River Oaks Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Thursday, July 29, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Nathan Ray Laurie
Hey Old Man, Well another birthday has come and yet its just another day without you. Things are going pretty good here for the most part. I miss you and Love you.......Bryan
Bryan laurie- Son of Fallen Officer
Nathan Laurie EOW 7-29-04
November 10, 2009
loving wife
shirlene laurie
November 10, 2009
Happy Birthday old man! I wish you were here with us so we can help you celebrate! Well we went to the 8th annual Guns and Hoses boxing tournament on Saturday, the police officers won back the trophy. It was a very good night; I just want to thank you so much for watching over us. I love and miss you so much! Love always your little girl Katy
Katy Meador
Daughter of Officer Laurie EOW 7-29-04
November 9, 2009
loving wife
shirlene laurie
November 5, 2009
Hey dad well today would have been yours and mom’s anniversary, wow 30 years together! I know moms going to have a hard day but we are all going to be there for her, I love and miss you so much! Love always your little girl, Katy
Katy Meador
Daughter Of Officer Laurie
October 20, 2009
"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes."
As I read this quote I thought of you and Bryan instantly... You raised an excellent son who has achieved excellence in life! He follows in your footsteps in so many ways... I know you have watched over the years and you continue to be proud of him through his journey in what we call life! I just thought this quote was perfect. Tell my daddy hi for me!
God Bless,
Katie Elizabeth Van Antwerp
Katie Van Antwerp
Friend of the Family
October 13, 2009
Rest easy brother...
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God" Matthew 5:9
James Clendening
Glades County Sheriff's Office, FL
August 29, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. Continue to watch over all of them and protect them. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
July 29, 2009
Well, Nathan I along with obviously MANY other people always think of you on this day. Sadly, it is not how you died but how you lived..you know the saying. But I do always think of you. Strangely, I think of you when I am reaching physical exhaustion while running or training etc. You come to mind telling me not to quit. It is a powerful motivator for me. You always were! It is good to see your picture again and I will definitely see you again in a MUCH BETTER PLACE!
Detective Fisher
July 29, 2009
Rest in peace brother, You are gone but not forgotten...
Sergeant Chris DiToro
July 29, 2009
Hey, Old Man
Man its been five years and its still as hard as it was the first day. I think about you everyday and i miss you more and more everyday. I miss our talks and working on the chevelle together. I wish you could be here and see all of your kids accomplishments. I know your proud of me and your watching me from up above and keeping me safe. I love and miss you, Bryan.
Bryan laurie- Son of Fallen Officer
Nathan Laurie EOW 7-29-04
July 29, 2009
You are not forgotten.
Midnight Shift-Patrol
River Oaks Police Department
July 29, 2009
Hey dad! Wow I can’t believe that it’s been 5 years since you past away. It sometimes feels like it was yesterday that you were called home. We are having the annual memorial balloon release party for you on Saturday. It so amazing that some many people come to help celebrate you life. I know that you are up in heaven watching over us, but I wish you were here so bad. You are the best father a girl could have; I want to thank you from the bottom of my heat for everything you did for us. I was so blessed to have you in my life for 19 years, and I’m always telling my girl, that they have a great gramps that love them. They will always know what an amazing man you were. I love and miss you so much, keep watching over all of us and keeping us safe. Love always your little girl. Katy
Katy Meador
Daughter of Officer Laurie E-O-W 7-29-2004
July 28, 2009
hey nate in just a few days you will have been gone 5 years i miss you more then ever our 30th wedding ann would of been in oct i love you thank you for being our angle look for our balloons there coming soon love you forever and always
shirlene laurie
wife of fallen officer
July 21, 2009
