United States Department of Defense - Pentagon Force Protection Agency, U.S. Government
End of Watch Monday, February 14, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer James Melvin Feltis, III
It has taken me a long time to say anything. On that day, I had just finished talking to you, we had spoken about my promotion, and my lil girls. I left with a flipent remark of "I'ld like to stay,but I am going for coffee." To this day I would give anything to take those words back. For if I had stayed just a little longer, talked about one more thing, maybe I would have been there when the car came, and could have helped. You were my friend, and sometimes I feel I let you down. What a laugh you must have had up there when you found out my first assignment as a Sgt was to coordinate your escort! Me, who hates anything flambouyant, me, who can't keep my own life in order in charge of something that big. I hope I did you proud, I hope that the world saw the respect and heartfelt feelings that came through from Officers that day. As they called you out of service, I was over on the road, where no one could see me cry. I miss you, I miss you telling me to ease up,don't get excited over little things. Most of all I miss you shaking yoour head when I get worked up over some stupid problem. RIP my friend, Everytime I drink that coffee, I take a moment and .......
Sgt Cecil Richardson
Pentagon Police
July 27, 2005
I am continually amazed by the support of James's fellow police officers and numerous officers from other departments. Yesterday some of James's fellow officers stopped by my office with a gift for me from all the Day Shift Pentagon Force Protection Agency Police Officers; it is a beautiful Pentagon Police Badge with black ribbon, James’s name inscribed in Memory with the bottom banner reading "We Will Not Forget". Just like the 9-11 badge James received for being a first responder that tragic day. I have put the badge in James's badge holder and will keep it with me always. It is currently sitting on my desk with the American Flag in front. What an amazing and touching gift to give to me it has touched my soul and continually reminds me that I am not alone.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Feltis
Mrs. Mary Feltis
June 10, 2005
Dear James (FTO Feltis)
This is a late entry. It’s hard when something like this hits home right at your own department. I’ve taken sometime to reflect on this tragedy. Please excuse me for my late response.
I volunteered to work the special detail one night for you at the hospital. When I showed up for my shift, I had the honor of briefly meeting your wife and some family members, Thank You for that. During that night, I went to your bedside. I said a prayer for you and your family and I returned to the ICU waiting room. Late into the evening, there was no one there but myself. Enter a nurse who was consoling a young, crying and upset Mother, whose, 19mo child had been brought in for a tragic incident that happened at home. Now, here I am alone, a Police Officer listening to this tragic incident and the nurse leaves. This young Mother was crying, alone and upset, to say the least, hysterical about her child’s incident. I actually froze and did not know how to react. But, what struck me was, how you would react if the situation were reversed and you were me. So, I got up, went over to her and consoled her and comforted her. Telling her everything is going to be all right. Just as if you would have done. And I know you were watching and waiting for me to do the same thing you would’ve done as a Police Officer and a loving Father.
The end result of this story is that the child was out of danger and back in his Mothers arms. Now, the Mother asked me why I was at the hospital. I replied that, I was here because my fellow Officer was injured in a tragic incident while in the line of duty. She replied, “God Bless him, you and emergency personnel for being here for my son. It is special people like you who saved my son’s life tonight.” We both said a prayer for you and she went safely home with her child.
Jim, I never told anyone this story but two people. My wife and a close friend. I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe that you were there with me knowing what was going on and it was you, who, lifted me out my seat and helped me comfort that Mother. Thank You!
And Jim, I was there at the hospital working the night of 02/13/2005, the night before your EOW. It was a privilege and an honor. I was crushed the following day.
May 16, 2005
Rest in peace brother, your work is done. May God bless your family and watch over them during this difficult time. The sacrifice you have made does not go unnoticed, nor will you be forgotten.
