Pendergrass Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Reflections for Patrolman Christopher Lee Ruse
Hey Chris...I have not stop by to say hey lately but I want you to know that you have never left my heart or mind. Everyday I think about the memories that we had and I miss hearing your voice. I know that you are in such a better place and god is taking care of you. I know that you are watching over all of us, and you are with me everyday day. I will write soon, and just remember I love ya brother, and you will always be my brother.
August 20, 2006
Rest in Peace Brother, Rest in Peace
July 31, 2006
Hey dad I carey you by my hart everyday. Everyboudy says I am just like you. I look forwored to eveyday because I know that I will see you agean. I miss you and love you. Thanks for everything Dad. And you where and still are the koolest Dad and best friend anyone could ever have.
a Friend
July 7, 2006
Chris was my DARE officer in Elm. School 5 years in fact. He was a great man, I remember him very well, he was always happy and smiling and cared for his family tenderly and makes me want to do the same with my family. I miss having him around and hearing about his sucesses and impacts on peoples lives. He is a true hero to me! I won't forget the things that he taught me!!
Tabatha Wilson, ProCareEMS Comm. Officer
Former DARE Student
July 2, 2006
I just wanted to say Hi to you today and let you know I'm thinking of you.
June 1, 2006
Chris,I know it's kind of a late post but I just had some things to say. I was there that night in December and I still remember it like it only happened last night. I still remember pulling out of the Chick Fil A in Oakwood when I got the call, the most horrible call a Officer with 1 month experience in patrol could ever hear."Any available units, Jackson County requesting assistance 10-32 shots fired Officer down ,129 south at the county line".I thought for a minute, is this real? it can't be a real call, whose playing the prank? Cops around here dont get shot that just happens in the big cities. I was terribly wrong.
When I arrived all I remember was seeing a Jackson County Deputy holding his shot gun, pacing, looking in disbelief, wondering around and just acting lost as a whole. I remember asking him "where are the suspects, which way did they go?" Then I got my first sight of you. You can imagine the million thoughts that were going through my head...."I'm a new-jack I'm not suppose to be seeing things like this...not now, not this soon!" It seems as if I just blinked my eyes and when they reopened there were lights, med units, cops, troopers everyone was there...where did they come from? how long have they been here? how long have I been day dreaming?
Shortly after, myself and another Hall County Deputy were standing in the door of the med unit they just put you in. It's the hardest memory for me to forget from the whole night, and I saw it all... except for the incident itself. There were 3 or 4 medics in the med unit with you. They were all surrounding you and we kept asking "how is he damn it ...HOW IS HE?" They all then just kind of bowed their heads, turned and looked at me and said.."sorry man he's signal 12". They then shut the door and left with you.
The only other things I remember from that night was setting up the perimeter and hearing that a unit was 10-95 with the wanted suspect. I don't remember leaving the scene, the next call I recieved or ANYTHING that happened the next several hours of my shift. I did like many others, I played tough, I didn't cry, I pretended like it really didn't bother me. It was all a lie!.I cried, I wept! I had my wife hold me and tell me it was ok.
Exactly a year later I was invited to a memorial service in your honor. I remember walking in and thinking "all these people werent there that night were they, or were they?". I recieved a service medal that night from your department and I were it every day I put on my uniform for YOU and your memory. It's amazing the things a human mind will remember and the things it forgets. I know I will always remember that night Chris, it was a point of final I really want to be a cop or not? Well I am still here and the decision has been made.
Chris ,I wish your family the best and hope them all the best wishes and love. I hope your brothers at the PD are doing well for I know how difficult it is to loose a brother (Tim White H.C.S.O.419 R.I.P.). Again, sorry for taking so long to post all this but I couldn't put it off any longer.May you rest in peace and please keep an eye on all of us fellow Officers still here fighting the fight every day. Good bye and God speed.
Deputy Chris McNeill 414
Hall County Sheriff Dept.
May 30, 2006
Thinking of you always, I went to your grave today to say hi.
You didn't answer, but I knew you were there. I miss you and love you brother.
Happy Memeorial day, you served our Country well and your citizens well.
May 28, 2006
I try to think of what you would have wanted, but to me life in prison doesn't seem fair. This person made your wife a widow and your children without their father for the rest of their lives. And while it may be under different circumstances, he can still see his family. He can still live to see another christams or tell his mom Happy Birthday. My philosophy has always been lex talonis-eye for an eye. I try and keep in mind that we should forgive those who trespass against us, but sometimes it's easier said than done. I pray that God be with your friends and family. You are still loved, missed, and remembered.
a friend
April 12, 2006
Justice has now been served. You will still always be in our hearts and on our minds. God bless and keep your family.
Lt. K. Schmitt
Winder Police Department
April 12, 2006
Patrolman Ruse,
The Paper said today that your killer will be in jail for the rest of his life...its a small consulation for your family I am sure. Please know that you will be thought of forever as a Hero, and he will be thought of no more. We will keep you memory alive.
To Patrolman Ruse's Family..
Please know that we are thinking of you, just because the system has taken care of this Killer, does not change the fact that you miss your dad, husband, and son everyday. Know that he is with you everyday, he is the whisper in the wind...and he will always love you.
Citizen of Georgia
April 12, 2006
Well they say that "Time heals all wounds" but I feel that deep burning in my heart since you have been gone.
Thank You for everything!!
April 6, 2006
It's been a year and almost 3 months since that horrible night. I really don't know what to say but i miss you. I went to Washington D.C. to see your name on the wall. I try to talk about how great of a man you are to everyone that I know. They all would tell me that they have met you or heard of who you are at least once. They would always be smiling when they talked about you. Love you forever and you will always be in my heart.
a good friend
March 21, 2006
Thank you for all of your hard work, and inspiring me to become an officer.
