Delaware State Police, Delaware
End of Watch Sunday, July 18, 2004
Reflections for Corporal Christopher Michael Shea
I wanted to leave you a note and tell you that my heart is heavy for you today. My best friend was killed in the line of duty 08/18/04, I know the pain of losing someone so close and dear to my heart. I read some of the reflections that were left about your husband. There is no answer why any of this happended, but try to find comfort from those of us who have lost a part of our lives so abruptly also. Know that when Chris joined the department your family grew across the nation. You and your children will be kept in my prayers. It takes a special person to be a police officer, it also takes a special person to be the wife of a police officer. May you continue to find the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
God Bless YOU!
Wife of an Indianapolis Police Officer
July 18, 2005
Thinking of you all today and wishing you the best. Another milestone sadly passed.
Vicki Petrelli
MIL of NJ State Trooper Bertram Zimmerman EOW 2/05/04
July 18, 2005
In loving memory of Corporal Chris
Shea on the first anniversary of his
death. It is with great sadness that
we honor your life with a final good-
bye. Judging from these reflections
you were an outstanding person,
trooper, and friend. I know that void
will always be present, but may our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ heal
the wounds of our grief as we call
upon Him. Thank you for your supreme sacrifice. You are an inspiration to many. With love from
one coast of America to the other.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
July 18, 2005
Hey Chris...Just wanted to drop a note since today is the 5k run in your honor. Tim did a great job of organizing the whole event. Something he should really be proud of. I am going up with my mom, Aunt Liz, Jon, Kristin, & Deidre hopefully the weather will hold out.
I come on here often...and today I sit and can not believe just about a year has past since you were taken from this world. Its so hard to get over what has taken place. Each time I see or speak to your parents, siblings, Susan, or see pics of the kids my heart breaks for them. I know they are all doing their best to pick up the pieces but I don't think they will ever all be picked up. You were so loved by so many that your death leaves a huge whole in the hearts of each person's lives you ever touched. I know it does in mine.
Well I am going to get back to work. We will run with great pride today...and hope that we make you proud. Love you cous.
July 15, 2005
I am the wife of a Delaware trooper and I wanted to let you know Chris is not far from anyones minds. I think about him often as I drive to the beach and can not fathom the heartache you feel. We tend to take things for granted until the unspeakable happens. My heart goes out to you and your family and I pray you find peace and comfort in the fact he is not forgotten. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reminding me how precious life is.
June 23, 2005
hi honey...
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! has been awful...i am just gonna tell it like it is...this is the first fathers day without you, and frankly it stunk!...i took the kids to the cemetary to play with you...i know you know that already...lizzie kisses your headstone like the whole time we are there...she was showing you her belly button too since she thinks that is so funny...all i could do was heart just breaks for our kids all the time...this has been the worst "holiday" since your passing...i think christmas was easier...watching all the dads with their kids, just broke my heart...all i could do was offer to my children that we can go lay flowers and cards for daddy and play ball with him for awhile...of course, they were excited, and off we headed...
i called your dad to wish him happy fathers day too...he got really choked up, and seemed to enjoy that i thought of was nice for both of us...
rev. palmer from church had his "going away party" this was nice...i had a chance to speak, and thank him for all he has done for our family...i thanked him for the beautiful christening ceremonies he did for the kids, and i especially thanked him for his beautiful service that he did for you...i could not even speak...i cried through the whole thing...i will never forget him and how he performed such a dignified service for you in conjunction with the DSP...he let us do things the way protocol went, and welcomed everyone to our church...anyway, it was really hard to say goodbye to him...i felt like another piece of me was taken away...he has helped me through unanswered questions as to "why you?"...i will truly never forget him...
i know you are in a better are not suffering, just us...i think of you all the time, and long for the time we get to meet in peace my sweet love...and know, you are the reason for my going on...everything i do is because i LOVE you so much!!!
goodnight baby...
Susan C. Shea
Surviving Spouse Cpl. Shea 07/18/04
June 19, 2005
June 19, 2005
Happy Fathers Day Chris! I know how hard it must be to not all be together today on your day as a father, but your beautiful daughter and son know that you will always be with them.
Love, Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-04
June 19, 2005
hi chris...
today is father's day...just wanted you to know that we are thinking extra-special of you were an awesome dad to christopher and lizzie and i know that they send their hugs and kisses to you...
we miss you, shannon, rob, and caroline
shannon fowler
June 19, 2005
God bless you, Sir. You gave the ultimate. You are a true hero. Rest in peace.
