St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan
Another month has passed, nine total, since we have been able to be with you physically. Mom and I know that you are with us everyday. We enjoy the signs that you continue to send to us. About four weeks ago, we picked up Gavin and as we were driving away from your house, our song, Love Without End, began to play on the radio. Mom asked Gavin if that was Daddy singing to you, and Gavin smiled real big and said yea....
Last Thursday we picked up Gavin and we were playing ball in our front yard. Gavin looked at your truck in the driveway, and said "Daddy's Truck." I picked up Gavin and placed him in the bed of the truck, and he ran to the back window and looked inside. Mom said what are you looking at, and Gavin said "Daddy". Mom said is Daddy in the truck and Gavin said, "Yea Daddy's nitety-nite".
Thank you for sending us signs to get us through another day without you.
Tomorrow is Halloween. All of the neighbors said they are going to miss seeing you and Gavin walking from house to house making everyone laugh. We both know how much you love the holidays. It is really sad that you won't be here with us.
We will talk to you soon...
Love you forever...
October 31, 2004
I can only imagine the pain your family feels on even the small holidays. Your little son must give them some happiness I'm sure but no one will ever take your place. On Halloween I hope Gavin enjoys Trick or Treating just like you did. I know if you had your way you would definitely be holding his hand while you walked around the path that you blazed with your sisters. May Gavin still hold your Dad's hand tomorrow night just as you had years ago. I pray for your family every night. I know you are with them. Please rest easy. Your Dad and Mom will continue on doing what you wanted them to do.
October 30, 2004
nine long months
loved one
October 30, 2004
You are in our prayers, dear one. May your wings fly you high. Now you can release the surly bonds of earth and reach out and touch the face of God. Thank you for your protection, love and care for your fellow man. We will carry on down here and pray for your loved ones that they can get through this terrible tragedy and get on with their lives. They will make you proud just as you have made all of us proud of you. We love you. Please protect all of us from your home above.
Your family comes to this site often and talks to you from their hearts. We all know you are close by, we just can't see you.
God bless you, and we thank you sincerely for everything. We will meet someday.
Grandma & Grandpa Hinkle
Parents of a Deputy Sheriff
October 27, 2004
It's hard to believe it has been almost 9 months since you were taken from us. There is still a huge void without you here. Everyone who knew you lost something on January 30th that we will never be able to get back. You had such a contagious personality, everyone was happy when you were around.
Some days are better than others, but there is never a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I know I still feel a lot of pain from your death, I can only imagine what Kirstin, your family, and friends go through each day. I am amazed by how strong Kirstin has been. I can't imagine how much pain she feels everyday when she wakes up or comes home to an empty house. She has been so strong throughout everything. She is taking such good care of Gavin. It's so nice to be with them, that's when I feel your presence the most. I know you're taking good care of them and keeping Kir strong. Your family seems to be hanging in there. I think they get through each day any way they can. Everyone misses you like crazy. You are irreplacable to all of us. You will never be forgotten. Keep watching over everyone. With love always
October 23, 2004
Please watch over your family and friends during the next few months as they approach the year anniversary of the day that changed their lives forever. Help them heal in their own ways, and help them to accept that everyone's pain is different. It can be so challenging, especially the first year, just trying to get through each day. A partner's grief is different from a High School friend's. A significant other's so different from a parent's. A Brother's is different from a Sister's. No more no less, just different. Everyone must grieve for you and learn to live again in a new way, the best way that they can.
None of us ever dreamed we'd have to live without you. It's so unfair the way you were taken from us.
You are missed so much. Please know that when we smile, that doesn't mean we're not missing you. There are still days when we can barely get by. I must thank you though, because even in death you are an inspiration to us. You lived life to the fullest, and got the most out of each day. You taught us that we need to make the most of the time that we do have on this earth. When our time here is done, we will be blessed to have an eternity to spend with you.
