Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

New Jersey State Police, New Jersey

End of Watch Thursday, February 5, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

Today I was thinking of you. I had not visited your reflections for awhile so today I went to the pages and was very pleased with what I had been reading. It shows that you are a man that really loved his job. I knew that, just by the way you always talked to me about your job. These reflections show that everyone thought of you in the same matter.That is lovingly; plus we all wish we could talk directly to you instead of writing on this page in your honor.

October 11, 2004


Cops are human ( believe it or not) just like the rest of us. They come in both sexes but mostly male. They also come in various sizes. This sometimes depends on whether you are looking for one or trying to hide something. However, they are mostly big.

Cops are found everywhere-on land, on the sea, in the air, on horses, in cars, sometimes in your hair. In spite of the fact that " you can't find one when you want one", they are usually there when it counts most. The best way to get one is to pick up the phone.

Cops deliver lectures, babies, and bad news. They are required to have the wisdom of solomon, the disposition of a lamb and muscles of steel and are often accused of having a heart to match. He's the one who rings the door-bell, swallows hard and announces the passing of a loved one; then spends the rest of the day wondering why he ever took such a "crummy" job.

On TV, a cop is an oaf who couldn't find a bull fiddle in a telephone booth. In real life he's expected to find a little blond boy " about so high" in a crowd of a half million people. In fiction, he gets help from private eyes, reporters, and who-dun-it fans." In real life, mostly all he gets from the public is " I didn't see nuttin'."

When he serves a summons, he's a monster. If he lets you go, he's a doll. To little kids, he's either a friend or a bogeyman, depending on how the parents feel about it. He works " around the clock", split shifts, Sundays and holidays, and it always kills him when a joker says. " Hey tomorrow is Election Day, I'm off, let's go fishing" ( that's the day he works 20 hours).

A cop is like the little girl, who, when she was good, was very, very good, but, when she was bad, was horrid. When a cop is good, " he's getting paid for it." When he makes a mistake, " he's a grafter, and that goes for the rest of them too." When he shoots a stick-up man he's a hero, except when the stick-up man is " only a kid, anybody coulda seen that."

Lots of them have homes, some of them covered with ivy, but most of them covered with mortgages. If he drives a big car, he's a chiseler; a little car, "who's he kidding?" His credit is good; this is very helpful, because his salary isn't. Cops raise lots of kids; most of them belong to other people.

A cop sees more misery, bloodshed, trouble, and sunrises than the average person. Like the postman, cops must also be out in all kinds of weather. His uniform changes with the climate, but his outlook on life remains about the same: mostly a blank, but hoping for a better world.

Cops like days off, vacations, and coffee. They don't like auto horns, family fights, and anonymous letter writers. They have unions, but they can't strike. They must be impartial, courteous, and always remember the slogan " At your service." This is sometimes hard, especially when a character reminds him, " I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary."

Cops get medals for saving lives, stopping runaway horses, and shooting it out with the bandits ( once in a while his widow gets the medal). But sometimes, the most rewarding moment comes when, after some small kindness to an older person, he feels the warm hand clasp, looks into grateful eyes and hears, " Thank you and God bless you, son."

October 6, 2004

A Hero In The Night
Next time a cop stops you because you are driving too fast,
Remember he saved you from that day being your last.
When you think he's picking on someone,
Why not think of what they could have done?
Next time you call him a name,
Would he have called you the same?
How would you feel to see a child beaten black and blue?
And knowing there is not much you can really do.
You can arrest them and hope they stay in jail,
But, too many times it doesn't work that well.
To see the face of someone right before they die,
When he can't but all he wants to do is cry.
To break up a fight, knowing later it will be worse,
And from his help, all that came was him being cursed.
To know that people don't respect what he chose to do,
But day after day, he's out there to protect people like you.
To see drugs sold to a child younger than his own,
Makes his heart ache and long for his home.
The job has no glamour, doesn't even pay well,
He does it because he cares for more than himself.
He cares for you and he cares for me,
He's out there hoping we will all see.
He took a path not many would take,
And he chose it for our sake.
He's a remarkable soul, a Hero in the Night,
When all is well, he's not in sight.
But, if you ever need him, he'll be right there,
Not just because he's a cop but because he cares.

October 6, 2004

It has been a long eight months, since you have left us. It still seems like yesterday. You are dearly missed and loved by all. Do not worry your family is in our prayers daily. Watch over all of us now and always.

October 6, 2004

Bert -
I am getting married on saturday and I am soooo sad that you will not be there with all of us to celebrate. My favorite memories of you are at weddings. I miss your big head and ears in the way of every one of my pictures because you and Denise always had to have the best shot. I miss you dancing in the middle of the dance floor with no cares. Tom and I love you so much and know that while our day will be great, it will absolutely be missing something. I actually told my DJ not to play "I feel like a woman" by Shania Twain, because I can't imagine listening to that song without you singing at the top of your lungs in the middle of the circle. Man, you sure did make us laugh!!! I hope you are looking down on Tom and I on saturday because I know we will be thinking of you.

