Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri

End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan

I hope you are doing good. I can't tell you how much we miss you. It never gets any easier. Last night Bobby wrote you a letter, he was so cute he sat at the computer and said "I need to write to Uncle Nick". He misses you so much too.
Today is Mothers Day, it is so hard for mom. We surprised her with a little landscaping and sent cards with dad to D.C. When we called her this morning she sounded so sad. It made me start to cry. I hope she knows how much we all love her and miss her ( while they are in D.C.) Everyday Bobby ask if her and Paw Paw are coming home soon. He misses the both of them so much too. Please be with mom today, she really needs you. We all love you and miss you so much.

I love you,

Here is a poem for mom from you.
Since Kelly and I always helped you out by getting gift from all of us. What are sisters for. You had a very busy life. As you can see nothing has changed. We love you.

To Mom,

I'm Not Far Away
by Sharon Jean Bryant

Mom, please listen to me
As I take time to write.
I see parents struggling daily.
Their pain is such a fight.

All of us who have gone on
And left the rest of you behind.
We're ok, Mom, I promise.
Heaven is beautiful, and God is kind.

You used to tell me that one day
God would call and take you home.
You told me you'd make me strong
So I would stand tall when alone.

But things happen sometimes, Mom
That does not go in our plans.
I wasn't scared, Mom,
When God held out his hand.
I didn't want to leave you
I didn't have time to say good bye
When the angels said, "Come with us",
There wasn't time to question why.

I've watched you daily, Mom.
It hurts to see you cry.
I don't want you to be unhappy,
Just because we didn't get to say good bye.

Tell the others what I'm telling you,
So many parents need to know
That Earth was just a lay over
We had another place to go.

I know you miss me, Mom
I know your heart was broken in two,
But God really needed me
Because my earthly life was through.

I'm always alongside you..
I smile and touch your hair.
I whisper "Mom, I love you",
You just can't see me there.

I'm the one who gentle touches you
On your shoulder when you're sad.
I'm happy now that you finally found
God again, and are no longer mad.

Tell the parents, Mom, for me
That all of us kids are okay.
God had plans for our lives
When he called us home that day.

I love you, Mom, I always will
And remember I'm not far away.
We're going to be together
When God calls out your name.

Happy Mothers Day,
I love you Mom.
Love, Nick

Nicks Sister

May 14, 2006

Dear Nick,



(Dear Nick, I love you my dear Nick. I love you.
Love Bobby)
P.S. Aunt Kelly says I love you and miss you.

Nicks Nephew

May 13, 2006


I just wanted to say thank you so much for all you have done. A police officer in Arizona was killed last weekend and his funeral services and everything was on t.v, and it just reminded me of your funeral. You had so many people attend your services and pay their respects; you should be so proud of how you have touched so many lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I was meeting a few friends before our softball games so we could eat something real quick and of course, my luck, there is a crime scene in the parking lot. Lets just say I was scared out of my mind because I saw the police officers do their job to protect all the people that were there. Thank God for police officers. After the ambulance took the guy away, in handcuffs, I was talking to one of the police officers and he reminded me of you. I could tell he took his job seriously, but he wanted all of us to know that everything would be okay. He was telling us what was going on and that it can't be any safer than having about 10 cops and 3 helicopters around you. Then he said, make sure to get me a chicken sandwich when you order. He was being sarcastic, but he was so nice and was just trying to make sure we all knew it was okay. I'm sure you would have been the same way if you caught the bad guy! Actually, I know what you would have said after you areested him, but I won't put that on here! Anyway, I will talk to you later. Say hi to Joe for me.


May 6, 2006

Dear Nick,
It seems I'm always asking you to help with this or that, but today I just wanted to say, THANK YOU so very much for all the help you have been sending us. You seem to be teaching me patience. Yesterday I came across this verse and I thought it really applied to our family:
We little knew that morning,
God was going to
call your name,
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone,
for part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always by our side.
Our family chain is broken,
And nothing
seems the same,
But as God calls us
one by one,
The chain will link again.

Thank you Nick, with love forever and always to you and the rest of our family with you.


May 3, 2006

Today is Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary. How awesome for them to be in Heaven--together again. It has to be a great place, especially since it has such terrific inhabitants. Tell everyone hi!

Love always!


April 30, 2006

Thanks so much! I knew you could make sure that it was great news.

Today James & I have been married for 10 years. Some people didn't think it would last since we didn't know each other for very long. You said that you knew James was the right guy for me. That was pretty impressive since you were a very protective brother. Just think 10 years ago today, you and James had a few beers before coming to the wedding. I know you said it was just to calm his nerves. James said in those 8 years you changed so much and he was glad he was able to see you go from a young teenager to a great policeman who loved his job and a wonderful father.

