Tuolumne County Sheriff's Office, California
End of Watch Monday, May 31, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff David Paul Grant
I was Lucky to know David Grant.
Some of my family was helped by David.
David will always be missed
by Me & a lot of Tuolumne County Residents, Friends, & Family.
David was a,
Great Sheriff Deputy, Great Man, & most of all a Fantastic friend to all.
I always think of his family,
I'd like to send/wish his family my best.
(to David: Thanks for all you've done)
Rich R.
Rich Reeves
Tuolumne County Resident
April 2, 2006
Today is Justin's 26th birthday...last year we had a big party for him...we all knew you were there in spirit with us celebrating. This year, as I write this at work in the ER, Justin is lying in bed on the acute floor. He fractured his right clavicle in a motorcycle accident and had surgery yesterday. I brought him cake and milk to his room this morning @ 3 am and told him Happy Birthday and gave him a card. His surgery was originally supposed to take an hour and a half, but took 4 hours instead. Mom, Whit & I waited....it felt like forever. I hate sitting there waiting for the doctor to come and tell us the news.... sitting there wondering... Is everything alright? Did something go wrong? Mom was getting upset, but she hung in there. Just to know that Justin did great was a huge relief. I stood outside the ICU window staring @ Justin watching his monitors, waiting to go see him. I felt like a little kid again, wondering if my brother was okay. I got really choked up, and just wanted to be in there with him. I finally did, first thing he said, "I was hoping that when I was out, that I could see Dad or something". I told him, Dad was there, you just don't remember. I know you were watching over him today, especially it being his birthday. We all wish you were here Dad. One day @ a time, good days, bad days... I hate this rollercoaster ride that we are all on together. It is exhausting and neverending. I went on a week vacation to Mexico.... all I could think about was you and mom, justin & whit.... wondering if everyone was okay @ home. It's a neverending panic attack for me. I love you Dad. I miss you so much....Justin gets to come home today and I know you'll be around. Love Always, Pooher
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
March 30, 2006
Dave's family
Dave was part of a cover team watching my back while I was making undercover narcotics purchases during the late 1990s. Although we had just met we shared a lot of laughs that day. I will always remember his laugh. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
Lieutenant Jim Macedo
Calaveras County Sheriff
March 22, 2006
Dad - I just had another birthday without you. I'm 24 now, that's how old you were when I was born. I can't believe it. It's been 651 days since you've been gone. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and wonder where you are. I can still remember, every year on my birthday, you would wake me up in the morning saying, "Happy Birthday Poozer..Woozer"... God I miss that!! I love you Dad!
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
March 13, 2006
A very Happy Birthday wish to Jennifer Grant. I can't Believe that it's been four years since we met and how much has happened since. I hope you had a Wonderful Birthday. I sent you a msg Friday, but possibly you didn't get it?
I'm positive that your Dad was with you where ever you were on your special day, and I know that he's very Proud of you Jennifer. Keep on, Keeping on, Girl!
Love to all the family as well,
March 6, 2006
I come here today to leave another word of gratitude for another fallen hero. I am reminded that life can not be understood as we are living it yet we must continue to live. To your family, may you find peace in knowing that your father continues to touch many lives in ways that you may not understand. He is gone for now but will never be forgotten. Ironically, Dave taught me all that I know about defensive driving and I use it to this day. Until next time, my friend.
Michele Guthrie
Air Med Team, Columbia, CA
February 20, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day Dad... It was 2 years ago today when you and mom came to my rescue. I'm glad I listened to you... You always knew just what to say to me to let me know everything would be okay. I miss you so much... I love you Dad.. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Pooher
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
February 14, 2006
Richie, family and the Deputies of Tuolume.
I frequently look at Dave's memorial page to keep him in touch and never to forget what a "GREAT FRIEND HE WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE.
I looked up the Sierra Moutain's article this morning and had to wonder what they were thinking in publishing it. Freedom of the press maybe. But as our troops overseas and officers in the field,who go out daily and are in harms way prove the point " FREEDOM IS NOT FREE' and targicly some times it has a very high cost, in this case your loved one and my frinds life.
I wish I could raise the 3 Million to pay that bill to get Dave back,,,,heck I'd start it with $10,000 of my own and beg borrow or steal the rest.
To the critics of the Sheriif's Office and the California Highway Patrol I have a simple question,,,,What if you called for help and they took their time or didn't come to your assistace.
Richie stay strong ..we are always thinking of you.
