Iowa Department of Corrections, Iowa
End of Watch Monday, May 17, 2004
Reflections for Correctional Officer Scott Edward Bryant
Happy Fathers Day! Thank you again for our two beautiful daughters! As I have written in here so many times, I get reminded every day of you, just by looking at them. They are a perfect combination of both of us!
Keep your Guardian Angel duties going, we sure keep you busy, don't we?
Catch a big one today with your Dad, I just know that's what you two are doing!
Love and miss you! Micki
Late wife
June 16, 2013
Thank you so much for bringing Brooke and her family into our lives, we will forever be grateful, I wish everyday that I would have know you so I could help sure all the memories with our beautiful grandchildren. RIP.
Tracy and Toby
May 18, 2013
It is really hard to believe it has been 9 years. Spent a little time today with Chris and your lovely daughter. Just telling stories about you and tipping a few to your memory. As will never be forgotten!!!
May 17, 2013
Hard for me to believe that it has been 9 years ago today that we had to lose you. I know that the Great Book is written way before we can ever know what those pages will say, but I really wish that chapter had been skipped! For some reason, today has been especially hard for me. Keep up the great Guardian Angel work! Love and miss you so much right now! RIP
May 17, 2013
Another year gone, another year that we're still thinking of you and wishing you could be with us. It's hard to believe that we're marking year 9 today. All our love, Terri, Mike, Molly, and Anna
May 17, 2013
It's coming up on 9 years since you were taken from us. So much has changed. One thing that hasn't changed, for me, is I still think of you each day. Take care.
Officer (retired) Kenton Cole
May 3, 2013
Just stopped by to say Hello! I got to thinking about the date and it was 29 years and one week ago today that a handsome hillbilly from Montrose came to sit by me in homeroom and ask me if my mom had forgot to teach me how to tie my shoes! I proceeded to put my foot on your leg and I guess the rest is history! I think we were inseparable from that moment until your accident!
Gosh, I miss your crooked grin and ornery laugh! Thanks again for all of the wonderful times and two beautiful girls!
Love you still! Micki
February 18, 2013
Merry Christmas Buddy!! I think of you all the time. Seems just like yesterday you, me, and Chris were either riding the Harley's or just hanging out. Always know you will never be forgotten!!
December 25, 2012
Its been awhile since I have been here, it just never gets easier going back and reading all of the reflections left by our awesome family and friends. I still have a huge void in my heart that cannot be filled, time will never heal this wound!
The leaves are changing and the nights are getting chilly, I just can't help but see your eyes and hear your voice filled with excitement in pursuit of another Bullwinkle!
Love and miss you daily!
Scott's wife
September 28, 2012
Happy 45th today, my friend! 8 years gone without you but not 1 day you haven't been in our thoughts.
Iowa DOC-Co-worker/good friend
July 17, 2012
It's been a while since I have been to your reflection wall, but that doesn't mean I still don't think of your everyday. I went to visit you tonight and while it is still hard I enjoyed our "chat". Even 8 years later, the little things still remind me of you and sometimes I just close my eyes and relive the memories. Miss you & Love you.
Scott's Niece
July 12, 2012
Year #8 - sometimes it's a lifetime, other days it hits like yesterday. Thanks for watching over us and keeping us safe. Watch over your baby girl this weekend; we know you'll be walking down the aisle right beside her. Luv ya, Scotty!
Sister in Law
May 17, 2012
Dear Scott,
Another year that has passed so quickly... hard to believe tomorrow is the 17th again. You are loved and missed as much today, as the day you left. Your legacy lives on.
Love, Terri, Mike, Molly, and Anna
May 16, 2012
Howdy ole pal.It's pretty warm for this time of year.The birds are struttin' and talkin' in the roost.Crappie and Catfish are hitting good in spots.People are golfing and have their bikes on the road.Some mushrooms are actually being found.I am debating planting corn this weekend-yes in March.....Brooke Michelle's day is approaching quickly!Bailie Jo and Cody seem to be a perfect pair.Hope your live well is full & birdies are plenty.Wow-Almost 8 years gone.Tell Ed Hello from us.
Tripp/co-worker& close friend
Iowa DOC
March 29, 2012
Wating on that warm weather! Still in our thoughts my friend!
March 2, 2012
Scotty, my dear,
When the seasons change I think of you often. The sun is shining and there is a little nip in the air! We miss your smile and laughter!
November 4, 2011
About time for the run my friend. Gone but never forgotten, the Scotty Bryant Memorial run goes on. Watch over them as they ride.
August 13, 2011
Miss you, Scotty! As Tripp said, some days it feels like yesterday and some days it feels like forever. We know you're watching over us, and we thank you for that. Love ya!
Sister in Law
May 17, 2011
7 years. Where does the time go my friend? Unyielding, uncompromising and always there for your brothers. Today we remember the sad day when you gave your life for another. Thank you Scotty for being better than we ever could.
May 17, 2011
May 17, 2011
I still think of you everday but this day more that the others and replay thru my head what 7 years ago was like. I hope you and Grandpa Ed are doing well and doing all of the things you love to do. Life still isn't the same but I cherish the memories I have with you!Love you and Miss you more than words will ever be able to describe!
May 17, 2011
Wow.....7 years ago today ole pal. In some ways it seems like it was last week and in others, it seems like you've been gone forever. Time hasn't made it any easier for many of us. Your gorgeous daughters are grown and your family would make anyone proud! Your recent 2nd grandchild is darling, as well. We still often reflect on times our families spent together. You are greatly missed, my friend. I hope the fish are biting, the monster bucks are rutting, and you are leaving some birdies left on the course for someone else. Talk to you soon. "Watcha gunna do?!" ........Thanks for the watch.
Co worker-Tripp
Close Friend/Coworker
May 17, 2011
Dear Scotty,
Here we are again.... seven years ago today, we had NO idea what tomorrow, May 17th, was going to bring. It certainly all changed in that tragic moment.
We have learned many of life lessons since you've been gone. I think the most important of these has been to appreciate each and every day as a glorious gift and live it... I mean REALLY live it, don't just go through the motions.
We still cry for our loss, miss you incredibly, and laugh about the good times. Just know, you are continually in our thoughts, and even though we aren't together, we know you are here....
Love you,
Terri, Mike, Molly, and Anna
Terri Christenson
May 16, 2011
Every day we see your name on the wall, and in our minds eye we see your smile, your easy manner and remember your dedication to getting the job done. We remember your absolute joy at being with your family and your friends, you gave your life your all and you gave all your life. We will continue to try to keep the cup full (life and duty)and I know a few hoist one (the other kind) for you periodically, for you are never forgotten, Rest in Peace, But if you get bored keep an eye on us and whisper in our ear when things get hairy, like they've been this year.....And again THANKS!!!
And to your family, GOOD JOB and GOD BLESS you too are remembered.
C/O anon
ISP co-worker
May 10, 2011
Hi hon!
As I am sure you well know, you have a new beautiful granddaughter!! She arrived on Monday evening the 25th @ 7:50pm. She weighed 7lb 12oz and looks so much like Brooke!! She has dark hair, lots of it, and dark eyes that I think will be brown, just like yours! I just know you would be such a proud Grandpa!! We sure miss and love you each and every day!
We are celebrating Bailie Jo's 19th birthday today! Wow! She sure is a spitting image of you!!
Missing you!! Love, Me
Scott's past wife
April 28, 2011