We love you so much,
Kel, James and Payton

Well I better go now. I think we could all use some sleep tonight since we all feel a lot better now.

Nick's proud sister

April 26, 2006


I never really doubted your ability to come through for us. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,,,,,

Love Forever and a Day



April 26, 2006


Thank you for helping us out. I know that you had something to do with the final results. Continue to keep a close eye on all of us. We need your help....

Thank you again...



April 26, 2006


Love you forever and a day.



April 26, 2006


Thanks for the visit two weeks ago. I tried to go back to sleep so I could see your smile and hear you laugh again. Remember what we talked about several times over the last week. Make sure you take care of it. I am still your father...



April 24, 2006

I just wanted to let you know that I miss you so much. We went to the mass for Ralphie on Thursday and I know that you were with us. There are so many things that Bobby and Payton did that I know you had a part of and it makes me smile.

I called Gavin on Easter and when Kirsten gave him the phone she said "Gavie, you have a phone call" and he said "Hello, this is Gavie" When I said hello, he said "It's my Kelly" It made me smile so much. It was really special because Payton and I just left the cemetary from visiting you. I always get really sad during the holidays because you aren't here with us and our family will never be complete again without you.

The boys are so good with Payton. If she starts to cry, they both run over to her and say "Its o.k. Payton I'm here" They both act just like her brothers. She smiles so much at them and loves to watch them play.

Mom and Dad went to the monument for you on Saturday morning. You know that Heather, Josh, Bobby, James, Payton and I wanted to be there but we weren't able to. We saw it on t.v and Mom and Dad told us alot about it. I am so happy that after two years so many people still care about you and wanted to do this very special thing for you. It means alot to our family. We are going to see it soon. I wish that we could thank everyone who helped with it.

We have a new neighbor and she gave James a gift for us for Payton. I brought Payton over to see her and thank her for the gift. While I was talking to her, she asked how I knew Officer Sloan (from seeing the bumper stickers and my license plates). I told her that I am your sister. She looked shocked and said that she was so sorry. She used to live in the city and remembers the day that it happened to you.

I don't know how Mom and Dad do everything that they do. There both still hurt so much from losing you. They are always there to help me and Heather. They are also always there to help everybody else. If someone needs them, they are always able to go and help them. I know that the three of us always knew that they were great parents and always there for us and they continue to do that.

I know that you are always with us but please try to give us a few more signs in the next couple of weeks. You know why. I love you so much and will always miss you. I sure could us one of those big hugs from you and a phone call saying "Kel, everything will be o.k. Love you" You are the greatest brother ever. Thanks for the sign with our clock in the kitchen. I told everybody they can't put a battery in it. The time will always be 4:16.

We love you always,
Kel, James and Payton

Nick's proud sister

April 23, 2006

Hi Nick,
I saw on the news that you have a park dedicated in your honor. How awesome is that! I think it was the perfect idea, first because you were always such a hard worker, and you loved the outdoors so much, I actually imagined you right along side of Gabe, Sgt. Marks, and the rest of your friends and family planting trees and shrubs. It was a happy thought, I have such wonderful memories of you, I am blessed to be your Aunt. It makes me so proud that you still dwell in so many hearts, it is quite a tribute to your beautiful soul. Also, I loved that the park was in the neighborhood that you worked in. No greater laid down your life for your community, and they are honoring you in return. There is a quote by Margaret Lindsey that says, “This very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grow.” I believe in your short time in the community you planted a seed and now the people who you protected and helped and loved are planting in your honor. Perhaps this park will serve as another seed from which happiness grows as well. Take care!

Love always,


“Faith sees a beautiful blossom in a bulb, a lovely garden in a seed, and a giant oak in an acorn.”--William Arthur Ward


April 23, 2006

Hey Nick! I check this website everyday and I always just want to say hi and that I am thinking of you, but I can't always leave a message. I talked to Gavin today on the phone and he kept asking me if I would come over and play. I tried to explain to him that I am in Arizona and it's far away and that I won't be back until the summer. I told him I would come over when it gets hot outside. I didn't know to explain it to him because he didn't understand. He kept asking me why I am so far away. It was so cute! Gosh, it's been so long since I have seen him. He sounds like he is getting so big. I know you are always by his side helping him when he needs it.

