Mishawaka Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Saturday, December 13, 2003
Reflections for Patrolman Bryan Scott Verkler
Here it is the night before we leave for NPW. Of course, I have MOST of my packing done and you know I needed a bigger suitcase so I am using the one we bought before we went on our honeymoon. You always laughed at me because I "overpacked", and then you said you were always good for something because you were my "Pack Mule" for the heaviest suitcase in the world.:):) But you know, I never had to ASK you to carry my suitcase, or to do so many small loving things that you did. You always were and will forever be The One for me.
I am thinking of memories such as these as I return to DC this year. I refuse to dwell on your tragic death, the funeral and all of the events that trailed months later...but of YOU...US..OUR memories that time, neither past, present or future can ever take away. That is the beauty of memories, and it is totally unfortunate, but I have had to learn this harsh lesson over the past 16 1/2 months since you've been gone.
I no longer dwell on the "coulda" "shoulda" "wouldas". I know that you are in Heaven shining down on me with your love and that you are SO PROUD OF ME. I can feel it in my heart Bryan, even way down here.
To you My Husband, I know that you can feel my Love for you shining up from my heart and mind, everyday. Thank you for loving me so wholly and completely. It is because of your love, that now I am able to hopefully help others who have sustained the same tragedy.
I am so thankful for the knowledge that after my time here is done, we will be reunited, and we will never be apart again....EVER :)
Until we meet again, my Sweet Love...
Please help to take care of all of us as we travel to DC. I will be meeting up with a lot of widows and fiancees who are now forced to live their lives without the love of their beloved one and only's.
Say Hi to Daniel, Duke, Mike, Bert, Jon and Chuck....for all of their "women" miss them SO MUCH!!
Your Loving Wife, Now and Forever
May 11, 2005
Please make sure that everyone who is coming to DC to honor you has a safe trip.
Although I wish we were meeting under better circumstances, I can't wait to meet you and the rest of the ladies that you and I have come to know over the last several months. I am anxious to finally meet all of you and to honor everyone's husbands the way we are going to get to honor them. Have a safe trip.
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
May 9, 2005
I Love You More Than...
Poem by Wendy Silva
I love you more than the grains
of sand lying upon the beach.
More than the stars high up
in the sky floating out of reach.
I love you more than the rain
drops falling in a storm.
More than the rays of sunbeams
that in summer keep us warm.
I love you more than all the flower
petals found upon the Earth.
More than diamonds and
the value of their worth.
I love you more than the blossoms
blooming in the Spring.
You are priceless and I love you
more than anything.
May 6, 2005
My Dear Juli -
Cant wait to see you and your mom and bro at PW. I have been thinking about you and hoping you are doing well! I cant wait to go and honor our officers again. How great it will be to remember them at the wall.
Love Ya sister!
- Jessica
Fiancee of Officer Dan Starks
May 6, 2005
We're making plans to attend Washington as well. I just finished the collage I'm leaving for Mike at the wall. I'm anxious about going, but dreading it at the same time. It's not that I don't think of Mike every minute of every day, but all the details of that day come rushing back along with all the emotions. Ugh. Will we ever run out of tears?
I'm am excited about meeting you, though. I saw you at the capitol last year and watched you place the flower on the wreath, but of course that wasn't the best time to meet you!
We'll have to look for each other at the seminars or make some definite plans.
Have a safe trip.
See you soon,
Jennifer Waters
Wife of Mike Waters 9-11-03
May 4, 2005
Until We Meet Again
Author Anonymous
Each morning when we awake
we know that you are gone.
And no one knows the heartache
As we try to carry on.
Our hearts still ache with sadness
and many tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.
Our thoughts are always with you,
your place no one can fill.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
There will always be a heartache,
and often a silent tear,
But always a precious memory
Of the days when you were here.
If tears could make a staircase,
And heartaches make a lane,
We'd walk the path to heaven
And bring you home again.
We hold you close within our hearts,
And there you will remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again.
Our family chain is broken now,
And nothing will be the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.
