Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Minnesota
End of Watch Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Reflections for Special Agent Thomas John Wyatt
I miss you everyday that goes by in a way words can’t begin to describe, and today most of all. Today it’s been 20 years since we lost you and I can still vividly remember every single painful detail of that day. But by insane odds or divine intervention your very first grandchild was born on the same day you passed. Today is her first birthday, and there is nothing in this world that helps heal a hurt heart like your granddaughters adorable little giggle. I got her a toy crab that sings and runs around on the floor. We spent the better part of an hour watching Olivia crawl around chasing it, and your mom (my wonderful grandmother) told me it’s exactly the sort of gift you’d have bought her. Today will never be easy, but from now on we’ll be spending it surrounded by loved ones celebrating your granddaughters birthday. I think you would have liked that.
Kyle Wyatt
March 3, 2024
Agent Wyatt,
On today, the 20th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of the state of Minnesota. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)
March 3, 2024
Rest in peace.
March 3, 2022
I was a young 22 year old intern under Joel Kohout in 1998. I had just graduated from UMD with degrees in psychology and criminology and I was heading off to Illinois State to get a masters in criminal justice that fall. Special Agent Wyatt was in his late 20s still but he had a presence and leadership quality when he entered the room that was startling and absolutely unforgettable! He may have had supervisors in charge of him but I got the impression that this guy was in charge of himself. He exuded a strength and passion for what he did but you could tell he was ethical and was not impressed by his own badge and gun and would not take for granted or misuse the authority he had. I knew he passed away years ago but my wife and I had moved out of MN. Though never became a sworn officer I did work with law enforcement as a criminal intelligence analyst and in that time I never encountered anyone with a badge and gun even remotely in the same league as Tom. Had he lived I am certain he would be running that agency by now and he would have had no time for corruption or incompetence like I saw in the agency I ended up in! Law enforcement suffered a big loss 16 years ago but I want his family to know that a young intern learned a lot that summer. Not only did he learn about a woman who pioneered by taking up a law enforcement career in the 70s when almost all females were at home raising the neighborhood but he learned what can happen when good people with just intentions take control of a room! Things get done and they get done right. I had never seen anyone like Tom before that summer and have never seen anyone like him since then.
John Weis Civilian
1998 BCA intern
May 14, 2020
Rest in peace Special Agent Wyatt.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 4, 2019
Tom, a long time ago, someone told your sister that when someone finds a penny on the ground, it means that their officer in heaven is looking out for them. The brain says one thing, the heart another. Yesterday, on our anniversary, a penny fell out of my coat pocket. And then, two special Agents from the BCA came to visit us and their hugs and remembering you warmed our hearts. You were always so proud to be a part of the BCA and they haven't forgotten you either.
It seems that when our hearts are especially heavy, you always send us signs of your love. You are remembered so fondly by such special people. Their friendship is a gift to us that we cherish and hold dear. Your legacy continues on and we never tire of hearing stories about you. You live on in the hearts of all your family, in your wonderful son and daughter, and all who knew and loved you.
We are keeping Jeremy in our hearts too.
Roger and Ingrid Wyatt
Mom and Dad
March 3, 2018
Your local partners and judiciary spoke so highly of your leadership and contributions to their efforts to maintain public safety in North Central Minnesota. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
SAIC Larry Bergsggaard
March 12, 2017
I remember you as an industrious & dedicated Agent with expertise in many areas. Even as an intern (you worked with me in our training unit prior to becoming an Agent) your were our 'computer guy' & it was clear you'd be a great asset to BCA and law enforcement in general. You've left a proud legacy for your family.
Linda Finney
March 3, 2017
Though I never met you, I know you.
You live on and through your sister-my forever friend, your parents, and everyone whose life you and they have touched.
I know you are a hero to us all, as are they.
Your heart and soul are alive and eternal. Gia, Roger, and Ingrid, are the most giving, loving, kind, caring, selfless angels just as I know you were and continue to be.
Know you are loved and always will be and the good you did continues on forever.........
You inspire us all to be more loving, kind, caring, and giving.
You will always be our hero!
Cheryl Caitland
Family friend
May 9, 2016
Tom, it was the night of our anniversary that Dad and I told you how much we love you and how proud we are of you. We didn't know that the next day would be your first day in heaven. In our hearts, we still tell you every day how much we love you and how proud we are. In our hearts, we know you hear us. You are with all of us wherever we are.
