Clinton County Sheriff's Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, March 27, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Perry Austin Fillmore
Perry, I have been an officer now almost four months. I miss you dearly.
I wish I could ask your opinion.... How can I do things better? What do I do if this or that comes about? I do I deal with this or that? Sure I have other officers to talk to, but I miss you. I love my job, I love what I do.
I hope you are proud of me..... You helped me achieve this goal of mine. I know I have made mistakes out there, and I know I will make more.
I want to be the officer that you were. I think over time I can be. Thank you again for having my back during that shoot out. You saved my life, Im sure of it.
Officer Thoma
May 15, 2005
uncle perry thanks for all the good times. i sure do miss you, you have always been a tru friend and a person i will always look up to. zak
May 13, 2005
Alot going on right now and find myself turning to tell you. I think cleetus is getting sick of listening to me, but he misses you too! We all do. I long for the day when I can hear you say "BOBBIE" like you always did. I miss you.
I love you
May 11, 2005
Miss you so very much.
May 5, 2005
Thirteen months (395 days) what I wouldn't give to go back in time.
I love you
April 26, 2005
When you love someone so deep down into your soul, that's how far the pain goes when they are taken away. I know your in heaven with our son looking down on me and I am constantly asking myself "what would bum do". You have always been the stronger one and I would appreciate anything you could pass my way because the pain is still so deep in my soul that i don't ever think it goes away. It hasn't even let up. Every where I go and everything I see reminds me of you. I miss you so much. You will always be apart of me and without you I don't feel complete.
love bobby
April 4, 2005
Your wife, mother & father have been in my prayers as well as the rest of your family who miss you so much. May the memories of you help them through this tough time. I thank you for watching over all the deputies and staff of this department. You are thought of often and missed much. Especially those t-shirts that only you would dare wear, and be so proud of. May you rest in peace.
One of the Girls
March 28, 2005
Hey Perry,
One year. It still seems so unreal. I can't even start to explain what I am feeling right now. Today was suppose to be a day for family and instead it was hard and we all missed you so much. I think of Paula often and wish her the best. I can't even start to understand what she is going through.
I'm not sure who said time heals all wounds. But it sure isn't touching my wounds of missing you. It still hurts as much today as it did 1 year ago. Maybe more. I'm not thinking the pain will ever get better let alone go away.
You are in our hearts forever. We miss you more then words could ever say.
Thank you for watching over all of us from above. Love you and miss you so much.
March 28, 2005
Easter Sunday and one year ago you left us. We have all missed you more then you could have ever imagined. My prayers are with Paula today. There is nothing we can say or do to make this day any easier...She knows WE are here for her and she knows YOU are there for her too. Rest in Peace. Aunt Joan & Uncle Ron
March 27, 2005
One year, don't feel any different. Sure do miss you I love you.
March 27, 2005
I thank you for all that you gave, the ultimate sacrifice.
I respect you for helping others, when many wouldn't or didn't.
I honor you for putting family, friends, partners, and strangers before yourself.
I miss you, we all do.
March 27, 2005
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Today, March 27, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Deputy Sheriff Perry Fillmore who died in the line of duty on this date one year ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Deputy Fillmore's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
March 27, 2005
Bum, I can't beleive it was a year ago today that the Lord took you away from us. He must of really needed a great guy in Heaven, because he took the best that was out there. I miss you so much, as does everybody else.
March 27, 2005
DS Fillmore,
On this, the anniversary of your passing, I SALUTE YOU!!
I will honor you (and far too many others) in Washington DC in May.
May God continue to bless you and your families!
March 27, 2005
Larry, it's been one year already. I think 'bout you every day. "WOW" so much has happened. I should have been killed in that shooting but, you were there for me "again" and wasn't gonna let that happen. It's sad to think that you were taken from this world to watch over my silly ass. but, thanks again. I am now understanding that things happen for a reason. Love ya man, Rick
mick lynch deputy
clinton county sheriff
March 27, 2005
Hey Perry,
I was thinking about you really hard today. I really want a "flannel night" with every body. I guess it would bring a world together to celebrate the life of Perry, Bum, and all of the other nic-names you have. I keep Paula in my prayers. She is a special lady and I could tell that when you and I used to meet at "Dead Mans Curve" in the middle of the night. My Chief will never know, promise!
Mike Soltis
Ingham County Sheriffs Office
March 23, 2005
bum, watch over aunt paula for us, give her strength. I miss you much
March 22, 2005
Hey Perry, by now you know that Ricky is up there with you. He was killed in Iraq a couple days ago. Between the two of you I'm sure you're gonna watch out for the rest of us. Our town has given up enough of its young men. I just ask one more please.
You two rest in peace, you two have earned it. Proud to have known you.
DS Garcia
March 18, 2005
Thank you for the memories.
Miss you and thinking of you everyday.
March 8, 2005
March 7, 2005
11 months tomorrow and am just starting to realize that your not going to walk through that door. It's a hard thing to swallow. Been a terrible month, on my birthday all I could think of was how we were supposed to grow old together. It's just not fair and seems to get harder everyday. Not sure what I am supposed to do with my life without you. I miss you more than words can say.
I love you
February 26, 2005
Hey, Perry, I have been thinking so much of you lately. You officers go through so much. Working here makes me realize that I am so proud of you guys. Sean and Mick and all the guys had a close call a few weeks ago. I told Sean, I know that you were looking out for him. Miss you Perry and your jokes:)
February 25, 2005
I wish you were here we all miss you so much. They say that time will ease the pain but I have found that to be a lie. I miss you and love you.
February 25, 2005
Bum I just wanted you to know you are still with us every day .Every day I still miss you as well.I want to call so bad and ask is Jerry there?
February 22, 2005
Hey Mister,
Just wanted to take a minute to say hello and tell you that I am thinking about you. I miss you so much, calls are just not the same without you on them with me. I miss the late night laughs during the more difficult calls. You are the best. Until we meet again, my friend. You are in my heart forever. :)
February 19, 2005