Upper Dublin Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Reflections for Sergeant James Richard Miller
I can't believe that we haven't had the last two years together. So much has changed in my life, I think you would be proud of me and my family. You would love the snow here in Michigan! Since day one of moving in here we have a constant stream of ladybugs. To me, I think of them as you sharing our life here, like "pennies from heaven". Ryan and Tori are getting so big! Ryan will tell us that on some days you are sitting on his shoulder while he plays. I pray that is true! You are a ONE OF A KIND MAN that touched each and every one of us to the core! There is a hole in me that can never be filled.
Thank you Daddy for all that you were to me. I love you and miss you terribly! "Be good"!!!!
Here's a poem that I wanted to share. It's called We'll Never Say Goodbye, by Larry Howland.
I cannot see you with my eyes
Or hear you with my ears.
But thoughts of you are with me still
And often dry my tears.
You whisper in the rustling leaves
That linger in the fall;
And in gentle evening breeze,
I'm sure I hear you call.
A part of you remains with me
That none can take away.
It gives me strength to carry on
At dawning each new day.
I think of happy times we shared
And then softly sigh.
But this I know -- we'll meet again
And never say goodbye.
Doris Miller-Beck
April 20, 2006
Came across your name and wanted to leave a reflection to say that you are a true hero. You were so close to retirement and served not only your country but also the people in your community. I gave law enforcement over 30 years of my life, retired and finally thought I could enjoy life. Retirement was great for everal months and then I lost my youngest son in the line of duty in August 2004. I'm sure I walked past some of your family members last May in Washington when we were all there to honor all the fallen heroes that paid the ultimate sacrifice in 2004. Keep watch over your family, wrap your wings around them and try and relieve some of their grief. I know their hearts are broken and will never fully mend. You will be on their minds every day for the rest of their lives as they love you dearly. Being the veteran that you are, please look after my son Michael and tell him I love and miss him terribly. You are a true hero Jim and you will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
January 18, 2006
It is the early morning hours of Christmas 2005, the second one without you here with me, and I miss you so very much. Mariah Carey has a song out called Miss You Most (at Christmas Time) and the words are something like this:
"The fire is burning, the room's all aglow. Outside the December wind blows. Away in the distance the carolers sing in the snow. Everybody's laughing, the world is celebrating and everyone's so happy, except for me tonight.
Because I miss you most at Christmas time and I can't get you off my mind. Every other season comes along and I'm all right, but then I miss you, most at Christmas time.
I gaze out the window this cold winter's night at all of the twinkling lights - alone in the darkness, remembering when you were mine. Everybody's smiling, the whole world is rejoicing and everyone's embracing, except you and I.
Baby I miss you most at Christmas time, and I can't you off my mind,etc."
Last year, everyone told me that you can "still see the lights, still hear the Christmas carols" - well I hope you see the Christmas tree I put outside on the front patio. Remember how some of the guys on the squad said our house was the UDPD substation? Well, the tree has all blue lights on it honoring all police - I did it especially to honor you and all our fellow police family.
I'm remembering fun Christmas' with all of us together and they make me smile and feel warm inside, but I miss you so. I love you Jim. Thank you for all 35 plus years of Christmas' with you. Please be with us always. Love, Barb
Barbara I. Miller, wife
December 24, 2005
Sergeant Miller, Even though I never met you, know that your service will never be forgotten. Thinking and praying for your family at this time. Keep a watch on all the rest of our officers out there, my husband and son being two of them. Thank you sir.
Karen Joseph-wife & mom or TN LEO
PWO & H.U.G.S. sister
October 31, 2005
Sgt Miller & Family:
Having the opportunity to work with you personally via telephone and data, I can say that you were a top notch officer and number one human being. As a dispatcher, I was able to appreciate the work that all police officers did, day and night, I am now married to a police officer myself and can truly appreciate not only the work the officers do, but the stress the family goes through as well. I can truly say that from the day of your passing on, I have kept not only you, but your family, friends and your department in my thoughts and prayers. I was working at the time of your incident and feeling the tone in the room, I can say that each and every person, knowing you personally or not, everyone was hit tragically by the events taken place. I am no longer working at the County; however still hold a passion for the job. My husband having police work running through his veins, attended your service and saw hard, stern brother shed tears that shared a bond that will never be broken. I know that you look over each and every brother and sister of the shield and over every family member and friend.
