St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan
Thanks for everything you did this weekend for us. We sure had you working overtime. Heather and I did a lot of praying to you . We knew you would come through because as Bobby says "Uncle Nick can do anything". One more favor, please bring them home safe to us.
I Love you forever and always,
Payton wanted to tell you something...
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I love you Uncle Nick,
P.S. Hope you got all the balloons we sent you at the fair...
August 10, 2008
I love you and I can't tell you how much I miss you....
Everyday is getting worse than better...
Take care of your Mom and Sisters. We all need your help...
July 30, 2008
Hi Nick,
I don't always write as much as I should, and I don't always call people as much as I should, but I want you to know that you and your family are never too far from my thoughts.
Somedays, I feel as though I am being bombarded with thoughts of you, license plates with your name on them, meeting people named Nick, I swear one of the guards at work looked just like you the other day, a fine looking boy with a charming smile...the uniform was different, and of course he wasn't as quite as handsome, but I still did a double take (he probably just thought I was some crazy old lady checking him out!) Still, after four years I wanted to say, "See, I knew you were still alive, just working somewhere else!!"
I had some visitors on Friday, some friends of mine from Ft. Belvoir that were in town for a meeting. I was happy to see them, but they couldn't stay long because they were heading to Philly for the weekend for a bicycle event. I was really surprised when they told me that they were riding in the "21st Annual Irish Pub Tour de Shore" which benefited the Philadelphia Police Survivor’s Fund (kind of like our Backstoppers). It's a 65-mile ride starting at an Irish pub in Philly and ending at an Irish pub in Atlantic City (seems about right!) I don't normally talk much about you as a fallen officer, I guess it is just kind of personal, but I broke my normal protocol and showed them a picture of you that I have in my office, telling them how much I missed you and what an awesome person you are. I told them about Gavin and how much he is like you.
I spoke to one of those friends today. The ride raised $150,000 (yeah!), they had a blast, and I think they took a thought of you and Gavin with them on that 65-mile trek.
And on that note, I'll end this with a toast that I saw recently and it too reminded me of you...
I-rish you a very nice place to live,
I-rish God's greatest gifts he'll give.
I-rish you health, and wealth, and more--
I-rish your smilin' face were at my door!
July 28, 2008
Hey Nick,
I has been an emotional week. I know you will welcome Ryan to his new home. You guys seem to have a lot in common. Please be with his family, they will need you guys. We all miss you so much.
Love you,
Nicks Sister
July 25, 2008
Nick, I miss you buddy. Everytime I get ready for work I remember the days we rode together. I know you are still with me at work because I can fell your spirit on my shoulder when things get rough. I know you are in a better place and would not want to come back. A lot of people miss you here. I tell all the young policemen that will listen to me all (well maybe not all) my stories about you. You are truly a legend that will never be forgotten.
July 20, 2008
We just got back from the lake. As you know, we celebrated Heather's b-day. Gavin was there for some of the weekend and he is getting to be more like you than ever. It is so amazing how he has so many of your looks and actions and there is no way that anyone could have described them to him. I hope we made Heather's b-day special for her. I know that she missed you there. Gavin became in charge of decorating the birthday cards. He signed his name and mine and yours. He told me that my name would be first since I was older than you. When you talk to Gavin and Bobby now, they are like little adults.
Payton talks non stop and has to take her purse everywhere we go. She just makes you laugh so much. I cried when Payton and I went to the cemetary for your birthday. She was very upset that someone took your balloons that Geemie and Papa left for you. Also, it started raining and she kept wiping your face because "Oh no Mommy! Rain is getting on Uncle Nick's face" I know that you would have spoiled her so much if you were still here.
Well, we better get to bed. Keep an eye on everyone. Thanks for being there for Bobby at the lake this weekend. It could have been serious. Tell, Ralphie "Happy Birthday"
I love you,
July 6, 2008
Have a good Fourth of July. We miss you so much. We will be at the lake, I know you will be there with us. Love you little brother.
Hi Nick,
I hope your doing good. I have a box of pez, I'm going to give one to you. Love you Nick.
I Love You,
Heather and Bobby
July 3, 2008
Please be with your sister Heather today on her birthday.
I know birthdays are not the same especially when you shared them most of your life together. Your sisters are great. They miss you so much but are still there trying to take care of dad and me. Gavin, Bobby, and Payton keep us laughing. In a lot of ways they remind us of you and the girls.
Nick, it seems like we always ask for your help and this time is no exception. Please watch over the Tatoians today too, it is Ralph's 36th birthday. Watch over the McEntee's since it was the day after their fourth of July celebrations as a family that their world changed forever.
Love forever and a day, Mom
July 3, 2008
Happy 29th Birthday! It seems almost impossible to be writing to you on ODMP instead of thinking of a way to surprise you next year for your big three O. You were 9 pounds 13 ounces and 23 1/2 inches. The nurses referred to you as "Nick the Bruiser". We have such wonderful memories of you. I would give anything to see or hug you again. Love forever and a day! Mom
p.s.I know your birthday is the 25th of June, I just could not write that day. Not a minute goes by that I do not think about you. Please continue to watch over us, we all need your help.
