St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan
Happy Father's Day, Nick! I know you wish you could be here with Gavin on this day, as do all of us. We know you're with him in your own way and that you're always by his side. Have a great day. We'll all be celebrating your birhtday real soon. Miss you!
June 17, 2007
Your death changed so many people.I still can remember you on the first day of FT. I remember when Marks got you to Weed and Seed and I remember sitting in the car with you and swooping in on people all over N. St. Louis. I also remember how at first you were so quite and then I came back from like a long vacation and you would not shut up....You had started making cases and I had seen a change in you from quite to talkative...I asked you what happened and you said my dad told me to keep my mouth shut at first...and you did for ninty days. You were such a breath of fresh air to weed and seed and a great policeman.
When I made the hard decision to leave the City I knew you were going to keep the heat up and make alot of cases and you did....You set the bar high and I can tell you from working outside the city that you and Schwerb, Marks, Gabe, Lingard, Bazile, Seger, Nolan and I and all the city police really earned our pay.
To this day as much of us that worked with you still harbor guilt that if we would have stayed in the city we would have been with you and things would have changed...I still can see co clearly the day I talked to you and your da and gav at your cousins house in O'Fallon. I told you I was thinking of coming back to the city and that Marks could get me back to weed and seed. I asked your dad if he would speak up and he said he would. But you said why things are changing do really want to come back to some of the mess in the city. I only sawe you one other time but talked to you on the one weekly prior to your death. You and Marks called me the day before you were killed and your were so happy and told me how Gavin was doing and that he was getting bigger. You and Marks wanted to know when I was going to come and ride with you. I wish it would have been the next day. You should always know and your family must always know that your friends on the police force will never forget you or your family and that today and everyday wherever I go I will carry your memory with me. I carry a cutout of you badge to work every day and whenever I see a T-Shirt with Sloan on the back I say to them "What do you know about that guy whose name is on your shirt?" I then tell them I knew you and worked with you and how great of a person you are and who you were.
June 14, 2007
Hey Nick,
I was just reading your page, I am so touched by the last posting. Everyday I think about the day you were taken from us, it upsets me so much because I always thought you were alone. I feel so much better now, knowing someone who truly cared about you was trying his hardest to save your life. I understand your life was in Gods hands and dispite anyones efforts God makes the final call. I am very greatful to this brave man for giving his all to save your life. I just want to say THANK YOU to him from all of us and I know you would like to thank him also, if you have not already. I hope that someday I will get the opportunity to thank him in person.
Until we meet again.....
Heather Claspill
Nicks Very Proud Sister
June 14, 2007
I remember a simple call for a psyc. patient. When I arrived on scene I discovered that the patient was violent and my life was in danger. I immediatly called for help and Nick was the first to arrive. He walked in and with his protruding badge and authoritive stance, he saved me from certain injury. Tuna was the next officer to arrive and he explained that he need'nt be there because Nick could control the scene. I owe my life to Nick at least once. Several months later I was called to a shooting involving a police officer where I found Nick. I took every little bit of training, and every last little bit of knowledge I had and applied it to saving Nick. I rode in the back of that ambulance trying to come up with something more to save Nick all the way to the hospital. Once again he changed my life. I only knew him for a few minutes, but his impact on me, my wife, and my child will last forever.
Paramedic Paul Scott
St Louis Fire Department
June 12, 2007
I'm getting ready for bed, I just wanted to say "Hi". I was thinking of you. Reese has her baptism tomorrow. It reminded me of my big girls baptism. I have some pictures of everybody hanging around at our old house afterwards. There's one of you holding Gavin acting like your giving him a drink of your beer! I love seeing Gavin. But at the same time, it makes me think about how much fun you two should be having together. It's just not right that this has happened. I still don't believe it sometimes. I know you live on through him!
June 10, 2007
Nick- I just wanted to drop a little note to let you know I'm thinking about you always. I can't believe how much Gavin looks exactly like you. He acts just like you too. It was so funny...Kirsten and Gavin came down to the house last weekend and I gave Gavin this old weed wacker that was in the garage because it's his height and he always talks about his weed wacker. He is so interested in everything. Everytime Kirsten would say something about how something in the garage was yours, he would say, "Mom, that was my daddy's!" He is so proud to call you daddy and he always will be! We all miss you so much! I hope you and Joe celebrated his birthday right!!!! I will talk to you later. Take care!