Thank you Sgt., for your friendship and for you bravery, kindness and for your services.
With gratitude and much respect.
Dispatcher #438
Kat~Officer's Wife~Retired Dispatcher
October 30, 2005
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun
P/O Dan Bailey (Ret)
Norristown Police, Pa.
July 19, 2005
One more Angel to watch over all of us. God bless Jimmy, his Wife, his family, Upper Dublin Twp. Police Department and all Law Inforcement Officers thru out the Great USA, Plus Jimmy Thank you for all you did. I know you are still watching over our Great Township.
Friend from Fort Washington
May 27, 2005
Jim, it is almost a year since you served your end of watch shift and I continue to struggle to keep going and to work through the extreme "down" times. Today I received a card from the COPS organization - which as you know, stands for Concerns of Police Survivors. I have just begun to hear from them and in today's card it references a song and so I looked it up on the internet, and here are the words to it:
"To Where You Are"
Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memory's so clear.
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are my
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above.
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen
As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are my forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe
that angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave."
Please always be with me and our kids, Jim. We miss you terribly. Please watch over us all as we continue to look up to you. I love you honey. You will be forever in my heart. Barb
April 6, 2005
Sgt Miller was truly inspiring and a great man. He was an honest person, filled with integrity, and he led by example. I have the utmost respect for him personally and professionaly, and am a better person for having known him. I will forever remember the way he brightened the room merely with his presence, positive outlook, and genuine smile. He was one of the few able to achieve this, and did so on a regular basis. He is a true American Hero, and missed by all..Thanks Sarge, and my prayers and best wishes to your family, friends, and co-workers....
B. Frank
March 30, 2005
To Barb, Doris, Rick and Sgt. Miller -
I am a member of the Police Unity Tour and we will be riding bicycles 250 miles (during Police Week '05) to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. I have been given prviliage of riding for Sgt. Miller. I will wear his name on my wrist band and think of him during my training and throughout the course of the ride.
I hope that I honor his memory for his friends, family and co-workers.
"In Valor There is Hope"
2nd Lieutenant RJ Davis
Fairfax County (VA) Police Dept.
January 30, 2005
Merry Christmas Jim. Your smiling face was missed by many this season, but we know that you are still nearby watching over us from heaven.
December 26, 2004
Tonight is Christmas Eve and I miss you so much honey. I managed to get through Thanksgiving by pretending that you were just activated with your National Guard unit again, and I've tried to do the same to get through Christmas, but it is not working this holiday. Christmas is our favorite time of year and it will never be the same ever again without you!
Our adopted sons, daughter and other adopted siblings on the department have been so good to us Jim, you would be so very proud of them. Our kids, Doris and Rick, have been so supportive too. We "did good" raising them for sure! They miss their Dad! Ryan misses you Poppop and Tori is learning to stand and smiles all the time. She has your dimpled chin! A tree was dedicated at the Upper Dublin Police Department in your name last week and I plugged it in - it is all decked out in red, white, and blue lights (I have never known anyone more patriotic than you!) and ornaments and red bows. We also lit the tree at Horham's Police Department a few weeks ago. Rick spoke at the tree lighting last week and read this so eloquently:
Someone is Missing at Christmas
Let this be a loving reminder
That someone is missing today.
Someone our hearts still hold on to,
As we travel along life's way.
Someone who made life so special
for each of us gathered here,
Someone who won't be forgotten,
but cherished from year to year.
And now as we celebrate Christmas,
Let us all fondly recall,
how dearly each of us loved him,
And oh...how he loved us all! (written by Genie Graveline 1992)
At the end of his reading, he said "Jim Miller is missing at Christmas."
Our Jim Miller is missed every day here. We love you and miss you so very much. We hope you hear your favorite Chipmunk Christmas music! Merry Christmas honey. I love you.
Your loving wife, Barb
December 24, 2004
Jimmy, It has been 8 months since your accident. I still can't believe it. You are sorely missed by many! I always admired you from my first day with UDPD for your strength, knowledge, and courage. You truely fit Millbo! You were always like a Dad to me as many others in the department. For that, I will always be grateful!! Rest peacefully as there are many looking out for your family.
Mark Lesniak
Upper Dublin Twp. P.D.
