Kern County Sheriff's Office, California
End of Watch Sunday, September 12, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Daniel Lee Archuleta
Father's Day is a time to honor our dads. We honor you in our hearts and memories. I recall how special that day always was for you. How blessed you felt because of your beautiful daughters. I missed you soon, your children miss you, your dad and brother miss. Celebrating with our Father in heaven... how blessed. See you one day. Love Mom
June 22, 2009
Father's Day.... A day to honor our fathers. Thought about you today. Prayed for your family today.....and miss you today. Thankful that this Earthly Father is honoring his Heavenly Father.
auntie Lois and Uncle Nick
June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day Son. Wish you were going to be here with us on this Day for Fathers. Remembering all the Fathers Days in the pass and how much fun we all had being together. To day you will be sharing Fathers Day with our Heavenly Father. Love and miss you.
June 21, 2009
Tomorrow, Sunday is the last day of the month of May. I will be taking down my blue lights. We are asked to put out a blue light during the week of Law Enforcement Memorial. I put our a string of Blue Lights on May 1st. and take them down June 1st. I like to make the whole month of May Law Enforcement Memorial Month. Remembering you every day, and twice as much during May when we Honor All our Fallen Officers. Keeping you in our thoughts, and in our hearts each and every day. Love and miss you so much Son. Until that "Bright and Shinning Glorious Day when we shell meet again.
Don Archuleta
Proud Father
May 31, 2009
Another honoring memorial attended. Miss you still. Love you
May 12, 2009
Like your mom, I see you celebrating another feast at the table with our Lord. As much as I miss seeing your face and hearing your laughter, the sadness I feel, will some day be turned into happiness, when we all can celebrate the marriage feast of the Lamb...and see you again. The pain and missing you doesn't stop, but neither does my hope in the Lord.
Love, Aunt Patsy
Patsy Martin
April 13, 2009
HAPPT RESURRECTION DAY. I my heart I see you at a huge table with the Lord sharing communion. How blessed you are. I love you!!! Mom
Linda Mother
April 12, 2009
Easter 2004.... Our last Easter with you. I remember each detail about the day. Spent the morning at church. Aunt Lois made a great dinner. We had the egg hunt with the children. We have pictures and a video. What a blessing those pictures are. Laura's sister and mother were also here to share it. The girls in their easter things. My how darling they were. They are in a play this year at their church. I miss you and will be thinking of you. One day we will all be resurrected and be together again. Matt misses ya so much. If the eyes are a mirror to the soul then he misses you from way down in his heart. Love you son. Mom
Linda Mother
April 11, 2009
Hi Danny I have been thinking of you today and missing you as much as ever.Just want to tell you that we have a lot of new babies since you have been gone , I know you would love each and every one of them. You were always so fond of the little ones. I know you are just enjoying being with our dear LORD so until we meet in Heaven I will think of you often and love you always. Love Grandma
March 18, 2009
Just thinking about you today. I just smile thinking of you. I still miss you and still hurt from your absence, but rejoice knowing that you are with the Lord. I love to read what others have left on this page. It brings comfort to us knowing that others dont forget what a wonderful, funny, loving, silly, very silly guy you were while you were with us. How time is very short. I love you just the same, miss you just the same and cant wait to celebrate with you in heaven.
Aunt Debbie
January 28, 2009
Hey Dan,
I remember you from LASD Academy Class #313. You were sort of quiet, but I could tell you were also a very good and kind person. We didn't talk much, but I knew you were a "team player" and were always ready to help the other recruits out when they needed it. When I read of your death in a law enforcement magazine, I was really shocked to say the least. Thank you, my brother, for your service and for having the courage to pin on the bade. You will be sorely missed!
Police Officer, Darryl Erkel
Healdsburg Police Dept. / LASD Classmate #313
January 18, 2009
40 years old.....would you have been teased about that! We thought of you on your birthday, you share your birthday with Jesus, YOU WIN! You are missed deeply by our family.....and remembered always.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN
love auntie, uncle, Josh, Eliza, Micah, Ryan and Sarah Jane
Lois and Nick
aunt and uncle
December 31, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Son. Thinking of you on this Special Day. Knowing that if you were with us this would be a mile stone in your life. Turning 40 on Christmas Day. Not only would we be celebrating the Birth of Christ, but yours as well. But it is not so. For us you will never age. You will always be young. We will look back in time and forever see a young man 35 years of age. We love and miss you so very much. Until that special day we all look forward to when we will all be together forever. Tell grandpa to have the fishing poles ready. Love ya Son
December 25, 2008
Happy 40th Birthday son. I am wondering how it must feel to share a birthday with the Lord of heaven and the creator of the universe. What joy that must be. We miss you on this day. Dad and I have been looking at scrap books of past holidays. Oh hope precious our memories are. Enjoy heaven and put in a good word for us all down here. May we all serve Him better this coming 2009.