Hey dad just sitting here thinking a lot about you, I wish you were here so much. I hate this time of the month; I can’t believe that it’s almost been 5 years. I still remember waking you up at night for work. You did not like that alarm clock. Lol wow can you believe that your kids are all grow up man time sure does fly by, I know you are watching over us and keeping us safe and I thank you so much for that. You have always been there for us no matter what. I love you so much and miss you like crazy. I’m looking forward to being with you when my time comes, Love always your little girl. Katy
Katy meador
Daughter of Officer Nathan Laurie
July 15, 2009
Hey Old man, its been a little while since Ive written anything, so I owe you a Happy Fathers day and a Happy fourth of July!!! Its coming up on five years and its still just as hard on me. I miss you very much. Love you
Bryan laurie- Son of Fallen Officer
Nathan Laurie EOW 7-29-04
July 7, 2009
Happy Father's Day Dad, wish you were here with us. we miss you so much, I hate the holidays without you it's just not the same. I Love and miss you so much keep watching over us. Love always your little girl. Katy
Katy Meador
Daughter of Officer Laurie
June 20, 2009
Hey dad sorry I haven’t wrote in awhile, I can’t believe that it’s been 5 years since you have been gone. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, well can you believe that I have two daughters I wish you could have met them. I have you pictures in there rooms and Remi always says hi papa to it, can you believe that Remi is going to be three this year. Layla is getting so big she is already 9 months and into everything. I love and miss you so much, love always your little girl. Katy
Katy Meador
Daughter of Officer Laurie
May 6, 2009
Nate,I miss you more now then ever.I wish you were here. I don't want to keep going on without you!I can't belive July will be 5 years.THANK YOU for watching over us.I know you see how big Zoe has gotten.Can you believe she is 7 now. I wish you were here to see Remi&Layla. I LOVE YOU!!!LOVE ALWAYS SHIRL
shirlene laurie
loving wife
April 19, 2009
Officer Laurie,
I know we never met, but I wanted to take the time to tell you what a wonderful family you have.
I met your son in August and since that day my whole life began. He is a great man and I couldn't ask for more. I believe he has you to thank for that. He loves his job and his family very much. I must say, when your wife first met me she invited me into her home with no questions asked. She always treated me as one of the family. Over the period of time I have been with Bryan I have been blessed to be around all members of the family. I was very excited and honored to attend my very first Guns N Hoses last November.
Well... I just wanted you to know that I am very exited to become a member of the Laurie family and I wish so very much I could have met you. I know you are proud of Bryan in all that he does... You were his role model... and still are to this day...
(p.s) If you happen to see my dad... Tell him I love him!
Katie Van Antwerp
Son's Fiancee
April 2, 2009
Hey bud. I know it has been a long time since I have left you a message. But believe me, your not forgotten. I think about you all the time when I teach at COG. I heard that Brian as to turned out to be a very fine officer. Almost as good as you. But I dont think he could ever get there. I ran into some old classmates of ours. Some that I have not seen in years. It was nice because we sat there and talked about you. We all started tearing up. We had to look around to make sure that no one saw us grown men crying. We all miss you. I bring you up everytime I teach. You really are missed. Please keep watching over your family. I miss you. Take care of yourself. I will see you again one day.
Officer Darren Burkhart
Pantego PD
February 25, 2009
Hey Dad, Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. Miss Ya Love Bryan
Bryan laurie- Son of Fallen Officer
Nathan Laurie EOW 7-29-04
February 17, 2009
Happy New Year Nathan,
You are not forgotten.......
Officer Marc Sweeney #136
Denton Texas Police Department
January 4, 2009
Hey Old man, Christmas was not the same without you, It seems to get harder every year. I spent this year with Katie's family. I love u n miss you. Bryan
Bryan Laurie
December 30, 2008
Dear Nathan,
It has been a while since I last wrote to you and just wanted to let you know that we think about you often and are comforted knowing that you are up in heaven watching us. Jesse made Sergeant and although I worried about him going back on patrol, I knew that you would be watching over him and protecting him each and every day like you always promised me you would gave me comfort. I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Love Always,
Veronica Rios
Wife of Sergeant Jesse Rios Rive Oaks PD #168
December 24, 2008