Riverdale Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Reflections for Detective William "Wally" Rolniak, Jr.
well kid there are suppose to be some bad storm today make sure were safe again the last .I love you and I miss you .Stacey and lisa bday is today . So you know what day it is. Just got a new shirt today its nice .Getting ready for the races soon.I love you! Your in my heart and in my dreams always and always on my mind . Imiss you so much . love your moejoe
September 7, 2007
I miss you Wally.. It still hurts so much..
September 4, 2007
ilove u bink love mom and dad
September 3, 2007
well kid it going to be labor day tomorrow I love ya and i miss you so much . Did yard work yesterday boy oh boy that was hard we dethatched the yard and then we aerated it. That was a long day but i know you where there helping me out and I love you for that. I miss you love your moejoe
September 2, 2007
Its the end of summer this weekend so you know what that means .I love youand i miss you so much. love your moejoe
August 29, 2007
hey babe thanks for watching over us during the storms they were scary. I love you I miss you. love your girls
August 27, 2007
I love you Babe!!!! You were in my dreams so clear last night. I miss you so much . Love your moejoe
August 21, 2007
Mrs. Rolniak, I think your an amazing women! Your love and
dedication to your husband is beautiful. I come here because someone I know died in the line of duty a few years ago and sometimes I browse the sight and it really makes me appreciate what I have. My husband is a police officer here in Florida in a very bad neighborhood and I am so afraid that something will happen to him! I do not want to be selfish and ask him to leave but it is really taking a toll on me! We have two kids to, a boy 16 and a girl 17, and now things seem to be getting worse with my worring because the kids are growing up and are never home and I'm feeling more of my time is spent on worrying about my husbands job. He tells me when its your time its your time whether he is at work or crossing a street. I don't know!?! I just want to tell you that I pray for you and your children and hope that as time passes the pain lessons and you can find some kind of peace in your life. God bless you!!!!
Wife of Leo in Brevard County Florida
August 21, 2007
Well kid the computer went hairwire so the last comment is not finished . I love you and I miss you so much . Its like a fall day today you would love it. The girls keep saying it cold out .Its perfect football weather. I love you and I'll talk to you soon Love your moejoe
August 18, 2007
i love you and i miss you the girls started school !!!
August 15, 2007
Wally, Mo and the girls....I still think of you often, u'll always be in my prayers, we were such a tight knit family, whenever I hear of a shooting I think of you and Tommy and that night, that will never leave me....Take care and tell Tommy that I said hello.
Sherry Wright/Telecommunicator
August 5, 2007
well kid your niece is coming in town so you know we will come see you and her mom .I miss you babe . Going to lood at senior pictures today . It was a rough night the other night . I love you babe my heart aches for you.love your moejoe
July 30, 2007
well kid we are home it was nice to get away but always glad to be home .I love you and i miss you. love ya your moejoe
July 26, 2007
Hey babe we are here . The weather is not to bad I see you have been here with us . I love you and I miss you so much.
July 17, 2007
I love you and i miss you! Maybe we will see you on the wall in florida. And pray for me on the plane you know how much i love to fly (LOL) keep us safe babe love ya moejoe
July 12, 2007
hey babe happy 4th of july i miss you so much . love ya moe
July 4, 2007
well kid now i know why you did give me any luck last night you were messin with the girls thats good i'm glad. you better keep an eye out for bub and watch him while hes gone . The golf outing is next week I love you and I miss you so much . love your mojoe
June 21, 2007
happy fathers day i love you babe me and the girls miss you so much love ya moejoe
June 17, 2007
I love you and I miss you its been a werid day. I love you babe love your moejoe
June 11, 2007
When day turns to night you are the brightest star anyone can see. I could use an angel like you, watching over me.
June 10, 2007
rock a it is
June 3, 2007
June 2, 2007
well kid it been a weird week there been alot of police killed . I don't know what this world is coming to I hope it stops soon. Nicole has a game on sat I know you will be there .I was good seeing all the old peeps from travel ball. I ran into a mom today that remembers you from pitching classes with nicole .It was nice seeing her . well kid it memorial day weekend and you get another day of honor from the service . and Ethan will be 11 good i remember when stacey went in to labor that was funny what you did to her . Your mom always said thats why she went into labor !!! lol well I love you and I miss you so much amd tomorrow is another day love ya your moejoe
May 24, 2007
Today is National Law Enforcement Memorial Day and on this day I salute you for your bravery and dedication to law enforcement. I think of you often as my grand daughter was born on Feb. 4th and I will always think of you on that day. I saw your name on a brick at the Chicago Memorial, a nice jesture on the part of your family to buy a brick. I know the emptiness they can feel at times with you gone and how hard it can be to get through some days but we take one day at a time. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten. Continue to watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2007
Well kid its almost mothers day its going to be a tough one on me and your mom .God I Miss you so much ,theres not a day that goes by some times not even and hour I Love you sooo much.I'm trying to keep it together. It real hard . We have are good days and are bad days . Some days its both . Your the biggest part of this family . Nicole team won conference yesterday. I know you were there!! PLease help here with her bat. I love you and i miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxolove your moejoe
May 11, 2007