Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

This is Linda Zadroga I lost my son from 9/11. Yo read my grand daughters letter to her dad, I really appreciate your concern. But this incident was only her thinking that she could see her dad if she died. She never did anything and we are with her 24/7. Thank you for your concerns. I know how you are hurting it's not suppose to be that your child goes before you. I also feel very sorry for his wife that was a terrible loss. My daughter in law died of a heart attack before Tyler Ann was 2 years old, and have had her since then. She was bullied in school just before Christmas break I think that also added to her saddness. Well my thoughts are with you. May you keep strong, I know it's hard I don't know they say it gets easier but it just seems to get harder. You will always be in my thoughs & prayers. Rest in peace larry. Gone but not forgotten.

linda zadroga
mother James Zadroga

January 8, 2012

rest in peace brother in blue god bless you.

Lt J.Pease
Brentwood Police Dept

January 6, 2012

Dear Phyllis,

This past weekend I saw the reflection you left for Park Ranger Margaret Anderson, and I thought it was very sweet and kind of you to be so thoughtful.

My husband is a Sgt. with North Salt Lake City Police. One of their officers (Charles Benjamin Skinner) was critically injured in a car accident and passed away on November 7, 2008... and I noticed that you had left a reflection for Charlie as well.

Tragically, last night, six of our officers from the Ogden area were shot, one of them, Jared Francom was killed... the others are still hospitalized and critical... Again, I see that you have left a post.

I am deeply touched and was literally moved to tears by your thoughfulness and concern for others during their darkest hours. I just wanted to say thank you for the love and compassion you have shown to all of these officers and their families. I am so sorry that your dear Son was taken from you and your family. These acts of violence are just so senseless and we will never understand why people do these terrible things that destroy so many lives.

May God bless you and your family, and may he be a constant source of peace, comfort and strength to each of you. You inspire me to be a better person and I wanted to say thank you.

Crisanta Gwilliam
Wife of a Utah Police Officer

January 5, 2012

Every year that goes by, I remember your sacrifice. Every month that goes by, I honor your courage. Everyday that goes by, I pray for your family that misses you greatly.

I thank your family for allowing us to honor your sacrifice and I thank your wife & son for supporting Palomar Police Academy Class 14. You have been a great personal inspiration for me while I venture into a police career.

Even though I have not been hired into the brotherhood of officers, I think of you as a brother and a permanent part of my family. I know you are up there, shining down with the sun rise, watching over your family.

Anthony Punchard
Palomar Police Academy Grad 2007 class 14

January 3, 2012

Another New Year, another year without you has passed. This year was extremely challenging for Mom, but I did feel you with me...when I felt you the most was when I could have the most strength. It has been hard being sick, especially away from home. I know you are grateful for all the help Sharon, Bill, Yaniza and Melody have given me since March and I know you are saying"Thanks for taking care of my Mom".

I miss you so much, my precious son. Please continue to watch over did than in life and I know you are still watching, still protecting, still loving.

Loving you forever, Mom

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 2, 2012

I'm so glad the holidays are over and now it's 2012. Hopefully this new year will bring good things. Christmas is never good without you but I still managed to enjoy it because of Cody. Cody played football and spent time with all his big cousins at my parents house. Those boys are so good to him. The older ones are more like uncles Cody was happy to see your family on Christmas since he hadn't spent time with them in a long time.
I was all set to bring in 2012 with a new attitude and actually spend it with some of your friends but Cody ended up with a fever.
I'm happy with some things that happened in 2011. I'm proud of myself for making the decision about Cody's school. I know you would approve. My goal for 2012 is to make you proud of me and to complete the Police Unity Tour. I'm doing it for you. Love you always


January 1, 2012

My good friend Linda Rittenhouse left the following on Matt's page. I know she will not mind if I repost her quote and beautiful words that so beutifully express a mother's heart.

"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven". I always feel like I am stretched between the two trying to mesh reality with what still does not and never will seem without our sons. posted by Linda, Matt's proud mom. on his page and reposted here.

