Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Haven Blake Gammill

Douglas County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Thursday, February 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Haven Blake Gammill

Dear Blake,
I have tried so many times to leave something on here for you, but I never have the courage to leave it. It's as if when I leave this I have to know that you are really gone. I visit this page frequently to visit you and see the reflections people leave that were in your life, past and present.
I remember all the good times we had together from Boston to Atlanta! You were there for me through a very difficult phase in my life when I needed you the most. You understood what I was facing though, and helped me because you lived with taking medicine everyday and realized that life could be cut short by disease.
We made some great memories and I hope you remembered them like I do. Your family was my Georgia family and I can't imagine the loss they must feel. I know you must have been a great dad. I can only imagine that you were as proud of your children as I am of mine. I think of you daily and pray for your family that somehow the pain they feel will get easier with time. You were such a special person, a good listener, and a fun companion. I am grateful for the time that we spent together, I only wish I could have told you how important you were in my life and thanked you for helping make me into the person I am today.

June 22, 2005

We all still think about you everyday Blake. We miss you and love you.

June 21, 2005



June 19, 2005



ken black dcso 297

June 19, 2005


June 16, 2005

Rest in peace, brother.

Cordele PD

June 12, 2005

I was just reading through all of the nice things that have been said so many times about Blake, and I agree with every one of them. Blake was an awesome, caring, funny, thoughtful man. He meant a great deal to several people, I still can't believe that he is gone. It is hard to loose such an awesome officer/person, I guess it is just one of those things that we will never understand.
I just want to say that We ''speaking for all of Douglas County 911, as well as probably every department in the county'' still to this day miss Blake Gammill a GREAT DEAL!! He meant the world to several people, he was a great person who would listen to anything you had to say and would try to give you the best possible answer for your problem. Even if he was dealing with a problem of his own, he would actually take the time to listen and try his best to help you with your problem before he would even worry about his!!

I just want his family - Dawn included - to know that we are here for them every step of the way, I am sure it seems like things are never going to get better but I know in my heart that God will take care of them with the help of Blake --- he is watching out for them, not only them but all of the guys & girls that he worked with.

I think The Ultimate Sacrifice Ride they did in honor of Blake was an awesome thing to do, I know the money they are raising for Haven & Jewell can't bring their daddy back, but at least they will have something in his honor when they get old enough to understand (or at least try to understand.) While on the subject of the benefit ride they did, I wish someone would post some pictures of the ride somewhere on the internet, I myself was @ work and since I couldn't leave the 911 building I didn't get to see the wonderful ride they did in Blake's honor, but I know there are several people who would love to see several pictures of it; me being one of the main ones!!

I know numerous people from the 911 department have made several donations to the Blake Memorial Fund, and I really hope that other people continue to do so; just so his children will be taken care of with no worries when they get older!

To the Gammill Family as well as Dawn, if there is anything that any of us can do to help you please feel free to ask. I know that our department (E-911) didn't work directly with Blake, but there were numerous times that he would call on us for help, as well as we would call on him to be a back up unit for one of the city officers on Thornton Rd., so we consider him a part of 'OUR FAMILY' as well. I wish you all the best, and I hope you all are doing great!

Ashley Krinke
Douglas County E-911
(please if anyone in the Gammill family just needs someone to chat with one day, please feel free to contact me, I will try and do what I can to help east the pain!

Ashley Krinke - Dispatcher
Douglas County 911

June 1, 2005


I have some very important and exciting news to share with you! Please get in touch with Roger Parker, GA COPS chapter president, to contact me. As Blake's significant other, you have some fabulous opportunities arising if you are interested. I look forward to hearing from you soon! I would also like to invite you to join a web discussion/support group for significant others of fallen officers. Take care!

member of OfficerDownSignificantOthers

Jessi Garger
Fiancee of Cole Martin EOW 4.25.03

May 26, 2005

I never met Blake but had a chance to participate in his ultimate sacrifice ride this past Sunday. Talking with several people there he must have been one great father, husband, and officer. I did speak with his wife briefly and she spoke highly of him. Tragedies of this calibre always remind me that there are still reasons for us to continue the fight and protect the innocent from the scum in our society. May God Bless you Blake along with your family. Semper Fi, Mac!

