San Francisco Police Department, California
End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza
Isaac, went to church today, Palm Sunday, and prayed for Renata, Bella, your mom, dad and your sister and for you, may God give them comfort and peace. Still asking the same questions, what if you didn't go to work that day, what if another call came in, what if, what if, but God wanted you with him up in heaven. Always in our hearts and prayers. May you rest in peace. Love Sonia
April 10, 2006
I was on duty the other nite and saw "ZAK 64", it brought a smile to my face...thank-u, bless u, see u lunes!
ZAK, you chose your star # for a reason. It is one that will always stand out and have a meaning. My father will be 64 next month, and I think of you. I respond to an address of "64", and I think of you. You were always one to stand out...You will absolutely never be forgotten, and will always be missed and thought of! Bless your family on this second year and may this be a stronger year. We love you brother...PB
bayview mids
April 9, 2006
I cannot believe it is already two years. How I have missed you. I often wonder why you were taken. Was it because you were to change some of our lifes, make believers out of those who were not, clean up others. Was your death to chalenge the faith of some? Why were you taken, the one with so much love, so much life, so much to give and in the middle of your young life building your young family's dream. So many questions, with no answers.
Each April is sad, each Easter is sad, each holiday without you is not complete. You were taken to quickly from us. We did not have our chance to say Good-buy. I miss you my little one. I miss your smile, your witty sense of humor, your good looks. I missed the way you looked at your wife, the love you showed for your daughter, your love and respect of your parents and the protection you showed for your sister. I miss seeing you Isaac. April 10 is hard for me, but I feel some relief knowing that our brother and others are still remembering you and have not forgotten you. I want to believe that you did not die for nothing, that your death ment something, perhaps change something ugly into something good.
My life has not been the same since you were taken out of it. I live, but not like I did for there is a sadness to it. Sadness because I do not understand why you, you of all, were taken. I wish this upon no other, but why you? Why us, why me? Why?
I miss you my little angle.
April 9, 2006
As your second anniversary approaches I wil remember you and your family in my prayers.
God Bless and may you rest in peace.
Anne (Civilian)UK
S.W.Police (retd)
April 9, 2006
April 8, 2006
Miss your jokes and laughter. Wish everyone was like you Isaac!
April 7, 2006
I'm here to thank you again. The day I was hired with FVPD I left you a note telling you how great it was that you saw me through and here I am again because today, I completed my FTO training. I know you were with me, during the long nights and the difficult calls for service. I constantly think about you when I am out patroling the streets.
I have had such great teachers, and to each of them I look when I am in question, but I ultimately model myself after you. You were the best, and remain to be the driving inspiration that sends so many behind bars where they belong.
Watch over me as I continue on my own. Watch our brothers and continue to inspire the next generation. Still be the light that has become a beacon of hope for the future of this cold and dark world.
I thank you for all you have done for me. I would not be half the man I am if it werent for the legacy you left and the impact you stamped on my heart.
Officer James Cataline
Fountain Valley Police Department
April 7, 2006
It will be two years that your tour of duty ended. Many broken hearts were left behind all because of some reckless individual who had no regard for human life. You have not been forgotten and are a true hero. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol. Wrap your wings around your family and keep them close to you and help them with their grief.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
April 6, 2006
It is going to be two years, and seems like yesterday. We keep you alive in our house. Every day we have to say something about you. Your picture is on our mantel and of course Monica walks by there every day, and says, "oh Isaac, we miss you. You are missed so very much, and even though it has been two years, it seems like yesterday. You will always be in our hearts. Rest in peace, Isaac. Love you. Sonia
April 6, 2006
Isaac- Its been a while since i have left you some thoughts. Things have just been so crazy with work and trying to get hired on. Im just chasing that dream still. Its almost been two years since the good Lord figured it was your time to watch over us. Not a day has gone by since the first time i heard your name that i dont think about you and the major impact you have left in my heart, you have changed my thought process about life entirely. You are the picture perfect portrait of what a man should be and your name will live on forever. Everday when i open my wallet i have the pleasure of seeing a "64 isaac would" sticker in there and it reminds of the lifestyle i am trying to lead, Everday when i walk to my car i see the big sticker i have on the back window that says "Issac would" with the 64. I get questions all the time of what that means, and when i get to take time to mention your name to a complete stranger it honestly gives me the chills. You are a good hearted man and a rolemodel to me. If i could EVER be half the cop you were i would be 100% satisfied with my career. I cant wait to get on the streets and pick up where you left off. I think about it every single day. I will do nothing but make you proud. I will brave the streets with confidence because i know someone is watching over me and has my back! Thank you so much for being an inspiration in my life!
