Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Hey Sarge,

It has been over three months since you were taken from us and the heartache that all your fellow brothers and sisters in law enforement felt is still very much there. It still seems surreal not to hear you check in 10-41 on the radio. And although I have already posted a reflection, I just wanted to let you know that you are still very much missed and that you will never be forgotten by any of us that knew you and worked with you. I know you are in heaven now, watching over the rest of us, smiling down on us and protecting us. Thank you for being an exemplary officer and a true hero. We all miss you.

Deputy Regina Gillespie
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

July 16, 2004

You will never be forgotten. I am honored to have called you FRIEND! My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Until we see each other again, RIP!

Jon M. Lawson
Childhood friend from TN

July 9, 2004

How strange it felt to stand and watch in celebration of our freedom .. seeing the fireworks illuminate the sky in such bright and beautiful colors .. and to look down at my watch .. see the date and the time. Hope you enjoyed the fireworks. After all, you had the best view.
You would be simply amazed at the way that your memory continues to soldier on. So many still feel the pain of your loss and are doing all they can to keep your memory alive and strong. Keep your eyes upon us, and be with us ... as we know you always will.
Happy 4th!!

July 6, 2004

Happy 4th! We miss you.

July 3, 2004

Yesterday we lost another one of our own in a tragic car wreck in Colorado. So many people throughout our nation go on with their lives and never think twice about a fallen Law Enforcement Officer. There are many of our young men and women dying every day in Iraq and other hostile areas of the many family members left behind. But Sgt. Hewitt and others have not fallen in vain. A higher purpose than any of us can understand is their calling. I mourn for your wife and step son, God be with them always.
Deepest respect;
from a former MP, (US Army), SWAT Officer, and Deputy Sheriff
Murphy, NC

Fellow SWAT Officer
Cherokee Co. Sheriff's Office

July 2, 2004

Hey Sweetheart!
It's been almost three months ago that you were taken from us. It's so hard to believe. I keep waiting for the phone to ring and see your number. I wish I could pick up the phone and hear you say "Hey Beautiful". Darren has been taking care of the mowing. Sometimes I hear the garage door open and I think to myself, "Dear God, let it be Jeff. Please make this all a bad dream". But the nightmare continues and you are still gone from me.
Jeff, you came to me in my darkest hour. You made so many "wrongs" right again. I am so grateful to you for that. I remember telling Tina Earwood, that there was no way in the world I would ever get married again. Then after a while she said, "There's this guy that does security at Dillard's that you've got to meet". I thought she was crazy! We both told her that we didn't want anything "serious". But we finally gave in and agreed to meet and it was love at first sight. You must have called me 10 times that day. I can remember you coming over every single night to kiss me goodnight. You never missed one single opportunity to tell me how much you loved me. Not only did you say the words, but you went out of your way to make sure I knew. I've never felt so special in my life. You treated me like I was a princess. I know I will never have that again as long as I live.
Everyone has been so nice to me. You wouldn't believe what everyone has done. The department has been wonderful. Someone is always coming by to check on me. Jeff, I don't think you had any idea how special you were to everyone. Even people that had never met you have shed tears for you. Mark Graham and Lyn Short have been great. They have worked so hard to plan events to raise money for the Memorial Fund. I can't believe everything everyone has done. The 3 Amigos (Mark D., Ikie M., and John E.) have been right by my side. They have been like big brothers. You would be so proud of them for everything they have done to help out. Sheriff Medford and Capt. Heffner have been so wonderful too. I can't even begin to name everyone. Capt. Rickman, Capt. Farnsworth....well, you get the point. Besides, I know you're looking down and seeing everything.
You know, before we met I had became so independent. I didn't need anyone! I had made up my mind that I could take care of myself. Then you came along and swept me off my feet. I gradually began to let that wall down that I had built around myself and let you into my heart. Since you've been gone I realize how utterly helpless I am without you. Everyone keeps telling me how strong I've been and that I'm doing so well. What they don't know is that my heart is screaming inside. Screaming for someone to please hit rewind and make all of this go away. I can't think, I can't sleep and most of all I can't seem to accept that this is real. You can't really be gone!!! People say this will get easier. How is that possible? How can someone live with only half of their heart? How will I learn to make it on my own again? I need so badly for you to put your arms around me and say that everything is going to be ok. I know you are here in spirit. I know you are watching out for me. I feel your presence. Sometimes I can even smell your scent. By the way, I got the birds you sent. (You know what I'm talking about).
Well Baby! I guess I'll go for now. Just know how much I miss you. I promise I will see you again someday. Just wait for me okay! Thank you for the most wonderful years of my life! I'm so proud you chose me to be your wife. I hope that I can just be half of the person you were. If so, I will leave behind a wonderful legacy someday. I wonderful it must be to know that you blessed so many lives. Come see me in my dreams when you get a chance.
I'll love you forever,
"See you in a minute" 143