December 18, 2004
On Monday your light was added during the Project Blue Light Ceremony. Your family was there and they lit the tree in your honor. My heart just ached for your wife and children because only last year I was in their shoes. I know the pain, loneliness and heartache they are experiencing and it kills me to see another family experiencing what we have had to endure. I'm sure you are very proud of them and are helping them find a way to deal with life now.
I did not know you, Sgt. Miller, but after reading and hearing all the wonderful things about you as a husband, father, police officer and human being, I can't help but feel that I do know you. You remind me of my husband, Richie, and that is the highest compliment I can pay anyone.
Whenever I see your wife I wish I could provide her with some comforting words that it will get better, but I can't. The pain does not go away and she will miss you forever. What I can say is that in time, she will learn to accept her life. Knowing that you are always with her will help her go on. She will take you with her in everything she does. She will still need you and you will be there for her, but in a different way now. I know that you are in Heaven (God only takes the best!), so I pray for your family, friends and fellow officers who are left here to make sense out of their lives. They will always cry, hurt and long to see you again, but once they feel in their hearts that you truly will never leave them they will find peace. God bless you.
Laurie Lawn
Wife of Richard Lawn (EOW 7/28/03)
December 8, 2004
So many others here have talked of Sgt. Miller's exemplary contributions in the area of Law Enforcement and his millitary career. But Officer Miller gave so much more to our country and our community.
I'd like to recognise his tireless support for the youth of our area, in particular his work with the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. It was only a few short weeks before his tragic accident that he gave our Cubs a tour of the Upper Dublin Township Police Department. He was so kind and gentle with the boys, and yet he was still able to reflect the strength, honor and dedication it takes to be a really great Police Officer. I can only hope that every one of those boys grows up to be as fine a man as Officer Miller.
Sgt. Miller, we will miss you. But we will never forget you, nor will we forget all you've done for our Scouts. Thank you, from all of us.
Rest, knowing you are loved by many, and that your honorable work continues, through the hands and hearts of those that follow where you have shown the way.
Kevin B. McLemore
Asst. Packmaster, Cub Scout Pack 405 / District Roundtable Rep., Boy S
November 16, 2004
I can't believe that tomorrow makes it six months since you were taken from us, we miss you terribly!
Ryan talks to you, his PopPop every day while looking to the clouds, and sometimes he even "carries" you on his shoulder when he plays. And he is doing a great job telling Tori all about the good times you two shared and the great PopPop you were.
I am thankful for the gift of time we did have, the thirty four years we were a family! And I will treasure all of it, the good and the bad alike because we shared it together!
You left a great "ripple effect" in all the lives you touched and I want the world to know what kind of Dad you were! I found this poem written by Heather Joy on a scrapbooking website and wanted to share it.
For My Daddy
The greatest things you gave me were not found in a store -
They were the things you could never pay for.
You gave me hope, compassion and love -
Things some kids can only dream of,
you gave me courage far stronger than I ever knew
so when I had to let go of you,
and let you pass to a better place,
I some how managed to cope,
By remembering your hope...
I hope you are now safe, watching over us all down here,
And if I may, I have one last thing to do-
I want you to know how special it is to me being a part of you
Because now, I know its okay to be me.
For you were the greatest man I knew-
And I'm a part of you!
So please never forget your little girl,
The fun things we did, and the great times we had.
Because I will remember it all too -
Because your MY DAD always,
Doris Miller-Beck
October 19, 2004
I'm compelled to stop a few minutes and tell Sgt Jim Miller's family how saddened I was to hear of the accident that took Jim's life.
I found this site by accident while looking for other Upper Dublin information, and since I never got to express my sympathy to you all back in April, now I'm glad I can leave my condolences here.
I'm the son of a Massachusetts policeman now living "next door" in Lower Gwynedd.
I feel a conncetion with every good police officer. I was so proud of my Dad every time I'd see him put on the great looking uniform and hoist on his gunbelt. My 5 foot 8 Dad was not an inch less than ten feet tall in my eyes.
We thank you all for giving a quality man to the service of our community, and I say that having heard that Jim Miller was a good police officer.
I'm glad for a web site where we can honor our public defenders and where we can acknowledge that we are a law-abiding society because it's the right way to live and we are privileged to live in this great America where our laws are rooted in God's laws of truth, right, and love of justice.
