Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst
Today is our anniversary. I thought this was going to be a bad day, but I kept busy and got through it. Marcie and I celebrated the good times and went out to dinner.
Malia and I are doing very well and adapting to our new life. We miss you every single day, but I know we will be okay. Right after you died, I kept thinking "How am I going to take care of her by myself?" It was almost sheer panic. However, I'm learning to deal with this new single parent thing. There are a few rough days, but for the most part, things are going well. Malia has been visiting family on the weekends (my mom, your Aunt Joy, etc) so I get to take a breather.
Today I went to Liberty. I tried to go inside, just to sit for a minute and remember our wedding day. I was surprised to find it locked up - I guess I'll have to break down and just go to a service one of these Sundays.
There have been two big benefits for you within the past month. Both were huge successes. Mostly, it was great to get everyone together. You know how hard it is to get a big group of cops together, since everyone works different shifts.
Speaking of cops, work is going well. I never thought I'd say this, but sometimes going to work is like a mini vacation. Driving around in a cruiser is a thousand times easier than taking care of an eight month old baby.
I'll write again soon. We miss you.
March 15, 2005
I think about you so often. I have seen and read about the heart break your family and friends endure. They love you so very much. This whole memorial is a testament to how much people love you and more importantly I think it shows how much you loved them and life. You have made such an impact on everyone's lives. Many people close to you have written how they see you in their everyday lives and think of you in their everyday lives. It is so true. You are everywhere because we carry you in our hearts. Maybe that's what people mean when they say life goes on. You are alive in our thoughts and in our hearts and always will be.
You will not be forgotten and are Loved so very dearly by all.
A Friend
March 15, 2005
When I look at the reflections left for Brandy I sometimes check Bryan's too. I seen that today is your anniversary and my heart felt so sad. Yesterday was 5 months since we lost Brandy and I know the thoughts consume all of you who loved Bryan and that will continue. As you know, it only seems to get harder and I thought with time it would become easier. Please know that you will be able to smile at your memories that you have one day soon.
Marissa, you seem so brave to go back to work and do the very job that took your husband. I know you previously had arrested the man that took Brandy from us, (I wish he never would have gotten out of those charges) it is scary to think now that he was capable of doing what he did to another officer, and to know that you are brave enough to face people like him and take them into custody, you are facing your fears and that is something you should be so proud of. I have a friend at work that has a son that is going through the academy right now and he was doing a ride along with DCSO, he said he was waiting to see who he would be riding with and you volunteered to take him. His name is Matt, he said you were so nice, I think it was great that you did that, these guys need to see that this can be a part of their lives and to know that it is important to support the families that this happens to. My heart is with you on this day and every day that you are missing your husband. I wish we could bring them all back. Please know we are here for you and your family if you ever need us. Take care of yourself and your darling baby.
Missy Pierce
Missy Pierce
Brandy Winfield's Sister-in-law
March 15, 2005
Happy Anniversary Brother!
Donnie O
Sergeant Donnie Oliverio
Columbus, OH Police
March 15, 2005
I haven't written you in a while. 9 weeks and 4 days have gone by and it's not getting any easier for me. Thoughts of you consume a lot of my every day.
I've passed the house you grew up in, on Hurley Drive, I see Mustangs on the road (yours looks better), I pass the Taco Bell I was at when I got the call from Donnie about how you died, I see Detectives on TV, hear about other Police Officer's dying in the line of duty (Atlanta, GA), I was at a different Station for work and there was a Steelers sticker on a guy's locker, I hear Led Zeppelin on the radio, you used to always listen to them in high school, I saw a Brinks armored car and remembered when you worked an armored car in college, we responded to an arson fire a few streets away from the old Riverside Hospital where you used to work security...the list goes on and on, everyday all these reminders of you.
And now today, March 15th, the Anniversary of your wedding day 2 years ago. That was the best wedding and reception I've ever been to in my life. That church...WOW, the celebration in the limo, the reception hall on a river overlooking downtown Columbus...the whole day was beautiful and amazing and soooo much fun.
And the rehearsal dinner the night before at Bucca, what an awesome restaurant.
Tracy and I came down to Dave and Busters for the benefit in your honor a week ago. We stopped by the cemetery on the way down...
Dave and Busters was fun, we got to see and hold Malia, talk to Marissa and Donnie, and spend some time with Carol, Ted, Greg, Stacey and Jenny.
Mark owes me a 12 pack because I beat him at a basketball game there. This was the same Dave and Busters you took Tracy and I to almost 3 years ago. That's a really cool place, I wish we could have gone there together again.