Read more:

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

December 30, 2011

Your story has touched and moved me in such a unbelievable way. God Bless you and your family.


December 28, 2011

From one Marine to another, Semper Fi Officer Lasater. Your heroism will serve to steel the resolve of your brethren for years to come. Rest in peace, brother. I would also feel remiss if I failed to thank your Mother for the comfort she has bestowed upon others in spite of her own grief. You are both Heroes.

Police Officer (Retired), Gregory Kral
Miami-Dade Police Dept. FL

December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve Sharon drove me to the cemetery so I could leave you some beautiful Christmas flowers. The deer had totally demolished your beautiful cyclamen I left for your birthday. We had seen five deer that day and I guess they are feasting on all the edibles left at the holiday. Those deer sure are beautiful though. You have such a beautiful resting place.

Earlier that morning Yaniza drove me to Antioch PD and Pittsburg PD and I dropped off fudge for the goodie tables. I saw Les and told him how we used to make this fudge every year since you were about six-years-old. Your station was quite and they did not put up a Christmas tree this year. This is the first year I had ever dropped anything off at Christmas but I am glad I did. I think you smiled, especially at how the fudge turned out.

On Christmas Day Jo Ann and Cody hosted us for hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies. The kids had Jo Ann build them a fort by rearranging the sofa pillows and all three of them were very energetic and playful. Cody was a perfect little host. I am sure that really made you smile. Cody is a joy to be around, such a smart and polite adorable.

We miss you every day, but those special days bring back so many memories and of course, we are all so sad and angry that you are not here physically with us that holidays can be tough to get through. Loving you forever. Mom

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

December 27, 2011

Another Christmas without you. Cody had a good time on Christmas Eve spending the evening with my parents, sisters and his cousins. We managed to start our own family tradition and even made it to church. I'm glad the holidays are over. They just aren't the same without you. I love you.

Jo Ann

December 26, 2011

Another Christmas without you. Seeing the kids enjoyment of Christmas is a blessing but in my quite moments of reflection, I am reliving each moment of each precioius holiday spent with you. There have been too many losses when I try to remember those celebrations. Life is so very different. I long for you. Mom

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

December 25, 2011

Mrs. Loya I have no clue how hard it has been for you to lay your son to rest as I don't yet have children myself. However I know on April 24, 2005 when the Officers who worked with your son heard the words officer down on the radio every officers worst nightmare became a reality. I'm sure that it was your worst nightmare as well. As I have said before I only hope that who have kept the happy memories of your son as the 4th great grandson of a Texas Ranger and future officer myself I know the reality of how dangerous the path is. As you have said many times to others time never deminshes respect. I also hope that God ease your pain and leave you with the pride that I know is yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. Know as well that I count your son a hero not because of how he died but because of how he lived, he left legacy to proud of and ma'am the fact that your son died standing up to evil and shielding the rest of us from that evil is a lasting testiment as to how you raised him. RIP Larry the watch is in good hands we got it from here.

LEO in training

December 25, 2011

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this blessed holiday. I know your Mom visits many officers on this site and leaves messages. People may ask why she does this and I can explain it with a short little poem I found:

A Love Song

The mention of my Child's name may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
Let me hear the music of his name!
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.
(Author Unknown)

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 24, 2011

Mrs. Loya. Thank you for your kind words in my father's profile. My heat goes out to you on your loss. What a kind face your son had! I hope in the future you and all your family will come to embrace, not with sadness, but with joy all your precious memories. I have no doubt that your grandson will be a source of consolation. Best wishes to you and to all your family.

