Elk Lick Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Sunday, July 11, 2004
Reflections for Chief of Police Sheridan O. Caton
Caton, thinking of you as always and missing you as always.i wish you could be here so much is going on and i know you would get it all straight. rest well my friend. your ihpi.
February 11, 2006
Thinking Of You
January 12, 2006
Caton,Miss you my friend .
January 11, 2006
Brother Caton,
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
You’re Brothers in Blue
Untouchables LE Motorcycle Club
January 4, 2006
Caton, Happy New Year.I was really thinking of you last night it was a very eventfull new years eve.i knew you had it covered.miss you .
January 1, 2006
Caton, Merry Christmas we miss you.
December 25, 2005
I miss you so much Grandpa. Its going to be so hard to have Christmas without you here with us. I love you so much and I know you are in a better place right now, but I wish so much you could just be with everyone who misses you right now. My first semester of college is over next week, wish me luck :) Once again, I love you and miss you so much. Take care, Chris
December 11, 2005
Caton, today is thanksgiving, it is very cold we have snow and the wind is so strong. i just wanted to tell you Happy Thanksgiving wishing as always we could talk in person or on the phone. the other night 130 & 50 got called to asist 35 and i was sick till they got back it seemed wild but i was so happy when they got back. rest well my friend the other night i was telling Nathan the story about my black cat on your porch and then what you said in walmart. he was rolling and said that sounded like you .miss you .your ihpi
November 24, 2005
Caton,So much has changed in the last 16 months since you have passed. some for the good and then some not so good. I'm sure you know what I'm Talking about.Some of this i cant belive it has happened.I know if we could have you back you would be letting the people know in a hurry that they are wrong.But we shall move on knowing we have your support.i miss you so much i was out to remove your angle that i gave you this summer and when i got there it was gone i was so upset thinkng how someone could be so sick to remove something from a grave but then i found your sister took it because of winter and i felt so much better.I miss you rest well my special friend and know i think of you everyday .your IHPI
November 10, 2005
Caton, thinking of you as always. still missing you so much. rest well my friend. IHPI
October 12, 2005
Caton, I wish so much i could pick up the phone and call you . I know you know what is going on and i'm sure you would know what to do ,i can not belive this it so out of line.i have a few choice words to say at the meeting i hope i dont get asked to leave.please do what you can to help send a signal and let us deal with it.so many people need to talk to you about this we will talk to you are own way.i miss you so much you always had the right answer for everything. rest well and please send help we cant let this happen i know you would take charge if we still had you here.please know we all miss you i will soon be going to your gravesite to remove your stuff for winter and as soon as spring gets here i will bring it back i will stop and visit in the winter if i can get there. missing you everyday your ihpi
September 25, 2005
Caton, today is now 14 months with out you . someone bought your house and are changing everything it is hard to look at because it is not the same. i understand things have changed but it is still very hard. last week was very hard i was thinking about you alot. i feel like if they would just have this trail and get it over with we could move on i want to see this guy go down and rot he has no reason to even see day light again. please know we miss you so much and would do anything to have you back. rest well love ihpi
September 11, 2005
Caton,we all miss you and wish you could be here. thinking of you everyday . i saw Miss Congeniality 2and it was so good all i thought about was you and how much you would love it.rest well my friend you will never be forgotten.13 months and 2 days with out you but always the great memories no one can take that.
August 13, 2005
July 21, 2005
As this first anniversary passed, of this Warriors sacrifice, May God Grant His Family, Fellow Officers, and Friends, the Serenity to Accept the things they cannot Change, Courage to Change the things they can, and the Wisdom to Know the difference. Rest In Peace Blue Angel. Thank you for your Many years of service. God Bless your family.....
Officer Debra McFall Ross
East Buffalo Twp Police Dept Lewisburg, Pa.