Nicole Walker

October 5, 2004

Just wanted to say that you are not forgotten. Your wife and family will always been in our prayers.

L.E.O. Wife

October 3, 2004

You are thought of constantly. I just can't seem to break the habit of looking at all State Troopers as they pass, hoping it could be you. Please just know you are loved and continue to watch over those who love and miss you dearly.

October 2, 2004

Bert, I just wanted to say thank you for my sign tonite! That just proves to me that you are with me and you do see me and hear me when I talk to you! You let me know that through Ian! There is no way that what happened tonite was a coincidence! I love that you are still with me, I knew you were in this house! I love you with all my heart and I miss you more than anything in this world. Until we can be together again, please know you are always with me too in my heart and in my memories. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER!
Love your wife,

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 02-05-04

September 30, 2004

Bert was my classmate at the NJSP Academy in Sea Girt, N.J. He was a dedicated and outstanding recruit in the academy. I will never forget the assistance he provided me and the other classmates. He was the first to lend a hand to anyone who needed help. After graduation we all went separate ways but no matter what we were the 119th . I will never forget you classmate. Watch over us as we serve with Honor Duty and Fidelity the same way you served. God Bless your soul.

Trooper Pla

September 23, 2004

The other day on my way home from Camden I noticed a memorial on someones van window. It read In Loving Memory of Trooper Bert Zimmerman. That's not the only one I have seen, there has been others. I hope It makes you feel better knowing how much Bert was loved. Stay strong.

September 22, 2004

Bert was a good friend and trusted officer. He was always going at full speed. He had enough energy for everyone around him. He was tireless. I'm going to miss him something awful. Take care buddy...Rest in Peace!!!

Ofc. P. L. Forchion
Washington Twp. PD

September 22, 2004


The other morning, 4,000 motorcycles roared by my house on Greentree Rd. to honor Bert. I am proud that my PD was able to assist in their escort, as minor as that may seem.

I hope you find some comfort knowing how many people continue to think about Bert. The prayers are still being said for you both....

Stay strong...


September 22, 2004

I work for the company whose crimes Bert and the other Troopers were investigating. I was in charge of the investigation for my company and developed a great friendship with many of the NJSP Troopers. I will never forget the call I received the morning Bert died. I remember the Trooper who called me, the sadness in his voice.. I will never forget it. The Troopers were so dedicated to getting the perpetrator off the street and worked so hard, spending countless hours accomplishing their goal. I never could have imagined that we would have lost someone along the way.
I never had the pleasure of meeting Bert and from everything I hear about him, I am sorry I never had the opportunity. He is spoken of so highly by everyone who knew him. My heart goes out to you and your family. I met you once at a dinner honoring Bert and the other Troopers for their work in this investigation. You are so strong, I admire your stregth.
I think of him often and actually ask him for guidance and protection whenever similar cases come up in my company. I have his mass card posted at my desk so that anyone who sees it can hear his story and understand his dedication.
You will always be in my prayers. God Bless You.

Thank you... that is the first thing I have ever wanted to tell you. You are such an inspiration to your profession and a highly respected individual. I will never forget that you gave your life protecting and serving the community. God Bless You, You will never be forgotten.

Heather Birl

Heather Birl

September 15, 2004

"A Police Officers Wife"

A special kind of woman. A cut abot the rest. That's a Police Officers Wife, rating her best. How many good byes are whispered, joined with a fond embrace? As duty steals her man, for the danger he must face. How often have meals been ruined - or tender moments disturbed, by a call for special duty, sparking loyalty unswerved? It's a devil of a job, for an angel like this, who... for the love of her man, must forsake that kiss. She can run a garden tractor; even paint a room in need. How she can stretch a dollar is a miracle indeed. She's a mother, lover, chauffeur and nurse. A living symbol of "for better or for worse". Rich is the man, reaping his rewards in life, who chose to be the other half of a Police Officer's Wife. -Author Unknown


Thanks for being there for me. You are a strong inspiring woman.


Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (07/20/04)

September 13, 2004

On this Sept.11th, as the nation pays tribute to all the fallen heros of 9/11/01, just want to let you know, that I'm thinking of you and wishing you were here with us. "5 COMM" is not the same without you, buddy. Carry on, Troop !!
"Its not how they died that makes them heros, its how they lived"

PST Todd Borgese
NJSP- Troop "A" ODU

September 11, 2004


I just wanted to let you know that the governor signed the bill today to rename Rt. 83 after you in your memory. I just wish that something like this could have been done when you were alive. We owe all of this to Zach Farkus. He is an amazing young man to take on such a project. We are very thankful for him and his family to have come into our lives. Soon there will be a memorial there too. Just keep watching over those who love you!!