I finally left Station 18. They sent me to the 2nd busiest station in the city, # 7's Station. Yesterday was my first day there. We had two arson fires, it was a good day no one got hurt.
I wear my Guardian Angel pin that Kathy gave me after your death. Please continue to look out for me. As you used to say: "Good Lookin' Out." Donnie told me.
See you on your birthday in a month.
Miss you HURST.
Semper Fi,
Brandon C. Walton
Toledo, OH
March 15, 2005
Thinking of you, your family and friends during this most difficult time. Take care and God Bless.
March 12, 2005
We're all still struggling here. A part of me is happy that you are now safe and happy forever. The bigger part of me, obviously is still struggling with the 'whys' and 'what ifs'. I never actually believed in the old saying 'only the good die young', until January 6. Mark is still wrestling with the thought that you called him a week before because you were in town and wanted to see him, but he couldn't come because he was working. Give him peace, Bryan, and know that you will NEVER be forgotten.We love and miss you.
Kathy B
March 11, 2005
Dear Bryan,
I'm doing my best to take care of mom. She cries a lot. Some days are worse than others. She cried at the DMV because she saw a sign about organ donation. She cries at the bank. She cried at the dentist. She is struggling, but I am so thankful for all the kids, because they give her a reason to go on. I Love You. I didn't say it enough.
March 9, 2005
To the wife, daughter and family of Officer Bryan Hurst,
I visit this site often since my husband's classmate tragically died last February. Today for the first time I came across Bryan's and cried with every reflection. You are living the nightmare that every officer's wife fears and even so soon are doing it with such bravery. I am in awe of the strength and courage that you and all of the surviving spouses demonstrate everyday as you continue on with your lives without your husbands. It is obvious from the reflections left by you Marissa as well as your family and Bryan's friends that he was an incredible person and I am so happy that you have such an incredible support system. I was so happy to see that like my husband, he too was a Steeler's fan. I so wish they could have won for him. My husband had been honored to have been asked to escort Bert's wife at National Police Week in Washington D.C. as Bert's name is added to the memorial. While I know that Bryan's name will not be added until next year, I will be thinking of you and him. May the love and memories that you and Bryan shared wrap around you and Malia and bring you strength and peace.
Wife of a NJ State Trooper
March 9, 2005
The Buckeyes just put a hurtin' on the #1 ranked team in the country. Illinois had a 29 game winning streak and OSU beat em on a 3 at the buzzer. We watched it at a benefit for you and Marissa at Dave and Busters. I got an autographed picture from Rocky Blier and a Rocky bobblehead.
We had a great turn out at Pininis last weekend. Wish you were there. Your boys from 5 Precinct got me a sweet Buckeye jersey signed by Spielman, Tressel, and Vrabel. It rocks. I know you would love it. The coolest thing is the guys on 5 thought to do it in your honor. The fact that it was really cool is secondary. It has your class #95 on it and your nickname on the back. We have some cool friends. We will never forget you.
Ariana got one of your T-shirts tonight. I think she really knows what is going on. The other day she asked me about you. She said, "Why is Gump in heaven." I said, "He got hurt at work and he is with God and his friends now." Ariana said, "I'm not going to heaven yet because I don't have to go to work like you." She might just realize that my job, our job, is dangerous and sometimes we don't make it home. Her early realization of how life can be may benefit her in the future. It was really sweet.
I have spoken with several of your Marine buddies from Hawaii. I wish we could have all hung out before. They seem like really great guys.
Marissa and I discussed finishing your basement tonight. I am going to do it after Memorial Week. We have some good ideas and it should be a great place for Malia to play. Malia went to WV with Aunt Joy for the week. I think Marissa appreciated the break.
I met your boy AJ Hawk and Bobby Carpenter last week at Pininis. I told AJ how you thought he was awesome and always wore his jersey #47 to all the games we went to together. His girlfriend was touched by the fact that we had AJ's jersey displayed at your viewing. I told them it was your favorite. They were really genuine and humble guys. I wish you could have met them.
Brandon and Mark made it in for the benefit tonight. It was great to see them. Brandon got a sweet tattoo of your badge number. I know you would love it. The Dispatch called me the other day wanting to do an article on the tattoo Greg, Tennis, and I had put on our arms. The tattoo is printed on all the T-shirts we had made.
Every day that goes by makes me realize just how much you meant to me. I miss you and you can never be replaced. You never will be. You will always be my best friend. I am just glad to know you had such a great supporting cast. I hope I am making you proud. My decisions and actions from this point on will always be guided by you. We will prevail together.
I Love You Man!