I was reading through my Bible the other day and for some reason this verse caught my eye and made me think of you and Law Enforcement!
Psalm 140:1-3
- Rescue me O Lord from evil men; protect me from men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war everyday, they make their tounges as sharp as a serpents, the poison of vipers is on their lips.
-God Bless you Isaac Espinoza!
Eric Dunn
Palomar College Police Academy Class 12
April 5, 2006
Officer Espinoza,
Although I never had the pleasure of meeting you I have been lucky enough to know your one of your cousins for over 20 years now. He rercently within the last few years changed his entire life by becoming clean and sober after over 20 years of addiction. I am very proud of him as I know that you were proud of him also. I know that you are one of the people that he continues to look up to and there is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of. Your life and the human being that you were inspire your cousin to contine his sobriety and live a better life. You are a hero in his eyes, your family's eyes i'm sure and even thogh I was never lucky enough to meet you, you will always be a hero in my heart. Thank You Isaac.
April 4, 2006
Bro, I will never forget you.It still feels unreal after almost two years. I think of you everyday bro.
Love you
April 2, 2006
God Bless you and may you rest in peace.
To Officer Espinoza's family I am sorry for your loss this little verse was sent to me on the loss of a loved one, I would like to think it will bring you some comfort.
When I am in need of comfort
I walk down memory lane
There I see you smiling
I talk with you again
And as I wander slowly back
I seem to hear you say
Don't grieve don't cry dear loved one
We'll meet again someday.
Anne (civilian) U.K.
S.W.Police (retd)
March 31, 2006
Hey dude, I brouse your reflections now and again. I worked some overtime in the bayview last week and was walking out the back when I ran into Derrick. I see you in him everytime I see him. I dont know what it is. He will never know how much respect I have for him. I saw Barry too. I trained Barry and look at him as one I can say I will never forget. I am all so proud of him too. It just fits that those two are together as partners. They work very hard and are a reflection of you. I wanted to stop by and say hello my brother. --- Ian
March 21, 2006
Son: You know that I think about you everyday and often throughout the day. All most daily I come to this page. I usually do not leave a reflection because words do not adequately describe the feelings I hold inside. I am consistently searching for things to read that will bring me comfort. The following short poem reminds me of how precious our memories are. It also helps to confirm for me the hope of eternal life together with our family and friends and also the communion of saints (you up in Heaven with us here on earth):
There is nothing like family.
Our memories sustain us
through whatever life may bring
Wherever we may be...
We are connected by ties that
neither time nor distance can alter...
poem by Richard Woodard
March 18, 2006
You are always in our hearts and prayers. Sonia
March 18, 2006
you will always be in my prayers for you and your family..
Estefano L.
March 15, 2006
Espinoza Family and Friends,
Stay strong and keep your heads up during the trial, and with the coming date...Please know that we love (not "loved", because we STILL and ALWAYS WILL love) Isaac and think of him every day- whether its the "Isaac Would Go" t-shirts, his "64" star pins, or if we're watching his video, Isaac is remembered. I've seen Isaac, and he has comforted me on the street...thank-u. May God bless you and yours, Patty.
Ofc. Brown, mids
san francisco pd
March 15, 2006
I come to your site almost every other day, and I look at your picture and still can't believe your really gone. It was only yesterday we were at Popo's house having our Sunday Dinner. I love you Isaac. I hear your dads birthday is coming, and I can't help to think how he must feel when he can't celebrate his birthday with his only son.
