Greenwood County Sheriff's Office, Kansas
End of Watch Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Reflections for Sheriff Matthew Haden Samuels
Rest in peace brother, your bravery will never be forgotton!!!
Deputy James Bradford
Bradley County Sheriff Department, TN
January 22, 2005
The members of the Garnett Police Dept wish to extend our heart felt sympathy and sadness at the loss of Sheriff Samuels. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and co-workers. May God bless you all and give you strength in your time of need.
Officer Anthony Bell
Garnett Police Dept
January 22, 2005
Gods speed brother.
Traffic Officer Coley
Ceres Police Department
January 22, 2005
Matt, You took me in and trained me. I remember all the talks we had and the way you explained things to me giving me praise when I needed it and a new way to do it when I made a mistake.
You touched so many people and changed a lot of lives. Matt if I had to think of one officer in the world that truly loved and cared it would be you. I wish I would have stayed longer than the year and a half that I was there, but I learned so much from you. You told me once that this was not just a place to work, but a family.
Thank you brother and I know you will be looking out for all of us.
Patrolman Rick W. Folk
Oxford Police Department
January 21, 2005
To the family of Sheriff Samuels and the law enforcement officers of the Greenwood County Sheriff Department I extend our deepest sympathy from the members of the Kinsley Police Department. As a police administrator you feel a duty not only to keep the public that you serve safe, but also the men and women that serve under you, I am sure that one of Sheriff Samuels greatest concerns were for the officers with him on that fateful day. You served your public well and in the end you protected the men under your command Sheriff Samuels. In the last few years police officers have returned to their roles as heroes to the general public. People often ask, if people think that police officers are heroes, who do police officers view as their heroes. Any cop in the world will tell you that Sheriff Matt Samuels is their hero, and he is surely mine. Rest in Peace brother, we will take it from here.
Police Chief Tom Burns
Kinsley Police Department, Ks
January 21, 2005
I thank you Matt for the opportunity to have worked along side of you on several cases and for the conversation at training classes, we will all miss you. My heart goes out to your family and friends, Rest in Peace My Brother Officer.
Undersheriff Bill Miles
Osage County Sheriff's Office
January 21, 2005
My thoughts and prayers are with the Samuels family during this difficult time. I grew up in Greenwood county and for the past few years got to enjoy many rounds of golf with Matt and his son. Their family is as good as it gets. Matt you'll be truly missed. RIP....... P.S. Maybe God can help you straighten that slice out.
Greenwood County Resident
January 21, 2005
The men and women of the Cameron, MO Police Department thank you for your service and the ultimate sacrifice you made for others to be safe. Until we meet again brother.
May this bring comfort you your family (personal and professional) during this difficult time.
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun
Author Unknown
Chief Corey Sloan
Cameron, MO Police Department
January 21, 2005
The Officers of the Council Grove Police Department wish to extend our condolences to the Greenwood County Sheriffs Department and to the family of Sheriff Matt Samuels
Sgt. J. Stone
Council Grove Police Department
January 21, 2005
My fiancée, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in southeast Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Matt did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Matt be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Sheriff Samuels' family, friends, and co-workers must be feeling. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his wife. No one can truly understand the pain of our loss until they've walked in our shoes. I wish I could give you a few words of wisdom to help you through this tough time, but there isn't anything I can really say or do to make the situation better. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family and remember that Matt is part of huge law enforcement family. If you ever need anything any number of them will be there for you (as I've quickly found out!) From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain Matt was well respected and well loved. If Matt was anything like the Sheriff Dennis worked for in Davis County I'm sure he was an amazing man. You were blessed to have had Matt in your life, even for a short time.
Thank you Sheriff Samuels for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancée Dennis for me.
Peace, Love, Luck, and Happiness!
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)
January 21, 2005
Please remember the fallen officers we have lost. Remember the men and women who died trying to make this world a safer and better place for us all to live in. Thank you Sheriff Samuels for a job well done. Please continue to watch over us and protect us as only you can. You will forever be at our side and in our hearts.
For those of you who still have loved ones with us please take the time to tell them how much you appreciate and care about them.
If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.
There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear
Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.
January 21, 2005
I did not know Matt Samuels very long unfortunately. However, I was lucky enough to have him as a guest instructor during my fire arms course at KLETC. Matt Samuels was right there to answer any questions and would help in correcting a problem that I had on the range. The instructions and suggestions he gave me during my time at the range, I believe, had alot to do with how comfortable I am with my fire arm preformance. I also know that the rest of my classmates that had the honor of having Matt Samuels as an instructor feel the same way. He may not be here physically but he will live on in our memories. So on behalf of KLETC's 178th Basic class, I give our condolences to the family and other friends of Sheriff Matt Samuels.