Tracie M. Hewitt

July 1, 2004

Dear Jeff,
You were in our family for just a short time and then you were gone too soon. The short time we knew you we loved you so. Not many people touch lives as you did. How grateful we are that God let us know someone like you. We all have our special memories of you and we will all hold them dear to our hearts as long as we live and until we meet you again when God calls all His Children home. We thank you for the love and joy you brought to Tracie and Taylor and we will all do our best to watch over them for you.
Love Uncle Jim and Aunt Pat.

Jim and Pat Earwood
Uncle and Aunt

July 1, 2004

Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
Romans 6:8-10
Rest with Jesus until we may all be together.


June 29, 2004

Jeff,we'll never be the same. Each new day for all BCSD patrol is different. We know your life in Heaven now is greater than anything that we could offer you, but that still doesn't change the fact that we'd all like to have one more moment with you. Keep watching over us. We feel your presence and know that you still remain with us on each call we take. We love you Jeff!

June 28, 2004

My hero, my brother,
How can I be without you. If I could just hear your voice, if I could just sit with you for one more moment, see your smile, followed by that contagious laugh when you really got tickled about something. You always made me laugh, no matter how serious I was, you would laugh, causing me to do the same.
Forgive me for being sad because I know you wouldn't want me to be. Tracie said you would come back if you could only because you would know that is what we would want, but you would ask us to come to Heaven to be with you as you are enjoying all of the rewards and blessings you've earned and deserve. Save me a place because one day I'll see you again. That's Gods promise to his children. Until then, all the things I miss about you will visit me in my thoughts, my memories and my dreams.
People have written such beautiful things about you, along with comforting thoughts for those of us who must carry on without you. Those who knew you miss you as much as your family does, and those who did not know you personally have shown compassion, offered their condolences as well as their praise for your actions on that awful night you gave your life that others might live. The courage and compassion you demonstrated set a wonderful example for those who fail to realize what it takes to live in peace and harmony.
You counted Jeff, you made a difference. This world has suffered a great loss and Heaven has embraced another angel. Be with your fallen brothers, friends and family who left this earth before you. Be with us, comfort us, bring us your smile when we need it the most and least expect it. Most of all my precious brother, rest in peace and patrol the streets of Heaven where no guns are needed. Patrol with your brothers here and protect them as they continue your watch here on earth. Do all the things you never had time to do here on earth. Let your wings carry you to places we've only heard about.
Thank you for being my brother and my best friend. When we meet again I'll give you a big hug and a kiss. Better yet, a big Hershey kiss to satisfy your sweet tooth!
I love you Bubba,
Susan Hewitt,
Waynesville, NC

Susan A. Hewitt

June 25, 2004

To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.

June 17, 2004

We are truly saddened at Jeff's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.

God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!

Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.

June 11, 2004


Months have passed and I still don't understand. Nor do I have answers for the many people whos lives you touched.
But these things I do know, you were a
outstanding unselfish marine who served
his country with pride and done it to the utmost.
A law officer of compassion and integrity, always putting the other persons feelings and circumstances before your own. And most of all took your place in my sons life, through the divine guidance of our God as only you good have done. Showing him that law officers are truly people to be honored
and praised every day we live. Thank you
for leaving Taylor these very important
morals in which he will use to give to others just as you have done.
As for myself I owe you my freedom as a American citizen, my safety as a citizen of the community in which you made the ultimate sacrafice.
Jeff, you have my honor, respect, and most of all a life time of debt in which I owe to you. You mended things in my life that were broken that only you through God's quidance, and your always willing personality to help others could have fixed. As long as I live you will never be forgotten, only honored and remembered for the man that you are.
Please continue to watch over us all.
Heaven has now in its posession the finest we here on earth have to offer.
I'll see you man, on the other side!