July 13, 2005
Caton, It is one year ago today that you got called home. July 9th was the last day I spoke to you on the phone.I just got home after being at a memorial service for you I sat at Greenville waiting for the red&blue lights to come through as i sat waiting the raido played mustang sally i knew then you knew what was going on. It is as hard today as it was last year standing at your grave i have been out many times but today it was hard .all your brother officers had on thier uniforms and 90% of us others had on "IN MEMORY OF CHIEF CATON "shirts i was the first one there and the last one to go. My life has a void so deep i miss talking to you i know you are out of our sight but your memories stay with me day after day. the girls will be home Saturday from thier trip Kelsey still ask alot of questions and i answer her the best i can she bought herself some police books and one of them is in spanish not bad for 12. I washed Elklicks car today you would just love it .This has not been an easy year for anyone but please know you are missed by so many everyday no one can ever take you place .It is hard to let go but i know you are at peace and my life is blessed with having you as a friend and pray that you keep our guys safe .you are a hero and a dear friend . forever missed your IHPI
July 11, 2005
Dad, it's hard to believe it has been a whole year since you were killed. There's not a day that goes by I don't think about you and think about what happened. It still doesn't seem real to me. It may become a little easier to deal with as time goes by, but it still doesn't seem like it's enough. Everyone always says everything happens for a reason, but as of yet I don't see any reason why this had to happen. Who knows, the reason could be so subtle and simple I may never see it. I'll just wait and hope that someday it will all make sense. I guess the one bright spot that can make this a little easier to deal with is that you're in a better place right now, and you went there doing what you loved best.
One thing I want you to know and remember is that I miss you and I'll never forget you.
July 11, 2005
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun
P/O Dan Bailey (Ret)
Norristown Police, Pa.
July 11, 2005
Thinking of you on the one year anniversary of your passing. Rest peacefully. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and those you left behind.
July 11, 2005
Caton, Thinking of you today and always.I always think about the good times we had and i know they can never be taken away.i miss you .
June 11, 2005
My Friend
As the tears run down our face
We knew that Sherd could never be replaced And as each day comes to an end I sit and cry I miss my friend as a policeman and all I know I was taught by the best he was a pro I know Sherd would say don't be sad its OK just keep our streets safe for another day Sherd was a good Cop and made many arrests and then God called him home it was his time to rest and Sherd I want you to know to the very end you are my hero and my best friend
Ron & Rick
Ron & Rick
May 21, 2005
God Bless You Chief Caton
May 14, 2005
Caton,Thinking of you as always.I know you are in a better place things are not the same with out you. we all miss you so much .
May 12, 2005
Chief, I just wanted to let you know that it was an honor to call you in-service for your final patrol. It had more meaning than some will ever know. I still fight the emotional tears when I recall that day. I will do my best to keep our brothers safe as you did for me that night. I never got the chance to let you know how grateful I was for your help that rainy night. I'm sure you have heard my thoughts and prayers. I hope that someday we may share a patrol together again. Your memory will always be with me.
Tpr. Todd A. SHERLE
PA State Police
April 13, 2005
Caton,Tomorrow it will 9 months, it still seems like yesterday.You would be so proud of Kelsey she did a memorial window for the Maple festivel in your honor.She got third place.she said that was fine she really didnt care if she won or not she just wanted all the people to see what you did for our town. Rox let her use your duty belt,your hat everything she had from the crash. people could not belive a 12 year old did this window but you know she always said caton is the best and still is.Ron gave Kelsey a ball hat that says POLICE in yellow on it she loves it yesterday she helped move traffic for the festival and she had on one of her 4 in memory of CHIEF CATON shirts we are still getting orders for them.everyone misses you so much nothing is the same with out you. I gave myself to much credit the other day when Rox called and said she was going to bring all your stuff for the window i told myself to be strong well you knoow how long that lasted.the trail should soon start and i will be there what ever he gets will never be enough but i really need to be there nothing will ever bring you back but i hope he burnes i H---.as i sit and type this 120 has a call i know you are there every time i hear 120 .130 or 50 i know you are there.you always will be .i must go so rest well and please watch over all of us. i will write soon.
April 10, 2005