Wisconsin Department of Justice - Division of Criminal Investigation, Wisconsin
End of Watch Friday, November 5, 2004
Reflections for Special Agent Jay P. Balchunas
It is with a very heavy heart that on 05-15-06 I come to learn of Jay~s death. Please accept my deepest heart felt sympathy on your families loss. Jay was and always will be a wonderful person. God bless you Jay. Sincerely Joseph Rodriguez
Private citizen
Old Friend
May 15, 2006
Today marks your 18 month anniversary in Heaven, Jay. It is hard to believe that you have been gone so long - seems like only yesterday that we received that horrible phone call in the middle of the night. At the same time though, it seems as if a lifetime has passed since we last saw you or heard your voice.
We all miss you so much, especially the boys. They love looking at the pictures on the website, especially the ones in which you are making goofy faces. And Andy can't wait to pull the raffle tickets at the golf outing again this year. He is so much like you it is scarey - Bryan has a little bit of you in him as well. Neither of them have learned the drooling trick yet, though, nor has one left the other handcuffed to a pole in the basement.
God continue to bless you and perhaps send a little sunshine our way. It is awfully dreary here today.
A, B, C, & L
May 5, 2006
Just passed 18 months of you being gone. You are still remembered and missed dearly, each and every day.
May 1, 2006
Happy Easter, Jay. You are missed every day, but holidays seem to be even more difficult. Holidays bring back so many memories of when you, Linda and Dan were growing up...the excitement early in the morning, the trips to Chicago and big family dinners. We love you very much and know you are celebrating resurrection for eternity.
April 16, 2006
Happy Easter, Jay. I really wanted to get the Hallmark Rockin' rabbit and leave him with you, but he would get wrecked out in the rain. Oh well...
Love and miss you.
April 16, 2006
The first MU Jay Balchunas Memorial Scholarship was awarded last night to the nicest young man. You would have gotten along with him and his dad so well - I think you would be very happy with our selection. Both of his parents and one of his three sisters (lucky guy!) were at the Criminology dinner and we had a wonderful time with them.
John, who received the scholarship, ultimately wants to be an FBI agent, but hopes to begin his career in law enforcement with the Chicago PD after he graduates next year. His father, also John, is a mounty with the CPD. His mother also works for CPD and went to high school with mom (they were a year apart.) What a small world!
Just wanted to fill you in.
April 7, 2006
There is a line
the color of the sky
on a clear afternoon
There is a line
the hue of the ocean
on a bright sunny day
There is a line
the purest shade of a newborn's eyes
awakening for the first time
There is a line
that protects us from harm
in all we do
whether day or night
There is a line
no one can penetrate
no one can alleviate
There is a line
made of those who choose
to follow a calling many do not hear
and still more do not comprehend
They choose to walk
the path of fear, hate, and mistrust
taken by so few
but marked by so many
And when one leaves this line
they leave a legacy
but the line does not break
for the remaining must still protect
There may be emptiness
a loss, or sadness
but never a hole
not in this line
This line that holds
the ghosts of the souls who have gone
and the souls of the ghosts who will be
The Thin Blue Line
March 25, 2006
A hero is not made by circumstance, a hero is born.
March 25, 2006
It is clear to all by the many reflections left by Jay's family, friends and many who never even met him, that Jay was a remarkable young man. Having known him personally, I can attest to that fact.
Jay became the person he was due to his upbringing. Jay, and his siblings, were taught the values of compassion, honesty and hard-work. He was truly a selfless individual, always willing to lend a hand (especially if it involved using his grandfather's tools!) and always there when he was needed, whether it was in the middle of the night, on a holiday, or he had just gotten home from his day job.
Jay was like this because he has remarkable parents who are always willing to give of themselves and help others. Thank you Don and Mary Kay for raising this incredible person, thank you Linda (and family) and Dan for embodying these same fine qualities and thank you Jay for having such an impact on so many lives. We should all strive to be like you.
March 25, 2006
Dear Agent Balchunas ~ Jay,
I had the honor of meeting Luann, a few days ago. Since that meeting I can't get you out of my mind. I think about what's happened everyday. How senseless how horrifying.
When I approched Luann she was speaking to someone else, but I felt compelled to speak to her and I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and I introduced myself to her. She shook my hand with such warmth and I told her that I was an MPD officer and had been following your case and that I had meet you on a few occasions. I continued to say that I think about you and the wonderful police officer you were and shared what impact you have made on my life. She smiled a beautiful smile, like she was well aware and already knew the inside information, and with tears in her eyes, said "yes" as tears continued to fill her eyes she spoke of you, how lucky she is to have had you in her life and how proud she is of you. It was evident the amount of love she has for you in her heart, it was brimming. She was so humble and sensitive to the impact that you have made on countless officers, civilians and those that you love and love you. She continued speaking with me and then gave me a hug and left me with some words that I will never forget. I was so touched that I went home to my wife and shared with her this encounter. I wept that night. It has made me realize how precious life is and how much you continue to touch people from heaven.
I'm writing to tell you how your life and legacy of service and dedication and Luann speaking to me, a nobody in your life, has encouraged me as a police officer and husband. It is evident the reasons you love and loved her and she you.
Jay, I will never dishonor the badge and will always work with the knowledge that the best have gone before me.
To Luann, the Balchunas Family, friends, partners and those that love Jay:
Your loss cannot be compared to anything in this world. I wish you the peace that only the loving Lord can bring. Rest in the warmth of his love.
Know that Jay is still thought of daily and continues to change the world from heaven. He was a most special man and officer.
The family in blue, and especially I, keep you in our prayers as you walk this journey. May you all take Jay in your hearts for eternity.
LEO Friend
March 24, 2006
"I'll lend you for a little time, a child of mine," He said. "For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he is dead.
