Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Monday, February 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jennifer Timathy-Ann Fettig
I was 10 years old when Robin was murdered. It has been almost 15 years since then, yet seems like it was yesterday. When I heard about your shooting, my heart sunk deep into my chest, and even now the tears stream my cheeks. It took many years for me to come to terms that Robin had been so abruptly stolen from our lives because it just didn't seem real. Now I know that regardless of how she left us, she was taken for many reasons, as God has his overall plans. I have sat back and read the passages listed and see you touched so many people lives just as Robin did. The Lord needed another angel to stand by his side, just as I know you are today. You were a very brave and heartfelt person, which was never in vain. I pray every day that justice will prevail and Robin and Lisa's killer will be caught. I know only then will you two be able to completely rest in peace. You both were angels in human form and I spread my sincerest condolensces to your friends, family, and fellow officers.
Stephanie Clore
Cousin to Robin Cornell
March 29, 2005
May God Keep you safe in heaven, may he keep your family healthy and strong. Please watch over my wife and I, and all your fellow brother and sister officers in Yonkers, Ny. You are in our hearts and prayers. God Bless, Ciao..PO.'S Brian and Sandra Z., Yonkers PD.
P.O. Brian Z
City of Yonkers, NY PD
March 29, 2005
March 27, 2005
Dear Jenny,
Not a day goes by where we don't think of you. We miss you very much. Happy Easter to our angel.
Sending you our love.
Grandma & Grandpa Gibson
Harry & Joan Gibson
March 26, 2005
Hi Jenny,
We're thinking of you today and always. Hope you're enjoying the rich rewards of heaven at Easter.
Love & Miss You-
Aunt Gail & Uncle Mike
Gail & Michael Pabst
Aunt & Uncle
March 26, 2005
Hi Jenny,
We think of you everyday and especially tomorrow- "Happy Easter". We got a new puppy. It's part Sharpei and we named him Justice.We miss you & love you very much.
Love Your Cousins,
J.A.M.B.S. Pabst
March 26, 2005
Hey Jen,
I saw a fundraiser for P.O. Hayes coming up on the March 31st, and I started to reflect on the people and faces that have been lost over the years...people that I knew and were close to...
Most of my contact with you was at the academy. On a lighter note, teaching you during P.T. and D.T. was interesting, to say the least!!! But, what really mattered was that ya never matter what pain and discomfort that we put on you, you kept going...true heart...
I also remember you coming up to Fingers for a couple of "pops" after work sometimes, with some of your classmates. We always had a good time...
Good memories, I wish we could have shared more...I still dont understand why your and Matt's time was now.
Well, I'll be thinking of you and Matt at Hayes' fundraiser, and thinking of all the others that have left us over the years...god bless, and please bless the rest of the officers out there, risking their butts everyday...
Sgt. J.J.
March 24, 2005
I did not know you Officer Fettig. I saw your name when I was leaving a note for a friend who had fallen in the line of duty.
Your service is appreciated and it is apparent by the messages here that you were loved and will be missed a great deal.Today, I will say a special prayer for your family.
Godspeed Officer Fettig.
Retired Officer
March 23, 2005
Rest in Peace
Correctional Officer
Michigan Dept.of Corrections
March 18, 2005
13 months and still missing you. Watch over us until we meet again. Love you Jenny!
You Know Who
March 16, 2005
it's so sad that you and matt are not here anymore, but you are here with all of us when we come on duty and off duty on every shift at every station. with your ultimate sacrifice it was a very eye opener for me and every detroit police officer and every other agency in the nation, and it makes me go out there and give it 110% every night. god bless you and matt and your family and we will see you soon.......your never forgotten.
P.O. Frederick Williams
DPD #7 pct
March 13, 2005
It's hard to imagine how often you're in my thoughts each day. A song on the radio, a stranger's smile, a glance of a young woman that resembles you....I miss you and think so often of what my sister has been through since you were taken from her too soon.
You always had that brilliant smile, quick sense of wit and a radiance about you. I should have told you how much I admired your choice of careers, but that was so much like you to put others first.
May God keep you save. Continue to watch over us. We will keep you close in our hearts always and forever.
Not a day goes by that I don't say a prayer for you and the family.
Not only your mom, dad and Becky lost you and wish things were different...we all do.
I only hope that where you are, you can feel how much you're loved.
I hold Josh and Alyssa a little tighter each day. I only wish we could hug you still.
Aunt Gwen and all
February 26, 2005
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Tonight, January 16, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Police Officer Jennifer Timaathy-Ann Fettig and Police Officer Matthew Bowens who died in the line of duty on this date one year ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Officer Fettig's and Officer Bowens' sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
February 17, 2005
Hi Jenny, Sometimes it seems like it's been years since that morning when the phone rang at 2:44 am and even though you sometimes called at that hour, I knew when I grabbed the reciever what I was going to hear. Other times it seems those moments and memories of that whole week are frozen in time and crystal clear as though they were only yesterday.The sound of helicopter blades, the crisp, icy February air, the smell of blood seeping through your dressings, the anguish of making the decision to stop life support and let you go, how your hand I was holding stayed warm for so long after you were gone, all the faces of your coworkers standing vigil in the waiting room, the thousands of people lining the road during your funeral procession, saluting, throwing flowers, the sounds of bagpipes. Even now, I still can't believe anyone could have looked into your eyes and done that to you. Thank you for all the signs you have given us letting us know that you are with us. You always were such a quick learner. Give my love to your brother. Be careful, Jenny. I'll talk to you later. I love you, bye
kathy fettig, jen's mom
February 17, 2005
Rest in peace, sister. Know that your service and the sacrifice you made will never be forgotten. As you celebrate your first anniversary in Heaven, continue to watch over all of those you left behind. May they find strength and comfort in each other and in knowing that you are a warrior of justice who was called Home to serve alongside some of the best. You and your family will be in our prayers.