John " JK " Kiess
Detective LASD Retired
February 5, 2006
When you were hired @ Tuolumne County Sheriffs Dept. in 1989.... we all made the move here to Sonora from Southern California. Growing up in a small town was a great experience. Everyone knew you and loved you. Mom, Rory, Justin, Whitney & I felt so protected because no one would mess with us... because they all knew and respected you. You always treated everyone with total respect and never asked for anything in return. The community loved you and us as well. Everyone knew I was "Dave's Daughter" and I always felt safe and respected in this small town of Sonora. We could never go anywhere in public without someone stopping to tell you hello or thanking you for helping them in troubled times. Now... everything has flipped upside down. Like Mom said, This small town that we grew to love, now is a town I want to run from and never look back. We wanted justice for you... we were all ready to fight for you until the end of time. Now, our fight is over.... The Sierra Mountain Times, a small community paper, released a 5-6 page article on you this last week. Do these people have no lives? Do they feel the need to bring up that horrible day in May, just to torment us? Some of the comments made from people in the community were very upseting. Everyone seems to be going back on their word; supporting the family. The wife of the man who caused your accident had the guts to say that her husband is the victim of this whole thing and unfortunately the reports are making you look like the victim. Give me a break! He is alive... He probably sat down @ the dinner table tonight and had dinner with his family, laughing and talking about their day. You are in a wooden box... I can't see your face, I can't feel you hold me.... He's the victim??? These people are out of their minds! It feels like everyone gave up and forgot about you and that's what bothers me. Does anyone care? I'm so tired of people's horrible opinions. I just want to leave this town.... It is very upseting... I feel like I'm living in hell Dad. I miss you so much!!!
Daughter of Dep. Grant
January 26, 2006
Dave, I will never understand people, why the firefighter on scene at your accident suddenly at this time felt the need to tell Justin graphic details about you. He is tortured enough. Or why the idiot editor of the Sierra Mountain Times decided to write a "Dime store" novel about you and the accident in his paper. In this small community that I grew to love, I now hate, I feel we are never left alone to try to deal with your death. Someone always seems to be talking about your speed (like they know what they're talking about)None of these people think about the pain they cause us, it feels like we are back at Day One. The kids and I just want to be left alone and it just never happens. It makes it all the more painful that you are not here. You would be kicking their butt's for making us cry. I Love you, Rich
January 24, 2006
I have no idea as to the path of my thoughts now. I look at the pictures from the past and I don't know what to do. I was told some stories tonight about what happened the day you were taken from us or as I think of it; the most immortal man was killed by someone who has not felt the pain of everyone who has been left behind to make reason out of this as much possible. Tonight I was told that you were awake somewhat and that you pulled yourself onto the backboard knowing that things were not right. As much as it killed me to hear this story it just makes me think more of you. I look at your picture 20 months after I last saw you and nothing has changed. You are my hero, it is so hard to write this and not want to be with you. I just remember your laugh, your smile, and the good times we had together. If I knew that you would be gone 16 days after grandpa I would not have slept, I would not have left to fight a stupid fire, I would be with you all the time, remembering all the time we had together. I hope that things are great where you are I don't care for things here since you're gone we had so much stuff to do, things we never had time to do. I'm going to sit here and do my time away from you but when I see you again I plan on crying forever and telling you how much I missed you. I love you dad and that's all I can say nothing makes me feel better. Just take care of mom I can only do so much. Just don't take her away too soon I still have to get over you not being here! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY DAD, MY HERO, MY BEST FRIEND, AND THE GREATEST MAN I EVER KNEW! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M YOUR SON, I'M LUCKY AND I THANK YOU DAD! I LOVE YOU DAD!CAN'T WAIT TO TALK TO YOU SOME DAY!
Justin Grant
David Grant's Son
January 22, 2006
I'm just sitting here at the fire house waiting for a call and thought that I'd stop in to look things over and write some things that might help me. I am frustrated that your not here, that I wasn't here for you when you needed me. I am so sorry! I ran a call a few weeks ago where I was doing C.P.R. on a patient and we took them to Sonora Regional. We took the patient to the same bed in which you were taken from us and there I was trying to bring someone back and thinking at the same time that you died here too. Well, they didn't make it either. Anyways moving on I could be here a long time talking to you. I want to say thank you for all the time we had together. For taking me with you to work, showing me what hard work is, what love really is, for pushing me still today to be a good person.I love you and miss you every second of everyday. I want you to know that I'm proud of you and what you did that day. I know there was nothing else to do. You saved people that day some day they will understand that. But I'm not going to worry about them. Tell grandpa I said thanks for the last words he told me "don't lose your head". That would be to easy. So I'll write later. Love your son.