Donnie O
Sergeant Donnie Oliverio
Columbus Police Department
March 7, 2005
When I saw you, Marissa and Malia at your mother-in-laws on Christmas Day, it is still hard to believe what happened. Watching Marissa and Abbey grow up words cannot describe how wonderful it was. I remember mentioning to you that has been twenty-one years since my successful transplant. All those people you saved while working at Fifth Third Bank will remember you forever. The sacrifice you gave to protect and serve will also be remembered by those who received a part of you by being a donor. I know the life you gave to others will be carried on with the love and devotion that you gave your family and friends. I hope that everyone who receives a part of you will have the success that I was blessed with. You will never be forgotten and you will always be a hero to many in decades to come.
Rick Stein (old neighbor)
Raleigh, NC
March 7, 2005
I'm just devestated beyond belief to come to the realization every day that youre not here. I see the pain in Mark's eyes when your name is mentioned.And, tonight, at the Fund raiser at Dave and Busters, I actually saw you, in Malia's eyes. She's so incredibly beautiful. It crushes me to think she'll never get to see for herself what a wonderful man her dad was. Watch over us, and give us strength.
Kathy B
March 6, 2005
Dear Beloved Spouse, Beloved Daughter, Beloved Parents, Siblings and All Beloved Members of Honorable Police Officer Bryan Hurst's family,
Again my heart is grieving along with my spouse every time we hear of another tragic loss of a Peace Maker's life cut short by the opposing forces of Life in Our Creator...
There but for the grace of God go I, is a biblical phrase that really rings true to us.
There is no distance in time with God, Our Creator, and I know anyone who is Truly Our Loving, Brave, and Loving Peace Keeper Is The Greatest Hero of All Our Government Leaders, as Jesus said again "Greater Love Has No Man Than to Lay Down His Life for His friends...We across the nations, realize that This Love Is Shown To All of us on earth, when Beloved Peace Keepers as Police Officer Bryan Hurst Suffers for us to "Maintain Our Peace."
Love, Blessings and Peace of God Forevermore Extended from our hearts to Yours,
Vickie Ellen Oliver
RCMP spouse Vickie Oliver
Nova Scotia
March 6, 2005
Dear Hurst Family and Friends,
I was scrolling through the website today and visited Bryan's page. It breaks my heart to know what you all are going through. My husband was a Sergeant for Buncombe County in Asheville, NC. His end of watch was 04/04/04. 11 months have past and I regret to has not gotten any easier. I wish no one ever had to experience this loss...but just know you are not alone. I'm sure Jeff was waiting on Bryan to enter the gates of Heaven. I'm sure they have a lot to talk about...both being Marine's. You are all in my prayers every day! May God continue to give you strength.
Tracie M. Hewitt
Tracie M. Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt E.O.W. 04/04/04
March 5, 2005
Yesterday, We had an extended roll call in your honor. Donnie was presented with an OSU jersey with your name on the back and some prominent OSU people signed it. I'll let Donnie tell you who they are. He will take great pride in that. It was hard for him to fight back the emotions, but he did like a champ. It was hard for us too! I want you to know brother, I ended my roll call with one word,"BROTHERHOOD" thats what it's about. We take care of each other and our families and when that time comes, we never falter! You will never be forgotten,Gump. There's been a tremendous ourpouring of support from the recent benefits held in you and Off. Foster's names. It's unfortunate that something bad had to happen to have the officer's came together like they have. I'm positive though from what I've seen in the last several months, that will no longer be case. I just thought you would like to know.
Your Friend,
Sergeant Steve Redding
Columbus Ohio Division of Police
March 3, 2005
God Bless you and your family.
wife of former officer
Douglasville, GA
March 1, 2005
Bryan We love you and miss you.Ithink about you everyday and it still seems like a bad dream. My only comfort is knowing you are with Grandma Monroe and Bev and they are taking good care of you.I got to spend some time with Malia,she is really an angel.I took her to Florida to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa.We really enjoyed it and Malia had a good time at the beach and in the pool.Marissa is doing a wonderful job with her.Malia looks so much like you.It is so hard at times when I look at Marissa and Malia and think about how hard it must be for Marissa.Carolyn, Ted and I saw Malia doing new things and we cried watching her knowing that her Daddy wasn't there to see her.I can't imagine what Marissa must go through everyday.I want Marissa to know we will always be there for her and Malia.