May 25, 2007
To the Sloan Family;
May God bless you and guide you through your terrible grief. I can't begin to imagine your pain. Please know as is so obvious through all of the beautiful testimonials to your son, brother,uncle and nephew that he will never be forgotten. As I regularly visit the graves of my family members at Resurrection I always make it a point to stop by your loved one's burial site to say a prayer and to thank him for his service and sacrifice. I think that it's safe to say that he is now on duty with our patron St. Michael.
May 22, 2007
Uncle Nick,
I Love you and miss you so much,
P.S. Mommy and Daddy miss you alot too.
Nick's very proud niece
May 8, 2007
Uncle Nick,
You know how much I love you, I love you and wish you would come back to life. I sure like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I can't wait to see the movie.
I love you,
Nick's nephew
May 1, 2007
I just wanted you to know what a wonderful family you have. My family has had the support, kindness and love through the loss of Officer Jeremy Chambers, E/O/W/ 04-24-2006, from your parents and two sisters. Nick, knowing your family, I know what a wonderful and caring person you were. We never met but I feel I have known you through the stories I have listened by your family. A few weeks ago your dad introduced me to your son. I know how proud you must be of him and know you are is guardian angel in heaven. I just wanted to say hi and thanks for your families support through our loss. Say Hi to Jay up there and tell him we miss him.
Mark Schilli
Brother-In-Law of Officer Jeremy Chambers, E/O/W 04-24-2006
Mark Schilli
DEA-St. Louis
April 30, 2007
How are things up there? Grandma & Grandpa's Anniversary is tomorrow. Tell them Happy Anniversary. I know that Grandpa is so much happier up there without pain and that he has Grandma, you and Kevin with him.
Thanks for continuing to send us all signs. Please send Heather some extra signs the next couple of weeks. She will need them.
Payton sees me on the computer now and says Nick and she wants to see your picture. She is so cute. I love when I pick her up at Mom & Dad's house and no matter what she is doing when I walk in the door she walks over and gives me a big hug and kiss. She just makes me so happy. Bobby is so funny. He always has so many stories to tell. Now when I call Heather he needs to talk. Sometimes, Heather and Mom need to remind him that I am at work.
Well, I still miss you so much. There is a lady that just started working at my office and she saw your bumper sticker on my car and asked when this happened to you. She said I think I remember hearing about this. When I showed her your picture, she said yes I definitely remember this, the very handsome guy.
Love you,
Nick's proud sister
April 29, 2007
I just wanted you to know that I miss you so much. I came to see you at the cemetery on Sunday and I just started crying. It is not fair that you are not here. You are missing so much. Gavin & Bobby are so big. They just have you laughing so much. Payton is walking and she gets so excited when she sees your pictures and says Nick. I have had several people ask me how James and I got a daughter who has blond hair & blue eyes? I say that she must have taken after her Uncle Nick. Thank you so much for my special gift of my baby girl that only my angel in heaven could have sent me.
Mom is right when she said that if it weren't for Gavin, Bobby and Payton we would all be with you. Well continue sending us signs. I know you helped Mom with what she asked you to help her with. I know Dad asked you for some advice and took the advice you gave him. Thanks!!!!
I just got back from Jeremy Chambers memorial service. It was beautiful. There were probably about 300 people there. Well you know that May will be a busy month for us. I am always so proud to honor you.
Love you,
Nicks very proud sister
April 24, 2007
I know it has been some time since we first met, and we didn't each other well. But i want you to know that the thought of what you gave for your country and the people you set out to protect sits in my mind everyday. We never ask to lose one of our own, especially when they have so much to contribute. You are in my thoughts everyday I go to work, every call I dispatch, and with every officer i send out. I think of you when i see my brothers leave for work. But more than anything I thank you. I thank you everyday that you let my brothers and friends come home. I know you are there with them, watching over them and guiding them safely. Thank you for keeping them safe. We are lucky to have people fighting the fight down here, but we are blessed to have you fighting for them up there. You are never forgotten. May your son and his mother be safe always with you watching over them.
