Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Harry Wise, II

Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Harry Wise, II

Dear Denise:
I read your husband's reflections often, as I do that of Officer Wertz, and I find it incredibly wonderful that you survived all of this tragedy, and went on to assist another widow in our area with hers.
God Bless you and your family Denise - you are obviously one of the few true people left on this earth. God Bless you for the support and time you are giving to Tricia and her family. You are an angel in disguise!


October 1, 2006

My thoughts are disorganized but I was compelled to write. The prelim for the dirtbag who killed Scott was today and I just need to vent. Hearing details of Scott's last moments was upsetting. All I could think about were the graphic details on how you died and how Tricia would be picturing her beloved husband dying in such a violent way. She shouldn't have to see that picture in her head. I've shaped my own pictures in my head of your death based on testimony from the trial and now she will do the same. She will have to listen over and over again to details about Scott's last moments from several different perspectives and I can't do a thing to make it better for her. All I can do is sit there and watch it like a movie. It's bad enough that I feel helpless for me but I can't stand that I'm watching Tricia and her family go through the same thing we went through. It isn't right and I'm helpless to do anything about it. I'll sit through another trial listening to how the bad guy has no responsibility and the cops are the bad ones. This time, though, the result could be much different.

I know you and Scott are having a blast up there and I'm sure you're both telling us all to lighten up. It's tough, though, because we're only human. You both left huge gaps in the lives of so many people and we all feel the emptiness every day. We will do everything in our power to be sure that your names and legacies live on in your children and in the job that you loved so much.

Denise Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II, EOW 6/5/04

September 26, 2006

Denise Wise,
I'm a friend and former colleague of Scott Wertz. i never met your husband nor did i ever met you,
however, i been wearing mike's bracelet, t-shirt and badge
pin ever since he lost his life in the line of duty.
i did this because i always felt like i
was a part of the Reading Police Dept. due to the fact that i have alot of friends and former prison officers that are now Reading cops. i will always honor mike and scott for what they did..

sincerely, Rick Genslinger " Slinger "

Rick Genslinger

September 16, 2006

Dear Mrs. Wise,

I only became aware of this site following Scott's death and have stayed up many nights reading through the many reflections. When I came upon those of your late husband's I got a glimpse of what an angel on earth must be like......just like you!

You are such an inspiration to me. As a wife and a mother, I have learned to hug my loved ones more often and maybe not yell when my husband puts his dish in the sink instead of in the dishwasher "right next to it". I am sure you know what I mean :o)

Savannah and Jacob are so lucky to have you and I am sure Mike is smiling in heaven.

Thank you for being there for Trish and the boys.

September 8, 2006

Dear Mrs. Wise-

I was not aware that this site was available until a few weeks ago or I would have written this eons ago. I wanted to let you know that I often think of you and Kendall. Through my course of study and because I work in the city, your tragedy often crosses my path. I admire you and wish that I had your strength because it takes a real tough mama to live through what you have.

I understand your pain and I understand how hard it is to raise a child alone AND YOU ARE DOING ONE HELL OF A GOOD JOB!!!

I wish you the best in everything you do and I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Crime & Justice Student

August 18, 2006

To Officer Wise and his loving wife Denise,

Thank you Officer Wise for everything you did for the citizens of Reading, for your fellow members of the RPD, and the care you gave as an EMT. WOW! There is sooo much good you gave to this world!.. All members of your family and people that you helped will never forget what a wonderful man you were! Thank you, and I thank God for your time here on Earth,in Pennsylvania!
I know you are an Angel!!

Mrs Denise Wise,
I want to thank you too!! You are wonderful for all the support and love that you continue to give and your family, your daughter, your community, and the love that you will forever feel for your husband, Michael Wise II!
I want to personally thank you for the support that you have given Trisha Wertz over the past week and days. Trish and Scott have a wonderful family and a network of tons of friends. But I know your support was of great importance. Beginning with the first day, you gave something to her that the rest of us can't.

Thanks to you both!!!