It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three, but will you till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and shall his stay be brief, You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.
I can not promise he will stay, since all from earth return, but there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in my search for teachers there, and from the throngs that crowd lifes lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain, Nor hate me when I come to call to take him back again."
"I fancied that I heard them say, Dear Lord, Thy will be done, for all the joy they child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him whilst we may, and for the happiness we've known, will ever grateful stay.
But shall the angels call for him much sooner than we planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."
March 24, 2006
Your loved ones left a reflection on my friend's page.
I'm so sorry they had to lose you the way we lost Pete. I tell myself over time it will get easier for Becca and for everyone who knew and loved Pete. It's still so fresh. It feels like yesterday. Today, we celebrate a year since we lost him. Your mother and sister were so sweet to stop by Pete's page.
Thank you for your sacrifice. I'm sure you and Peter are having a blast in Heaven together!
LEO Fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05
March 23, 2006
A Tribute to the Heroes Among Us
Our hearts go out to you and your families. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers. Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough for men and women who are heroes when we need them, but invisible, ignored, and unappreciated when we don’t.
You rescue us, save our possessions, our lives and our families. You are the heroes among us. You are always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we call, we just expect that you will come and do whatever it takes to help us. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring. We show our appreciation with low pay in many parts of the country, little respect, and indifference for the issues in your lives, most of the time. As young children, we want to grow up and be you until we get older and realize the risk isn’t worth the reward.
As outsiders, we envy you secretly. You have benefits in your careers that our jobs just can’t provide. Your work is not the same old thing every day. You get the opportunity to be heroes every time you go to work. You obviously love what you do, and you’re a family. You have a oneness the rest of society longs for. You care about and support each other. You know each other’s families, share each other’s lives. The rest of us face life’s trials and tribulations alone. You are never alone. You have each other, always.
It is our loss not to know you better. This world, this country, your individual towns truly are better places because of you. To lose one of you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We should be grateful for and to you, and honor you regularly for all you do for us day in and day out without a word of thanks or praise.
We should be ashamed of ourselves; and yet, you continue to do all you do for us in spite of our behavior, which speaks to the people you are. How many of us are willing to do a job knowing we may not go home at the end of the day?
Maybe one day in the future, you will all be recognized for all you do with better pay, and the community support and respect you so richly deserve. Until then, hang tough together, and God Bless You and your families.
March 12, 2006
"The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us." - Jean Paul Richter
March 12, 2006
There is so much love in the reflections to you. They are so beautiful. I pray that God continue to give your family strength to go on until you meet again.
Carol Espinoza, Mother of
Officer Isaac Espinoza, SFPD
EOW 4/10/04
March 1, 2006
February 24, 2006
Yesterday I watched news coverage of the convictions of the two men who murdered my high school friend Jay Balchunas. This tragedy never seems to end.
I hope however that this will bring peace of mind and some semblance of closure to Jay's family and loved ones. After all they have been through, they deserve it.
I pray that the spirit of Jay continue to watch over us all, and guide us with the courage, compassion and love that was so characteristic of this fallen hero.
I send all readers of this reflection blessings of peace,
Kenneth Kaminski
kenneth kaminski
February 24, 2006
They each got the maximum sentence for your death, Jay. They will be spending 60+ years in prison in addition to the time that they are currently serving. I think that is as close as we can come to justice for you. You would have been humbled by the number of people who were there today to hear the sentences handed down, and I think that Judge Hansher handled it very well.
I hope that you are able to rest a bit easier knowing that these two men will never again bring pain and anguish to anyone else's family.
We love you and miss you.
February 23, 2006
The day has finally come. We are all praying for you, Jay.
February 23, 2006
We Do Not Need A Special Day
I do not need a special day
To bring you to my mind.
The days I do not think of you
Are very hard to find.
Each morning when I awake
I know that you are gone.
And no one knows the heartache
As I try to carry on.
My heart still aches with sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
My thoughts are always with you,
Your place no one can fill.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
There will always be a heartache,
And often a silent tear,
But always a precious memory
Of the days when you were here.
If tears could make a staricase,
And heartaches make a lane,
I'd walk the path to Heaven
And bring you home again.
I hold you close within my heart,
And there you will remain,
To walk with me throughout life
Until we meet again.
(Author Unknown)
February 9, 2006
Hi Jay,
I saw Miss Chause tonight and she of course asked about you. She was very relieved to hear that both men who took your life have been convicted and hopes (as we all do) that they will never again be free men. Just wanted to let you know that some things never change - you have always been her favorite!
Love ya, Linda
February 2, 2006
Well Jay, it appears that the court battle may finally be over! Bolden was found guilty on all 4 counts today, the most important being the felony murder charge that pertained to your case. He and Reynolds will be sentenced together on February 23, and both can spend the rest of their days rotting in a prison cell. Obviously no amount of time will bring you back to us, but we can hope that they will never again be free men.
Hopefully you can rest easier knowing that the 2 men responsible for your death have been convicted and justice will be served...in time anyway, when they meet their maker.
We love you and miss you tons.
A, B, C and L
January 30, 2006
He was yours to give,
and yours to call home,
please stand by his brothers,
so they don't feel alone,
dry the tears of his family,
so they clearly see:
that he gave his all,
so all could have peace.
Blessed are they,
the children of God,
with heavy hearts,
and honor-they trod,
to pay their respects,
to give their salute,
and to ask for your mercy,
on heroes in Blue.
January 21, 2006
Happy 36th birthday, Jay. We love you and miss you. You will never be forgotten and will live in our hearts forever.
January 18, 2006
Hi Uncle Jay,
Happy birthday! We love you and miss you so much. It is not fair that you aren't here with us anymore.
Andy and Bryan
January 18, 2006