Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

We put up the Christmas Tree tonight. Landon is so excited. He thinks Santa Clause will come tonight and leave presents under the tree. I tried to explain it was still a few weeks away. We switched to all Blue Lights this year and it looks wonderful.

I went to the cemetary today, there was another funeral so I didn't make it back to see you. I think it was Trevor's funeral. We went to his calling hours, he shared a birthday with you. All the pictures reminded me of our life together. I am not sure if you knew him or not but he would of been hunting with the same party you planned on hunting with. I talked to John and he is devastated. Watch over John, let him know you are still with him.

I looked over the plans for your headstone. It will be beautiful. Nothing can do your life justice though. Here is the poem I chose for it, Janice Harper wrote it for you and made an obituary card...

True Love Never Dies

I cruised the freeways, far and near,
and patrolled the highways long.
I assisted those in need of help,
and tried to right the wrongs.

I knew my job put me at risk,
thus faith came into call;
I never drove without the Lord.
He was with me through it all.

I didn't want to leave you,
but God said that I must go.
So, I held your love inside me,
and let my spirit flow.

Tell my family, and my friends,
that everything's okay;
Up here a deputy uses wings,
to cruise the Great Highway.

Teach my children to be proud,
and to not live life in fear.
Tell them Daddy's still on watch,
and that I am always near.

And you, dear wife, remember, please
that true love never dies.
What lives today, within the heart,
lives on in Paradise.

Good night dear. Keep watch over us. Wish I could say see you in the morning....I love you, I miss you.


Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy

December 7, 2004


Just want you to know I've been thinking about you. Rick and I went Christmas shopping yesterday. When we were at the mall I saw a Columbus Police officer across the mall and he looked so much like you, I couldn't believe it...we made it outside the mall and I totally lost it. Rick was upset too, he couldn't believe how much he looked like you, he said he misses having you around. You know all you cops have to have the bald head thing going on and this guy was tall and was smiling from ear to ear just like you used to do. Mom and I bought a wreath for you today for Christmas, I'd rather be buying you a gift. I saw these template covers for nextels that was a Jarrett "88" one, you would have had that for sure. I was at work today and had to pull a chart for a patient, her last name was Williams and I went straight to your chart, it was so weird I pulled it out and looked through it. I was looking at your biopsy notes and remembered taking off your mole. I can still picture that to this day. It was cool. I found your x-ray in your chart I forgot you still had your wisdom teeth. Your big mouth was big enough to fit those wisdom teeth right in there!! I'm going to keep that x-ray for the boys so they can see it one day. I figure they will think it's pretty cool to see what their dad's teeth looked like on an x-ray. You know where they got their gap from and all. You know I was talking to mom about that and all the crap Mike used to tease you about with that gap, I never remembered or got the chance to tell you, when Mom first met Mike, he had a big gap in his front teeth too, but he got braces to fix them. I wish you could have known that so you could have dogged him right back. We were remembering the night Rick, you me and Sara were in our car and mom and
ike were behind us and as we exited off our ramp home and mom and Mike continued how Mike 2-wayed in and said bye to Sara and I in his "little way" (we all know what he said) how funny that was. You and Rick laughed so hard. That was a good one. Well as I sign off I just want you to know that I can still picture your smiling face the day we went out for Mom's 50th birthday...Sara said to me "Missy, did you see Brandy's shirt?" You were wearing the Law Enforcement for Bush shirt and I said Is that the one you got in trouble for and you just smiled at me ear to ear. That is how I remember you, that picture implanted in my mind, I just hope I can hold it there forever, thats how I always want to remember you smiling ear to ear. So you know... I'm going to start writing all our great memories down for Sara, Landon and Tyler so they will know what fun we all had, how lucky they are to have you as a dad. We won't ever forget and we will pass them down to the boys so they can enjoy them like we do. Miss you like crazy. Love you always,

Mis I

Brandy's Sister-in-law

December 6, 2004

Hey Brother, we were sitting here reading all the thoughts about you. C-DUB and I thought we would just leave a little note together and just tell you that we LOVE YOU and miss you!

Love, Matt & Cory


December 5, 2004


I don't know you, but we share something in common. Our 29 year old husbands gave it all and I can tell you are, as well as I am, proud of their accomplishments. I unfortunately didn't have children. They weren't part of our plans at this time. Stay strong for yours. Your husband will forever live in both. Duke and I were still teenagers when we started dating. My entire adulthood was spent with my one and only true love, my Prince Charming. Like you and your husband, we still had so many dreams to fulfill. May you and your family find peace and comfort during this holiday season and always until you can be reunited with your husband once again.

Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

December 4, 2004

Tonight is the FOP Christmas party. I am about to start getting ready. I have thought all day how we would get ready together to go someplace nice. I would have to dress you wouldn't wear thick black socks made for boots with your dress pants. While I was getting ready you would always come up behind me and start whispering in my ear about how good I looked. Tonight I will get ready alone....You would love the pants I got to wear tonight.

