Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrol Officer Patrick Michael Righi-Barnard

Burbank Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Thursday, November 25, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Patrol Officer Patrick Michael Righi-Barnard


I have decorated the outside of my home in Blue Lights. One of those blue lights will be lit every night from now until New Years in your honor and to honor all those in law enforcement who gave their lives in the line of duty and those still out on patrol. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

November 25, 2005




November 25, 2005

I was just reading other's reflections left for you. Seriously, how in the hell did this guy only get 180 days? What is wrong with our court system? If you just look at the number of line of duty deaths, you will know that justice is not served MANY times. All these police officers are putting their lives on the line every single day. When something bad happens, there really isn't a consequence. All of the families of fallen police officers have to live without them every day. These people that cause these things to happen usually get the minimum sentence. Are you kidding me? I thought the courts and the police officers were connected in some way. Obviously not. This is just plain out ridiculous! The family of Officer Righi-Barbard should really look into an appeal. Justice has not been served. You need to fight this until justice is served!

A Very Concerned Citizen

November 24, 2005

Dear Patrick,
I know that this month will be a difficult month for your family, friends, and loved ones....especially your fiancee, Shannon. Continue to send them messages from heaven, letting them know how much you love them. I will be praying for Shannon and your family, as I know from experience, how difficult the first "anniversary" death date can be. You are in their hearts forever, Patrick....never to be forgotten.

~With deepest sympathy,
S/O Joshua Blyler EOW: 5.2.04

PS: I'm sure you and Josh have become good friends in heaven. He was so funny....I bet he makes you laugh a lot. :0) I know you two are resting peacefully.

PPS: Shannon---I'm thinking of you always. I'm here for you whenever you need me.

Kelly Gillain

November 9, 2005

I just heard the news about the conviction or lack there of. How can someone without remorse be only serving 180 days. My question is, can we re appeal? Can we get a petition? What can we do? This is not justice!
People have accidents, but like Pat's mom said you don't leave some!
This is the second time that this has happened to a great friend. The last accident went the same way almost, she was walking across the street and a driver hit her and left. Had relations with her "boyfriend and after" told him that she hit someone before she came over. Well my friend was instantly gone. She recieved 80 days and now has her drivers license after 3 years. What can be done?
Patrick, you lived and loved life and touched so many people along the way. My prayers are with all of you. He loved you all so much! I believe that there is a such thing as a Borrowed Angel.

October 23, 2005

I can not believe the miscarriage of justice in your case. I just read in the newspaper how the individual responsible for your death received 180 days in jail with time served. He will go back to his family after about one month. He will be able to laugh and interact with his family and be with them for those special days and holidays. He goes home and your family is left with devastation that has snow balled to many other individuals in the form of broken hearts. In the case of our son, we were lucky, the individual that caused all of our grief was also killed so we did not face a trial and then a sickening slap in the face of a court finding such as in your case. Patrick, you are a hero and I send my deepest sympathy to your family and I wish I could help them or be able to tell them something to ease their pain but there is nothing. All they can do is take one day at a time and do everything in their power to keep your name alive and never forget you. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

October 22, 2005

Somehow I still believe this is all a bad dream... you are going to walk in my front door with that big smile and all will be right in my world. Time tells me that's not the case. I am so sad and lost. My happiness comes from being around your friends, Stacey, Austin, and Shannon.
Saturday, September 24th, was the first Officer Patrick Righi-Barnard Memorial Golf Outing. Your family and friends did you proud:
Sean went home with his(your)clubs.
Ed's driver is GONE?
Stacey enlisted the help of your fellow Burbank officers in a Hedge Apple pounding of Spider, Shane, Brett, and Bob...the golf course looked like a war zone.
Shannon placed cheese down the front of my the shirt????
Adam and Stacey had a golf cart race which Stacey claims to have won.
Austin who was told the "Apples" were for making pies threw one at me?(Apple that is)
At 4AM, Trent, Spider, and Shannon 1 & 2 sipped warm vodka in my kitchen.
At 9AM Roger and family arrived on time for breakfast.
At noon your Markham friends arrived...unable to partake of food...looking as if they lost whatever battle they had been in.
There were many tears but more laughter! Many "Patrick" stories were shared...some I had not heard before...all filled me with happiness. Your presents was obvious ever where you looked. What a success!!!
Last weekend, Bob and I attended out first COPS parents retreat where we met Moms and Dads from all over the USA who share are grief. We gathered strenght from each other. COPS is a wonderful I can see myself becoming involved know how I am.
I just faxed six Victim Impact Statement for the sentencing on the 17th. Very hard to write...hopefully helpful to the judge.
I've learned from all this that you are loved by many...missed by all who love you...still a big part of our only reason to go on!
Love ya!!!