Please look after your Mom, Dad, and Sisters (and their families). They need you just as much today as ever. And especially look after Kirstin and Gavin. I know she feels so lost sometimes, but I know how proud you are of her and it's obvious why you loved her so much. As hard as it is now, I have no doubt that with their strength, and your guidance, they will all make it through, and hopefully learn to love life again, to the fullest, the way that you showed them how.
Thank you so Much for for all the wonderful memories and for everthing you taught us about living.
A Friend
October 17, 2004
We are hoping that you are enjoying you new home at Resurrection Cemetery. It was a hard decision for Mom, Kelly, Heather and I to make, but we think it is for the best. Mom and I visited you on Friday, and placed a photograph of you and Gavin by your side. We also left a mailbox with paper and ink pens, so that your countless friends can write you a note. Mom placed a few decorations from Gavin and Bobby for Halloween.
Mom and I miss you so much and we cannot wait until the day that we see you again. We are both so proud of you and love you very much.
October 16, 2004
You keep watching over Kirs. She needs you and I know that she can feel your strength and that you will never leave her side. Please help her with decisions about Gavin--I know you can help her feel better about the things she does in her life. She is a strong girl, but we all need a little help some days. I miss you...Help me to be a better friend when Kirsten needs one. I know that you will help Gavin grow into a wonderful man like you always were.
October 15, 2004
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To the best daddy in the world. I love you and miss you so much. I was so excited that Papa and Mama were able to pick me up on Friday afternoon. I was able to see them on Friday afternoon and Saturday. Bobby and I have so much fun when we are able to see each other. Uncle Josh, Aunt Heather & Bobby spend the night at Uncle James & Aunt Kelly's with me so we can spend every minute together. As soon as we get up then Mama & Papa are there to see us. It had been 3 weeks since they were able to see me. I have been very busy and this was my first available time that I could see them.
I love you daddy,
October 10, 2004
God, you sacrificed your son so that we and our children would transcend physical death. We know that you grieved when he was crucified and that you grieve over all the atrocities done by men -- especially in your name. You know and understand grief as you know and understand all. You know best how to comfort these parents. Lift their hearts up to you and fill them with your peace. Your understanding is beyond our human comprehension, but give them the knowledge and faith to endure even that which they can't understand. Let them be aware of you always God, and help them to remember that your Love is Life that can never really be taken away.
Robert Jackson
Midwest City, OK
October 4, 2004
During the past few weeks you have received two more awards, one from the U.S. Attorney's Office and one from the Missouri Chief's of Police Association. Your hard work, bravery, loyalty and dedication to police work continue to be noticed.
I will never be able to explain to you how great of a son you are. You are definitely the heart and soul of our family. Chris and I have been blessed to have three outstanding children and two great grand-children. All of us are so proud of you and miss so much. The thought of not talking to you, seeing you or touching you for another day is tearing me apart........
Well I guess I will get going.. It is 8:00 A.M. on Sunday morning and I need to go to the gym and workout. It seems like it is easier to lift weights and workout since January 30. Maybe you are lending me a hand, since you were always stronger than me in many ways.
Love you forever and see you soon....
October 3, 2004
It has been eight months since you were taken from us. We all miss you so much. The other night when Bobby was in the tub, he said "Hey Nick lets count," then he counted from 1 to 15. He loves you so much, Im glad you still come to visit him . He always ask when can he play with Gavin. They are so cute together. We all miss Gavin, its been two weeks since we saw him last. (I guess he is a busy little guy.) Hopefully we will get to see him next weekend. He is a little clone of you. It is so neat how he acts just like you, with the same facial expressions and everything. I'd better get going. I love you and miss you. Talk to you soon.
Love you,
nicks proud sister
October 1, 2004
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(Uncle Nick I miss you and I love you)
[][9........( kaitlyn says hi)
nicks nephew
October 1, 2004
Nick- I can't believe it has been 8 months. I just want you to know that I am thinking of you! I miss you and think of you every day. We all miss you and will see you again. Take care of all of us like you have been!