Your mom and I were talking about the Christmas party last year and how much fun we all had. Your poor mom had to drive all us drunks home that night and we laughed all the way home.

Landon had a spare at bowling today. He did a little celebration dance, he wiggled his butt and did a spin on the floor. He acts just like you. Ty got mad when we told him it wasn't his turn. He cried and stuck his lip out. He acts just like me.

As you know another Ohio officer joined you last night. Take care of Melissa. Tell God to watch over her children, they are the same age as Landon and Ty.

Love you dear. We miss you.



December 4, 2004

I wanted to start the day talking to you. I miss those morning conversations on the way to work. Just talking about the night and the kids.

They miss you so much. They still love Matt like crazy. Last night when he called Ty got on the phone and carried on a coversation with him. Whenever we see a medic or firetruck Ty starts yelling, "Matt". You would love it.

Amber came over last night. As you know Ryan is working the road in your spot. It breaks my heart to see how scared she is now...I know it must be hard to let him walk out the door everynight. I told her you have to let them do it, it is what they love. You have to know that Bran is watching over him and if one night he doesn't come home to her she has all of us to help her make it and Bran to take care of him. I love hearing her stories about their "new love". It reminds me so much of us the first few years. When all that mattered was that we loved each other and that made us invincible. I remember the night you left for third shift and came home to a redecorated apartment. I remember the huge rainbow the day we moved all my stuff into your apartment. The whole world was ours to discover.

Well I must be going Ty just showed up and wants his mommy's attention, Cat in the Hat must have lost his attention.

Love you dear, we miss you.



December 3, 2004

I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to the family/friends/co-workers of Deputy Brandy Lyn Winfield.

Thank You for your service.

Scott Y.

December 2, 2004

I got to spend some time with Sara and the boys the other night. Landon looks more more like you everyday and Ty warms my heart. Sara trys so hard to make sure everyone is okay, but I can see in her eyes that she misses you something terrible. Her and I had a good conversation at the end of the night. My heart breaks because I can't take away her pain. Shes telling me stories about the two of you and I realized how much you two didnt get to do.Ryan misses your wisdom while hes on the road. He started third shift, I know your watching out after him. Im going to start on Tylers room this week, I hope you like it! Well I have to try and get some sleep. We miss you & love you Bran!

Im here for you night and day Im just around the corner. Love you.

Amber Tomlin & DeputyRyan Zempter
Marion Co. Sheriff Department

November 30, 2004

We all miss you coming into the post and visiting with us. You could always make us laugh. We think about you every day.

In just the short time I knew Brandy I knew that you ,Landon,and Tyler were his life. Every time that I saw him out in public he was with Landon and Tyler and you could just tell he was having so much fun. He always had a smile on his face when he was with them.
I hope you know that we are all here for you if you need anything.

Dispatcher Jessica H.

November 30, 2004

Thanksgiving was so hard without you. I went through the motions and showed up where I was supposed to be.

I went through some pictures at Mom's house. I cried all the way home. There was one picture of me on her couch. I am pregnant with Landon and you have your hand lying across my belly. It reminded me of all the dreams we had for our life. All the dreams I now have to accomplish on my own. I remembered how excited you were to become a father. How the night he was born you were so proud. You walked over to me with tears in your eyes after he was born...I don't remember what we said because I was too drugged up but I remember you leaning down to me crying.

I remember bringing him home and waking you up in the middle of the night to tell you he had the hiccups. We both leaned over the bassinet staring at him in awe wondering what we were supposed to do....We always figured it out together though.

This morning Tyler, Landon, and I were lounging around before we started the day. I turned on a Kenny Chesney concert I had recoreded. Tyler was in his diaper with a backpack on dancing all over the living room. I was laughing but had tears streaming down my face because I couldn't tell you to hurry up and come look at how cute he was.

Landon asked me tonight when we were going to put up the Christmas tree and lights. He can't wait. I told him later this week and he asked if you made our Christmas tree. He said Daddy was going to help put it up. It sucks to tell him no not this year Daddy will have to watch us put it up from heaven.

I tried to go Christmas shopping with Mom and Missy. I had to come home halfway through the day. I wasn't interested in buying anything. I know I have to do it at some point but it just depresses me. I walk into stores and see all kinds of things you would want but I can't buy them for you.

I will try to get back to sleep now...I miss you I love you.


November 30, 2004

I could not imagine what you are going through. All I can do is offer my condolences and say that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

You are so right about this whole situation. It really does suck. Things like this should not happen, especially to someone who had so much to offer. I just hope that some day the book that I made for you and the boys will help the boys see how great their dad truely was.