October 8, 2005

Thank you so much for being a part of my life. I think of you everyday and I can't imagine my life without the example that you left.
I pray for your family and your fiance that you will always be near and always make them laugh.MAKE THEM LAUGH! That is what you did BEST :). It's hard at times to be upset with the fact that your gone, when you left so many fun and wonderful memories here. It's hard not be be mad at the stars because they brought you to us.
Goodnight. Sleep well. Until we ALL meet again. Rest peacefully.

October 7, 2005

You little rascal. I can't be mad at you for stopping to help those people because that was so "you". What I am sad about is the fact that you will never get to be the son I longed for but never had. You had so much love and caring for all of us - your mom, Shannon, Bob, Stacy, Austin, all your friends, everyone that met you was your friend. Not an hour goes by that I don't think about you & how all of our lives would have so much happier if you were still with us.

You would be proud of your mom & Shannon. They help keep each other strong. It breaks my heart every day to see my daughter with a broken heart. She is doing better, finally, and one thing I am thankful for is you introduced her to your great friends and co-workers. She would have never had the privilege of knowing them if it wouldn't have been for you. So, in a way, we are living you through your friends. It's the only way to make sense of this whole, tragic thing.

We all love you, and hope you're doing your usual good work in the room upstairs. Prepare a place for all of us, and especially a big throne with a giant crown for your mom.


Your Soon-to-be Mother-in-Law Linda

Linda (your future Mother-in-Law)

September 30, 2005

Pat,I think you where really cool. I wish I could have met you. I would have liked to have played football with you. When I grow up I want to be a pro football player and a police officer when I grow up just like you. My mom was at your moms over the weekend and I was with her. While we where there I seen your awsome picture. You know the one of you doing the quarter back sack when you played for the Turks. I thought that was sweet. My mom just thought it was a picture of you playing football, until I told her you tackeled the quarterback. I have heard lots of stories about you. My mom talks to your mom about you alot. My mom tells cool stories about you it makes you sound so nice. We all miss you. My friends think that you are cool too. We talk about you all the time. Well I have to go to take my shower now. BFN Mitch 6th grader at Tremont Junior High

I unfortunatly didn't know Pat but after hearing his mom and fellow school mates talk about him I wish I did. I just wish you could hear the kids in the neighborhood talk about him. He has become a hero among the 5th and 6th graders in Tremont. I hope you all think that is as awsome as I do. It just goes to show the good always wins.
So Pat if you read this know that you have a bunch of little boys here that think you hung the moon. I know you have become the hero of my son he thinks you hung the moon and wants to be just like you.

Mitchell and Kathie

September 28, 2005

Your golf outing was a success and we had fun telling Pat stories.

I probably shouldn't have just read all the reflections before I prepared to type got me upset...and I am at work!

I will write more to you later.

I miss my friend.


September 28, 2005

Family, Friends, & Loved Ones of PO Patrick Michael Righi-Barnard....My sincere condolences for the loss of an amazing man. It is evident from the condolences left on this page that Patrick was loved very much by so many people. I am truly sorry for your loss.

I never knew Patrick, but I came to know a lot about him through the love of his life, Shannon. The first time I heard his name was at the COPS significant other's seminar at Police Week this past May, when Shannon shared Patrick's life with us. Now, I will forever remember the name, Patrick Michael Righi-Barnard and the sacrafice he made. Thank you for your dedication to serve and protect your community, Patrick. You will always be remembered.

I was engaged to Deputy Sheriff Joshua E Blyler (EOW: 5.2.04). I know and understand the pain of losing the person you love most in this world. Every day without Josh in this world is heart is still so broken. Although I did not know Patrick, I know how much he was loved and how painful this loss is for those who loved him. I will be praying for you, Shannon, and Patrick's family. I will pray for your hearts to heal. Know that Patrick will always be a part of you, for his memory will live on in the hearts of those who loved him.

