Wayne County Airport Authority Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Michael Allen Scarbrough
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. - Norman Cousins
February 13, 2005
Rest In Peace Sgt. Mike Scarbrough
Chief and Officers
Shorewood P.D. Il
February 13, 2005
God bless the family and co-workers of Sgt. Scarbrough. Rest in peace.
Broward County Florida, Multi-Agency Honor Guard
February 13, 2005
Mike, I hope you know how great it was to have you as my "big brother". I looked forward to our games of "who can rip on the other more". I valued your opinion and we looked to you and Denise as role models for parenting and marriage. I hope you know how much we look up to you. Brian would not be the man he is today without your guidance and love....we are so grateful. We were so excited that you agreed to be Layton's Godfather and we know that when he is baptized you will be there in spirit watching over him and guiding him in the same way. I know that you will be my conscience and you will continue to point us in the right direction. We are going to miss you beyond belief. Yes, Mike...you are the man...I concede.
Bridget Scarbrough
February 13, 2005
If you are able, save for them a place inside of you and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go, Be not ashamed to say you loved them, though you may or may not have always, Take what they have left and what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own, And in time when men decide and feel safe to call the streets insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind. You will not be forgotten..We will see you in Elysium...
OFC Jason Crociata
Police Officer in Illinois
February 13, 2005
We honor you for your sacrifice on this Earth. Taps will sound for you, but you will never walk alone. You will never be forgotten. Please look over us as we continue the watch. This we'll defend.
Officer Michael B. Smith
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police
February 13, 2005
Mike thank you for your service.....Mike's family and co-workers know that heaven is a safer place with Mike watching.....
Police Officer
Birmingham Michigan
February 13, 2005
On behalf of the Detroit Chapter of the FBI Agents Association, I send sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Sgt. Scarbrough. May he rest in peace. ~Romans 13:4 NIV
Special Agent Darin L. Paul
FBI Agents Association
February 12, 2005
Like so many others, I've smiled and laughed with you and now I'll cry for you. We're all better for knowing you and having you walk through our lives. You were a good cop and a good man. You'll be missed by all and not forgotten. May God and you keep us safe until we meet again. Rest in peace, Blue Angel.
Cpl. SallyWright-Smith (retired)
February 12, 2005
Today I found that a brother and friend died. I first met Mike when we were about 19 years old and in the Marines together. Mike was squared away. Mike always had shiny boots and his uniform was pressed and sharp. I thought Mike was going to be promoted quickly because he was in fact "Squared away". When Mike was given a task to complete it was done no questions asked and usually Mike had fun doing it. When Mike was hired as a Deputy in the Wayne Co So Dept Mike called me to tell me that I was talking to a "Wayne Co Deputy". I was happy for Mike because I could hear the pride in his voice. I knew that the sheriff's dept just gained a great officer. As we grew older me and Mike drifted our diffrent ways. We both got married and started families. I would see an officer from the airport every now and again and I would ask how Mike was doing. I always heard great things, K-9 , Bomb , SWAT , FTO and promotion to SGT. I knew Mike was still squared away and still completing tasks assigned to him. Mike was a great officer and friend. I pulled out some of my pictures of me and Mike in the Marines together and took them to Melvindale PD and shared them with some of the officers who did not know Mike. So long my friend we will meet again one day.
Officer David Taft
Melvindale PD
February 12, 2005
Mike, it has been an honor and a privilage to have worked with you both as a uniformed officer and on the mountain bike unit. I will truly miss your wisdom and sense of humor but most of all I will miss your professionalism. 2/9/05 will go down as the day we lost our finest, our loss though is St. Michaels gain for I am positive that you will be taking up the post of guardian of the gates of heaven. Rest in peace mike, you will be missed.
Officer Fred O. Hannah #246
Wayne County Airport Police
February 12, 2005
Although I have never met you, I feel like I know you through all that I have heard and read about you. What I do know is that you loved your family very much. It is also very clear that your department thinks the world of you and that you touched the lives of all of your co-workers in one way or another. I thank you for being a friend and partner to my husband, he is better for having known you.
Wife of Wayne County Airport Authority P
February 12, 2005
It has been nothing short of an honor to work with you and for you. Needless to say you'll be missed as the Bomb Squad-OIC, K-9-OIC, Bicycle Unit-OIC, Special Respose Unit member, Co-founder of the FTO Program, and as our shift sergeant. Your real legacy to me will be that you were always "squared away" and ready to help others in need. Whether it was the general public or a fellow officer, you were in the middle of it and your nickname "Scrappy" was living proof of that. Through your example and teachings, you clearly raised the bar of what a police officer should be and was a cornerstone of this Department. Thank you for making me a better officer...I will never forget you.
It's clear, there must of been trouble in Heaven and God needed back-up, for the Lord would only call on the best. From the Fortney Family to the Scarbrough Family, we send our prayers and deepest sympathy to you.
OFC. Robert C. Fortney
Wayne County Airport Police
February 12, 2005
God Speed, Brother.
P.O. K.Murphy
Union PD, NJ
February 12, 2005
You will not be forgotten.
We'll take it from here, Sir.
Deputy C. De Libro
Lake County Sheriff's Office, Florida
February 12, 2005
We followed each other from job to job, got on SRU at the same time and were partners on the "line" for 9 years. You were the "Best Man" at my wedding and canoe partners for years on the "Pine". We had some outstanding times together both on the job and off. You did your job to a "T" and never let your guard down. The younger guys coming on the job looked up to you. You were very dedicated to your job and you leave a huge hole within our department that will never be filled.