June 11, 2004

Thank you so much for your Laughter, your Smile, and most of all your Friendship. You are still missed so very much.


June 9, 2004

The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?"

The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.

But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep....
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills just got too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't.....I'll understand.

There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.

"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."


June 2, 2004

Two months have passed since you went to be with the Lord. Our whole community still misses you and will never forget your selfless act. Tracie, you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to remember all the good times you and Jeff shared together and maybe it will help to ease your pain. He is still with you in every breath you take. He still wraps his arms around you on a daily basis. Feel his love forever and know he is watching over you. Also, continue to know that this community will embrace you for as long as needed. I miss Jeff and think of him daily. When I pass by your house, I always hope that you are not alone because I can only imagine how hard it is for you to be there alone. If you need anything, please let me know.


June 1, 2004

They say that this gets easier as time passes but I must disagree. I feel the same heartache I felt almost 2 months ago, if not just a little worse. Losing you has been the worst thing I have ever delt with. I visit this site as a daily ritual. I visit your grave at least 4 times a week. Sometimes I spend more time at your grave side then I spend with the people I live with. After you were called to Heaven I chose to contact every person from my past that made any kind of impact on my life. I managed to repair my relationship with my Father whom I hadn't talked to in quite some time. I made contact with all of those people to tell them exactly how I felt about them. I felt I had to do this to make things right since I hadn't done that with you. I believed it would help me get over this emptiness I feel in my heart. I was wrong. Everyday is a new day with the same hurt left over from the day before and some. I remember your glowing smile and crazy stories and I smile then I cry. I miss you so much. The boys and I had a thing we did every time we passed a Sheriffs Deputy car-"There's the Sheriffs Department, Wonder who it is". Now when we see a car it takes a minute then one of the boys will say "Mom, I miss Jeff". That is so hard to deal with. I never know what to say, so I just tell them, " I know.Me too". I can't wait to see you again. Love you and miss you so very much.Please keep watch over me and the boys as you always had before.Godspeed

May 29, 2004

On 04/04/04 we lost our precious son. We always took it for granted that he would be with us always. If we had just one more chance to see his smile, to hear his voice, to give him a hug and to just say" I love you son", it would mean everything to us. We'll never get that chance, but thru the wonderful reflections submitted to this memorial page by each and everyone of you, we know in our hearts that he is not alone. So many officers have fallen before and since Jeff passed that we know Jeff is surrounded by the best as they patrol the streets of Heaven. We want to thank each one of you for your support and your heart felt messages. He loved his job and was so proud to be a part of the Buncombe County law enforcement family. Serving his community was an honor not "just a job." He wouldn't have had it any other way. When he was a teenager he made his decision to become a part of law enforcement and nothing was going to stop him from making that dream come true. We prayed for him and supported him when he served in Desert Storm while serving 6 years as an MP in the Marine Corp. When he returned safely we thought our prayers had been answered and we would have him with us for many years to come. Jeff and God had other plans. Jeff followed his heart and once again joined the brotherhood of law enforcement. God made sure he had balance in his life, giving him the gifts of laughter, compassion, patience and a heart as big as all outdoors. He loved his family, hunting, fishing, NASCAR , UT football, and the people he served as an officer and a friend. He lived life to the fullest, dreaming his dreams and striving to make them come true. While his watch here on earth ended 04/04/04, we know his watch in Heaven has just begun. Our hearts are heavy and our tears fall frequently but we know Jeff is in a far better place and we're holding onto the knowledge that someday we'll be with him once again.
May God bless all of you and as those of you in the brotherhood begin your watch each day, may God walk beside you and protect you.

Bill and Pat Hewitt
Parents of Jeffrey Todd

Patricia and Bill Hewitt
Parents of Jeff

May 22, 2004

We are still remembering you and
your tremendous sacrifice. You are a bright light that your death cannot

"Blessed are the poor in spirit
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"Blessed are those who mourn
for they will be comforted."
"Blessed are the meek
for they will inherit the earth."
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
for they will be filled."
"Blessed are the merciful
for they will be shown mercy."
"Blessed are the pure in heart
for they will see God."
"Blessed are the peacemakers
for they will be called Sons of God."
"Blessed are those who are
presecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kindgdom of Heaven.