Love & prayers,

Kelly Gillain

September 23, 2005

We are getting ready for the 1st Annual Patrick Righi-Barnard Golf Outting. There are so many people and company's that have donated to this. It is one of the many ways we remember you and the sacrifice you made. A lot of your co-workers and friends are coming down for the day. It will be a fun day, but at the same time, so hard to see all of your friends and family together without you. I know you will be watching from above and that makes me smile. You were and still are a true hero. I can't tell you how many people say to me "What a great person, to do what he did" "how lucky you were to have been a part of his life." I agree but, I just want you here with me!!! Your mom was getting the shirts made for the golf outting and a woman said, after seeing our picture, "what a shame they would have had such cute kids". We were supposed to be getting married next month. All of our hopes and dreams were shattered and my heart is broken. I really struggle with this. I have met a group of girls that are significant others of officers killed in the line of duty. They are a great help and understand the battles I face everyday. They are very supportive and I thank you for leading me to them. I have been trying to go on with my life the best I can and hope that you are proud of me. I don't sit around and feel sorry for myself , I realized that doesn't do me any good. I have been contemplating getting a dog. That was the first thing we wanted to do when we bought a house. I think it would be good company for me and I would love to name it 'Pat'. Just kidding! I know your mom would spoil the dog rotten. I have been trying to talk her into getting one too. She has every other animal on the planet. Now, she has your fish, Austin's hamster and Fuzzy. What's one more. Just wanted to let you know what is going on down here, even though I know you already do!
I love you and miss you every day!!!

S/O of Patrick Righi-Barnard EOW 11-25-04

September 20, 2005

Just a line Pat to let you know we miss you. I said some prayers today for your mom and family. Keep an eye out for us up there.


Sergeant Kevin Wright
Orland Hills/ Markham

September 16, 2005

This was a man that knew what being a police officer really was about,... you were not just one for the 8-12 or more hours that you had that uniform on. Being a "cop" is a calling, you are born with it in your blood " his comes from a long blood line, just look at his father", you do not take the badge off when the uniform comes off... you are born with it, the department just lends you one that the public can see. This man is one of GODS warriors... and now he is back home walking the beat in heaven. And I know he takes every chance that he can get to whisper in gods ear.. "bless and protect my mother and family, and my sisters and brothers in blue". I did not know this man, but I know that is what he is doing... just look at how he was taken, he could have driven by, call 911 on the cell phone, or just have said to himself " I am off the clock", but that was not his way... he was put here to look out for us, and I am sure just by reading the reflections that his mother taught him to help those in need. To his family I say how sorry I am that he was taken from you so soon...but I know how proud you must feel, you always knew how Pat did all these good deeds for people he did not know, and did them out of kindness without looking for a thank you or praise.... and now God has chosen to show us all what a kind and selfless person we had among us. Maybe we all could learn from his example. Pat, you are a true brother in blue, I hope that I can always follow your example. " Rest now Brother, We have the Watch"

Cook County Sheriff's Dept.

September 16, 2005

Hi Pat,
We are going to the golf benefit in 2 weeks. Which makes me think about Sean's "misplaced" golf clubs he lost a while back. It is an honor to him to use yours.
Lets hope he can hold on to them. :)

September 14, 2005

In loving memory of Patrick: You were highlighted on the website
today so I stopped by to read your
reflections. You defined the word
service by your actions of love and
concern. What a great loss to your
Mom who has to endure 2 line of
duty deaths. That's a burden noone
should have to endure. My heart
also goes out to your fiancee. So sad that too many dreams have been
left unfulfilled. I'm glad you saw the
need to have Jesus in your life for now you will spend all eternity with
Him and I will have the opportunity
to meet you one fine day. My heart
goes out to all your friends and
co-workers you love and miss you,
Lynn Kole
Washington State

August 31, 2005


I just found this site. It is so beautiful to read all of the kind heart-felt words about you! You were then and still are a legacy. Your free spirit and genuine care for those around you shine through in each and every reflection. I will always have a friend in you. I think about you everyday. We all miss you like KrAzy! May God Bless your precious family!
Always, Tara

TSgt Tara L. Judd
Air Force

August 24, 2005

I talked to your mom the other night and I just wanted to tell you that I think that She is an amazing person and you would be so proud of her. Your memories keep her smiling. I just wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts and my prayers. I don't know if I ever told you this but, thank you for giving me the chance to know you in this lifetime.You truly were an honest soul and a spirit that one only dreams to meet. Rest in peace