God Bless,

Angie Clingenpeel

November 29, 2004

Still thinking about you Brandy...
--a fellow deputy and friend

November 28, 2004

Mom got this card from a friend....this is exactly how I feel.

I'll bet you've had about enough
of people telling you how strong you are
and how great you're doing
during this awful, difficult
period in your life.

Maybe you'd rather hear someone say
how much this sucks, how outrageous
and unfair it is.

Maybe you'd rather hear someone tell you that you don't have to be strong
all the time.

Or that it's defintely okay
to curse fate and throw a tantrum or two.
So here I am to tell you
all that stuff and more,
to let you know where I stand,
which is right in your corner.

There's no right way or wrong way at a time like this.

However you work through this thing is immaterial to me.

All I care about is that
you ask for what you need,
lean on those who love you,
and try to trust me when I say
that you'll come out the other side.
Jeannie Hund

I say Jeannie really knows what she is talking about. I wish everyone did....

I miss you.
I love you.
And this totally sucks!!!


November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving Brandy. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as we gather with our loved ones today.

We miss you...

Ryan & Amy Caldwell
Old Friends/Classmates Of Brandys

November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving....I got the boys ready. They look so cute. There is a dusting of snow and Landon is excited he wants to go out and play in it. Your dad came over and picked them up early so I could get ready.

I had to get a good cry in before I go to face the day......I miss you. I am looking at our wedding pictures. God we had so much fun in Hawaii. I was never afraid to try new things when I was with you. You made my world feel so safe and secure. I didn't even realize that until you were ripped out of my world. With you anything seemed possible, every dream was attainable if we worked together for it. Now I am walking alone with our two little guys and desperately trying to find that sense of safety and security in our world. No matter how many people I have around me, no matter how much support I am offered I still feel alone. At the end of the night when the kids are in bed it is me with my thoughts....I know I will make it through this...I love you, I have to get ready now.

Love you,


November 25, 2004

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I am not looking forward to it at all....At least we will all be together and we all know how to have a good time when we are.

I took the boys out last night with CJ and Lindsey. On the way to the restaurant Tyler was tormenting Landon. He kept spitting at him in the car. I turned around to tell him to stop and Ty had a big grin on his face and was cracking up at himself. I started laughing. You would of loved it. I remember how we would just look at each other and crack up about something the kids did. Even when they make me laugh I feel sad because I don't have you here to share it with. I can call someone and tell them, but it is not the same.....Landon is getting sick he told me this morning that "I not feel good"...It was so cute, he is fine now and playing football in the living room. I think he just conned me out of some medicine....

I woke up in the middle of the night. I always used to call you when I couldn't sleep. You would say Hey Girl....I miss that Hey Girl 3 AM voice.

Keep watching us. We miss you. We love you.


November 24, 2004

Brandy, I never met you, or your family, but we are the same. I pray for you and your family, and wish them strength and want them to know that we all have them in our thoughts. Please take care of James Johnson. If you need a friend, they don't come any better than him.

God Bless.

Forsyth Co. (NC) S.O.

November 22, 2004

Bran, I am still sometimes having a hard time believing that you are not coming back. I was at your house the other night and looked down at your shoes still were you took them off last and cannot believe this happened to our family. When you are living life every day, you don't realize the changes that occur in just one month. I have seen so many changes in just one month now. Ty is talking like crazy, Landon is becoming a big boy. The boys spent the night with me Friday and Tyler was actually starting to count!! How proud you would be. And Landon, he spends the night with me without crying at all - as you know, what a victory. These are the things that make me so mad, because you can't be here to enjoy them, enjoy a whole night with Sara to yourself! That rarely happened. It's the week before Thanksgiving, I don't have a lot to be thankful for right now and I'm really dreading Christmas Eve. I don't want to sit at dinner without you there. I don't want to look at our stockings without yours having something in it. Last night, we were at the Blue Light Ceremony and I stood beside Sara and before the bagpipes played at the end, she knelt down on her knees to hold the boys and my heart felt so empty, I have the hardest time looking at them and seeing her pain. I know we drove you crazy, me, mom & Sara but, whenever there was trouble in our family, I tried to be the peacemaker and now I can't give her peace, I can't fix this. I know you will always be there for them, to guide them, I will always be there for them too. You can still look down on all of us and say "I swear, you, your mom, and your sister". We miss you Bran

Love, Mis

Missy Pierce
Brandy's Sister-in-law

November 21, 2004

Honored In The Rain

Brandy, I read Your Psalm
I found You there
With the real questions, You had
For Your God

As we drove You Home, I saw all those people
Unwilling to take shelter,from the rain
So inspired, by Your Honor and Courage
They felt God's tears, cleansing their souls

I found it so easy
To exist in that moment in time
The pure Honor that line the streets
It was all for you
Such clarity of reason

No one wondered why they chose
To stand out in the rain
A compulsion far greater, than reason
A simple choice to Honor a Hero

Brandy, Your life plays out in ours
You have helped us to become
Better daddy's, husbands, officers
All becuase You were just, You

You live on in all of us
I Honor You and Remember
I promise to never let you down
I find this overwhelmingly uneasy

Fall shadows Winters,harsh unrelenting cold
Spring finds life, beautiful, brilliant
You,Hero complete my Psalm with your direction
You find me broken and guide my goal

You have completed your work
You have done so very well
You find me broken
And give me hope

Hero, I honor You
I find in You
That special something
That Inspires Nobility and Purpose
And gives cause for us all
To Stand out in the Rain..........