May 3, 2005
I am getting some of my things together in order to return to D.C. to honor you again this year. It is ironic how SO many things have changed since last year. In some ways, I really was so numb the first year, as it had only been 5 months since you had been taken from us. I can't wait to get to The Wall and spend some time alone there with you. I am so excited to reunite with old friends from last year, and to make new friends that have so unfortunately suffered the same horrific loss as we did. I am sure by now that you have met up with Jess' fiancee Daniel, Denise's husband Bert, Jenn's husband Duke and Jennifer's Mike W. There are a lot of us baby, more than I ever could comprehend to know that have lost the love of their lives. Helping each other put together the pieces is what National Police Week is about, that, and of course, making sure that everyone we meet knows and honors your Supreme Sacrifice.
Recently, I have been trying to ensure that the needs of local survivors' are being fulfilled. We will see what happens at NPW, as we will be talking to a lot of people.
I wanted to let you know that as I pack my bags to travel to D.C., I am thinking of you, as I do so many times everyday.
Yesterday, I was trying to explain to my mom about how hilarious it was when you were at the Cubs game trying to explain "bling" to someone. I think that you and I and Chris laughed for hours one time about that. I had to laugh when I thought about it yesterday. (My mom wasn't there, so she didn't know how funny it was..) I can even remember what shirt you had on that day. I also thought about the "wookie" roar. God, how I miss you and all of our little inside jokes. Words can never explain..
I want to thank you for giving me the strength, determination and perserverance to continue to grow, and to make a difference in the lives of others.
In my heart you will always and forever be # 1.
I love you.
Your Wife Forever
May 2, 2005
My heart goes out to your department and the family of Officer Verkler. It is so hard to lose someone close to you we also lost one of the finest men and friend we have ever known Sgt Greg Hunter EOW 06/18/04. Please know how sorry we are for each and everyone who was touched by Officer Verkler after reading his reflections I am sure him and Greg are watching over us all.
Grand Prairie Police,Texas
April 21, 2005
To Officer Verkler's Wife,
First of all, I would like to say how sorry I am for your loss. I never knew your husband, but my boyfriend, a police officer from Illinois attended the services for your husband. I remember him coming home that day and telling me how absolutely devastating the services were. He tried explaining to me what it was like to lose a "brother". I said to him, "Jon, you didn't even know this guy...you're so upset." I, not being a police officer, did not understand the bond that they share. He gave me a card that night saying how the services had opened his eyes to so many things. How he realized that any second he could be taken away and how he wanted me to know that if anything did ever happen to him, that he loved me. I now cherish that card everyday, because on August 20, 2004 Jon was taken from me in the line of duty. He was the first officer killed from the department in over 20 years. I have since realized how strong of a bond police officers share. Being Officer Verkler's wife, I know you must be going through so many emotions. It took me awhile to decide if I should write something on here. I just wanted you to know that your husband made a huge differece in my boyfriend's life, without even officially meeting him. He honestly re-evaluated his life and his priorities. And even though your husband and Jon never met here on earth, I am sure they have since become great friends.
I'm sure you have plenty of family and friends to comfort you, but sometimes hearing little stories like this might brighten your day a bit. I will continue to pray for all the fallen police officers and their families. We all are grieving together.
Tristen girlfriend of fallen police offi
April 17, 2005
So hard to believe that today, 6 years ago was our first date. I remember so vividly how "shy" you were and how you broke the ice with a joke. I will never forget the "Thunderchicken", the sweater that I wore that night, Macri's Deli and all of our wonderful memories with Missy and Shawn.
I just spoke with Shawn the other night, and I hope he knows I am eternally grateful for the simple fact that he actually made our first date a reality. If it weren't for him, I would have never had the privelege of being loved by you so wholly and completely. I wouldn't have had a chance to marry the man of my dreams, my one and only, my "Gladiator". I know that Shawn thinks about you a lot and that he really misses you. I also know that you ride shotgun with him a lot in his squad car, a silent partner and passenger that brings safety and love from high above. We talked about when you would meet up with the guys at Steak and Shake sometimes on midnights. I am sure you still meet up with them, just on a different plane.
Well, Sweetheart, I know you know all that is going on here, and I just wanted to let you know that you will always and forever have 1/2 of my heart and soul.