Much love

RHS teacher

August 15, 2006

Mrs. Wise,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter as you have had the relive the grief and anguish (of losing your husband) again this past week with the loss of another of Reading's finest police officer's, Scott Wertz on August 6, 2006.
I feel compelled to tell you that I greatly admire your strength, compassion and outstanding character. Being there to offer comfort to the Wertz family was a courageous act and had to have required a great deal of strength on your part.
Please find comfort knowing that your husband died a hero and that in this crazy world we now live in, our children have great role models to look up to, the members of our police departments. Our children are the future and if things are to ever get better, it will be because of people like your husband. Protecting the innocent and teaching them right from wrong.
When your days are rough and your nights are lonely, take comfort in the gift your husband left you with, your wonderful daughter. Be strong for each other and never let her forget what a hero her father was.

Heart Broken Citizen
Berks County, PA

August 12, 2006

It is just so surreal that we have lost another officer from the Reading Police Dept. Both Mike and Scott always had a quick smile. Both are missed more than words can say. It is comforting to know that Mike and Scott are together in heaven watching over those of us who miss them. God Bless.


Monica Heltzinger
Reading PD Dispatch

August 11, 2006

Hello Officer Mike,

Those words just came out so easy for such a wonderful man!!

I have missed saying them..
I can not believe it has been two years since that awful night. I will remember that for as long as I live.

I am sure you know this, but you have a WONDERFUL family!
Denise is just a wonderful person you would be so proud of her. She has been through so much, I have tried to help her. But the only thing she needs is you. And I can't help her with that.. I think we talk about you everyday at some point in our day.. She loves you so much and I still see what pain she is in.
But you know she has been to help another very special lady that just lost her beloved husband.. I worried about her doing that but she seems to have found some help while doing it..

And Kendall, she just came to play with Emily.. SHe is so big and so very smart and pretty! Rod really enjoys playing with her..

I think they will be ok! She is a GREAT mother and does a great job.. It is a hard job.. But we always have the option to "Put them in the closet".. I always knew you were a wise man!!

God bless you and keep you, you were a WONDERFUL man and we will keep you in our hearts FOREVER!!
You are a real HERO!!!!!!!!!!!
We miss you Buddy EVERYDAY!

Marsha VanO
Neighbor & Friend

August 10, 2006

We have just arrived home from the funeral of Scott Wertz. It was heart wrenching to see that department suffer another loss. It was so hard to see another wonderful family "lost" without their love one. This horrific event took us back two years. We continue to miss you everyday. The Wertz family has now become our extended family. They have some many things that mirror our family.

Jen Reigle

August 9, 2006





August 9, 2006

Dear Wise Family

I realize that you don't know me, but in the brief 4 months I was doin my internship with the RPD I heard a great deal about Mike. All the officers on D Platoon missed him and spoke of him highly. With the passing of Officer Wertz, an officer who I knew and respected, I realised just how painful and sad it is to lose a good man and just how dangerous a job protecting others can be. Please accept my condolences for your loss

John Catanzaro
Reading Police Intern

August 9, 2006

To the Family Of Ofc. Wise,

We all just wanted to write again to let you know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers each and everyday. I know many prayers are prayed daily for the fallen hero's and the ones they left behind, asking God for strength for another day and for dedication that we as officers may hold up the legacy of our fallen brothers with honor. Mike you are a hero to all of us that put the badge on everyday and we will always keep up the fight for you and your loved ones..

Brother Officers
Spring Twp. Police Department (Centre County, PA)

August 9, 2006

Mike and Denise,

My thought are with you and sorry I didn't know about this site before. It's so sad that Reading has to have so many bad things happen. All of Reading Police Force are and will always be hero. Denise, As a Red Cross Volunteer for over 15yrs we meet many fireman and police each year and it's so hard to hear of the crimes they have to face. Please also remember all the good of Mike and never the bad. He is and always will be a hero.