Love you sweet, dear son. Mom
December 25, 2008
Celebration now come on, were going to have a celebration with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Christmas and birthday must be awsome. Thinking of you as always as we get ready to celebrate Christ birth, but also remembering you. Hey you are so lucky to have such a great Christmas. Tell grandpa I said hello and take care of each other as you celebrate Chrit's birth. Love you and miss you as always. Love, Auntie Grace
Grace Shaver
December 24, 2008
Thanksgiving and turkey always reminds me of the things you loved so much. Like sweet potato casserole and the mashed potatoes that always were a staple at our dinners. I thought a great deal Thursday about our past holidays. All the tea parties Laura gave us to begin the Christmas season together. In fact she is having one today for the friends and family that live in Indiana now. It is a time gone by but thankfully the gift of memories are engraved in our hearts forever to be opened as needed. You remain ever loved, remembered and cherished. The coming holiday will be full of new things but your love for them also will be treasured. Love and miss you!!! Mom
November 29, 2008
Danny I was just thinking of you today and missing you as much as ever. It is so hard sometimes just to believe that you are with our Heavenly Father and praising with Him. Saw pictures of your sweet girls and are they ever growing and serving the Lord. You would be so proud of them. Until we meet in glory I will go on missing you love you GRandma
November 15, 2008
Couple days late, but in this situation better late than never.. Its been 4 yrs since i got the sick feeling in my stomach, the leader of the cousins is missing. but as i look back on all the times we shared, i wouldnt trade them for the world. This weekend is a COPS picnic, my girls and i are going to go with your mom and dad.. Love you and Miss you.. umtil we meet again.. I Love you Cuz
September 16, 2008
To the family and loved ones of Deputy Daniel Archuleta, his fellow officers with the Kern County Sheriff's Department, and most especially to Daniel:
On this the fourth anniversary week of your tragic death please know that you are honored and revered today and everyday.
From all the loving reflections left about you, I can see that you were an amazing young man and what a grievous loss your loved ones have endured.
May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire. You are loved and missed by so many.
Rest in Peace, Daniel. A body is but for a lifetime, but spirits and souls are for eternity and yours is forever part of those who call you beloved.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Daniel gave to his community and the citizens of California, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 12, 2004.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept. eow 4/24/05
September 14, 2008
Oh, joy! Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and joy everlasting is
yours. You are missed here on earth, but I am soooo happy you are with your
Lord and Savior! What a reunion there will be one day when you are reunited
with your loved ones. Until then, tell Jesus hi!
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
September 12, 2008
Again we gather on this your fourth year. We laugh and hug and enjoy togetherness. It helps to share love with those who love you. We don't cry as much but we still miss you a ton. We are getting together for dinner tonight and will release more balloons with love to you. We will have for dessert your favorite... Peanut butter cups and kisses. MMMM No Code Red though!!! :)
I miss your smile and voice. Love Mom
September 12, 2008
Thoughts and prayers for your family come from our family as we share this sad day, the day four years ago when Dan and Deputy John Gunsell of Michigan were both taken from us. Time goes on and so do we, but we will never forget...
The family of John K. Gunsell
EOW 9-12-04
September 12, 2008
Think of you often Dan, and miss you a ton. Sometimes I still find it hard to grasp that you aren't around, and what a loss that is for this world, for your family, for your friends, for your department and fellow officers, and maybe most especially those that never go the chance to meet you. Thinking of you still and always makes me want to be a better man, father, and friend. Look forward to seeing you again in heaven.
Your friend,
Kevin Kropf
September 12, 2008
I have learned that scriptures promise comfort in our suffering (2 Cor. 1 3-7). I have learned that helaing may not arrive completely in this life, but we must trust our lives go God's sovereign direction. I have learned that God promises that He will wipe away all tears in heaven (Rev 7:17). but until then the healing will be incomplete. I have learned that he will comfort my affliction (Ps 119:50)..... So even at times when tears burn my eyes, He give peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7) I have learned that even in life's toughest circumstances, we can with God's help have a measure of healing, even though at time I check into HeartBreak Hotel in Brokenheartsville, I don't have to stay long. Praise Him.
auntie Lois
September 12, 2008
What the past 4 years have taught me...We are all God's children "The day you die is better than the day you were born" (Eccles. 7:1) The angels in heaven don't weep when we leave the earth.. they rejoice. I learned that when we weep, Jesus weeps with us, He weeps for us. I learned that weeping doesn't represent a faithless heart, and that his tears gives me permission to shed my own. I learned that grief does not mean that I don't trust. I just don't grieve like those who have no hope!
Lois and Nick
auntie and uncle
September 12, 2008