Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Brian Donte Winder

Baltimore City Police Department, Maryland

End of Watch Saturday, July 3, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Brian Donte Winder

Hi Brian, Well I am still crazy as ever I actually audition for Monique's Fat Chance... you know the big girl pageant ... Needless to say ... I did not make it .. but I still had a good time ...

Lorrie, Hey you and kids are still in my prayers and thoughts .. Continue to be strong ... God Bless you and the family

Peace To You

PED Shawnta Privette ~ Dispatcher 20

March 14, 2006

Good Morning B, I see that you are being honored at the upcoming awards ceramony. I do not think I will be able to attend, working..go figure. I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you, Lorrie and the boys. Love ya Jen

Det. J Rollhauser

March 5, 2006

brian i wrote to you on monday to tell you to welcome your grandmother of 93 years of age to heaven soon and she came to you on wednesday. it has been a while since i have written to you in this website. it is hard to write to you in this manner. i miss you as much today as i did on 7/3/04. holidays have a total different meaning for me know and forever without you my bear to share them with. you still take care of us from above as you did on earth. our souls and love can never be separated even in death. thank you for your continual guidance. today is your son corey's 17th birthday. i know you know that. go to him in what ever way to let him know you are still with him and protecting and guiding him. all my heart and love your lulu


February 16, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day Brian. Please send angel kisses and hugs Lorrie's way.

February 14, 2006

Hey B, just sitting here thinking of you this evening. We need you here more than ever. Please look out for us things are rough down here. jen

PO. Rollhauser

February 3, 2006

As was Robert Alexander, Brian was a schoolmate of mine. He also grew up in our neighborhood and was a fine man and pretty good basketball player in his younger days. Although two years my junior, Brian was as mature and upright as a an older man, and definitely someone that defined what a police officer should be. It is no surprise that he served the police department and defined what a police officer should be: brave, mature, and accountable. Thank you, Brian.

Allen Cuffia

January 31, 2006



Shantele Russell

January 26, 2006

Brian - Just wanted you to know that you remain in my thoughts. I still recall the last time you walked into the Hargrove courthouse. During your daily talks with Christ, ask him to send a special blessing to your family, the BCPD, the SAO and the people of Baltimore. Take Care

Art Wynn
State's Attorney's Offfice

December 27, 2005

It's Christmas B , We all still miss you Big Bro.
God Bless Your wife and children.

PETTY OFFICER Gainers Wells (Mann)
United States Navy

December 25, 2005

It is suppose to be a sesaon of joy and here we are dealing with another tragedy. I know our brother and sister will be in good company. I am thinking of you and your family this season. Merry Christmas B !!

PO. Rollhauser

December 23, 2005

My Brothers and Sisters, we have all sworn to perform our duties, impartially and without hesitation or fear. Our present duty, and though it be painful, is to pay a just and deserving tribute of honor to a Brother or Sister who has embarked upon that lone journey which leads through the valley of the great shadow into the sunlight of perpetual day and lasting tranquility.
These feeble but heart-felt words can do little more than remind us of the duty which we owe to our departed friend and colleague.
As he was ever faithful to us in the full performance of his task and the protection of those who slept, so let us be, my Brothers, faithful to him, ever zealous to protect and cherish the memory of his good deeds, forgetting his imperfections, and emblazoning his accomplishments.
As time runs on, in sun and shade, may we bear with us ever-pleasant memories of a hallowed friendship, a kindly feeling, and a deep respect for all our Brother stood for. As an indication of our regard and affection, let us pause and, in silent meditation, typify what mere words cannot express.
Let us pray:
Almighty God, be with us on this occasion. Strengthen us in a firm resolve to do right, to serve well, to be faithful to our tasks, to our community, and to our Brothers. Make us appreciative of the opportunities to do good and to lend a helping hand. Inspire us with a new devotion to fulfill the duties, which are entrusted to our keeping. May those who mourn be comforted in this sad hour, and may they be strengthened by the knowledge of Thy presence and Thy omnipotence.
May we be constantly reminded in the hours of the night, as well as in the brightness of the day, of Thy everlasting love and kindness, and may Thou guide us through this uncharted valley and bring us at last to the shore of the eternal stream, our ranks unbroken, to dwell with Thee forever more. We ask this humbly through Thy redeeming grace and power. Amen.