October 1, 2004
It seems that every time I turn around I am thinking about you. I see a police officer on the street and I just want to hug him and tell him to be safe (don't worry, I really won't do it) The Cards are going to the post-season and all I can think of is when you were at the ball game before Gavin was born and the ball fell in Kirsten's told me that Gavin caught his first baseball!! When I watch Chalk Talk I just think how cool it was that you got the opportunity to skate with Kelly Chase and Tony Twist (although I really think that they were lucky that they got the opportunity to skate with you) It is weird that just one thought... can evoke both joy and pain. Happy that I have the memory, sad that you won't be here to make any more. I can't even imagine what your family is feeling, it must be intensified by an infinite number. I'm so glad that there is Gavin, his smile is your smile. Every few weeks it seems someone comes up to me and says that they met someone who knew you. Every situation is different, every story is the same in that you had a positive impact on that person. I was thinking that Kevin Bacon doesn't have anything on you...we should play the Six Degrees of Nick, you just touched so many lives in your short stay here. I miss you. Here's a hug, take care and keep watching over everyone.
October 1, 2004
I just wanted to say Hi and that I'm thinking about you.
I hear so many songs that make me think about you. Today it was three different stations in a row ,each with a song that reminds me of you. Then I thought of today's date and felt like I wanted to talk to you.
The girls are talking like crazy! The other night I had gotten out of the shower and had taken my badge necklace off, I was reading the girls a book on my lap. All the sudden McKenna says
"Oh No! Where your Nick lace go?"
They were both really concerned. We talk about you and look at your picture and they say "Gavin's daddy".
By the way your son had the BEST tan this summer! He is such a little stud! I'm sure your thinking the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. Right?
Anyway keep us all in your prayers.
I miss you everyday. Michelle
September 30, 2004
Nicky K -
It is 8 months today. I still miss you so much. I think about you all the time. It is going to be really hard for us with the holidays coming up. I don't really want to celebrate them this year without you. I know we need to for the boys.
I had a dream the other night and you were talking to me and it sounded just like you and I could see you perfectly. You were with Dad, Mom, Heather, Gavin, Bobby and me and you were so happy. You gave us all hugs and when I woke up I thought you were really there and gave me a hug.
I am so glad that the five of us were such a close family. We always told each other how much we loved each other and we were always there for each other. There are so many happy memories that we will always have. I am making Gavin a scrap book about you from the time that you were very young up until now so that he can look at it as he gets older and know everything about you.
Now we know why you had Gavin when you did so that he could know his daddy for the first year of his life. You are a wonderful daddy and there are so many things that you have taught me about raising kids. (Who would have thought?)
Keep sending the signs (we really need them now more than ever) and keep watching over all of us especially Dad.
Love you,
Nick's sister
September 30, 2004
Dear Nick,
I can't believe it is (8) months already since you were taken from us. There isn't a day goes by I don't think of you. We are so very proud of you for your extreme sacrifice for the betterment of mankind. We will never know how many lives you saved from all the drugs and weapons you had gotten off the streets. Who would have known that the little boy who jetted around with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes and a cute grin would become a hero among men. I can still see you in the living room at Thanksgiving last year as you watched Gavin opening presents on the floor and your expression of a father's pride and love for his son on your face. The holidays are going to be so very hard this year because I know we will all be waiting for you to come in and tell us about Guns and Hoses or about how much you love the job you do.
We may be physically separated but we know you are in good company with Mary, Kevin and the rest of the family and that our family's souls are never really separated and always close by.
We will all see that Gavin knows who his Daddy is and what he stood for.
September 30, 2004
September 23, 2004
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I love you daddy so much. You are my hero. I miss you so much. I am going to the lake tonight with Papa, Grandma, James, Kelly, Josh, Heather and Bobby.
September 17, 2004
Sgt. and Mrs. Sloan,
Having known your son since he started on the department I can honestly say that your had a son you can all be proud of. Nick had a spark around him. When he got excited so did everyone around him. He was contageous. I can't begin to know the pain you two go thru day after day but I want you to know that your son is a hero to all of us. Policemen like Nick come around once in a life time and knowing you Terry I can can say it came around twice. God bless the both of you and Nick, you know who this is and we all miss ya buddy.