"For then I

A Friend

November 20, 2004


My heart breaks for you every time I read one of your letters on here to Brandy. I can't even imagine how much you are hurting right now. Just know that I am thinking of you and you are in my heart.

To everyone:

I read in an article in a local newspaper about a Holiday Blue Light this year. Its where you can decorate for Christmas with Blue lights or just simply put a blue light in a window in memory of our fallen heroes. I know I will be doing this in memory for Brandy and all other fallen officers around the country. And maybe with this, Brandy's little boys will be able to drive around at night and see blue lights in peoples windows and in their yards and they will know it's for their daddy.

(Classmate of Brandys HHS Class of 95)A

November 19, 2004

You have such amazing friends. They are here for me no matter what I need. I know why you chose the friends you did. You knew they would lift me up and carry me when I needed it the most. I am trying to take care of them as much as they do me...I know you would want me to. I won't take no for an answer, but you know that.

You left nothing to worry about. You were so right we had accomplished so much in the short time we had together. I never appreciated it as much as you did. You made sure that everything was taken care of.

I think I am starting to forge a new path. Slowly, but I think I am finding direction. I wish you were here to share it with me. I know you are very proud of what I have done so far. I have so much more that I want to do. I am finding focus and know what I need to do....

The boys miss you terribly. Tyler is starting to ask if you are at work..he kisses every picture he sees of you. Tyler fell and his tooth turned gray. Missy said the nerves died. His tooth will be that way until it falls out. I guess it will make him look Tough. Landon is being Mommy's big boy. I have been so proud of him lately. He is really doing well with letting people least better than he did before. He still has that streak of independence that drove you nuts. He is so much like you. Sometimes I look at him with his big goofy grin and want to cry. It is like staring at you.

We miss you...
Love you,

Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy

November 19, 2004

It has been another rough night....I just plain and simply miss you. I have so much pain that I just want someone to hug me and tell me it will all be gone. I don't even know how to start to express it.

I have so many regrets and feelings of guilt tonight...I keep thinking if only....

I made dinner for the Lovell's tonight. Your favorite, beef stroganoff. I think Brian loves it as much as you. Brian says, "The little hillbilly girl can cook." No surprise to you. This is the first time I have cooked since you died. Dinner will never be the same at our house. Every time I planned a dinner it was always for you...what you wanted or liked. Something good as you were fond of saying.

I love you...


Wife of Brandy

November 18, 2004

I want you to know you so very much missed. There are so many things I want to say to you. I First want you to know how much I love and miss you.You are the best anyone could ever ask for. You have always been there for me when ever I needed an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. you were there,thank you for everything. I'm so proud to say that you are not only my cousin but, my friend.

Love always,
Your cousin
Manda Ann

Manda (Cousin of Brandy L. Winfield)

November 16, 2004

It has been a month now... I can't even beleive it has been a month since I touched you, heard your voice...I keep calling your Nextel to hear your voicemail.

It seems like just yesterday we were together, sitting at the computer reading that letter before you went up to get ready for work that night.

The reality of it all is starting to sink in now. Things are starting to slow down and I have time to reflect. I try not to sit and think too much because it hurts so bad.

I try to think of the wonderful times we spent together. I know you would want me to live my life smiling and I am really trying hard to do that.

We were all at a benefit the other night. I bid on an auction to smash a pie in your old baseball coach's face. As I did this I was smiling but I cried when I left. All I could think about was how you would be laughing with that grin on your face..the one that split your face in two. I imagined how much fun we would have together at some of the stuff I have been doing since you died. Everything I do is bittersweet. I enjoy some of it but not really because I can't share it with you.

I miss you. I saw the hawk again...keep watching us dear..We love you and miss you more than anyone can ever imagine.


Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy

November 15, 2004

I have never met you but I really admire how strong you are. Our biggest fear, being the spouse of a law enforcement officer, has become a reality for you. I am so sorry for your loss.
My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.

A Deputy's wife
Licking Co. Sheriff's Dept., Newark, Ohio

A Deputy's wife
Licking Co. Sheriff's Dept., Newark, Ohio

November 12, 2004

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