Kevin Cannon
Brother of Keith Cannon EOW 5/4/05
June 1, 2005
hi chris...
well as you know it is Memorial Day and we wanted to take the time to reflect on all the servicemen and servicewomen of the U.S.A....that of course means you popped right into our minds...
we wanted to take this time to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your efforts in the Marine Corp...we know how proud you were to be a Marine...
we fly our flage HIGH and PROUD everyday...but on Memorial Day it is dedicated to all U.S. servicemen/servicewomen for their efforts and comittment to our GREAT country...
you are forever in our thoughts and our hearts...we miss and love you1
Shannon, Rob, and Caroline Fowler
Sister/Brother-In-Law & Niece
May 29, 2005
Hey Dude...Just wanted to drop a little note to let you know that we are thinking of you...
we went to D.C. for four days to remember and honor you and the other fallen officers...
you know, i went to this seminar and had to tell a funny story about you and guess what...i told everyone about the Williamsburg vacation and your trip to the "ladies"
we still sit and talk about that...often i may hear uncle jeff tell it a real he is so funny when he talks about that....
well sissy did VERY well in D.C....i was so proud of her...i know you were too...i want you to know that the balloon we sent to you was sent with love from all of us!
we miss you and will think of you daily...rob sends his love too...he is so sad that you are not here to "chat" with...i know how much you two loved to rag on susan and i...haha
miss ya dude...shannon
Shannon Fowler/ Chris' Sister-In-Law
May 17, 2005
I knew you and Shannon at St. Elizabeth's and read about your terrible loss back in July 2004. I stumbled across this website and was able to read your beautiful reflections to your husband. I am sorry for your loss and cannot pretend to imagine what it is you go through everyday.
You have experienced a tragedy that many hope to never endure, but please find comfort in knowing that your husband has touched so many people in both life and death!
May God Bless you and your children and may you find much happiness in the love you and your husband shared. God Bless!
Susan Baynard-Wierzbicki
May 13, 2005
May you and the rest of your family have a safe trip to DC. I know your husband will be looking out for all of you on your journey. I am really looking forward to meeting you although I wish it was under better circumstances. But we will all be there to honor our husbands and what a wonderful honor it will be. I will see you and all the rest of the ladies we have met through our tragedies in a couple of days.
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
May 9, 2005
hi honey...
oh gosh...where do i even begin?...police week is a week away, and i can't believe it...there is so much going on right now...weds. i attended the state police's annual memorial service at the academy...your name went on the state monument...christopher placed the rose on the was beautiful...sabina came down with kadin and went with was nice to have her there...
after that service, we went to leg. hall in dover for the F.O.P.S. service...again, it was beautiful and that was where i lost it...i tried to keep it together all day, and i did well until they played josh groban's song...i was done!
the morning started off with a hero's breakfast at the baycenter presented by delaware's chapter of the american red were named the 2005 american red cross hero for the professional rescuer/service category...capt. nolt, major hughes, lt. willey, and lt. chamberlain were there with me, and my pop was really nice...
no one has forgotten you, and that warms my heart...see, because you were such a good person, you are STILL touching people's is truly amazing for christopher and elizabeth to see just how awesome their daddy was...i will never let them forget that...
may 15th is absolutely going to kill me...not only it is the memorial service, but i have to bear the pain of it being our wedding anniversary would have been six was supposed to be sixty six years!!!
you know there are a ton of troopers going to dc this year to honor you...there are buses leaving troop really makes me proud to have been your wife...they really don't know how much it means to the kids and i that they continuously remember you, and make us feel like family...i could never truly show the fullest extent of my gratitude to them...among our tragedies, we have had many blessings in our are the most treasured one!
well, time to put the kids to bed...i will see you in my dreams, and feel you in my easy sweetheart...
Susan C. Shea
Surviving Spouse Cpl. Shea 07/18/04
May 6, 2005
Is in an honor to leave this reflection for such a hero. You, Cpl. Shea, are what motivates me to pursue my dreams of law enforcement. Thank you sir, your family in for ever in my prayers.
PD in the north east
April 15, 2005
thank you denise for those very nice words you said below...i think you are amazing too...i am glad that we have found each other...i know we will be friends for life...
chris: we went on the radio today with dan to discuss C.O.P.S. (which i have become very active in), and a motorcycle ride that is being done next was great...again, i got to talk about YOU and how WONDERFUL you are still touching the lives of people you never met...thank you for being my husband, father to my children, and the best there was...PERIOD!!!
and the note two posts down, i didn't leave that...i don't know who did, but i think it's a little creepy coming from anyone other than were mine, i was yours,and someday we will be together again...FOR SURE!...I LOVE YOU SHEA!
p.s...christopher and elizabeth say "hi da-da"...*kiss*
Susan C. Shea
Cpl. Shea's Wife
April 14, 2005
Chris, your wife is amazing. I really don't know how she does what we all go through after losing our husbands and our soulmates and best friends ON TOP OF trying to raise two children alone.
