Wayne County Airport Authority Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Michael Allen Scarbrough
Just thinking of you alot today. We've had a little snow lately. It isn't exciting watching it come down anymore. Instead of reminding me of hot chocolate, making our first snowman with the kids for the year or just staying inside and snuggling up with you, it just reminds me of the morning you left for work and how snowy and icy it was. How I told you to be careful like I always did. How the call came that changed my life forever. It reminds me of the suddenness of your loss. It reminds me that we're closer to Christmas without you, your birthday and the day we lost you. The cold days just rip through me physically and emotionally. I long for the warmth again. I'm missing you and loving you, boo.
December 2, 2005
Hey Mike
We are coming up on your birthday and as I was hanging up Christmas decorations I kept thinking, "Last time I had these up, Mike and Denise were here with the kids". Every other month or so I pass by the store where Kelsey, Neece and I got your birthday cake - and I have to catch my breath. We were so excited that they had German Chocolate cake - your favorite. I get sad when I think that you wanted to see the gym where I work and I said "Oh you can see it next time you're here!!" A few months ago, we had dinner at the Friday's that we all ate at together and we barely spoke through the whole meal. We just kept looking at the table we sat at with you and we each commented on something you said or did and that was about it. It's hard going to places you went with us. I can't even think about how hard that is for Neece and the kids to do. I can't imagine how it will be the next time we go to D.C. on the train.
I hate that we are so far away from your family and I can't run over and give Neece a hug whenever I feel like it. I hate that Brian feels so lost without you and he can't talk about it. He harvested two deer this year and he always looked forward to calling you FIRST. I know he ached on those days knowing that he couldn't call and tell you. I know he gets sad that he never got a chance to go duck hunting with you. He has all of these childhood Christmas memories that you are the focal point of..and he misses you terribly. As I'm writing this I'm letting it out for the first time in months. I hold it in and divert my thoughts to other things whenever the reality of this comes into my mind. I think about Neece all of the time and I ache because I can only imagine what she's going through and I can't take it away for her. I can't make it all better or say one single thing to lighten her load. She is amazing and even though she would probably deny it she is soooo strong! Through all of this she still remains my sounding board, my guide, my mentor and above all else my friend. You sure knew what you were doing when you fell in love with her. It still feels surreal for us and it probably will for a long time. Being so far away makes it difficult to grasp the day to day reality that everyone else has to go through. I'm sure that other members of the family and friends feel the same way.
God we miss you Mike! Happy Holidays big brother! I love ya.
December 1, 2005
May god be with you....
December 1, 2005
We think of you and your family during these holidays, and offer thoughts and prayers as you celebrate without your loved one. Cherish the memories of the past and be open to new ones with your loved ones and friends. Your loved one will never be forgotten and always honored for their sacrifice.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 29, 2005
Thankyou for all that you have done, may god be with the department and family during these hard times
November 28, 2005
Tnaks for serving the citizens of Michigan, god bless Scarbrough's family and the family of your department,take care of yourselves, and may the holidays be blessed
November 28, 2005
Here I ride on this rollercoaster of grief today. Got through Thanksgiving thinking everything was alright and then get smacked in the face with these intense feelings last night at a hockey game honoring you. It's pretty scarey feeling the same grief that I did at the beginning. I know I just have to ride this ride and feel everything that I do so that I can move through this. I hate having to do this....I miss you and just wish you were here....I love you, boo.
November 27, 2005
We really miss you thanks for all the help with the spelling tests in our classrooms.mark and josh are getting along great but they really miss you.
we are going to a hockey game tonight for you.
everyone misses you!!!!!!!
miss you lots ,
teresa and marissa
marissa and teresa
November 26, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Mike, Happy Thanksgiving to Denise and the kids....
November 24, 2005
Happy turkey day
November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving.... god bless each and everyone of you
November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving sgt.
Michigan Resident
November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving baby. I'm up early again and just thinking about the day ahead. I know it will be hard but I'm prepared as much as I can be. I'm choosing to count my blessings and the many things I have to be thankful for today. I am thankful for having had you in my life...for you loving me as much as you did....for having the intensity of love that we did...for truly having met and been loved by my soulmate...for the three beautiful children you gave me....for the connection I have with your family still...for the support and love that embraces me each day by so many wonderful people...for my family and friends...for my hightened ability to empathize with the patients I work with because I now know true loss. All of these blessings are my lifeline. They keep your meomory so close to my heart and make getting through each day without you a little more bearable. I love you, boo.
November 24, 2005
Hey "Mike",
Thinking of you this Thanksgiving. It's still no easier. Was with Denise and the guys on Monday. Man was it cold.
Trying to find the right person to recite "planes, trains and automobiles" with this Thanksgiving. Just can't seem to find "him" yet?
Miss you more and more buddy.
Take care-
November 24, 2005
Take care my friend...we all miss you
November 23, 2005
Oakland County put up a wall for fallen police and firefighters. It was a beautiful ceremony and another tribute to all. I was so nervous going up to the wall and looking for your name. All the guys from the department were with me searching for you. I didn't know how I would react finding your name but one of the guys saw it first and pointed it out. The first thing I noticed was that they put your name as Mike Scarbrough. Mike! Mike?...What about Michael...or Michael A.,...or M.A. Scarbrough? I was pretty startled and ticked at first but at the same time started cracking jokes about how how squared away you were. You were so black and white...so proud and so by the book...Mike? It even had me laughing thinking about what you would have said.....maybe you planned this all along....making this first etching in granite easier for me...If you had anything to do with it, thank you...Don't worry,though, I went to bat for you and am trying to get them to change it...I love you, boo.
November 23, 2005
God bless denise and the kids, take care of yourselves
November 22, 2005
Mrs. Scarbrough, Just found out about the boys and their fine GPA. Tell them "Congrats" for me. I am soooo proud of them. Hope all is well. You are all in my thoughts and prayers often. God bless. Mr. C.
Mr. C.
Southgate Schools
November 22, 2005
God Bless through these hard times
November 18, 2005
God bless everyone through the holidays
Michigan Resident
November 17, 2005
Take Care My friends and stay postive through these hard times...
November 15, 2005
We all miss you a lot. Everyday we think about you and how different it is without you. You were an inspiration to everybody.
November 14, 2005
Denise and the kids, keep your heads up through the holidays and forever more, we love you
November 13, 2005
Happy anniversary Mike and Densie....
November 13, 2005
Happy Anniversary Mike and Denise. You two truly were the epitome of married life. To have the privilege of watching the two of you together and with the kids was an incredible sight. Those around you couldn't help but delight in your happiness. That's why it's still so incredibly painful to think about the loss, because it is so profound. I can't imagine when the day will come and it won't hurt so bad. For now holding on to thoughts of happier times when you were here, and continuing to share humorous stories with Denise helps a little, it keeps your spirit alive. As well as looking at the faces of your 3 beautiful children, (your's and Denise's legacy). Denise will never be without a friend to help lift her when she finds it overwhelmingly difficult. None of us can replace you, we can just hope we help a little.
Thank you for being the finest example of a human being anyone could hope to meet in their lifetime.
November 12, 2005