From one coast of America to the other with love and sympathy,
Lynn Kole
Washington State

May 22, 2004

To the family of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt: I lost my uncle, Deputy Mark Tucker, in February, so from one aching heart to another, I offer my sincerest condolences. I pray for the Lord to give you the strength to hold your head up high day-to-day in pride for your fallen hero. May His grace and the memories you have bring you comfort in times of grief and sheer bereavement. **God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December**

Angela Tucker

May 21, 2004

I personally wanted to thank you for writting the ad about deputy jeff hewitt. He is my cousin and will be sadly missed. I can remeber few years ago going to his wedding and us laughing when I told him I was in training to become a firefighter/medic. he supported me and said you will love it nothings better than being there for the public. He taked about many things while I was visiting but it was for sure the things he loved the most was his beautiful wife,friends and co-workers and family.We were alot alike even down to the endention on back of our heads-laughing. He has inspired me in alot of ways for the job I do for the public and the outstanding job he performed for the public. To know jeff hewitt he never had a enemy just friends who he made laugh. I will miss jeff in so many ways and as for our family its a hard concept to bite that hes gone from us. He will be missed but honored by those around him for the outstanding performance of public service everyday of his career. I can only strive to be as wonderful to my community as he was to his. We will always love you jeff and you will never be forgotten by family,friends. I will miss you buddy, love you Cousin Jesse Hewitt II Firefighter/medic

Jesse P. Hewitt II
Newport News fire Department

May 18, 2004

I said a prayer for you today and know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke no word. I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind. I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each new day, to grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small, but it was for His loving care I prayed for most of all.
Author Unknown
I know 5-12 was your anniversary and all I can do is pray that you are surrounded by friends and loved ones because I can only imagion how hard that must be for you. You are in mine and my families thoughts and prayers. God Bless and keep you.

May 13, 2004


Words cannot express your level of devotion as it relates to being an excellent role model for upcoming police professionals to follow. I remember our times working together as MP's in the USMC while stationed at Cherry Point and will always cherish our friendship. You were a stellar MARINE and LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER and I am going to miss you tremendously. Although we lost contact after we got out of the Corps, I oftentimes reminisced on how we would sit around the desk sergeant area and you would have that fine cut green Skoal can which I sometimes asked to borrow. I rode a police motorcycle from Cary to your resting location and I must tell you that it was rather tough especially thinking about how you the entire time. My thoughts and prayers will forever be with you and your family brother and please know that you touched my life in our short time working together. By the way brother... Your resting location is one of the most aesthetically pleasing areas I have ever seen. I was amazed at its beauty and know that with other veterans surrounding you that you will be happy and protected. Lastly, I wanted to say THANK YOU for protecting us through your military service as well as your police career. SEMPER FI!


Master Officer Darryll G. DeCotis, Sr.
Cary Police Department

May 12, 2004

Dear family and friends, Iam sorry for your loss. I know that Jeff meant the world to all of you in Buncombe County. I had the opportunity to serve with Jeff in the Marine Corps. I was a k-9 officer at Cherry Point, when I met Jeff. I remember him being a true professional and a great friend to those he was close to. I am sure, from reading the reflections, that Jeff had the same impact in Buncombe County as he did in the Marine Corps. My thoughts go out to his famiy and friends.

God Bless

Trooper Bill Oliver
Missouri State Highway Patrol

May 12, 2004

As I sat in the NC Police Officer's Memorial Service today for the fallen Heroes from 2003 and the WCSO, I was again amazed at the enormity of the love from the law enforcement community. To the colleagues and family fo Sgt Jeff Hewitt, may my God give you peace, may your memories bring you smiles, and may knowing there are others who have suffered the same kind of loss as you, are lifting you up to our Lord who is the giver of all things. May our Lord give you comfort and peace as you begin this new journey without your loved one and comrade.

Patricia Tucker
wife of Investigator Mark Tucker EOW02/14/2004

May 10, 2004

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