Justin Grant
David Grant's Son
January 14, 2006
I have a picture of you & Caleb on my dash in my car.... you always had a special way with babies.... even though you were giant compared to them, you were so gentle. I wear a pin with your face on it everywhere I go... every single day since I got it on the day of your services. I have some good days where when I think back... I smile. Then there are quite a few days where the thought of getting out of bed is unbearable. I drive around listening to songs that remind me of me & you. I feel like a million pound weight is sitting in my chest sometimes.... I love you Dad... until we meet again I will miss you always!!! Love, Pooher
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
January 4, 2006
Listening to George Strait over the holidays-it reminds me of our Christmas' in Vista when the kids were little- Remember the " Oh Boy " Christmas when Whit was little? So much to remember- how I used to watch you leave for work on your motor, as you'd head up the freeway onramp you'd flip your lights on so I could see you. How you'd drag your paddleboards and we'd watch the sparks fly. Or if you were in a car you'd drive by at night and shine your alley lights on the bedroom wall so I'd know you were there. You always made me feel safe. I wish we'd had more time. I love you, Rich
January 2, 2006
Hi Dad. I know it's a few days late.. but Merry Christmas. I got Mom a necklace... it's sterling silver; has a mom & dad with four children all holding hands and holding eachother... she cried when I gave it to her. She hasn't taken it off since. Pookie is getting so big... you wouldn't believe it. Whit & Justin are getting ready for the snow season so they can go boarding.... I think I'm gonna try and learn this season if I can get time off of work. I can't believe it's almost 2006.... almost 2 years since you've been gone. God... how our lives have been twisted inside out... I miss you Dad... and I love you.. Love, Pooher
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
December 28, 2005
Merry Christmas Sweetheart- I Love You, Rich
December 25, 2005
Brother Grant,
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
You’re Brothers in Blue
Untouchables LE Motorcycle Club
December 22, 2005
The kids are all here, nice to have all of them with me on this day where it became clear to others that the accident in which you were killed was NOT YOUR FAULT! There was never any doubt in my mind because I know how you drive and how well you were trained. I know how cautious you always were. Two people are alive today to spend another Christmas with their families because of the choices you made, when they gave you no choices. Meanwhile, we are alone without you and you without us. I guess I should feel relieved, but I don't. I am angry, actually furious that someone so kind-hearted and giving like you was killed when you had so much to live for. You will be forever ingrained in my heart and the memories of us will live within me forever. I Love You, Rich
December 17, 2005
It's been 561 days since you've been gone. Whitney had her 19th birthday last week... I can't believe it. I miss you Dad.... I love you very much. I think about you all the time... God I can't wait until I see your face again. Until then... I'll keep going. I love you. Love, Pooher
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
December 14, 2005
To the family of D/S Grant
My words cannot begin to touch on the loss of Deputy Grant and the impact on your lives. Being in law enforcement we take for granted sometimes "the routine", My family and I wish you all well and we will pray for you that you will find some comfort this Christmas season. D/S Grant will never be forgotten. My condolences on your loss.
Fla. Dept. of Corrections
December 11, 2005
As Whitney's 19th Birthday approaches and I watch her struggle with being away from home at college, I wish you were here to say something to calm her. You were always so good at that. I am at a loss, which makes you being gone continually painful. I can handle anything, but when one of our kids cry because you aren't here-it rips my heart out. Another Christmas without you, the lights on the house are all blue- in tribute to you.
I Love You, Rich
December 4, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Dave... I was thinking of your portuguese dressing most of the evening Thursday. Also of Jen and I coming home from work to have lunch and making turkey and dressing sandwichesfrom the leftovers (me with cranberry jelly, Jen without) ;o) And also watching you repaint the logo on the door of the lumber truck with such care and pride. Please take care of Richie Rory Jen Justin & Whit through this Holiday season, they need to feel your support, I'm sure they do, but especially now, they need you Dave.
All my love to the Family and especially Jennifer, take care of yourself Girl! I mean it! ;o)
November 29, 2005
On this your favorite day of the year I think of you and I and how we would stay up late cooking our portuguese dressing. How you would already be making a sandwich and calling Janine up saying " Guess what I'm eating?". Then you'd laugh, I can hear you now, watching you talk on the phone playing with your mustache as you talked. These days, actually every day the loss of you in our lives is immense, overwhelming, engulfing. We miss you so much sweetheart-I Love You-- Rich
November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Dad... We made our Portuguese Dressing tonight again without you. I drove around for awhile before and just sobbed. I hate holidays without you. I miss you so much... another holiday gone by and your chair is still empty.. I love you Dad.. until I see you again... I will miss you terribly. Love, Pooher
Jennifer Grant
Daughter of Dep. Grant
November 24, 2005
As I write this I can hear Jen singing in her bedroom to you- "Crazy" and "Can you hear me when I talk to you" you really are her inspiration to continue to sing. She is so much like you. Whitney is cheering at her 1st game tonight in Chico, she surprised me and came home this weekend. She says she is thinking of becoming a doctor, she wants to "make a difference". Rory is now shooting weddings, her photographs are beautiful. Aliana is in 3rd grade,she really loved her "Papa". Justin is out riding your Harley tonight. He washed it and I dried it off, 1st time I've done that since you've been gone. I cried when he started it up and drove off- You were such a good dad, as you used to say " We did a good job" I'm so lucky to have such great kids. I love you Dave.
November 12, 2005