The policeman stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry a badge
can't always be a saint."
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at time I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't I'll understand.
There was a silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgement of his god.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've born your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell"
Deputy David Witte
Barrow County Sheriff County
February 27, 2006
chris at the time of your passing i was nothing more then a detention officer i was working the night you called in to 911 over the radio and asked if anyone had a bus my heart dropped i just knew my slow night was ruined you where always smiling and a great person to be around the news of your passing was hard for me i had not been in law enforcement that long and i would have to say it was real hard to return to work not that i had ever changed my mind about the job but having to see the people accused in person it was so hard to keep my mouth shut and emotions inline it was hard to take food to them and take care of there complaints it was like welcoming them into my home when they had taken you from us it is truy a brother hood that i would not take nothing for i love you chris and you will always remain in my heart and prayers i will see you again someday chris and we can walk the beat togather until that day comes watch over us chris and we can carry on knowing you have our back
deputy r.williams
jackson co so
February 20, 2006
Chris I just wanted to say hello once again. I miss you and will see you again one day. I love you alot brother.
Jeff Whitmire
Cat Fish
January 29, 2006
I can not believe it has been a year already. Jody and I were at a basketball tournament the night you died. He was working so we heard everything over the radio. The minute we had heard what was going on we were on the phone starting a prayer chain for you and your family. Since that day we have visited and driven by the scene several times. (It is just yards away from my brother-in-laws church.) Please know that you are missed and that your family in always in our thoughts and prayers. You are loved and missed by all.
Mandi Spivey- Wife of Cpl. J. Spivey SRO
December 30, 2005
I know it has been a year since the night of your passing. Seems like only yesterday when we heard the news. "READY TO PROTECT.. PROUD TO SERVE". You made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe as we were home with our families. I know you never heard it enough, but THANK YOU!! We know that you will continue to watch over and protect us. Janeen and the kids are still in our prayers. Merry Christmas!!
A Friend
December 29, 2005
I wanted to let you know that you have not been forgotten. I am lucky to have work with you and learned from you for the short couple of year that I did. I pray for your family often. Thank you for your service.
Deputy Emily Adams
Barrow County Sheriff's Office
December 29, 2005
You have not been forgotten.
December 29, 2005
Thinking of you and your family on this sad anniversary date. We honor you and your sacrifice and your memory.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Officer Matthew Rittenhouse
e.o.w. 9/16/04
December 29, 2005
To the family of Patrolman Christopher Lee,
As you mark one year without your beloved Chris, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Chris was a hero and will never be forgotten.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
December 27, 2005
Chris, we buried my mom yesterday and I couldn't help but think of you and how much I know she loved you and your family. Please watch over her as she makes this adjustment. I also wanted to tell you when I drive by the cemetery that I always say hey to you as I can see your grave from the road. You are still such an inspiration to me and others, I'm sure and I just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you greatly. You're still my "uncle" in spirit and you always will be. Thank you for the person you were, and for the loving spirit that you are. I will never forget you. You are missed very much.
November 29, 2005
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who unlocked your car after you accidentally locked the keys and your baby up at the mall.
I was the one who gave you a ride to the gas station when you ran out of gas on that back road.
I was the one who changed your tire because you couldn't figure out how to work the stupid scissors jack.
I was the one who directed you safely through that busy intersection when the traffic signals weren't working.
I was the one who gave you a jump-start after you left your lights on.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who found the item that identified the guy who raped your daughter.
I was the one who spent my days off in court to testify and help convict the man who beat your son so badly.
I was the one who located your grandmother in the woods that night when it was 22 degrees and she had wandered away from the nursing home.
I was the one who loaned you the raincoat the night we stood and watched your house burn.
I was the one who talked with you for two hours about your son running away from home.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who held your hand, wiped the blood out of you eyes, and calmed you down while the Fire Department cut you out of what was left of your car.
I was the one who called you at 2 a.m. to come pick up your 16-year-old daughter because she had been drinking too much.
I was the one who knocked on your door at 4 a.m. to let you know your 16-year-old daughter would never be coming home again.
I was the one who did CPR on your 3-year-old after you found him in the pool.
I was the one who helped deliver your new baby when you didn't quite make it to the ER.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who got that snake out of your bathroom around midnight.
I was the one who got my knees and elbows scraped up fighting with the shoplifter with your carton of cigarettes.
I was the one who took your son for a "ride-along" so he could see what it was really like.
I was the one who gave you the right directions so you wouldn't miss that business meeting.
I was the one who stopped you to let you know your right rear tire was going flat.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who escorted your son's funeral procession from the church to the cemetery and cried behind my sunglasses because he was my friend, too.
I was the one watched over your place while you were on vacation.
I was the one who worked for you on Christmas Day so you could be off with your family.
I was the one who joked around with you after a train hit your truck and you walked away without a scratch.
I was the one was able to talk your husband into going into counseling with you.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who got shot when I pulled over a car for a traffic violation and the driver didn't want to go to jail.
Oh, by the way, my memorial service is at 1 p.m.
Will you remember me now?
An Old Friend
October 21, 2005
Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. You touched my life as well as everyone else you ever met, you were that kind of person. You really cared about the people you came into contact with through your job. I know b/c you told me. I've never forgotten and to be honest I'm not sure I could care so much for those who had done so little for me in return. I strive to be like. I wish I could smile as many times a day as you did, and I wish I could laugh as much as you did. Your life was short, but you lived live to the fullest. You never took a day that God you for granted. I wish I could say the same. I love you and I miss you so much. We'll meet again brother.
September 14, 2005
Chris I just wanted you to know that you are still remembered and loved. I know you are in a better place and watching over all of us.
Former officer
August 31, 2005