June 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Nick! Miss you lots!
June 26, 2008
Happy Birthday -
Love Aunt Joan
June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Nick! You are missed.
J. Jackson
June 25, 2008
Happy birthday Nick! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and your family today.
June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Buddy
June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Nick!
Watch over your family today-it is days like these that are the hardest. I know you are always with them - especially through Gavin - you live on in him. God bless you and your family.-Jayne McEntee
June 25, 2008
Dear Nick,
I hope you come back to earth. I really miss you. Nick, I'm bringing you rice krispy treats for your birthday.
Nicks Nephew
June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Little Brother!
We will be by to celebrate with you later today.
Love you and miss you more everyday.
Until we meet again....
Nicks Proud Sister
June 25, 2008
Uncle Nick-
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I Love You,
June 24, 2008
Happy Birthday!!! I am sure that you guys will be celebrating up there. I just got done making chocolate chip cookies for you birthday. I have to work so I won't be able to come see you.. I will come visit this weekend. Payton wants to know if she can have one of your balloons that Mom got you. You will have quite a celebration for your birthday.
I don't want to sound selfish but please be with all of us right now ... we really need you. You are the best brother ever.
I Love you forever and always,
June 24, 2008
Happy 29th Birthday....
I Love You
June 24, 2008
Nick, Be with your family today on your 29th birthday You know how much they love and miss you>They have been there for so maney people despite thier own pain its unreal of course Im not telling you any thing you dont already know Ill come out and have one with you in the next few days see you then Mike M
June 24, 2008
Hey Nick-
I thought of you and your family alot today. Nicole and I took the kids to Six Flags for the 1st time today! They were so excited just seeing it from the highway. It has been years since I've been there last. There were a few summer's where we were there day after day with you and your sisters. Heather and I would go to Tremors dance club and try to get on TV:) We showed them where we saw New Kids on the Block. (they are reuniting by the way). It's funny to see the girls danceand sing to Miley Cyrus and Johnas Brohers! Alot had changed there but at the same time seemed the same. Nicole even said "isn't it werid were here with our own kids." Were having a great summer. The girls went to their first Cardinals game. We had a family Ozark trip with Mom,Bob,Bryan,Kate,Chris, and Nicole's family . Skylar lost her first tooth- she looks really cute! McKenna could be on a chipmunk's CD because she sounds just like one- especially when she's excited about the story she's telling, and she's quite the fisherman. And little Reecy is a firecracker- she thinks she can do whatever her sister's do. If you try to stop her , her new thing is to swat herself in the head:)- I'm so proud. I really try to remind myself to enjoy these little things. It really does go so fast. I look at the twins and can't believe they belong to me! The other day the girls were tossing this parachute man in the house. On my mantle is a picture of you and Gavin together. The man hit behind the frame and pushed it foward. The girls both yelled "Mom- Get Saint Nick - He almost fell off of there."
Although I reminded them not to throw that in the house, I had to smile- They still believe your the one that puts candy in their shoe! I don't even try to correct them anymore. I'm on a mission this summer-if you could put in a good word for me!! Wish you were here- We'll Miss You Always- Michelle
June 22, 2008
Just thinking of you...
June 21, 2008
To the family of Officer Sloan:
I am about to begin my adventure of becoming a police officer in the City of St. Louis. I remember when this horrible tragedy occurred, some 4 years ago. I remember saying to myself, "What a tragedy, such a young man, killed senselessly"...please know that your loved one, (son, father, brother, uncle, friend) did not die in vein. He made a difference in the City of St. Louis. He is a hero who will never be forgotten. I am truly sorry for your loss and commit to not only the Sloan family, but the entire City of St. Louis, to make this world a better place. Please remember that Nick continues to look over all of you, and loves you very much.
June 20, 2008
Nicky K-
Happy Father's Day! You were never so happy as the day that Gavin came into your life. I know that you were with Dad & Gavin today as always. I know that Dad was trying to be so strong this weekend but I could tell in his eyes that he missed you so much and that nothing we could do or give him would make that better. I just prayed that this father's day would not be the same as 3 years ago. I'm sure that you guys are all having a great celebration up there today. You are all wonderful dads.
Well, Bobby and Gavin are great T-ball players. I know that you are watching them play and could never be prouder. I was joking with them about making signs and taking them to their games. Much to my surprise, they both really wanted me to make the signs. I did and they both insisted that I hold them up during the games for them.
Thanks for all of the talks that we have had (and the cries). I just miss you so much. James and Payton both miss you so much.
We are now making plans for your birthday. You would be 29. (You are still turning a year older with us, Heather & I are not getting older without you :)) Don't worry, we are making chocolate chip cookies and rice krispie treats for your birthday and I'm sure that a few Bud Light's will also be consumed in honor of your birthday.
I love you little brother,
P.S. The guys had Heineken beer this weekend. I was told why. I'm sure you had something to do with this.
Nick's sister
June 15, 2008