There was a reason out of all the widows of fallen officers, that her and I were meant to meet. We are so much alike! I hope that I can be a great support system for her.
I just know that Bert and you are in heaven right now talking all your cop stories. God, what I would do to hear one of those right now...I can tell from hearing about you from Susan that you and Bert are EXACTLY the same. The love of the state police and your jobs! I know you two will be looking out for each other up there and watching down on the two of us. I am so glad that Susan and I have each other.
Chris, you are a true hero. Although I did not have the pleasure of ever knowing you, I do think about you often. Stick with Bert up there. Susan and I will never let anyone forget about either of you.
Love, Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-04
April 13, 2005
When I thought I had your heart to keep forever.
Now I live with how it is, nothing lasts, never.
I'm never in a place with too much time, try to leave my troubles far behind. Everything I did, I did for you. Now there's nothing left for me to do. I'm never gonna fall in love again, the way I love you. You know it's so damn hard letting go... Standing here, holding my heart in my hands Yes, I am... Trying to live every day the best I can. You know it's so damn hard letting go...of you. Every day's a brand new start of a pain never ending. (Never ending)
I can't erase this lonely heart that keeps on remembering. (Remembering) Every day I live, I live with you, and with all the things we'll never do. Heaven holds a place for souls like mine. Try to leave my troubled past behind. You know it's so damn hard letting go... Standing here, holding my heart in my hands Yes, I am... Trying to live every day the best I can. You know it's so damn hard letting go (so damn hard letting go) You know it's so damn hard letting go...of you
April 13, 2005
To the friends, family, and all that were close to Cpl. Christopher M. Shea. It is hard to believe that someone so caring, so loved, so well respected can be taken from this earth at such a young age. Chris, you were a well respected person not only in Delaware, but all around. I would like to offer many condolensces to all that knew officer Shea. Your great sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank You for a JOB WELL DONE CPL SHEA! We'll miss you. May God Bless All. CPL SHEA: Keep a watch out over us!
Laurel, Delaware
April 2, 2005
I was out of town when I had gotten the news that Cpl.Shea had been killed in a car accident. I was lucky to get the chance to work side by side with Cpl.Shea when he was at Troop 5. Cpl.Shea touched the lives of so many people and for that he will never be forgotten. Cpl.Shea rest in peace.
Cpl.Derrick Calloway
Laurel Police Department
February 25, 2005
happy valentines day honey!...i love you!...
christopher and i laid flowers for you hurts so much that you are not here...we will never forget you...we visit you every day...christopher does not let me forget...which i don't anyway, but he is so cute...he wants to say hi every morning before school...we don't miss a beat!
Susan C. Shea
February 14, 2005
My thoughts and prayers for your family and friends. You made the ultimate sacrifice to serve and protect. Rest peacefully brother.
Sgt. Matthew Luongo
Delaware River Port Authority P.D.
February 11, 2005
I just want you to know that I still think about and say a pray for you, your family, friends and co-workers everyday. Rest in peace.
Mark M.
Newark DE PD
February 9, 2005
well honey, tom. will be six months since you have been gone from our lives...we miss you so much...i still cry all the time...i think about you every minute...i talk about you to the kids all the time too...
elizabeth is walking and saying so many would be so proud...christopher's 4th birthday yesterday was fun...i thought i was going to cry the entire time, but i didn't...i just smiled knowing you were watching over him as he opened every spiderman toy available...i wanted to be strong for him, and i was...i hope you are proud...
capt. pulling called today to talk about police week...i can't imagine how this is going to be...our anniversary, may 15th, is the memorial service...while i should be glowing with joy because it would be six years for us, unfortunately i will be extremely sad and lonely...i long for you every night, and pray that this is still a nightmare that i will wake up is a nightmare and i am awake...I HATE THIS!
please continue your watch over the kids and me...i feel your presence around me...i LOVE you so much and always will...reba macintyre's song "he gets that from me" is my song to you...i SOB everytime i hear it, which it is always on the radio right now...remember how we used to say new songs get way played out?...
well...i LOVE you forever...i check here often to see your beautiful face...
love always,
Susan C. Shea/Wife
January 17, 2005