Ret. Officer William Hackley
Baltimore Police

December 16, 2005

Hello Officer 'B',
Been a while since I've posted anything to this area. Really miss you though. Your jokes, words of wisdom and your style of policing. Some of the things you said to me during field training, that I put in the back of my mind, really hit home since graduating. Things such as "Always back up your fellow officers, no matter how many x-rays you've got in the hole" or "Put down that Slurpee and drink water, I'm not gonna carry you when you pass out from dehydration." and of course "Family first, job second.". Those statements ring in my head now as if you just said them to me yesterday. Thanks again 'B' for all that you taught and showed me during FT.

P/O K. Jefferson

November 28, 2005

We ask Thy blessings and eternal rest to all our brothers and sisters
Who have sacrificed their very lives in the performance of
their duties. Give their loved ones the peace and
Strength to bear the anguish of their loss. Remove all
resentment from their hearts, knowing that eternal
peace and rest will abide their departed loved ones
forever. This we beg, Thy name forever and ever,

Ret. Officer William Hackley
Baltimore Police

November 21, 2005

Dear Brian, I think this maybe my last entry onto this site, at least for awhile. You know this really isn't my style to let everyone know how I am feeling. I thought that this would be a way for me to let you know that I miss you and how sorry I am for not being able to save your life. I think deep down inside, as a true friend you will always be with me and you know how I feel. This isn't what you would want me to do either, writing messages on this board. You would fuss me out if you were here and tell me that I am crazy. The truth is I am just hurting. Before I go I want to tell your family that I love them and that I will always be there for them. I want them to know how sorry I am for everything. I'll try not to be such a "girl" about this and I will make it some way. I hope to see you again in heaven my friend!
Love Always,
P/O Le Tanya Powell-SWD


November 15, 2005

Hey B., I just wanted to say that I miss you so much. You kept our shift going with your loud laughter, you wit and your wisdom. As a friend, I will never find another like you or another partner who cared about the same things that I do. I feel that now you are gone, people look at me with two heads when I attempt to "do the right thing", before I had you there to back me up and give me advise. You were there 100 % and I feel that I was not there for you in time or else you would still be here. I got to you 30-45 seconds to late and that is all that it took to change everyone's life who loves you. There is no excuse even if I was coming from another sector, because you were always there first before my own sector. This is something I wish I could get over but it will be with me until I die. I haven't been able to get in contact with Lorrie, and my plan was to be there for your family for whatever I could help with. This maybe her way of trying to live her life now without you physically here with her and I can only respect that. I just can't help wishing that I could do more. I'm not as strong as you Brian and I was just learning the right way to go about things through you, through my frustrations. I just wish I could have done more that night that I found you by yourself, maybe you would still be here. Sometimes I don't feel that I deserve the title of police officer because I could not even protect my own partner. I miss you, my friend!
Le Tanya


November 12, 2005

Well B we made it through the summer. Everything has changed around here. I think the change in the weather has everyone a little blue. I get so sad when I think of Lorrie and the kids and what they have had to deal with in the past year and a half. We miss you! I finally got a desk!! I have our group picture from Sgt. Yeaters last day right next to me. It is really strange, its like you knew and you wanted to make those rings and get pictures to leave a little piece of you for us to remember. We love you Brian and I am so sorry. Jen

PO. Rollhauser

November 10, 2005

I'll Be There - The Escape Club

Over Mountains
Over Trees
Over Oceans
Over Seas
I'll be there
In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me,
And I'll be there
On the edge of a waking dream
Over Rivers
Over Streams
Through Wind and Rain
I'll be there
Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly
To be with you
I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me,
And I'll be there
In the breath of a wind that sighs
Oh, there's no need to cry
Just think of me,
And I'll be there

October 26, 2005

Hey Brian,

It has been awhile since I came to the site... I just want to let Lorrie, your kids, your parents, and siblings know that they are in my prayers... Times seem to move on but when you lose a friend time seems to more slower..

