all of us ....

Maureen Tutino

May 12, 2010

Dad.. Well its Baker to Vegas time. Please just give me the strength you had every year when you ran. Im running six miles, and hope to kill my times. I love you and know you will be pushing me every step from above. Wish you could be there at the end of my run holding a bottle of water and congratulating me. But its all good, ill take the handle and make you proud. 2658 forever. Never forget it! Miss you.


Deputy Tutino

April 13, 2010

Happy easter dad. I know you are watching us all from above. Hope you can feel all of our love. The kids had a good easter,we baked and decerated egg shape sugar cookies yesterday and today...i think they liked it. They are so creative.the egg hunt was fun,we didnt make it to easy for them to find them,but they did with a little nudge and a little point every now and it was fun.It was a very beautiful day today for us. Thank the big guy for such a nice day. Great big hugs and kisses from me to you XOXO Smile Always!

Michelle Lawrence

April 4, 2010

Hey dad.. was just thinking of you again.. hope all is well up above. keep your smile and my guardian angel on my shoulder. Been working a lot lately. Love you tons. 2658 forever:

A fathers love is always and forever
No matter where and how
My father and i will always be together
I just wish it would be now

I miss you dad oh so much
I just want one last touch
To hold, hug, and embrace
Just one last time, let me see your face

Daddy, Daddy why did you leave
We arent done with you, cant you see
Not only me, but our entire family

Deputy Tutino

April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday you would have been 53 ! I remember us talking about hitting the big many great memories.Was watching one of the videos we made last week, love the one of you putting up the garage door opener ! You were the best handyman..I miss you bunches. I miss how you used to pat my leg when we were driving somewhere, or you hiding in the house somewhere and scare me when I came home from work ! You have so many people that love and miss you so have left a void in many lives.. Love you handsome.

Rita Tutino

March 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to you happy birthday to you,happppyyyy birthday dear dad!!! As always, you are in our thoughts. I sure hope your enjoyiny your birthday up there!Great big hugs and kisses! Im excited to get my munchkins started in baseball this season,I have both Kyle and Paige signed up,Cant hardely wait. This will be there first year playing baseball,so cheer for them and help give them encouragement and to have fun from above. I think they will do great,I remember you coaching our baseball teams through the years we all played,and remember even makeing it to the all stars.WOW fun times and fun memories. Kyle and Paiges soccer team was undefeated this year,or should I say last year lol... since its a new year,it was so exciteing...boy can the two of them run,Kyle made alot of the goals. You would be so proud, I know I was...Lynn is like any other teenage girl,always wanteing to hang out with her friends. She was helpfull with the kids soccer this past year,she is a great older sister,but occasionaly likes to tease her younger syblings,lol... go figure.I just wanted to say hello,and let you know you are in my thoughts. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! XOXO I Love You.Smile Always!!!

Michelle Lawrence

March 5, 2010

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday ..Ironically I am going to a funeral of a San Diego Deputy who is being buried on this day..We all miss you so much ..we were talking about you last weekend in the snow ..remembering us all being there together the month before you were taken from us ..
Love you as always ...

Maureen Tutino

March 5, 2010

Hey Babe ...I'm going back to the snow for a fun thing and I was just remembering the last time we were there for Mom's funeral and it was snowing, snowing , snowing. I made you drive instead of your Dad and it was awful. We had a good time anyway and it was nice being together as a family. Then 6 weeks later we lost you ...I know Mom got there and needed help with her special kids and God gave her the gift of you ..and I know you are up there teaching those special kids how to throw a football or run up a hill..or ride a bike... give a hug to Mom ..and let her know that her grand daughter Missy finally got married and is very happy...that's why we are going there.. Smile
and watch over us all.

Maureen Tutino

February 24, 2010

Hi grandpa we all miss u very much.Mom all ways tells me and my sister and brother stories about u teaching her how to dance and how she would stand on your feet and dance.Im 13 now i wish u were here to see us all.Your birthday always reminds us how we lost a great person in our family. I will always remember the last time i saw you,we were at the car show and you bought me a icecream.i miss you and love you very much.we all have our times to cry and want to see you but we cant i just its apart of life. i hope your ok up were u are i hope you will come into my dreams and talk to me.P.S We have a pic of u and mom on our bookshelf dancing at her wedding and she looked very happy to have you there danceing with her.:)smile(: I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!! TALK TO YOU SOON!! XOXOX LYNN MARIE

lynn marie

February 23, 2010

I miss your laughter and I miss your smile,not a day goes buy that I dont think of you. you are and forever always in my thoughts!! i was just remembering how you use to set me on top of your feet to teach me how to dance.And how very greatful and honored you and rita made me feel when you came to my wedding,I have to say that made my day so perfect to see your smile and share our dance.I loved haveing grandma and grandpa tutino there too.Would have loved to see the boys,send them all our love.I have to admit my birthday is hard for me when it comes around jan 26th because Im reminded that we all had lost such a great,wonderful strong talented fun dad,fauther,brother,sun,uncle and grandfauther! LynnMarie is growing up so fast and she is so beautiful,and smart she to still thinks of you.Kyle Stuart is so funny and handsome he jokes and clowns around like you do,yet he is my timmed one lol... go figure my son,is the timmed one not the girls.And the youngest PaigeElaine is so cute,and dareing not affraid of anything,she loves to dance and sing. people say that she is my little mini me. Thank you for watching over our families. I miss you truely,madley deepley. Big hugs and kisses. Smile always! michelle P.S. Happy earlie Birthday Dad!!


February 23, 2010

Okay I have Sandy's collar and your mini horses ..and your big one with the chipped ear. that one is sitting with your picture. We all are thinking of you a lot with your birthday coming up.. you'd love Tony's car..he bought it in memory of you.. Love as always

Maureen Tutino

February 12, 2010

Thanks for watching over Kendal today. I know you and my Mom had something to do with the good results..hug her for me ya

Maureen Tutino

January 27, 2010

We have spent the day reflecting on you and what you mean to us and how much we miss you . please watch over Kendal tomorrow and let everything be okay. she is so very tiny, you would love her very much . Keep smiling my son !

Maureen Tutino

January 26, 2010

I am thinking of you all today, as always, and you are in my prayers.

Tomya Cochran Allen

January 26, 2010

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