Soulmates Forever,
Loving and Missing You,
Your Wife
April 17, 2005
Hey V,
I was doing some spring cleaning, and stumbled across some pictues of us as little boys. Those were the days, huh? I remember when we just turned 21, and you came up to my apartment, and just just sat and reminisced about how 'old' we were, and about those good ol days... :) Anyway, the pictures made me smile. Thanks, big guy.
April 16, 2005
i just wanted to thank you for sharing your wonderful wife with our family. meeting julie last year at the candlelight has been such a blessing to our family. she has listened and talked and listened to our precious jessica and just by being herself has helped our little girl cope with the loss of our daniel. jules is a wonderful young woman, you should be very proud of her.
thank you julie for just being your loving,caring self.
bryan please keep watch over her and your family, you are truely misses - even by those who didnt know you in this life.
thank you again for julie
all our love forever
mother of officer daniel starks
eow 10/25/03
April 12, 2005
I cannot believe the awesome, wonderful and magical gift that you gave to us yesterday. I believe now, more than ever, in the beliefs of what you instilled in my heart shortly after you left this Earth. Thank you for giving me insight, faith, and a sincere hope for the future. Your gift will never be forgotton.
"True love never dies, and ours indeed will always and forever transcend the test of time..."
Love You Baby Now and Forever,
Your Wife
April 11, 2005
If Heaven was an hour, It’d be twilight.
When the fireflies start dancin’ on the lawn.
And supper's on the stove and mamma’s laughin’
And everybody’s workin’ day is done.
If Heaven was a town it’d be my town
On a summer day in 1985.
And everything I wanted was out there waiting.
And everyone I loved was still alive
Don’t cry a tear for me now baby
There comes a time we must all say goodbye.
And if that’s what heavens made of
You know I’m not afraid to die.
If Heaven was a pie it'd be Cherry.
So cool and sweet and heavy on your tongue.
And just one bite would satisfy your hunger. And there’d always be enough for everyone
If Heaven was a train it'd sure be a fast one to take this weary traveler round the bend
And if Heaven was a tear it'd be my last one, And you’d be in my arms again
Don’t cry a tear for me now baby
There comes a time we must all say goodbye
And if that’s what heavens made of
You know I’m not afraid to die
"If Heaven" by Andy Griggs
April 7, 2005
Bryan -
For some reason you and Jules have been on my mind off and on all day today. I cannot wait to see her in DC in a few months and see her smiling face as she tells another happy story about you -- or tells me something that makes me laugh. She has that great thing about her -- she is always making me laugh, and feel better. Please keep by her - she needs you and I know that you are looking down on her and SO PROUD of the woman she has become. Independent, kind hearted, and able to pick herself up when she falls and keep going.
Jules - Love you girl! Hope you are doing well. I know you're keeping busy and I want you to know Im thinkin of you! Sending you love and hugs from Florida!!
Jessica Ruhl
Fiancee of Police Ofcr Dan Starks
April 5, 2005
Tribute to a Brother
My brother died today.
I've never met him.
Never even heard his name until
the news announced it this afternoon.
My brother died a hero's death,
in a hail of gunfire.
I've never met his family.
I heard on the news that he was married
and leaves behind a young widow asking why.
My brother was murdered.
Cut down in the prime of his life,
just beginning his career.
I was working at the family
job when I heard the news.
My brother was working the family
job as well, when his life was cut short.
Shots rang out, and members of my own
family were unfortunate enough to witness
some of the terrible action.
My brother was murdered simply because
he was a cop trying to do his job,
serving the community in which I live.
Other heroes worked ceaselessly
to save his life, but to no avail.
He was in the hands of God before
those human hands left his form.
My brother is my brother because he wore a badge.
My badge is now adorned in the black band of mourning
that I have worn too many times,
grieving for other brothers and sisters
that have made the supreme sacrifice.
My brother's name will be inscribed in "the wall."
His last act will always be remembered by at least a few.
The first time I shall ever see my brother's face
will be as we prepare to honor him a few days hence.
He will be borne along and laid to rest
with the highest of honors.
My brother's badge was slightly
different than my own.
Different town. Same job.
Different title. Same family.
My brother died today,
and a little of me died with him.
A little of my community died with him.
A little bit of America died with him.