August 9, 2006

dear mike,

you prob dont remeber me but i remember you,
i use to live were you protroled,one night my girlfriend was going thour some trouble with her mother and she waited her out the house so we where walking down the ave late at night with our kid and we saw you and i told u the proble and you tryed to help her by getting her to a shealter and i said no i cant live without being by my girlfriend each and everyday and you said to me are you twin and i said no and you told me then you to can be apart you are not conneted at the hipps so let her go its best for her and i still said no prob because i was young. but i want you to known you teach me a lesson and after i saw what happened to you i said to my girlfriend man now i can leave you and not be with you all the time and what did i do but joined the army. i got married to my girlfriend 5 days before i want to basic down at fort benning ga. and the whole time i was down there all i could do was think about my wife and how much i missed her and wanted to hug her. and i understand how your wife fells and noone sould have to go thou that at all. so i just wanted to say thank you for all you told me that night cause you made me a better man. god bless you and your family .

peace be with you

reading pa

August 7, 2006

Dearest Mike,
When I opened up the newspaper this morning to see that another police officer from the Reading Police Department had been shot and killed, it took me back to that early Saturday morning phone call from Denise on June 5, 2004. My first thoughts, of course, were of Denise. Was she going to have to relive your tragedy all over again? Will she be a source of comfort and strength to this new widow? My next thoughts were of your brothers at the Reading Police Department. How will they receive this latest tragedy?
Mike, there's not a photo album in this house without your picture in it. There are no stories of bachelor parties, wedding parties, or our lives in Pittsburgh without your name popping up. There are signs of you everywhere. Matt and I think of you daily. We keep your memory alive in our children.
We love you. We miss you. We pray for Denise and Kendall daily. We miss them too. We hope that someday it will be easier for Denise to spend time with us, and that the bittersweet memories of being a foursome can be replaced with joyous times as a threesome. (Okay, Mike. Get your mind out of the gutter.)

Erica Wentzel

August 7, 2006


I am trying to find the right words to say to you. I am so sorry that another Officer, another HERO from "your" department has lost his life. I will be praying for you, for Officers Wertz's family and friends, and of course the entire Reading Police Dept.

I read your reflection about Sierra's passing. It makes me very sad to think about how you must be feeling. I did smile reading about the awesome memories you have of her. It sounds like she was a wonderful "kid"! After all, there is no such thing as "just a dog". She's a part of your family. I am certain that Michael has welcomed her home, and that she will have an endless supply of treats and tissue boxes!

You and Micheal are remembered! Take care!

Friend of Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04
Sterling Heights PD

August 6, 2006

Well Michael, Lilly will be turning one in a few weeks. I am working on the invitations and thinking how badly I wish I could send one to you. I would anxiously await your RSVP. I am sure you would have something silly to say about the invitation. Although I know you will be there at her party standing next to her I wish I could give you a hug. If you could would you make sure it is not to hot or raining! Thanks!
I had a dream about you the other night and it was so real, I felt like none of this ever happened and I was saying bye to you after a fun party and saying see you tomorrow. I know that will some day happen but

Julie Gallagher
Sister of Michael Wise, EOW 6-5-04

August 3, 2006

Sierra passed away today and you couldn't be here to cry with me or hold her in your arms as she took her last breath. It was her 11th birthday. I can't stop crying because I miss her so much. The house seems so strange and empty without her. Thank God she can finally be with her daddy. I'll never forget that you tied my engagement ring around her neck when you proposed. I'll never forget how she used to tear up tissue boxes and spread them all over the house. I'll never forget how she used to tug on Julie's long hair and scratched us with her sharp puppy teeth and claws. And most of all, I'll never forget how wonderful and sweet she was and how much she loved to have her ears and armpits rubbed. Take care of each other and give her a big hug and a kiss for me every day.

I love you both.

Denise Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II

July 28, 2006

I met your Wife,Mom,Sister Julie,your daughter and your niece this past week while they were on vacation at the shore. They were staying at the same hotel as a number of police chiefs from my county. Your Mom was kind enough to give me a pin picture of you and a badge made in your memory. I will have both with me as I head out with the 2007 Police Unity Tour bike ride to Washington DC. I will wear both as we all ride in memory of all of our brothers and sisters who have left us. You and your family will always be in our hearts and prayers. I have a feeling your sister will be heading out to NJ soon since I promised to give Julie and her family a tour of some NJ sites. God bless you.

