San Francisco Police Department, California
End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza
Iz, the Thanksgiving Holiday is tomorrow and I know we all say, what the heck can we be thankful for. This was the worst year in our lives and we'll never be the same. I want you to know that I am thankful for the short time we were together on this earth as cousins, you as the brother we never had, and 29 years just wasn't enough, we had so much more living to do as a family. All the memories you left in our minds and the fun times we shared growing up at RRanch and our Xmas Eves, birthday parties and the pinatas in front of your moms house, our Weekly Sunday Spaghetti Dinners at Popos house, and the time your mom made us put on the boxing gloves and we all tried to beat the crap out of each other especially you and me, and then Aunt Carol opened the door and all 6 or 8 of us went running up and down the block in our pajamas to blow off steam and release all the energy we all had after Uncle Isaac gave us all that Coca Cola. I remember sitting across the table from you when you told us you were expecting Bella, and the day she was born and how you held her in your arms in the hospital, the look on your face was priceless, you wouldn't put her down and didn't really want to share her. I'll be thinking about you and the family tomorrow, I love you guys. Iz we all miss you and there isn't a day that goes by that you and your family are not in my thoughts.
Big Cousin
November 24, 2004
Every time I walk into Bayview, I still expect to run into you there. I still feel like when I turn the corner, I'm going to run into you and DJ laughing and joking around. I still feel like softball season is just around the bend and you will be out there running around with us, acting a fool, making us all laugh. Then reality hits me, and I still can't believe that your gone.
We miss you bro. You and your family are never far from my thoughts.
San Francisco Police Department
November 23, 2004
I remember the boat race. We were all there. That was the best. I remember saving those milk cartons too. He was really was happy you guys didn't win. How could our boats beat his. No way.. ha..ha.. that was funny.
R-Ranch, that watermelon sure took a beating... I remember sitting back saying, "Isaac really did it now." was funny on my end..I didn't have to confess to our neighbors. The shit hit the roof on that one. Its funny how when we got into trouble, and now look back and wish to grab another second with him....
The Holidays are going to be ruff this year. Please give Uncle Isaac, Aunt Carol, Regina, Renata, Bella, and our family the strength to get through. I love you. A
November 23, 2004
Isaac Halloween came and went, and how we missed to see the big pumpkin you always carved for Bella, it was carved so good we sometimes wondered if you really carved it, ha, ha, ha remember how we use to kid you about that, well the holidays are around the corner, and that will be another big memory. We miss you every day, your daughter is getting so big, and Renata is trying so hard to be strong, but she can only take it one day at a time, but then I think you know that, because I know you can see them from heaven. Watch over them always.
November 22, 2004
hey bro, its me Eggy. Just saw a picture of me and u at Golden gate bridge. It was that time that we all went to do some sightseeing around town. Remember that picture I got Of you pretendidng you were jumping of. That was funny man. I MISS OUR FRIENSHIP. THANKS FOR ALWAYS WATCHING OUT FOR ME ICE I WILL SEE SOON
November 22, 2004
Carol I remember that day when you guys raced the boats. We were all there like usual because we all grew up like sisters and brothers. I remember standing right next to Uncle Isaac while he cheered his son on Gosh I could vividly see in my mind how proud Uncle Isaac was, He was just laughing. There are so many stories to tell and I remember quite a few. I remember at R-Ranch when a really nice lady on the other side of the little stream put a watermelon in the stream to keep it cold. And Isaac and a Friend I think it was Giulerducci down at the stream playing soccer with the watermelon. HAHa The Lady wasnt too happy. Aunt Carol had to talk to her and apologize. Isaac was always into something. Its no wonder he was in all those sports, giving to the homeless and countless other things while working with th PD. We miss Isaac so much. His memories will always stick with me, Forever.
November 22, 2004
Lately I have talked and seen you in my dreams, I don't know why, but I thank you. It is wonderful, when I wake up, I find my self with sadness that the reality is that you are gone, and the joy that I was able to see you and talk to you, you are so real in my dreams. There is not one day that goes by that you are not missed and remembered about the smallest little thing, then reality hits and end in tears. You are missed so much in our home. Keep talking to me in my dreams.
November 18, 2004
One of my fondest memories of you was when you were about 8 and Irene and I must have been 10. We saved milk cartons for months so we could make a boat that floated at Marine World Park. Our garage was littered with milk carton's for months. My mom put it together for Irene and I with duck tape and rope just like your mom did. The three of us raced our boats. We all came in last place. But you were so proud of us. You said we were the family that came in last place. Irene and I were sad but you were just happy that we all finished last. I miss you dearly. Every time I drive home I see the placed we raced our boats, and the night you died I saw an angel in the same place, I know you are here with me in my soul, I just wish it was in person. I Love You.
November 16, 2004
Hey Iz, It really hard for us right now cuz me miss you so much and with the Holiday's coming up it's even harder. You promised me, it was your turn this year and I was to be off the hook, those words go through my head over and over, I can hear your voice, cousin. A nice lady who also lost her son that was an officer told us that we should put up a Blue Star in our window to represent you this Xmas, so I went out and bought your mom/dad a blue star, it was the only one I could find, I am still not done, I am searching hard to make sure I have found the best one out there for you, cuz only the best will do to represent you, I hope you like it cuz, I am so sad you wont be around to give us all that warm hug and beautiful smill. We Miss You dearly and Love you always!
Big Cousin
November 15, 2004
Christmas is coming near and my stomach aches thinking about you not being here to celebrate the good times. It will not be the same. You are so dearly missed by all. We are all sad. This was supposed to be your year. Somehow we will make it through. But in one instant our lives have changed. Sorry your not here, Its not your fault. We miss you, We love you!