Wishing you the God's peace through our Lord Christ Jesus, I am
Your neighbor
Phil deVries
Lower Gwynedd, PA
Phil deVries, Neighbor
August 17, 2004
I didnt know Sgt Miller but I have to tell you, I do beleive that I meet him at the baby/toddler expo in Ft. Washington, I go each year and I remember a year that the Sgt. was there, taking pictures of the kids and talking to my children about safety and my son took that too heart. He talked about it all day that day, I since married a police officer and my heart drops everytime a police officer is killed, accidental or a murder it breaks my heart. I send my regards to Sgt. Millers family and I know you have a rough road ahead of you, may god bless you and keep you strong.
Kim Smith
July 8, 2004
We are truly saddened at Jim's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.
God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!
Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.
June 11, 2004
When evil opens a door in the world.
God commands it closed.
A sacrifice is made.
A Hero is born to man.
Angels, Cherubs, and Saints rejoice.
A legend is born in Heaven.
Sgt. James Crawford
Lower Providence Twp. Police Motor Unit, Montg. Co. PA
May 16, 2004
To Sergeant James Miller FAMILY, Friends and Upper Dublin Township Police Department you are in the thoughts and prayers of myself and the Mullins Police Department. Sergeant Miller you have laid down your life in the line of duty, now rest my brother. Fore the thin blueline will carry on in your name.
Lt. Chuck Jackson
Mullins Police Department (S.C)
May 6, 2004
I know that I speak for my whole family when I say that I am so deeply saddened to hear of the death of Sgt. Miller. The Miller family and friends are in our prayers and hearts.
Thank you Sgt. Miller for spending your life protecting us. Please watch over your loved ones and give them strength and healing in their daily life.
I said, "God, I hurt."
And God said, "I know."
I said, "God, I cry a lot."
And God said,
"That is why I gave you tears."
I said, "God, I am so depressed."
And God said,
"That is why I gave you Sunshine."
I said, "God, life is so hard."
And God said,
"That is why I gave you loved ones."
I said, "God, my loved one died."
And God said, "So did mine."
I said, "God, it is such a loss."
And God said,
"I saw mine nailed to a cross."
I said, "God, but your loved one lives."
And God said, "So does
I said, "God, where are they now?"
And God said, "Mine is on My right and
yours is in the Light."
I said, "God, it hurts."
And God said, "I know."
With the most sincerest condolences,
Erin Lawn
Sister of Lower Gwynedd Officer Richard Lawn
Erin Lawn
sister of Officer Richard Lawn
May 2, 2004
Our State lost one of it's finest this week. Sgt Andy Brown, Florida Highway Patrol, Troop G.
After posting a "reflection" to his memorial, I scanned the other Brothers in Law Enforcement and came across Sgt Miller's Memorial Page and a lump formed immediately in my throat.
I use to dispatch for Sgt Miller and the other Officers within that Dept. in 1990. Upper Dublin was my first dispatching experience. I have been a dispatcher in many different departments in the nation now, following my husband's military career.
I want to express my heartfelt condolences to the immediate family of the Sgt and the Law Enforcement Family as well. May you all feel God's comfort deep within throughout this devestating time.
My memory of Sgt Miller is of his respectfulness. He was always curtious and gentle when we spoke. He made me feel confident in the job I was doing and allowed me to know the job's seriousness and awsome responsiblity, without fearing same.
His professionalism was unique in that he was "comfortable" for lack of a better word (he made it all look easy).
May God Bless you all. I do have fond memories of your department in the short time I served there and today is extremely heart wrenching, knowing that your department has lost such a powerful presence and the Law Enforcement Family, as a whole, suffers another senseless sacrifice.
May he rest in Peace and keep all of you as safe as he is now.
Duty Officer Sherilyn Nantz (Dispatch)
Florida Highway Patrol (Jacksonville)
May 1, 2004
Jim Miller truly touched my life and was truly a great role model. From when I met him nearly 20 years ago as the coach of the little league team I played on through my years working aside him with Ambler Ambulance. No matter what the circumstances Jim was always caring, professional and looking to do right. Even though he may not have known it, I always idolized him. Rest in peace, Jim, may your life and deeds continue to touch many through the deeds of the many you touched.
Brian Tuckmantel, NREMT-P
Ambler Ambulance
April 30, 2004
April 29, 2004