Sister of Bert Zimmerman

September 10, 2004

You are FOREVER in our prayers!!!!!!!!

Nicole & Tom
Friend of Denise & Bert

September 9, 2004

Hi my honey. Today is my birthday and I don't even care. Imagine you would ever hear ME say that...I dont want phone calls or cards or cakes or doesnt mean that much anymore to me without you around. I miss snooping around the house for your presents and your cards. You used to have to start buying my things right before you came home so I didnt tear the house apart from top to bottom trying to find out what it was and where you hid it. You always did have the best hiding spots. Remember how I used to literally rip the cards out of your hand when you bought them for me bc I was so excited to get them? I loved them more than the presents...and you always used to tease me with them and make me wait ALL day to get them.
This year for my birthday, I told everyone that I just wanted it to be like any other normal day and that the best gift they could give me this year would be to go see you at the cemetary. And for those who dont live close, to say an extra special prayer for you today. Those 2 things would make me happy.

I love you with all my heart Bert and I miss you more than ever. I wish I could bring you back but I cant, so I will just have to wait until the day we can be together again. To you, there is no time in heaven. You dont realize that we could be waiting 50-60 years before we can see each other, but to me, it feels like an eternity.

Love your wife,

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 02-05-04

September 9, 2004

This is a salute to all officers and thank you dearly for living you life to your fullest. Helping others and being just you.

Pride Integrity and Guts

Some of you may know my face, but not my name. Most of you have seen me around the city and some have even met me, but not always under the best of circumstances. Some of you have even spoken to me on the phone, when you called me while I was working.

Most of you have an opinion on how my job should be done, but would never take my job if it was the last one on earth. And some of you who don't even know me, hate me because of my job. But when I go to my job, I go to make a difference and so I can fight what everyone else fears.

When most would be running away from danger, my job requires me to run towards it. I do this in the hopes of making a difference for someone else I don't even know. Most people say I make too much money, because my pay is published in the newspaper. But don't think twice about hearing about another sports player sign a 20 million dollar contract for 6 months a year of playing a "game."

Since my job's base pay isn't the best I must work extra to pay the bills. Including working extra shifts on holidays, and pick up side work at construction sites as well on my days off, most still complain thinking I am greedy, but don't they realize that I to must pay taxes, have a mortgage car payments and kids in collage as well?

Don't they understand that I am not paid for what I do, but for what I am willing to do for them? After all how can you properly compensate someone to risk their own life and face danger everyday they go to work?

And when I go to work I am punched, kicked, spit on and called every name in the book for doing my job. And every night I leave my house to go to work I realize I may not come back home in the morning. Because when I go to work I can be stabbed, shot, drown, fall, be electrocuted, or die in a car accident rushing to help you.

My job also requires me to carry special "tools" to help me do my job. Sometimes even while doing my job I have to defend myself from someone attacking me. Although, the newspapers will report to you that I "beat someone down", and not that I defended myself from an attack.

While at work I must also carry a gun to protect you, but should I have to use it, the media reports to you that I "gunned someone down" or that I "shot and killed" somebody, and not that I defended myself. Don't they realize that I shoot to live and never to kill?

Also when I go to work I wrap a protective vest around me to help keep me safe through my shift. I use this vest so that I will be allowed to live to the end of my work day. And hope and pray that should something bad happen that this vest helps keep me alive so that I will be allowed to see my children grow.

When I go to my job, I will see more pain, sorrow, agony, death and destruction in one month than most of you will see in an entire lifetime.

And to the ones who don't know me, I unforunetly will meet most of you at the worst times in your life.

You often will call me to come help you out with a problem. But if you have a really big problem you can get me at a special 3 digit number and me and my coworkers will race to your house, just to help you no questions asked. All you have to do is call and we will be there for you, no matter what time, day, night or holiday, rain shine or blizzard.

Sometimes my job also requires me to deliver lectures, babies and even bad news. I am also the one required to ring your doorbell in the middle of the night, swallow hard and advise you that a loved one will not be coming home tonight, then I spend the rest of my shift wondering why I ever took such a job.

Some people even refer to me as a "pig," but when I hear that word called to me or one of my coworkers I think of Pride, Integrity and Guts, which everyone in my profession needs to do this job.

Me and my coworkers must be able to have muscles of steel, have a sense of humor and put ourselves into dangerous situations and face danger head on all in a days work.

We must act in a second and make a decision in the blink of an eye, and spend the rest of our life hoping we made the right choice in that split second. If not we can be arrested and charged with breaking a law, be sued for violating someone's rights, or end up with even a worse fate.

My job requires me to take an oath to be their and to risk my life to protect you. And it is an oath that me and my fellow coworkers have taken and is one that we will not break.