I am proud of Letanya for taking over your car. I know that is it hard for her. But with prayer and time oneday her heart will not be so heavy... I always ask God to look over all the officers in the Southwest, because I could not handle losing another friend ....

Thank you for your friendship ...

Lorrie thank you and continue to be strong ... Remember I am here and you are in my prayers ...


Your friend and sister

Shawnta Privette

October 25, 2005

Hey Brian, I am still finding it hard not being able to talk to you anymore. The stress of this job comes full force everyday. It is to the point where the number one priority is survival. No matter what we do out here it is never enough, no matter how hard you try. Survival is the game plan now. I tried to find others to talk out my feelings with of what I am going through, and no one really cares or just tells me that I am crazy. I don't know how else to deal with your absence. I am trying not to keep myself closed in, but I am seeing no other way. I wish you were here , my friend , my partner, the one that I could always talk to. True friends may come once in a lifetime. I was blessed to have had you as my true friend. It will have to last a lifetime in my heart now that you are gone. I truly miss you! T.


October 21, 2005

Hey B, was just thinking about you. I recently took over your post car and switched to your sector. My heart feels heavy at times when I drive in the car that you drove in, and when I ride past the last call that you went to. This doesn't seem to get easy. I wish that you were here. Rest in peace! Your partner, T.

P/O L. Powell
Baltimore Police Department

October 13, 2005


Today on your wedding anniversary, remember true love never dies.


Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife (EOW 07/20/04)

October 10, 2005

As Lorrie and the rest of your family are left here celebrating another one of your birthday's without you, please let them all know that you are still here to give them strength and guidance. My thoughts are with all of you today, tomorrow and always. Rest in peace Brian and continue to keep watch from above over everyone.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

October 9, 2005

Hey B, today is your birthday. I know that you would have taken off from work and spent time with your family like you always did. Tomorrow is your anniversary, please do something to make Lorrie smile. She needs it, I know she is hurting still right now and that it will never go away. All of the events that has transpired have all ceased, and now she is left to really deal with the fact that you are not with her. I know you are in heaven showing your teeth and giving that loud HAHA laugh of yours. Happy Birthday B., your friend always, Tanya.

P/O L. Powell
Baltimore Police

October 9, 2005

hello my bear. you know what time it is. you would have been an old man. what will brandon and i do for your day? i am sure your put a thougth in my mind of what to do. i know you are up there doing something special for your day. brandon and i are doing o.k you are an outstanding man even from above. happy birthday bear. i wish i could feel one of your hugs. i will also wish you a happy anniversary for 10-10. i cannot speak on how i feel about that. you gave me the best years of my life from the time we meant to the day God called you home. i can only imagine what we would have done this year. i love you my bear. brandon wanted me to tell you happy birthday and he misses you so much!

wife lorrie

October 7, 2005

I swear the smartest women in the world let messages on your page. She is right life goes on, but how is it that I still come to this page everyday,I feel like the least I can do for you and your family is to come to this site and honor you daily.So many of the things said here are just how I have been feeling. Some say we should try to move on cause that is what you would want but I will always wish we could have done more. That night haunts me constantly. I have not forgotten!! I still think of Lorrie and the kids every day. It is very hard when I am with my own boys and get to thinking about things. I just have so much saddness in my heart for your family. You are still in the hearts and minds of South West. We love you.. Jen

PO. Rollhauser

October 6, 2005

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