The son who was his best friend. The son who just like him. The son who loved him more than anything. The son who lay down his life for him. The son who made him laugh. The son who made him proud. The son who gave him his first beautiful grandchild. I can't imagin the pain my uncle must feel as he trys to put on a smile to carry on. Please watch over your dad Isaac, and remind him that he has a lot of family that loves him! May God Bless you Uncle Isaac, Aunt Carol, Regina, Renata, and Bella, as you celebrate this day. May you find peace, joy, and comfort in having one another to lean on during these wonderful yet hard times.
From: Your cousin who misses you everyday.............
March 14, 2006
Save your tears
for the day
when our pain is far behind
on your feet
come with me
we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears
take your place
save them for the judgement day
fast and free
follow me
time to make the sacrifice
we rise or fall
I'm a soldier, born to stand
in this waking hell I am
witnessing more than I can compute
pray myself we don't forget
lies, betrayed and the oppressed
please give me the strength to be the truth
people facing the fire together
if we don't, we'll lose all we have found
Cadet Jason Veraldi
Class 12 Graduate, Palomar Academy
March 14, 2006
dear issac,you are missed very much. today is 23 months and i know that terrible day is coming soon. i yalk to your mom alot and she misses you so much. we went to erics grandma's funral and as always it bring so many memories. i took jeanne to your grave and we stayed awile and reflected. it still isnt real i still see your friends carrying you and its a beautiful thing they wanted to do but something that shouldnt have had to be., watch over us issac and if gil is there with you tell him i miss him very much. love marian
March 10, 2006
Isaac, I still see you every day. You are the first person I see each day I come into work. We will never forget you here at Palomar. I continue to pray for your family. Mrs. and Mr. E, Renata and Bella...I think of you often and hope you are doing are all in my prayers.
Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy
March 9, 2006
A Tribute to the Heroes Among Us
Our hearts go out to you and your families. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers. Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough for men and women who are heroes when we need them, but invisible, ignored, and unappreciated when we don’t.
You rescue us, save our possessions, our lives and our families. You are the heroes among us. You are always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we call, we just expect that you will come and do whatever it takes to help us. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring. We show our appreciation with low pay in many parts of the country, little respect, and indifference for the issues in your lives, most of the time. As young children, we want to grow up and be you until we get older and realize the risk isn’t worth the reward.
As outsiders, we envy you secretly. You have benefits in your careers that our jobs just can’t provide. Your work is not the same old thing every day. You get the opportunity to be heroes every time you go to work. You obviously love what you do, and you’re a family. You have a oneness the rest of society longs for. You care about and support each other. You know each other’s families, share each other’s lives. The rest of us face life’s trials and tribulations alone. You are never alone. You have each other, always.
It is our loss not to know you better. This world, this country, your individual towns truly are better places because of you. To lose one of you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We should be grateful for and to you, and honor you regularly for all you do for us day in and day out without a word of thanks or praise.
We should be ashamed of ourselves; and yet, you continue to do all you do for us in spite of our behavior, which speaks to the people you are. How many of us are willing to do a job knowing we may not go home at the end of the day?
Maybe one day in the future, you will all be recognized for all you do with better pay, and the community support and respect you so richly deserve. Until then, hang tough together, and God Bless You and your families.
March 7, 2006
We Do Not Need A Special Day
I do not need a special day
To bring you to my mind.
The days I do not think of you
Are very hard to find.
Each morning when I awake
I know that you are gone.
And no one knows the heartache
As I try to carry on.
My heart still aches with sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
My thoughts are always with you.
Your place no one can fill.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
There will always be a heartache,
And often a silent tear,
But always a precious memory
Of the days when you were here.
If tears could make a staircase,
And heartaches make a lane,
I'd walk the path to Heaven
And bring you home again.
I hold you close within my heart,
And there you will remain,
To walk with me throughout life
Until we meet again.
(Author Unknown)
March 7, 2006
That was such a beautiful poem and I'm sure if little Isabella is anything like her papi...she will be that little girl, standing, speaking proud of her beautiful ANGEL.
March 1, 2006