Interdiction Ofc. John Monroe
Chattanooga Police Dept.

May 24, 2005

Dear Gammill Family and Loved Ones,

I never had the chance to meet Blake, but I did get the chance to meet his father the other day at the Deerlick Park Girls Softball Tournament. We spent a couple of hours just cooking hot dogs, hamburgers and french fries at the concession stand.

Almost the entire time we worked, I never knew that I was with Blake's father and I think we really enjoyed each other's company that afternoon. Then right before I had to leave for our next softball game, I asked your father about the shirt he was wearing and that is when he told me that he was your father.

I like to believe that God put me in that concession stand with your father that Saturday afternoon, as we enjoyed ourselves and I learned more than a couple of very interesting cooking tips - what a hoot of a time we had! I think he enjoyed my company as well.

Well, the reason I am writing this is that I believe that God wants me to pass a message on to all the Gammill Family and Love Ones that He does have this situation in His control and that through His Everlasting Love is the only place you can find the Peace that each one of you is searching for. He will continue to send his Angels and Stewards to be with each one of you through this most difficult time in your lives.

I don't know why I feel He is telling me to write this letter, but His Spirit is persistent that this letter be written.

Mr. Gammill, Thank You for sharing your cooking knowledge with me (I can't wait to deep fry some hot dogs again), I will never forget that experience and my prayers continue to for you and all your family, loved ones and friends.


Steve Green
Asst Coach
Bobcats 8&U Hunter Park

PS - Please don't tell anyone down at the ballpark, but I cried the entire time I wrote this message and it takes more than a smack with with a softball to make me cry - God does work in mysterious ways!

Steve Green - Douglasville Citizen

May 19, 2005

I miss you so much Blake. There is not a day or minute that goes by that I don't think of you. I saw the girls not to long of go they are beautiful and so full of energy. continue to watch over us at the sheriff's office I love you Blake rest in peace

May 16, 2005

blake just wanted to say hey and that i miss hearing your voice on the radio
rest in peace

alicia graves dispatcher
douglas county sheriff office

May 7, 2005

Blake we are all still hurting and trying to cope with your absence. We miss you so much. We are praying for your family everyday. We love you.

May 6, 2005

rest in peace brother..

ny police

April 30, 2005

Blake was a good friend and a great police officer he will always be a part of why I wanted to become a police officer.

Rest in peace Brother


April 19, 2005

Blake I was just sitting here thinking about Dawn and how she is going to cope with what would have been your wedding day and as I just got finished reading the reflection that she wrote as I was wiping the tears back I know it will be hard for her but she is a strong lady and with all the support from family and friends she will get through it. I am just so sorry that she has to go through this. We all miss you everyday and wish we could see your sweet face again. You were such a special person. We will never forget you. We will all see each other again but until then rest sweet angel.

April 18, 2005

Not a day has gone by when I have not thought of you,I have not missed you,or I have not prayed for your family!I remember the last time I saw Martin's.If I would have known that was going to be the last time I hugged you I would have hugged you a little bit longer,if I would have known that was going to be the last time I saw you I would have never let you out of my sight.I just want you to know that know matter what I will always watch out for your family and know that i will never let your girls forget you.I will let them know every single time that I see them what a wonderful man that there daddy was,and that you will always watch over them!!!!I know in my heart that I will see you again oneday...all I ask is that you tell Otto how much we miss him and love him!I hope you know ALL of us down here LOVE YOU!!!!!!!Your heroic actions and just the person who you truly were will never be forgotten!You were Blake Gammill:a father,fiance,brother,son,friend,a hero, and a wonderful officer!I LOVE YOU!