Officer Stephanie Rowe
Udall Police Department
January 21, 2005
21 years of heroic service and now your watch is complete. May you rest in peace. My condolences to your family and fellow brothers and sisters of the Greenwood Sheriffs Dept.
Detective Chris Davis
Louisville Metro Police Dept.
January 21, 2005
On behalf of all the members of the Coffeyville Police Department I would like to express our great sorrow and heartfelt condolences to Sheriff Samuels' family and co-workers. Sheriff Samuels you made the ultimate sacrifice so that others may live in peace. God Bless You and all who knew you.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.
Commander Mike Brown
Coffeyville KS PD
January 21, 2005
Rest in Peace Brother, thanks for keeping us safe another day.
Sergeant Kenneth J. Steward
Calif Dept of Corrections
January 21, 2005
On behalf of the members of the Sutherlin Police Department, I send to you, our heartfelt condolences and prayers in your time of sadness. May your fallen officer’s legacy live on in the memories of his friends and family. Rest now brother, after a job well done. We’ll take it from here.
Cpl. Justin Marquis
Sutherlin Police Department, Sutherlin, Oregon
January 21, 2005
Often the reflection of a man's life is best displayed by the ones who cared most for him while he was alive and by those who will miss him now. If this be true, then Matt's life was not lived in vain. His influence and example touched many. May he rest in peace.
Gary and Janice Williams
January 21, 2005
It is always a tragedy when another brother in blue is lost. May god be with Matt's family and friends through this hard time.
K-9 Deputy Chad Harmon
Grant Co. Sheriff's Dept. (KS)
January 21, 2005
Sheriff Samuals, your dedication and sacrafice will never be forgottten. Rest well sir...
Tpr D. McGuckin
Michigan State Polcie #38
January 21, 2005
I would like to extend my condolences to Sheriff Samuels' family and friends, and to the men and women of the Greenwood County Sheriff's Office. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time of tragedy. Rest in peace Sheriff Samuels, your duty here is done.
Deputy Sheriff
Butte County Sheriff's Office
January 21, 2005
To the family and friends of Sheriff Matt Samuels.
"To Whom I Love"
by Isla Paschal Richardson:
If I should ever leave you
whom I love
To go along the Silent Way,
grieve not,
Nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk
Of me as if I were
beside you there.
(I'd come--I'd come,
could I but find a way!
But would not tears and grief
be barriers?)
And when you hear a song
or see a bird
I loved, please do not let
the thought of me
Be sad...For I am
loving you just as
I always have...
You were so good to me!
There are so many things
I wanted still
To do--so many things
to say to you...
Remember that I
did not fear...It was
Just leaving you
that was so hard to face...
We cannot see Beyond...
But this I know:
I loved you so--'twas heaven
here with you!
Bob and Carol Willliams
Topeka, Kansas
January 21, 2005
Matt, I never knew what being a cop was all about until you taught me. I spent eight years working side by side with you and I was amazed every time at the skill and professionalism you displayed. Compassion, even for the law-breakers, was something that came easy to you and you have left your mark on every law enforcement officer you came into contact with. I am still in awe of the way you told, and proved to me that I could get more out of someone by being nice than by trying to prove that I was the one in charge.
The hardest decision I ever made was leaving the Greenwood County Sheriff's Department under your command, but it was a decision made easier because you not only approved of it, but encouraged it. You always told me that you would never hold anyone back from bettering themselves or their quality of life. Once again, you not only said the words, but followed it up with actions. I'm sure I will never know the whole story, but the recommendations you gave on my behalf did not go unappreciated. A better boss, I will never have, nor, a better friend.
Sheriff Samuels was not only a superb example of a caring law enforcement officer, Matt Samuels was what being a man is.
May God bless you and your family. You have served your community well and your caring and compassion will be missed. Rest in Peace Brother.
Officer Calvin Schaffer
Boeing Security Operations
January 21, 2005
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Today, January 21, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Sheriff Matt Samuels who died in the line of duty just two days ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Sheriff Samuels' sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
January 21, 2005
God bless you, and may you rest in peace
Police Officer
Scituate Police Dept. (MA)
January 21, 2005
Rest in peace.
Officer Michael Walker
Tallahassee Police Dept.
January 21, 2005