Aunt Joy
March 1, 2005
Rest in peace Officer Hurst. You gave the supreme sacrifice and are greatly missed. May god watch over you and bless your family, friends and fellow brothers in blue. Godspeed
PSO Ryan Erwin
Watauga DPS, Watauga TX
February 27, 2005
The last scheduled fund raiser was held last night in honor of you and Foster. I spoke to Marissa and was pleased to find out that one of her co-workers, (a 10-year-veteran) gave up his first shift assignment with S/M off to take her 3rd shift T/W so she could be with Malia more. I dont even know his name, but I like himn already. The Pipes & Drums played, (God that was tough) but they were great!!!!!!!!!! It was a great night! There were Officer's from all over who attended! Nothing we do will ever take back what happened on that fatal day, but it really has helped the rest of us cope with the stress of what happened. We do want to publicly admit, but we all know it could be anyone of us at anytime! Do us a favor Marine...Watch over us with the rest of the angels! (Just explain to them why we are so complicated!haha) trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love you Bryan!
Danny Jones #2079
Z-5 Emw
95th Recruit Class
Ofc. Dan Jones #2079 (95th Recriut Class
Columbus Ohio Division of Police
February 27, 2005
We had a fundraiser last night for you and Melissa Foster. What a turn out! The Pipes and Drums Unit was playing in salute of you guys.. Man it sounded awsome! Well over 600 people came over a 2 hr period and thru the night. We raised alot of money for your families. Alot of our classmates came. Our 95th recruit class flag is in the process of being done. Our class decided to have maroon (for your service in the Marine Corp.) and red (for your love of the Buckeyes) as the colors. speaking of the Buckeyes, last night at the fundraiser Donnie and I got our picture with A.J. Hawk! The "BROTHERHOOD OF THIN BLUE LINE" was together last night in your honor! I got a big memorial banner (from Terry Stewart 93C he does banners on the side) we had it up last night. I'm going to take it out to the new academy and have it displayed so officers and visitors coming into the building will always remember your guys sacrifice for us! Alot of people miss you! I miss you!
I remember the last time I saw you it was just after New Years and we were at the County Jail, you were on OT on a late arrest and I was coming in after I just started my shift. I had a DUI driver under arrest. My guy was running his mouth and you looked over at me with that bright smile you always had. You saw he was a drunk driver and very intoxicated giving me grief. You came over towards me and looked at him saying "Hey Jim when we going out for a few beers!" setting him off even more! We laughed and talked that night before you left the jail..Well Buddy I wish we could have had those few beers together last night but instead I had them with alot of your friends! I miss you... Look over us and keep us safe!
Officer Jim Gilbert
Columbus Div. of Police
February 26, 2005
I have a Hero,
This person is one who gets dressed for work each day just like everyone else
I have a Hero,
Who kisses their spouse and children before they leave for work not knowing if they will return at the end of the day to hold them once again
I have a Hero,
Who must confort the scared, console the troubled, and protect even the gulity
I have a Hero,
Who arrives to a situation where a child has been killed and must remember that the suspect has "rights"
I have a Hero,
That puts on a uniform each day with a vow to Serve and Protect
I have a Hero,
Who was killed in the Line of Duty today, and with him a part of America died
I have a Hero,
Who goes by the name of Police Officer....
May God Bless all of Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters in Blue. While we honor the lives of those no longer with us.-Your Brothers
Put-in-Bay Police
Put-in-Bay Police
February 26, 2005
The officers of BPD send their prayers out to you and your family. May you rest in peace.
Sr.Officer Jay Lawson
Burlington PD, Burlington VT
Sr. Officer Jay Lawson
Burlington PD, Burlington VT
February 26, 2005
I can't stop thinking about the times we had in the Corps. I regret not keeping in touch with you and some of the other guys. My chance to do that with you is gone now, but it has made me start to look for everyone. Me and John are still close, and I've seen Rusty and Skidmore within the last few years. It's crazy to think how life has changed for all of us. We are all family men now, with our kids as our pride and joy. I know you were a great husband and father, by reading some of the things written about you. When ever I read what your wife writes to you I break down. I think of my wife, and the fact that one day that might be her talking to me. I don't fear for my life , but I fear for the lives I might leave behind. Maybe some day I will have the honor of meeting your wife and baby girl. Maybe some day I'll get to come see you and say good bye. Watch over your brothers Devil Dog! My family prays for your family!
Matthew Slusser / Canine Enforcement Off
U.S. Customs and Border Protection San Diego CA
February 24, 2005
Rest in Peace Bryan, God speed.
NJ Officer
February 24, 2005
i am howard stevensons neice and i just wanted to say bryan you are greatly appreciated for the sacrafice you made! i am praying for your family i know what they are going though, god bless.
sovauhna ferguson
February 22, 2005