August 10, 2005


I'm sorry that it took eight months for me to write to you. I would take your place in a heart beat. I always knew that you were a very special person and you would charm the heart of anyone that you came across. I can honestly tell you that you made such an impact in my life. I can't remember a time that you were without some kind of smile or goofy grin on your face. We always did keep in contact and remained friends. Sometimes I would call just to laugh and just hear that you were happy and that unique "laugh". I still chuckle when I think about "Big Pappa Pat" and that stuffed "emu". You were loved so much by everyone. I keep your Mom and BOB in my thoughts and Pastor Dan says a prayer every now again for her courage and strengh. The church is always full of your presence. Remember the day that Pastor Dan was giving a sermon and we were cracking up so hard that you were crying and at that same service, Pastor Dan had the service bow thier heads and say a prayer to be saved and ask for forgiveness. I didn't know that you said that prayer until later in the day. I remember thinking to myself, I wish I could be half the person that he was and how God had a huge smile on his face that day. You have always been a protector keep ahold of your Mom, Shannon and all your loved ones. Your spirit is always near and I know that you will always bring a smile to thier face with ALL the wonderful memories you left here with us.
May you rest in the Lords Hands.
Your friend always,
Chrisitna Kucinskas (De Persia)

July 1, 2005

Everything I do is different from before. This past week-end was the Relay For Life in Pekin. I missed your being there - all morning I looked for that smiling face. What use to be so very important just isn't any more. But I promise to stay active with the American Cancer Society because I'm sure that's what you would want.
You are so missed.

June 27, 2005

Please remember the fallen officers we have lost. Remember the men and women who died trying to make this world a safer and better place for us all to live in. Thank you Officer Righi-Barnard for a job well done. Please continue to watch over us and protect us as only you can. You will forever be at our side and in our hearts.
For those of you who still have loved ones with us please take the time to tell them how much you appreciate and care about them.


If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise
I would video tape each action and word
so I could play them back day after day

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
for if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take the extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

June 21, 2005

hi pat,
wow, this is a lot tougher than i thought it would be. sometimes i try not to think about you. isn't that horrible? only because when i do, i get so upset. how selfish am i, right? i worry about losing sean now, and i have no idea how shannon can deal with this, because i dont think i could. i feel so sorry for your mom, she really feels a void in her life, rightfully so. her and sean have been exchanging letters back and forth, so i think that is helping both of them. i want/need to reach out to shannon, but i think not knowing the right thing to say is holding me back. the whole situation is so sad, but one thing i am grateful for is that you and shannon came out to the bar with us, just 2 weeks before you passed away. unfortunately, i look a little intoxicated in the 2 pictures i took with you, but i am so glad that i have those pictures. what a good time that was. be proud of how strong everyone is. we will keep you in our hearts..
only the good die young, right? i guess i will be here for awhile. :)
miss you.


June 4, 2005

Patrick Michael,

I met your mother in Washington, DC when we honored you and my son Michael Patrick. You have a great Mom and I know the broken heart and pain she is enduring right now. Like me, I'm sure she would trade places with you in a heart beat as I would do for my Michael. Each day is a real challenge for us that are left behind but we go on to keep your memory alive. You are a true Hero and you will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

May 30, 2005

Patrick Michael, Oh how you are missed! Your smile, your laughter, your caring nature - I will never, ever be the same without them. You were such a significant part of my life. Your passing has left a huge hole in my heart-one that cannot be fixed. Of all the family members who have gone before you, none have saddened me to this extent. I know you would be unhappy with my tears, so for you I will try to get strong. Many times I've felt so alone in my grief, but this past week has proven me wrong. First came the Cook Co Memorial where Lt. Summers honored you so eloquently. Many of your fellow officers attended (looking good but missing the "eye candy"). Next, on to DC where through Lt.Summers diligent efforts,you name was placed on the wall of fallen officers - what an honor - five of your fellow officers were there in person - many more in spirit. Your fellow officers have truly been there for me - helping me to deal with whatever comes my way - sometimes just a shoulder to cry on. I would not be where I am today without them. This weekend the 2nd Tyra Golf Outing will be held. I've sponsored a hole in your memory - knowing how much you will be missed - who will drive Shane around the course - in front of other golfer - through trees - who will eat all those hot dogs and drink all that beer - where will the laughter be? Shane, Scott, and Brett will stay at the house like last year but not!!! Shannon, Trent, AJ, Bonnie and Mike all traveled to DC for the Police Memorial and most plan to meet up with your golfing buddies after the tournament. As always when I'm with any of your friends, I'll love the stories they have to tell. I hope all your friends (from the job, from EIU, from home) will stay close because without them I'd miss you even more.
I'm so very sad and lost without you but I don't stand alone! You surrounded yourself with wonderful friends who now surround me. Thanks for taking care of me even after your gone.
Your forever in my heart!


May 18, 2005

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