Ingrid Wyatt
Mom and Dad
March 3, 2016
I did not have the privilege to work with you but it is important to know you are not forgotten. The BCA has two plaques in your honor and memory; one at the main entrance to headquarters that all visitors and LEO’s in training see and the most important one at the entrance to BCA investigations where all of us view every day. You are remembered as well at the State Law Enforcement Memorial. “There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.” (John 15:13 on National LE Memorial). God bless you and may you rest in peace.
SAIC/Director Bill Chandler
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
February 11, 2016
Today I choose to celebrate, eat cake, and remember what a great big brother you are. Notice that I did not make that past tense. This is because I still feel you giving me strength and leading into new adventures.
Happy 45th Birthday!
Gia Nelson
April 20, 2015
Tom, whatever we do, whatever we think or talk about, you are a part of it and always will be. We miss you and it hurts so much, but your love and the pride we feel lifts us up and fills us with gratitude for the time we had together. You made the time here on earth count in such a special way. We know that you are smiling down on your family now and it warms our hearts. Each time someone remembers you it's such a gift to us. You blessed us with many such gifts.
Roger and Ingrid
Mom and Dad
March 3, 2015
Today I am sad that you are not here. Today I am filled with joy to hear so many kind words about you from our family and friends. Statements like the cool big brother (you were a big brother to more than you knew), larger than life, great guy, and one of the best men I have ever known are just a few of the wonderful things people are saying about you. You have left a legacy of being a hard worked, helping people in need and being an all around great guy. All this in just 33 years. You made every minute count. I love you!
Missing you so much,
Gia Nelson
March 3, 2015
Happy Birthday Tom!
Missing you so much,
Gia Nelson
April 20, 2014
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones. Continue to watch over all of them and know that you have not been forgotten nor will that ever happen.
"A raindrop landing on your cheek
Is a Kiss from someone that lives in Heaven
And is watching over you."
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
March 4, 2014
The BCA showed you honor today by having a 10 year anniversary service, and while you weren't present........you were.
It has been an honor to know your family, and through tragedy, to love and support each other.
March 3, 2014
I wish I could call you and wish you a Happy Birthday! I wish I could tell you about my evening, and how it meant so much because of you! I wish I could give you a hug! Most of all, I wish I could hear your voice! I love you, and I miss you so much!
Gia Nelson
The luckiest sister in the world (for 32 years)
April 20, 2013
Hi Tom
I just stumbled upon this website today. Someone from above must have guided me here for a reason. So I thought I should share a reflection.
I just wanted you to know that I think of you often, Especially on your birthday. Earlier this week, I was trying to figure out how many years have passed since your passing. Can't believe it's been so long. It just seems like yesterday when I heard the news. Every March, since 2004, I think of you and always wonder how your family is doing. I know that their hearts ache as they miss you terribly. On the bright side, we were all blessed to have known you while you were here with us. You have left us all with some great memories to keep us going.
God Bless You!
Love Jen
March 7, 2013
I love you Tom, and I miss you so much!
Gia Nelson
March 4, 2013
I will never forget you, Tom. You were second to none in your work at the BCA but more specically as a person. You treated everyone you came in contact with with respect and dignity. Rest in peace.
November 27, 2012
Tom was my karate instructor back when I started at PKS in 1988. I just recently found out about his passing. I have such fond memories of him. He made a big impact in my life and I will never forget him.
Loren Levens
karate student
July 31, 2012
Your love surrounds us and the memories give us strength - and smiles. There is so much to say, but those eyes keep getting kind of watery....you know. We just miss you so very much.
March 3, 2012
The 8th anniversary of you being called away has arrived. There are people who will say that it seems only like yesterday, but for those that are close to you and love you dearly, it has felt like a lifetime since they heard your voice, saw your smile and felt your warm touch. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones. Wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. You have not been forgotten.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." From a Headstone in ireland
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
March 3, 2012
Today marks another year that you have been gone. At times it still does not seem real and I hope I will wake up and find it has all been a bad dream.
I often wonder what life would look like if you were still here. Along with the sorrow I have also had many great things happen in the last eight years. (In case you are wondering, I would trade them all to have you back.)
Then I wonder what you would look like. Would you have found a gray hair yet? Would your hairline take after dad or would you be starting to thin out? Would you finally really need that nose hair clipper that you asked for one Christmas? What kind of interesting cases would you be working on? So many questions that will remain unanswered, but this I know for sure...you will always be the best big brother! You are my hero and I miss you so much!
Gia Nelson
March 3, 2012