September 13, 2004
I miss you so much. There is still a big piece of my heart missing. It just hurts so much that you had to leave us. Whenever Mom, Dad, Heather, Josh, Bobby and Gavin are all at our house it still seems like you should just walk in the front door or when we are at the lake you would have been there with us. I am having trouble deciding how to landscape the front & back of our house. We have had several people give us ideas but I think the reason it is so hard for me to do this is that you told me that you would help me with it. I guess a part of me still thinks that you will be able to help me with it.
We got to see Gavin on Sunday for a couple of hours. Dad didn't get to see him since he was really sick and didn't want to get Gavin sick. As soon as I picked up Gavin he said "Go see Papa". Then when we got in my car Gavin said "call Papa" So we called Dad and Gavin and him talked for awhile. After we went to Joan's house, on the way back home, again Gavin said "call Papa" and when we called Dad, Gavin got a really big smile on his face when Dad started talking to him. They both smile so big when they see or talk to each other. It is so funny how just seeing Gavin & Bobby can help you so much. When they smile at you and say Hi! and look so happy to see you. It can just help brighten your day.
James said to tell you hi and that you are supposed to be at our house on Sundays watching football.
Well you know that I love you so much and that you are the best brother that I could have ever hoped for.
Keep watching over all of us especially dad when he is at work.
Love forever,
September 13, 2004
I have just read all of the reflections that were written to you since the day you suddenly left us. I am feeling really down on this Sunday night, and I need to talk to you. I was cleaning out the garage and I found a picture of your highschool senior class. As I look at your face in the picture, you appear not to have a worry in the world. How nice it would be to go back to the day that picture was taken.
I have a photogragh of you holding Gavin taped to the dashboard of my car at work. Everyday I look at the photo and I know that you are helping me make it through another day.
Last Friday, two New York City Police Officers were shot and killed. So far this year, there has been 117 Officers killed in the line of duty. When will it ever end?
Son, I miss and love you so much. I have never felt the kind of pain and hurt that I have been feeling since you were taken away.
Love You Forever...
Your Very Proud Father...
September 12, 2004
Not one day goes by that I don't think about you. I thought things were supposed to get a little easier, but that is not true. I miss you so much and wish I could talk to you. Kirsten and Gavin are doing well. Gavin is such a cutie. He is so funny and looks just like you. Your mom mentioned before that she was going to get a seat put on the tractor that you and I used to ride when we were little. I hope he enjoys that tractor as much as we did. I am always thinking about your family and how everything is with them. I know that Gavin helps them to ease the pain a little, but not much because you can't be replaced. You are and were a wonderful friend. School started up about 4 weeks ago and many of the kids I had in my class last year are asking how your family is doing. They are always asking about Gavin and Kirsten. They all care so much and are very concerned about everything. I just wanted you to know that. You didn't even know any of these kids but they care enough about what happened because they ask about it all the time. That should make you feel great about what you did and what kind of person you were and are. You have touched so many lives and in so many different ways. I miss you so much and want to tell you to keep watching over all of us.
September 8, 2004
I wanted to leave a reflection especially for this hero's father-Sergeant Sloan. I do not know your pain but I certainly know of your pride and love for your son through your reflections. I know you cherish the time you pinned on his badge at graduation and mourn the day you pinned on his badge after his death. All of your family and friends honor his life with these fine tributes and remembrances-it was obvious that Nick was a fine man, son, father, officer and friend. We can all only hope we live up to his standard as we travel through life. I am sorry for your sorrow and loss. As a fellow Sergeant I wanted you to know that I prayed for you today-that God would comfort you and your wife during these difficult and dark days. May God sustain you and bless you all.
Sergeant Mike Smathers
Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department, Charlotte, NC
September 7, 2004