Daughter of A deputy:Ariel Barnhill

April 15, 2005

To my Love…….. I finished writing my wedding vows today, the ones that you and I started together. Our wedding day will be here before I know it, and I will say those vows to you because I know you will hear them. Not a second goes by that I don’t wish I could hear you laugh and say I love you, but most of all I wish I could give you a big hug and kiss. You know you were my rock…the one I talked to when I was sad or happy or just wanted to blabber…my best friend, my soul mate, and the love of my life. I have no regrets except that I do not have you here now to hold. Everyone keeps telling me it will get easier and it doesn’t. I don’t even know where to begin without you.
I know you are watching over Haven, Jewell Grace and I. I can feel you beside me when I tickle them, read to them, put them to bed, answer another one of their questions, or if I am just simply sitting here missing you again. There are so many questions from them you know…Why is daddy in heaven?...Why can’t he play with me?…and can’t daddy just put a ladder down from heaven to reach us?? Brande and I try our best to answer all of these questions.
Del and Stella struggle every day with this as well as your family at D.C.S.O., and I know that God and you are the reason we can make it through each and every day. I am so thankful for the angels here on earth too, all of our friends and family who give me their shoulder to cry on and have spared their precious time to listen to me tell them I can’t do this only for them to tell me they would help me and yes I can do it. Although I am not quite convinced of that yet, I am so thankful they are here for me every step of the way.
Haven finally rode a pony the other day. …five times, and Jewell Grace is saying complete sentences…she sounds so grown up. I know you are so proud. I love you and miss you terribly Blake. We will all continue to tell Haven and Jewell Grace about how much their daddy loved them, how wonderful you were and how you are such a hero. You took my heart with you baby, and I have yours forever.


April 13, 2005

I did not know Blake, but my dear friend Officer Chuck Haist was killed the week before Blake was. I just wanted to say that my heart goes out to his family and children. These men were only trying to protect and serve their country. They are true heros. My thought and prayers will stay with his family.


April 13, 2005

I did not know Blake, but my dear friend Officer Chuck Haist was killed the week before Blake was. I just wanted to say that my heart goes out to his family and children. These men were only trying to protect and serve their country. They are true heros. My thought and prayers will stay with his family.


April 13, 2005


I never dreamed it would be me,
My name for all eternity,
Recorded here at this hallowed place,
Alas, my name, no more my face.

"In the line of duty," I hear them say:
My family now the price to pay.
My folded flag stained with tears;
We only had those few short years.

The badge no longer on my chest,
I sleep now in eternal rest.
My sword I pass to those behind,
And pray they keep this thought in mind.

I never dreamed it would be me,
And with heavy heart and bended knee,
I ask for all here from the past:
Dear God, let my name be the last.

We still miss you everyday. I wish we could hear again 591 Douglas County!!!!!We love you!!!

April 12, 2005

God Bless you Deputy Gammill for your service to the citizens of Georgia. The price that you paid was high, resulting in terrible loss for us all. I was honored to escort your funeral many weeks ago. God be with you my brother.

Motor Ofc. C. H. Spurlin #237
Gwinnett Co. P.D, Ga

April 9, 2005

I met Blake a an advanced tactics school a couple years ago. He was motivated and disciplined, but had a fun spirit about him. It's hard to believe he is gone, but he will always be remembered

Officer Jason Myrick
Pelham Police Department

April 8, 2005

Our "Thin Blue Line" just got a little thinner.

Your family is in good hands. As you know....we take care of our own. All they have to do is call and we will be there. God bless you and your family. We'll hold the line.

Deputy Sheriff Luke Rehwoldt
Osceola County Sheriff's Office, FL

April 7, 2005

Wow...I would have never guessed this would have happened.You were always there.I used to see you every so often at breakfast.I remember the last time I saw you you,I ran up to you and gave you a big hug.If I would have known that was going to be the last I would've held on a little while longer.You will always be in our hearts,and in our minds.We will watch over your girls and keep them safe,I will promise to never let them forget about you.We love you!Tell Otto how much I miss him and that we will all be together again someday!

Ariel Barnhill

April 2, 2005

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