A Squad
Woodbridge PD CT
February 17, 2005
Everyday I get into my car I look up to see your pin hanging on my visor and I know you're with me. I never told you this, but I always looked up to you and admired your courage and your bravery. I know you are watching over me and everyone else in our family. I will never forget this day and I will never forget you. Your spirit lives on in me and the rest of your family and friends. I will always love you and miss you.
February 16, 2005
Dear Jennifer,
We love and miss you very much.
Hugs & Kiss,
Grandma & Grandpa
Harry & Joan Gibson
February 16, 2005
Dear Jenny,
It is so hard to believe that today is one year. We love you and miss you. Today will be a quiet day, our thoughts of you remain constant. We will see you again. God Bless You. Love You ALWAYS...
Aunt Karol
aunt, godmother
February 16, 2005
Jennifer...It has been 365 days. I still can hear the phone ring at 4:30 AM and listen to Uncle Tim telling me that you had been shot. I could not believe it. You were a special person. I regret not taking more interest in what was happening in your life.It seems like everyone is too busy with their own lives to keep in touch.
I think about your parents and sister and admire their courage thru all of this. When I see your mom, it's hard to talk to her because I know I can't take away the pain and sorrow. Our lives will never be the same again.
I pray that you are at peace. Watch over us until we see you again.
Aunt Kim
Aunt Kim
February 16, 2005
Dear Jenny,
I really don't know what to say except
I'll never forget the day you were taken
Not a day goes by where I don't think
of you and wonder about all the things
you never got to do.
You were really one of a kind.
A day doesn't go by when you're not
on my mind.
Please watch over your brothers and
sisters in law enforcement.
Keep them safe as they patrol the streets
every night and day.
You'll always be a hero to us.
We miss you today and always.
Sending you lots of love with plenty of
hugs 'n kisses from-
Aunt Gail, Uncle Mike, Jeremy, Amy,
Michaela, Brendan, & Stephanie
Gail M Pabst
February 16, 2005
May we never forget this Blue Angels sacrifice...May her Family, Fellow Officers, and Friends find Peace in their Hearts...Rest in Peace, Sister in Blue...
Officer Debra McFall Ross
East Buffalo Twp P.D. Lewisburg, Pa.
February 16, 2005
Jennifer we all still miss you and have not forgotten about your ultimate sacriface. I'm proud to have served in the same department as you.
PO Patrick Saunders
February 15, 2005
It has been almost one year since your life was tragically taken away. I will never forget the day I "met you". I was running late for work and speeding down the road - you know how us cops are, we think we can speed and run red lights when no one is around... I came up to an intersection and realized traffic was backed up for blocks. I couldn't figure out what was going on. In the distance I saw flashers, and the lights got brighter and brighter as they neared. I heard the bleeps of sirens and my heart pumped a little faster. You know how cops get excited to see the lights and hear the sirens... I thought maybe a pursuit was coming - or a hot call was in the works. I sat impatiently waiting for traffic to move - but yet I couldn't wait to see who the cops were chasing as they zoomed by. That is when I met you Jennifer. What I came to realize was that there was no hot call - there was no pursuit - the lights and sirens were your homecoming. As the first few cars past by, I realized they were bringing you home to rest. I watched as a continuous train of police vehicles crawled past me - lights and sirens activated - illuminating the night. I watched in awe as you past by in such a beautiful and enormous parade. Moments early I was angry for being held up in traffic and angry because I was not going to make it to work on time - but the moment I realized why I was going to be even more late, I began to cry. I sat and cried at that intersection, and even when traffic began to move again I still sat and cried. I didn't make it to work on time that night, but that is okay. I still went to work, and I fought the good fight for you Jennifer - and every other Officer that has been taken from us. I will not forget the tragedy that you endured fighting to keep our streets safe, and I continue to fight in your honor. I honor you Officer Fettig and I hope that you rest easy now. You are forever in my memory. I am a better person, and a better officer, for having met you that night. Thank you for your service and dedication. Please watch over us as we continue to hold the line.
Bay City Police Department
February 15, 2005
To the family my prayers are with you, I know how difficult these next couple of days will be,(heck the rest of the year and always without Jennifer). I miss Clint everyday, but we will never forget them, I'm sure of that.
When Clint's anniversary date (E.O.W.) came around, I didn't want to say the anniversary of his death. Instead I wanted to say it was Clint's first birthday in heaven. I hope you don't mind Happy First Birthday Officer Fettig, look Clint up for me tell him I miss him the most and love him the most, you'll get a big smile out of him.
To the family I know you will miss Jennifer everyday, but we will never forget her. I know our paths will cross during the year, I just hope we will have the time to talk. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers, keep the memories alive...
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04
February 14, 2005
Thinking of you and remembering you and your family in our prayers as the one year anniversary of your death approaches. God bless; rest peacefully. You have done your job well and your services will forever be appreciated. Never forgotten.
Up North Michigan
February 14, 2005