November 15, 2004
Isaac, I miss you so much. Each day that passes by you are always on my mind. You are always on my prayers. I love you so much and miss you.
November 14, 2004
My beautiful, beautiful nephew. I miss you so much and think about you everyday. I so wish you were still here. Christmas is coming and it will be so hard without you there. Life is not the same since you left. My life is not the same since you left.
November 12, 2004
Where do I even start. Well tonight right now is not a good night. I am physically exhausted but cannot go to bed yet because I have so much to do around the house. I am tired. Today was a very hard day, I miss you so much. Bella asked about you tonight as we came home she started to cry and said she missed you. All I could say was I miss your papi too and it is ok to cry. But inside me I was so angry just thinking how unfair it was that she had to live without you. I hate not having you here it is so hard. I was there for you this week like I said I was, I was so scared and nervous but when the time came I knew that I had to be strong and I would be okay. Fortunately, the nightmare was not there it was postponed until a couple of weeks. I was glad. But don't worry I will be there again. For you, for us. I will not give up. The house is coming along well, everything is falling into place, I just wished I would of spent more time talking to you about specific things you wanted around here. It is difficult trying to make house decisions alone. Gosh! I miss you. Thank you for giving me strength each day because you see how much I need it and for watching over Bella and me. I hope tommorrow will be a better day, I will try to smile more and remember your laugh that always helps, I will remember our funny times together. I will see you soon. I love you, and always will.
November 11, 2004
Hi Isaac,
It's 7 months today, still think about you daily, I keep your family in my prayers. Rest in peace, send us love from above.
November 10, 2004
You are missed so much....
November 10, 2004
we brought flowers to you at co. c last week. another officer asked me who they were for, i was speechless. all i could do was look away and choke on my words. all i felt was anger. i was mad that your flowers weren't fresh...i was mad that i couldn't see you...i was just mad, period! i can't even imagine the pain your family is feeling. when i see your picture, i know that you are watching over them and hear everything they tell you. you are MORE than loved and missed, you are thought of EVERY day! we love you isaac!!!
November 8, 2004
I've thought of you a lot over the last few weeks. I just want to say I miss you and thank you dearly for leaving me with so many great memories. Continue to give strength to your family as I know you are.
November 7, 2004
dear issac we miss you very much.we have gotten so close to your family.we love isabella and gave them to us and we always look after them.they are apart of our family now.we thank you for that.i am so glad we had this last christmas with you out our table. there will always be a place for you every christmas and i will never forget you. athena misses her godfather and loves you.i think of you every day and know you are watching us and know our pain.we visit you all the time and your picture is always on my mantle and all your memories.i love your family and you were always like a son till next time issac i know you are at peace . you are missed always marian and family
November 5, 2004
Isaac I missed you alot today bro. I was at work and could not stop thinking of you. I pray for my sister and niece, your parents and sister that GOd would grant them strenght day by day.We all miss you and think of you every day hoping to see you on that day when our heavenly father decides it is time to meet with you. I love you bro: EGGY I
November 4, 2004
I saw you last week. It was freezing and windy as I walked up the hill, but as I got closer, the cold and wind disappearred. I was warm, and knew that you were watching over me, thank-you. It looked like it was going to rain, but mother nature held on...I was speechless, but had so much to say. I miss you, and often say to myself, "There is absolutely NO reason why I should be visiting such a young, vibrant person HERE. This place was meant for people who have lived LONG lives. Its not fair..." I wiped your brow and kissed it "goodbye", until next time. Love you brother...
November 4, 2004
Thanks for your service, we all think about you everyday.
November 4, 2004
i am very honored to meet a wonderful man like isaac.
so wonderful that i want to show the world that i am thinking about him everyday and spread his legacy.
zak, thankyou for the opporunity.
i admire you, i really do.
i'm majoring in criminolgy and isaac has inspired me alot to help the others. im proud to say he's my hero. i can promise you that you'll be remembered forever.
i salute you.
god bless you.
aracelia eva
November 4, 2004
Hey Renata! This is Isaac's cousin Krystle. The girl with the curly hair. Remember you tried to introduce me to Officer Andrew Cohen ( at the Cathedral Hill hotel) but couldn't remember my name. It's okay... there are so many in the Espinoza family. I am Auntie May's granddaughter.
Renata, live your life without regrets. I know all eyes are on you. You need to do WHATEVER MAKES YOU AND ISABELLA HAPPY!!!!!!! We love you and the baby very much!
November 4, 2004
Im sorry I haven't written to you in quite awhile. But ive gone to visit you. I try to go visit you as much as I can. I miss you Isaac. Its been awhile seen youve been gone but it seems like yesterday that I saw you laughing and smiling or playing with Bella or us making fun of you or you making fun of us. Its been really hard for everyone. We still cant except the fact that your gone. Theres so much there to make us miss you. I want you to know that your always in my prayers and that I havent for one second forgotten about you. I love you Isaac & we miss you all very much. Watch over Renata and Bella for these are the times that they need you the most. I know you always are. Miss you.
November 2, 2004
Today was the first day i wore my remembrance of I saac shirt at Westmoor. I always wear my necklace of him but i havent wore the shirt. anyways a lot people asked me how you were doing. All i could say that I knew you were trying and its hard. After school i stopped by the volleyball and more then 10 people asked me about you an Bella and all I said was that you were holding on. Keep your head up Renata we are all here for you. I hope to see you monday when we all go to dinner. Love you...
November 2, 2004