But the most important thing about you is that your family was ALWAYS first and everyone knew that. Your wife and kids meant the world to you. You spent countless hours raising your children in mornings while your wife worked days and you worked afternoons. Then, you continued to be involved with their education by spending countless hours at their schools. They are now in sports and you helped in coaching.
Your family will be taken care of, you don't worry about that. You just look down us and take care of us.
Rest in peace Scrappy. I'm going to miss you little buddy.
Sgt. Brett Michalski
Wayne County Airport Authority
February 11, 2005
For the last several days I have read all of yor reflections for Mike and sat and cried. I have cried till my eyes have run dry, and then just sat and sobbed in the utmost heartbreak and emotional loss a friend can experience.
I have thought and though about whether or not I would leave a reflection. The fear that if I did, I would be admitting to some form of a weakness from within and even more so exposing my inner feelings and a vulnerability to my partners.
The more and more I read, the more and more I searched my mind. As I sit and think, it's as if I am carrying on a conversation with Mike. I find myself asking him for the right words to write in order to pay him the honor he deserves.
Mike -
If anyone knows, it's you. Cops are not supposed to cry. Men are not supposed to speak of heart-breaks and un-fairness. We, the Warriors,the Sheepdogs, are not supposed to show our weakness. Daughters and Sons are not supposed to see or hear their Fathers crying while they lay their innocent heads down to sleep.
We have an image to project and crying is not part of that image. The sudden loss of a friend or brother such as you tends to throw all rules to the waste side.
Allow me to define a few of the words so many of us have used lately to describe Mike:
Broth-er : (bruther)n.,pl.1: a male as he is related to the other children of his parents 2: a close friend who is like a brother 3: a fellow man 4: a fellow member of the same race, creed, profession, organization, etc.
That's Mike so far-
Hero: (he'ro)n., pl. 1; Myth & Legend a man of great strength and courage, favored by the Gods and in part descended from them 2; any man admired for his courage, nobility, or exploits 3; any man regarded as an ideal or model. etc.
Once again-Mike, dead-nuts.
Friend: (frend) n. 1; a person whom one knows well and is fond of; close acquaintance 2; a person on the same side in a struggle; ally 3; a supporter or sympathizer
Three words taken right from the Websters New World Dictionary. Three words that could have been written soley for the purpose to describe Mike.
He was all three of these things rolled up and stacked into a 5'9" little ball of fury, strength, courage, humor, love, dedication, professionalism, honesty and movie line trivia extrodinaire.
Mike was a posterchild of what a Police Officer, Sergeant, Teacher, Leader, Father and Husband should be.
We will not see the likes of a man like him again.
Mike was the ideal image of what a Police Chief could dream of having for an Officer. He was a cornerstone of our department.
I hope I have described the Mike that we knew and loved to those of you who didn't have the honor of knowing him.
Mike, my brother, my friend, my hero. I love and miss you more so now, than I ever realized I did. It was an honor to call you friend and be called one by you -
It will be an Honor, for your "Band of Brothers", to escort you to your final destiny.
"I am ready to meet my Maker, Whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter" - Sir Winston Churchill
"Do everything you ask of those you command"
"If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself"
"It is foolsih to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived"
- General George S Patton
Mike was man that all men wish to be like.
You have opened the door, and I shall join you one day.
Good Bye and God Speed Mike.
With the utmost love and friendship
Ofc. Clayton L. Monte, #286
Ofc. Clayton Monte, #286
Wayne County Airport Police
February 11, 2005
Mike, from day 1 as my FTO I was impressed with your professionalism and knowledge of the job. Over the years whether on patrol or SRU you were always there to help me out. I am truly grateful to have been a part of your life. For your total devotion to your family and your career you are a role model for all. You will never be forgotten.
Semper Fi my friend.
Cpl. Thomas Kendall
Wayne County Airport Authority
February 11, 2005
My heartfelt condolences goes out to your family and friends at this terrible time. Thank you for serving and protecting. Rest in peace, Sir.
Shirley Roberts
Aunt of Fallen Officer John Logan EOW-3-14-04
February 11, 2005
Rest peacefully buddy. Your tour on earth has ended, but you will not be forgotten. Wayne county has lost a great warrior. I'll see ya in heaven someday.
your cousin william
February 11, 2005
Scrappy, From the first day I met you, you showed me respect, courage, guidance, and strength just to name a few. Everyone who met you is better for it, and those who hadn't missed out. Through your family, friends and co-workers you will never truely be gone. Your family can be proud of the works you did. Shine your light down on us all for we surely will continue what you started. Rest now for your watch is over.
Ofc. T. Pedersen
Wayne Co Central Comm
February 11, 2005
February 11, 2005
I will never forget the great times I had working with you. We did some great police work together and we shared alot of laughs doing it. Words cannot express how much I'm going to miss you. You were a role model for all officer's. You did it all and you did it well! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless and Semper Fi!
Cpl. Carl V. Rubin
Wayne County Airport Authority
February 11, 2005
Rest in peace Brother. We are grateful for your service and dedication to duty. Be assured your loved ones are not alone for we are but a phone call away.
Bob Johnson VA-VI
Bob Johnson U.S. Marshal's (Ret'd)
Blue Knights International Police Assn.
February 11, 2005
SCRAPPY you were not just a great friend and an outstanding officer. You were a mentor that was always there when I or others needed guidence. Your true professionalism and dedication will never be forgotten. You were the true spirit of SEMPER FI in work and your family. Rest well my friend because I know heaven is now truly safe under your watch. We will attempt to carry on the mission.
FTO Erik T. Johansen
Wayne County Airport Police
February 11, 2005