Composed by Thom Roth
Missing You On the Streets Big Country
April 2, 2005
I took Kendalle back to the woods today to visit for a while. Kendalle sat up on your bench like a big girl (she is already 18 months old), she then walked up to the stone, immediately pointed at your picture and began talking (babbling) to you. It brought tears to my eyes, her never being able to know you, while she was only 2 ½ months old. We have saved everything for her including newspapers, pictures, shirts, and a lot of items from D.C. Dawn and Joshua went to D.C. for Joshua’s spring break last week. The police memorial was not on the itinerary but they made a special trip their due to so many wanting to see your name. Joshua sketched your name and brought it home for Kendalle. Christie put a really nice article in the paper about the trip along with the students being able to visit the police memorial. Bryan, there is not a day that passes that you are not thought of. We all miss you so much! Tell the Big Guy to please keep watch over Brett.
April 2, 2005
Juli, I haven't forgotten about you. You are in my thoughts often. Bryan, please continue to keep watch over your family, friends, and co-workers from above. God bless all of you.
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
March 28, 2005
I can't believe that you have been gone a little over 15 months now. Today I am so saddened by the fact that remains heavy on my heart. You are no longer here on this Earth to share our lives together. I still often wish that things had been so different. Even though I know that I cannot change the facts, I still struggle with dealing with the aftermath. Although I am trying desparately to rebuild, there isn't one day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts. How do you explain to others' the emptiness and feeling of being "lost" without the love of my SoulMate?
This past week was a rough one, but thank you for helping me to know your Spirit will linger forever, to help me through these times. I know our love will live on, but I mourn deeply over the sense that Life has lost so much of it's luster and fun since 12-13-03.
I am thinking of our past Easters' together today and missing you more with each passing minute.
I will always do everything in my power to make sure your love lives on inside of me.
Loving You Now and Forever,
Your Wife
March 27, 2005
Dear Bryan,
I miss your smile,the jokes and laughter you brought to many of us.Thank you for all the kindness you showed me and so many others.I could use one of the heart to heart talks we use to have about now.
You are dearly missed.You and my "Blue Angel" please keep watching over us.
Mishawaka, In
March 26, 2005
"You Raise Me Up"
Music and lyrics Copyrighted by Josh Groban
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
Thank you for giving me your amazing and unbelievable strength this past week.
Missing You Verkules
March 25, 2005
the sky is grey
the sand is grey
and the ocean is grey
and i feel right at home
in this stunning monochrome
alone in my way
i smoke and i drink
and every time i blink
i have a tiny dream
but as bad as i am
i'm proud of the fact
that i'm worse than i seem
what kind of paradise am i looking for?
i've got everything i want and still i want more
maybe some tiny shiny key
will wash up on the shore
you walk through my walls
like a ghost on tv
you penetrate me
and my little pink heart
is on its little brown raft
floating out to sea
and what can i say
but i'm wired this way
and you're wired to me
and what can i do
but wallow in you
what kind of paradise am i looking for?
i've got everything i want and still i want more
maybe some tiny shiny key
will wash up on the shore
i guess i've only got three
simple things to say:
why me?
why this now?
why this way?
with overtones ringing
and undertows pulling away
under a sky that is grey
on sand that is grey
by an ocean that's grey
what kind of paradise am i looking for?
i've got everything i want
and still i want more
maybe some tiny shiny key
will wash up on the shore
Copyright 2001 Ani Difrenco Lyrics
March 21, 2005
What Dreams May Come..a movie that I had not thought about or watched since our second date.
I cannot believe the content of the movie and how sad it really is.
Ironic how things can turn full circle..
March 20, 2005
I saw your brother Brett today in his squad car behind me at the stoplight at 6 and 23 in Walkerton. I did a double take because of the similar face. I couldn't help but think of the times you pulled up in your squad car at our house to visit Greg. We all still think about you here at home, Verkler. I often walk down to the cafeteria at John Glenn High and glance at your picture on the wall. I see your mom everyday and say hello. I want so badly to tell her I still remember and that we care but I just can't seem to do it. So I am putting it here, to let who visit here know how often we think of your family. Walkerton remembers you and still honors you, Bryan Verkler.
March 18, 2005
Thinking of you, missing you, loving you and thinking fondly of what our lives were once like.
March 18, 2005