Sgt Paul C. Huber
Swiss Army MP Service
May 14, 2005
It was a great pleasure to share the ceremony with you in Richmond. Your family is very proud of you. I am sure you and Drew have found each other and are trading stories already! It is never easy to say goodbye, but to know that the love remains brings some peace to my heart. This song is sad, but I hope that when you hear it you will have tears of joy as well. So this is for Mary... be strong... continue to hold your head up high and smile through the pain.. It was a priviledge to meet you and your brohters in blue.. what an amazing family we have... love and prayers always, Chrissy
Every now and then
Soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again
And it’s like you haven’t been
Gone a moment from my side
Like the tears were never cried
Like the hands of time are holding you and me
And with all my heart I’m sure
We’re closer than we ever were
I don’t have to hear or see
I’ve got all the proof I need
There are more than Angels watching over me
I Believe, I Believe
That when you die your life goes on
It doesn’t end here when you’re gone
Every soul is filled with light
It never ends and if I’m right
Our love can even reach across eternity
I Believe, I Believe
Forever you’re a part of me
Forever in the heart of me
And I’ll hold you even longer if I can
The people of don’t see the most
Say that I believe in ghosts
And if that makes me crazy
Then I am
‘Cause I Believe
There are more than Angels watching over me
I Believe, I Believe
Every now and then
Soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again
And I Believe
I Believe
Diamond Rio
wife, PTL Drew Henley, Suffolk PD
May 6, 2005
God Bless Officer Feltis,his families and the Pentagon Police Department!You will be missed by ALL and forgotten by NONE!My Thoughts and Prayers are with Officer Feltis,His families,and this Department!Thank you Brother for Service well done,Rest In Peace now as the rest of your Law Enforcement Brothers and Sisters will continue the fight on the Streets for You as You Patrol the streets of Heaven until we see you again !
Deputy Sheriff
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office , Louisville Kentucky
April 1, 2005
March 27, 2005
Thank you for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
March 23, 2005
My deepest sympathies to the family of Officer Feltis and the Pentagon Police. I used to be a federal police officer in Washington DC. Everytime I worked with your agency everyone was very professional. God Bless, we will not forget our fallen brothers.
PO Schrade
Veterans Affairs Police - Long Island
March 13, 2005
I would like to thank all the people who have written such kind words about James and for your words of comfort to me and our daughter. Thank you to all the officers and civilians that gave blood for James. The medical staff at Inova Fairfax Trauma provided excellent medical care to James. My family would like to Thank James’s department the "Pentagon Force Protection Agency" for their caring, compassion, support and most of all protection and love given to our family. I wish to thank the Alexandria Police Department, Fairfax County Police Department, and Arlington County Police Fire and Rescue departments for making us part of their families and for their amazing support and love.
James and I met in 1984 then married in 1986. James traveled to several military posts with me while I served our great country as an Officer in the United States Military Police Corp. James served our country as a Police Officer, Detective, HAZMAT Response Member and Range Safety Officer and as a member of the Army Reserves. He was truly a wonderful man, best friend, husband and Papa. After twelve years of marriage we were blessed with the birth of our beautiful daughter. James was so happy at her birth that he was crying with joy while catching her arriving into this world. One time I came home and Mr. 6 foot 4 inches very serious police officer was busy attending a tea party with our daughter and her stuffed animals. That was James a gentle giant of a man. James is a true HERO who stepped out in front of a car to save lives and ended up losing his life. He loved being a police officer at the Pentagon.
James and I always thought of each other as life police partners. Complete and total trust: He had my back and I had his back no matter what the situation. The sadness I feel is deeper then the greatest drop in the Grand Canyon. Thanks again for all the wonderful support and love that so many people have given to me and our
daughter. Tonight please do me a favor; hug your spouse, children, or significant other look into their eyes and tell them that you love them.
Sincerely, James wife Mary
Mrs. James M. Feltis III
March 9, 2005
Your sacrifice will forever be remembered in a city, and at a facility that has endured so much. May you Serve God now as faithful as you served the Pentagon, and your community. R.I.P
Special Police Officer T. Hafner
George Washington University Police Dept.
March 8, 2005
My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in southeast Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure James did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and James be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Officer Feltis' family, friends, and co-workers must be feeling. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his wife. No one can truly understand the pain of our loss until they've walked in our shoes. I wish I could give you a few words of wisdom to help you through this tough time, but there isn't anything I can really say or do to make the situation better. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family and remember that James is part of huge law enforcement family. If you ever need anything any number of them will be there for you (as I've quickly found out!) From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain James was well respected and well loved. James sounds like an amazing man. You were blessed to have had him in your life, even for a short time.
Thank you Officer Feltis for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)
March 6, 2005
Your family will remain in our prayers and thoughts.
Sister of Officer Duke G. Aaron, III
E.O.W. 7/20/04
March 5, 2005
Another brother that will be sorely missed. The state of Tennessee has recently set a case law for the charge of 1st degree murder in cases exactly like this. If anyone from this department is reading this, look into "State of Tennessee vs. Falon Tallent" you will find a conviction for two counts of 1st degree murder, with two life sentences. It was in Wilson County Tennessee. Do not let this killer off easy.