Ann Noon Power

December 24, 2011

Today I saw this on Officer Christopher Betts' memorial page and I thought it was an interesting quote so I wanted to post it for you. Love always, Mom


Accumulated grief and sorrow, no longer to be held at bay, have swarmed up and blown the hinges off the gate. Grief and sorrow have flattened me. After the gate flew open, I learned the most important lessons of my life. I learned that grief is precisely equivalent to love, and the terrible grief felt after the loss of a person one
has loved deeply is a necessary consequence of that love and represents its survival in another form. However bitterly, grief is an honor. I learned that grief universally saturates and enriches our world, for sooner or later loss of an almost unimaginable order transforms everyone. Parents die, brothers and sisters die, even children die, and these deaths create irreparable wounds that shrink over time but never heal. On all sides, tears lie just beneath the surface. The emotion that gives rise to
those tears is a connective tissue extending far, far down into our common humanity. and our individual beings"

author unknown

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

December 22, 2011

When the word "hero" comes to mind...your name is beside it. Thank you!!
Your mom sent me the most beautiful message after I posted on my dad's memorial page and I had to reply. She touched my heart in a very special way and I want to send her a "BIG HUG" for taking the time and adding a smile to my face!!
Sending "hugs' to your beautiful family and to you up in heaven. Hugs and friendship always!!

Lynne Miller
Det. Lt. John H. Miller's daughter

December 20, 2011

I was thinking about you today and found this page. I was thinking about when we visited you and Joann and you were talking about becoming a cop. You had been on a ride along and you made the job seem like a lot of fun - you made everything funny. It was strange that a year after you were shot I was sitting at the academy and your picture came up on a list of fallen officers for the year. You were such a great person its an unmentionable loss. Joann was amazing, she handled the whole thing with such strength and heart. I will never forget you.

P.O. S. Broglia #136
Ridgewood PD

December 15, 2011

Larry, just wanted to say hello for the first time, I have been reading your reflections for about an hour today and many thoughts that were written in your honor really have broken me down as a grown man. I will pray for JoAnn, Cody, your parents and many friends who haved expressed their love for you greatly. I lost a close brother in a gun battle 18years ago in Columbus,Ohio to an evil Robber. To your mother Phyllis, thankyou for taking the time to leave your reflections for other fellow Officers nationwide. Larry, you are a true 'HERO', thank you for protecting so many people as a Police Officer and as a U.S. Marine.

Officer B.Bodell #1557
Columbus Div. of Police

December 13, 2011

My darling son, forty-two years ago you graced my life when you entered it and I treasure each day I had with you. There are no words that can convey the heartache I feel because you are not with us. I rage at the years you were robbed of and all that you, Cody and JoAnn missed because of someone's evilness.

Yesterday I visited you at the cemetary and placed a white cyclamen there. When you and James were little kids who gave their teachers Christmas presents, you gave your teachers cyclamens so it reminded me of you and those sweet, sweet days. As I was leaving, one of your co-workers arrived bringing flowers for your birthday and I was so touched by that gesture.

So much has happened (both good and bad) since I last wrote you on this site although I do speak to you a thousand times a day. For some reason, it seems harder right now to write to you on here but I do try to leave reflections for others. I don't want any of you forgotten.

I will never understand why.

Loving you always, Mom

Phyllis Loya
mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, PPD, eow 4/24/05

December 13, 2011

You would have been 42. Missing you so much still. Time doesn't change the pain in my heart. This time of year is especially hard. Love you


December 12, 2011

May there be comfort in knowing that someone so special will never be forgotten. Our heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family.

Dear God, grant this brave man, Officer Larry Lasater your almighty protection as he walks with thee.

Patrol Officer
City Saint Louis Missouri Police Department Retired

November 25, 2011

Thinking of you on this day and thankful for having known you, my friend you are never forgotten.

Your Friend

November 24, 2011

God Bless your family! <3,lala

Lindaleigh Irvin Portner
daughter of fallen officer Claudius Irvin

November 17, 2011

RIP Officer Lasater. You are a true hero and your bravery and courage will never be forgotten.

Phyllis I came across your sons page after seeing your beautiful post you left for fallen Officer Kotecki that is very sweet of you to pay tribute to other fallen officers. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your son. I grew up in the community where Officer Kotecki patrolled and you really don't know what if feels like until it happens to someone you know. We see it on the news all the time but it just seems like a scary movie but when you experience the loss you now have the realization that it does happen and innocent people lose their lives but they are the chosen few that have the bravery and courage to stand up to evil to protect us all and know they are with God always watching from above. God bless you and your son may he rest in peace


November 4, 2011

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