Chief Joseph F. Clark, Jr.
Chief of Police

July 1, 2006

Heros like Mike will never be forgotten. We all have a duty to remember and honor him. Thank you very much for the badge/pin you gave me, I will carry it with me and display it proudly on the next Unity Tour Ride in 2007. It was a pleasure meeting you in Avalon NJ this week. I hope you will keep in touch.

Your friend, David P. Sabagh

Chief David Sabagh
Montclair Police Dept.

June 30, 2006


Kendall and I just returned from a trip to the beach with Julie, Lilly and your mom. It was a good trip and Kendall had a blast in the sand and in the water. Grandma taught her to make sand castles like you used to with the wet sand "dribbles". You should be the one to teach her your tricks. You should have been there to dig a huge hole for her to play in. We should be going on vacation with you and having a good time as a family. I drove past the place in Ocean City where we stayed on our last beach vacation. Along with seeing that place, it broke my heart to see families together on the beach and at the boardwalk. Vacation should be a happy time but many times it just makes me sad. My sense of loss always seems bigger then.

At our hotel, we met a police chief from NJ who attended Police Week this year and stood next to Reading officers. They briefly told him about you. It's bizarre that we met him this week. We can't even escape reminders on vacation. Of course, you know I will NEVER forget about you. I was so lucky to experience a life with you and it's a blessing to have Kendall here. As much as she drives me nuts sometimes, she's also the main reason I can stay somewhat sane.

I love you and miss you so much it hurts.


For those of you who write on this web site, thank you. I read this site from time to time and am always glad when there is a new entry. It means a lot to me that you have not forgotten about Mike or about his family. We are still hurting but trying to stay strong. We will never stop missing him.

Denise L. Wise, widow
Michael H. Wise, II, EOW 6-5-04

June 30, 2006

Dear Denise ~

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I received the email you sent to the Easton Police Department with your contact information - thank you so much. I will be in touch.

I also wanted to let you know that I've been thinking of you over these past few weeks as the 2 year anniversary of Michael's death has arrived. Where does the time go? How can so much time pass, yet stand still at the same time?

I hope you and your sweet little girl are doing alright. You are both in my thoughts and prayers - please take care.

I will give you a call, some time this week.

~ Carin

June 18, 2006

Denise, You may not remember me right away. I was hired with Mike at Pittsburgh EMS. He and I kept in touch even after I moved on to Police work. It was a deep blow to my heart to get the news of this terrible accident. I wanted deeply to attend the service but was unable to due to a motorcycle accident. I just wanted you to know my prayers are with you and your daughter.
Mike was a great man and I have no doubt that he is walking with the 2 of you as your protector, provider, and your peace.

God bless you!

Ptlm. Walter Mays
Hollwood FL. PD

June 16, 2006

Denise I just wanted to tell you that I think of Mike often. I met you at the ride last year and I told you that I was one of the nurses that carried Mike into the hospital and took care of him that night. My friend Jessie and I prayed over him and held his hand. He was never alone Denise. Not for one second.I hope you can take some comfort in that. I will NEVER forget him and I think of him all the time. I know that all of us that worked that night were touched, we are a stronger team because of the tragedy that we saw that night. We are stronger too because of you. We see you on TV, at functions held in Mike's honor and we are amazed each and every time at your strength and dignity. I honestly don't know where you find the strength to go on and I can't tell you how sad I am that you have to go through this. I hope you can take a very small amount of comfort in the fact that there are MANY nurses who were there that night in the ER and all of us think of you and pray for you and Kendall all the time. My son often says a prayer for you and Kendall. When he sees a poster or picture of Mike he ALWAYS says to me "mommy don't start to cry...rememeber you told me he is with Jesus now and he can always watch over his little girl"...Why is it so easy for them to accept and so hard for us? I just wanted to tell you that no matter how much time goes by or how many things happen in my life you and Kendall will ALWAYS be in my thoughts and prayers. I know that you have alot of support but if you ever need to talk my phone number is in the book and I would love to talk to you sometime. Your husband was a hero and through him you have become a hero as well. Love always Cindy Kelly,RN

Cindy Kelly
ER nurse

June 14, 2006

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