What, you ask is my job, I am your local police officer. And what do I ask in return of doing all this and risking my life for you, nothing at all because it is my job and my hope, of being the one who makes the difference.

September 8, 2004

You are dearly missed my friend. After reading these reflections, everyone can be so proud just knowing you. Those that are related to you should be proud.
You were a man that we all should follow in regards to the life you lead.
Everyone honors you and will never forget you. Take care my friend and watch over all that love you.

September 8, 2004


It's hard to believe that it has been 7 months already. You know what else is hard to believe that tomorrow is Jenna's 1st day of school. Jenna starts kindergarten tomorrow and will be riding a school bus for the first time. She is so excited but nervous at the same time. Where did the time go. I still remember the day she was born and you came to the hospital to see her. I am so sad that you will not be here for her to share her first day of school stories with. She loves and misses you more than you or anyone else will ever know. You were an important part of he life. But I know that you will be with her every step of the way making sure she is ok.

I still have not yet come to believe that you are gone. I just like to think of it as your working. I go to the cemetary often to visit both you and dad. I feel very close to both of you their. Their are still many things that I am not able to do. I still have not been to the crash site. As much as I would like to I'm just not ready. I also am not able to go to your house. I drive by many times but I can't go their. That house is all you and that was where you were the last time I saw you. You invited us all over to watch the Eagles game. I know watching the first Eagles game will be very hard for me but know that everytime I watch them I will be thinking of you. As you know I'm a Vikings fan but for this season on Sunday's when I normally would be putting on my Vikings Jersey I will be putting on an Eagles Jersey. The Eagles Jersey that I will be wearing is the one you wore the last time I saw you.

I love and miss you very much. Please look over Jenna tomorrow and keep her safe.


Love, Jamie


September 6, 2004

Although I have only met you once and did not have the pleasure of meeting Bert, you are always in my prayers. Seeing your reflections have brought tears to my eyes on many nights. You are an inspiration to many wives who are part of the state police family. I cannot imagine the pain that you must feel but please know that you and Bert have made an impact on many other lives. Bert's memory will forever live on. He is walking by the Lord's side and watching over all our Law Enforcement officers. Bert seems to certainly have lived by the state police motto- Honor Duty and Fidelity. You are always in our prayers. God Bless.

Fiance of a NJ State Trooper

September 3, 2004

You and Bert are always in our hearts and prayers. We should all celebrate the day he was born and the friendship he gave us. We Love You.
John and Betty

August 30, 2004

Bert - Tom and I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!! We miss you so much and this month has been so hard. The thought of Denise spending your anniversary alone broke our hearts. She loves you soooo much and would give anything to have you by her side. You are thought of so often! We talk about you so much and wish that you could have been with all of us over these past few months. Denise misses you so much!! She talks about you all the time. We love you with all of our hearts and know that you are looking down on Denise and are so proud of her and how she is handling herself. She is so strong and we are so proud of her.
Denise - Oh little D - Tom and I love you so much and are so sorry that you have to be going through all of this. Bert was such an amazing person and we think of him ALL the time. You are such an amazing person and so strong - stronger than I think I could ever be. I know that Bert is looking down on you and smiling. He was so proud that you were able to stand up for Nikki and Michael at their wedding. I did miss him terribly at the wedding. I missed his bald head in the way when he would be taking pictures. On the way to the church I got pretty upset knowing that he would not be with us there. He was such a pressence in a room and is saddly missed. Tom and I regret not spending more time with Bert while he was alive but we will make sure to keep his memory alive as best we can. I love you so much!!!
Bert's Family - My heart goes out to all of you not just today but everyday. Your family has been through so much with the passing of your husband and father and now your Bert!! He, as you all already know, was such a wonderful person. He is greatly missed. Tom and I held him in such a high regard and we know that he is the person he is because of the love that he got from his family. I hope and pray that the days get easier for all of you. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We miss Bert terribly...
Happy Birthday Bert!!!
Love always, Your Friends,
Nicole & Tom

Nicole & Tom - Friends of Denise & Bert

August 30, 2004


I still can't believe I had to go to the cemetary to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I knew that one day it could happen but I never thought the first time would have been for your 33rd birthday. I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss & love you!!! We had a lot of traditions in our family and one was when it was our birthday we would go out to dinner as a family. No matter how many traditions we had they will just never be the same without you. I brought Jenna to see you today and she brought you a balloon and flowers from her & Bobby. My heart just broke listening to Jenna tell me how much she missed you and wished you were still here. Even though Bobby can't tell you happy birthday he blew you many kisses today.

Know that we will always love you and that you will always be in our hearts. It just so hard to believe still almost 7 months later that this has happen. I made many promises to you today that I intend to keep. And for all those years that you looked out for me your "Little Sister" now it is my turn to look out for you. Please continue to look over us and keep us safe.


Love, Jamie


August 29, 2004

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