I am always looking at all the articles on the web and realizing that there are so many people who cared about you and some of them you didn't even know. It is so amazing to see all the lives you have touched by being such a great person. You were so brave, but so laid back and just went with the flow. I am glad I can look back and think of all the memories and I am so proud to have shared so many of them with you. Some were funny, sad, crazy. The one that always comes to mind is the time when we all went to the Funny Bone a few weeks before you were taken from all of us. What the heck was that all about!? It was crazy, but funny at the same time. I'm glad we could all go back to your house and laugh about it. You are and always will be a great friend to me! Please help guide any of us when we need it the most. You are missed so much! Say hi to Joe.


April 20, 2006

Nick, I do not read the reflections much but thought of it today while I've been typing a paper for school. Your family still has you so close to their hearts and I'm sure they always will. The reflections have begun to slow down from most, but your mom, dad, heather and kelley are always leaving messages. You have an amazing family. I hope they read this so they know that. I have not seen Gavin for a long time. I miss him, but i think of him always and hope he is doing okay. It is hard to think about his life without you in it. You would have really made a difference in his life. I hope your family is able to tell him all kinds of stories about you to keep you in his heart. Well Nick, that is it. Keep watching down on all of us.

April 17, 2006

Hoppy Easter Nick!!!!

April 17, 2006

Thank you for your bravery to make this world a better place.

April 12, 2006

Thank you for your sacrifice, you are a hero to this city.

April 11, 2006

Hey Nick! It's been a while since I've written to you! I came in town for a few days last weekend to see my new niece and I went by the cemetary to see your headstone; I had only seen it through pictures. It is really nice and represents you very well. I also went a few steps over to Joe's spot. I hope you two are enjoying heaven and keeping an eye on all of us. I wish I could have been home longer, but it was a last minute thing. I will be back in STL in about 2 1/2 months- I can't wait! Well, I better stop talking now. I just wanted to say hi. Tell Joe hi! I miss you guys!


March 21, 2006

Thinking of you !

Nick's cousin

March 20, 2006

Dear Nick,

Kaitlyn says, I love Uncle Nick.


March 9, 2006

Uncle Nick,


Bobby says, I love Nick.

Nicks Nephew

March 9, 2006

On the way in today, I was listening to the Kenny Rodgers CD,that you left in my cd case a long time ago. I was thinking about when we were kids and mom would have "late night house cleaning". It was every once in a while on Friday nights around 10p.m., we would all clean the house and listen to the Kenny Rodgers record. We would act like mom was torchering us, but I think we all had a lot of fun. The house would get cleaned really fast, because we all worked together and would be singing along with Kenny. I was laughing while I remembered back on those times.
We were always greatful for having such a close family. It seems not all families get along and have as much fun as we did. I guess we can thank mom and dad, for doing such a great job raising us and always being there for us no matter what.
I hope I can raise Bobby as good as they raised us. You were such a great daddy to Gavin while you were here with him. I know the only thing that has changed is that you now travel from Heaven to be with him. You still are the best daddy ever.
I really wish there was a way to change the past, so you could still be here today. I know God had other plans for you. He needed one of the best police officers to help him out.
I am so proud of you, you did your best and gave your all everyday of your life. You lived a great life and enjoyed everyday of it. You are a "TRUE HERO". I am honored and blessed that you are my brother. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. I love you and miss you. I will do my all to keep your memory alive.
I love you,

Nicks Very Proud Sister

March 9, 2006

Rudyard Kipling


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Nick, you were a good man.

Rest in Peace

Supporter of Officer Sloan

March 2, 2006

Thanks for the visit last night. Thank you for getting us the answers we needed. It brings a little peace to our minds. Be sure to know that Dad, Mom, Kelly, James, Josh and I all feel the same as you. I'm sorry more wasn't done. Remember that we all love you very much.

Thank you again for still coming and playing with Bobby and the Little Princess. The other night Bobby told me about the last time you played together, he said "Mommy, Uncle Nick jumps on my bed with me and he made me lunch, but it was hot so I had to wait until it cooled." He said he loves when he gets to play with you. He has a lot of fun. I'm glad that there is a way for you to come and play with him. He really misses you alot. We talk about you often, he also tells mom about when you come to play with him. You make him very happy.
I'd better get going, I love you and miss you very much. I can't wait until we see each other again.
Love you,

Uncle Nick,

(I love you Nick,
B O B B Y - Bobby)
*(He spelled his name for you and said Bobby)

Nicks Very Proud Sister

February 23, 2006

Nick- Your headstone looks so nice. My sister went by the cemetary and took some pictures and then sent them to me. I can't wait to see it when I get home. Well, I just wanted to say hi and that your headstone is beautiful. Talk to you later. Say hi to Joe.


February 20, 2006

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