A friend who'll never forget.
Kimberly Romach
Fairfax County Public Safety Dispatcher
April 12, 2007
Hey Nick! I just wanted to say Happy Easter! I stopped by the cemetary yesterday to visit you and Joe. I hope you guys had a good Easter. I wish you could be here with everyone. We all miss you! I will talk to you later. Continue looking out for us!
April 10, 2007
Happy Easter
Love Always
April 8, 2007
Happy Easter Nick!
Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating in Heaven! Go get Bob and butt an egg with him will you? He loved to do that....but just a hint,...he uses uncooked eggs! Gotta love him!
Keep watch over your family. They miss and love you so very much. God Bless you Nick!
April 8, 2007
Happy Easter
Its a little early, but I'm not sure if we will be in on Sunday. Thanks for the beautiful double rainbow this morning. I love and miss you so much.
Love you,
Nicks Very Proud Sister
April 6, 2007
Mr. and Mrs Sloan and Family, I read your reflections and the tremendous loss your hearts are feeling is evident. My husband is a police officer here in Florida and we had a close friend who died in the line of duty and they just did a beautiful online memorial, I'm not sure if you have seen this site but it is beautiful and maybe you could share Nick with all of us in the Law Enforcement Family, Julie Verkler also did a wonderful tribute to her husband Bryan Verkler who passed on in December 2003. My heart goes out to you and your family, god bless you!!!
Wife of a Brevard County Police Officer
April 4, 2007
Hey little brother,
Just wanted to say I Love You.
Nicks Very Proud Sister
April 3, 2007
Hey Nick-
I haven't written to you in a while- but as you know -
I talk to you often. None of us have forgotten about you and we all miss you just as much as we ever did. Watch over everyone and hopefully we will all see you again some day.
March 30, 2007
Hey bud,
Just wanted to let you know when I stopped by a couple of weeks ago with my oldest daughter. She said she was scared to go to the cemetary. I told her that we were goin to say a prayer for my friends you and Bob. I told that she shouldn't be scared because these guys are protecting us. We said or prayers together and as we were leaving she says to me that Nick and Bob must have been guy must been geat friends because they sure do have alot of people to protect. It brought tears to my eyes again. Miss you guys.
C Campbell
c. campbell
March 29, 2007
Uncle Nick- jkklabiko777777777777777777777777777777777777777
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I love you so much,
P.S. Thanks for the visits. I love them and so does Mommy. Help find someone that can help take Gee-ma's physical pain away.
Nick's very proud niece
March 25, 2007
You are never far from my thoughts!
Love, Michelle
March 24, 2007
It was a nice gathering at the cemetery on St. Patrick's Day with our friends. The snow and the cold weather were a nice touch, but a little too cold for MOM and Baby Payton. I hope that you enjoyed sharing a few cold Bud Lights with me from the green bottles that MOM likes so much. I know the McEntee family enjoyed all of us being together for their special day.
On a serious note, take care of the guys from work that are in some heat over the ticket scalping incident. They are all good Detectives and Sergeants that do a great job everyday. I am not saying what they did was right or wrong, but help the big shots make the right decision concerning any type of disciplinary action. As you well know, I had nothing to do with the caper.....
Well I am going to go work out in the yard on this beautiful Saturday....
Say a prayer for the McEntee family so they can stay strong during the criminal trial scheduled to start Monday.
Also say a prayer for MOM...
March 24, 2007
I miss you and love you so much. I am always so proud of you. We have talked to a lot of your friends and they have told us great stories about you. We always love hearing those stories. You have a lot of good friends. Gavin, Bobby, and Payton are getting so big. I love listening to them and watching them grow. We are so blessed. I hate to complain, but could you help someone figure out how to help me get rid of this physical pain, I can't take it much more. I know you cannot fix my broken heart, so I won't ask.
Love, Mom
March 1, 2007