Trp. Allan Brenneis
March 3, 2005
may god protect you know as you protected us when you where here thank you and we that are still here will miss you untill we meet again god bless
John Herko
americas 911 ride and son of a retierd police offier
March 2, 2005
Rest in peace and God Bless.
wife of former officer
March 1, 2005
February 28, 2005
To the family and friends of Officer Feltis, and to the Pentagon Police Dept. members, may God bless you and be with you in this time of sorrow. America lost another hero today; you are now 10-42 go walk a beat on Heaven's streets, you are a blue angel, R.I.P. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. God Speed Brother.
Diane Dodge
Polk County Sheriff's Office, FL
February 28, 2005
The lose of a fellow DoD officer effects us all, our prayers go out to your family and friends.
Clarence Watson
US Dept of Defense Police Camp Parks
February 28, 2005
Officer Feltis, Thank you for your service. I hope your family will somehow find peace to sustain them through the upcoming days and nights. You've done your job, now it's time to rest.
Special Agent
February 27, 2005
I am very saddened to hear of the death of this fine officer, who is also serving our Nation's military against terrorism in time of war. Heaven's honorguard now has another member to stand post w/St. Michael. God bless and be safe out there.
MSG JA Millan, USA
US Army Military Police, Iraq
MSG JA Millan, US Army MP, Iraq
US Army Military Police, Iraq
February 26, 2005
Officer Feltis, You and your family are in our prayers. Rest Easy Brother!
Dep. P. Sperandeo, Off Amy Sperandeo
Jefferson PArish Sheriffs Office, Gretna Police Dept, LA
February 25, 2005
Rest in peace Officer Feltis.
Ohio State Highway Patrol
February 25, 2005
Cops are human ( believe it or not) just like the rest of us. They come in both sexes but mostly male. They also come in various sizes. This sometimes depends on whether you are looking for one or trying to hide something. However, they are mostly big.
Cops are found everywhere-on land, on the sea, in the air, on horses, in cars, sometimes in your hair. In spite of the fact that "you can't find one when you want one", they are usually there when it counts most. The best way to get one is to pick up the phone.
Cops deliver lectures, babies, and bad news. They are required to have the wisdom of Solomon, the disposition of a lamb and muscles of steel and are often accused of having a heart to match. He's the one who rings the door-bell, swallows hard and announces the passing of a loved one; then spends the rest of the day wondering why he ever took such a "crummy" job.
On TV, a cop is an oaf who couldn't find a bull fiddle in a telephone booth. In real life he's expected to find a little blond boy "about so high" in a crowd of a half million people. In fiction, he gets help from private eyes, reporters, and who-dun-it fans." In real life, mostly all he gets from the public is "I didn't see nuttin'."
When he serves a summons, he's a monster. If he lets you go, he's a doll. To little kids, he's either a friend or a bogeyman, depending on how the parents feel about it. He works "around the clock", split shifts, Sundays and holidays, and it always kills him when a joker says. "Hey tomorrow is Election Day, I'm off, let's go fishing" (that's the day he works 20 hours).
A cop is like the little girl, who, when she was good, was very, very good, but, when she was bad, was horrid. When a cop is good, "he's getting paid for it." When he makes a mistake, "he's a grafter, and that goes for the rest of them too." When he shoots a stick-up man he's a hero, except when the stick-up man is "only a kid, anybody coulda seen that."
Lots of them have homes, some of them covered with ivy, but most of them covered with mortgages. If he drives a big car, he's a chiseler; a little car, "who's he kidding?" His credit is good; this is very helpful, because his salary isn't. Cops raise lots of kids; most of them belong to other people.
A cop sees more misery, bloodshed, trouble, and sunrises than the average person. Like the postman, cops must also be out in all kinds of weather. His uniform changes with the climate, but his outlook on life remains about the same: mostly a blank, but hoping for a better world.
Cops like days off, vacations, and coffee. They don't like auto horns, family fights, and anonymous letter writers. They have unions, but they can't strike. They must be impartial, courteous, and always remember the slogan "At your service." This is sometimes hard, especially when a character reminds him, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary."
Cops get medals for saving lives, stopping runaway horses, and shooting it out with the bandits (once in a while his widow gets the medal). But sometimes, the most rewarding moment comes when, after some small kindness to an older person, he feels the warm hand clasp, looks into grateful eyes and hears, "Thank you and God bless you."
Officer David Carroll
Choctaw Oklahoma
February 22, 2005
Fallen Brother,
Rest in peace, your watch over. The Thin Blue Line is even thinner today. Always in our hearts and prayers will you and your family remain. God speed, Officer Feltis, you will be missed by your family, friends, co-workers and the rest of your brothers and sisters on the Thin Blue Line.
VSP Unit 1725
Trooper P.H. Phalen
Virginia State Police
February 21, 2005