Mishawaka Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Saturday, December 13, 2003
Reflections for Patrolman Bryan Scott Verkler
Mrs. Verkler, I feel so sad reading your last reflection I can only imagine how you feel inside. I am so so sorry!
December 31, 2008
Two nights ago, I had another dream. I was showing you pictures of your own funeral, and the one of them giving me your flag. You were very sad for me. I don't want you to be sad, only have faith knowing we will be reunited one day again, the next time forever.
December 30, 2008
"I really think happiness is very closely aligned with success, and may almost be an interchangeable synonym. Happiness (like success) also comes from doing what we feel called to do in life; however, it's also obvious no one can experience one without the other."
Donna Fargo
December 25, 2008
I saw you in my dream and you were wearing your SJCP uniform...what was that about?
December 21, 2008
Dearest Juli and Bryan,
I'm thinking of you and holding you so close in my heart. My heart breaks for the life that you have to live now. Your love is so amazing, so strong, so beautiful. Sometimes I am so sad that my son Matt died before he married the love of his life, other times I am thankful that he did not leave a wife and children to have to live without him here. But Juli, for whatever small amount of comfort it may give, there are those of us "out here" that think of you, and read your loving reflections to Bryan, the love of your life,and weep with you and send you our love.
Linda Rittenhouse
Always Matt's Mom
December 14, 2008
It's hard to believe it has been 5 years since your passing. I won't forget the call telling me you and Tom were gone. I also won't forget how cold both funerals were. I hope you and Tom keep watching over us down here.
Sgt. Bill Kraus
South Bend PD
December 14, 2008
Another year passed, another long year ahead. How can this happen and why doesn't it ever get better?
December 14, 2008
Bryan its hard to believe its been fives years since the tragic night that you and Tom was taking from us. Not a day goes by that I don't think about that night. Everytime that I look at Tom's picture thats hanging in my front room I think about you also.
Growing up I had my sports heros, but now I have two heros. Two heros you paid the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you.
You will never be forgotten.
Gary L Roberts
brother Of Clp Tom Roberts
EOW 12/13/03
Gary L Roberts
December 13, 2008
Bryan, You are so very missed by your WIFE, and by us at MPD. NO ONE will ever understand what she is going through.Only she herself is going through such a life changing event that no one will ever know. I know that His family is going through their own loss at this time, their SON what a HERO, gone but never forgotten. I hope that one of these days that Julie will find a special person to TALK to, but it will never be the same for her.It will never be her B.Another person may not understand that love and if they don't then too bad. Julie you are missed around here and what TRUE LOVE stands for. Thank you officer Bryan Verkler for your sacrafice in the job that you and Tom loved. YOU ARE VERY MISSED.May GOD bless all.Please remember your blue light.
December 13, 2008
Julie & Family,
We just wanted to let you know we were thinking of you and your family today on the 5th anniversary of Bryan's passing. We have not forgotten. I hope you can find comfort in the fact that you will be reunited someday and it will be for an eternity which can never be taken away. I hope you find some peace and happiness in your life. God Bless you!
The Nowacki Family
Shelley Nowacki & family
December 13, 2008
Remembering you, Bryan, and the sacrifice you gave!! May God bless your wife and family!
December 13, 2008
On the day of your EOW, I think that you already know all of what I want to say to you. It is pertinent that I tell you how much I miss you, and that the fact that is is 5 years to the exact day is killing me inside. Time has not lessened the loss of you life....in some ways, it's made it all the worse. I love the fact that everyone was all "time heal all wounds." What a illogical thing to say! How could anyone say that unless they loved each other like we did...well, then they would know that NO amount of time will lessen the loss. I miss you and everything about you. As long as I'm alive, your memory will never be forsaken. I wish that we would have had more time together. I'm not the type that easily "moves on", whatever that actual term means. Someday, I will feel better perhaps, but today is definitely one of the worst....
I love you and I miss you
Forever Yours
December 13, 2008
Thanks, Juli for your vulnerability. I have never experienced a love like this EVER. Not from a Mom, nor a Dad, nor a brother, nor a husband. I don't know
whether to feel sorry for you or for me... Thanks for sharing.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
December 13, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this fifth anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
December 13, 2008
Your wife misses you. She's not generic. She's the real deal. She misses you every hour of every day. She still want to have your children.
December 13, 2008
“I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.”
Excerpt from the movie "City of Angels"
Nicolas Cage quote
December 13, 2008
Don Henley
"In a New York Minute"
Harry got up
Dressed all in black
Went down to the station
And he never came back
They found his clothing
Scattered somewhere down the track
And he wont be down on wall street
In the morning
He had a home
The love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes
As years unfurl
One day he crossed some line
And he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get pretty strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Lying here in the darkness
I hear the sirens wail
Somebody going to emergency
Somebody's going to jail
If you find somebody to love in this world
You better hang on tooth and nail
The Wolf is always at the door
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get a little strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
And in these days
When darkness falls early
And people rush home
To the ones they love
You better take a fools advice
And take care of your own
One day they're here;
Next day they're gone
I pulled my coat around my shoulders
And took a walk down through the park
The leaves were falling around me
The groaning city in the gathering dark
On some solitary rock
A desperate lover left his mark,
Baby, I've changed. please come back.
What the head makes cloudy
The heart makes very clear
The days were so much brighter
In the time when she was here
But I know theres somebody somewhere
Make these dark clouds disappear
Until that day, I have to believe
I believe, I believe
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
You can get out of the rain
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Funny, how things can change in a second, which seems like a nanosecond. No one or nothing can screw with you. Believe that 5 years ago, believe it now. We love you.
Wow.....it is absolutely amazing!
Much love to Jules from the NYC. You will always have love from NYPD.
Your True Friend
From NYC
December 13, 2008
Thank you for your heartfelt reflection on this 5 year eve. You would not believe some of the things that I have had to deal with in the last 5 years, really, you would not!! Anyway, thank you so much for you reflection and may God Bless you and keep you and your Family safe.
December 13, 2008
I have had so much happen in the last 5 years. You and I know what that means. NO ONE else knows!! I don't know why that sometimes people were so hurtful after the funeral. These were people that we were supposed to know and love. I guess that after five years, I finally can tell the truth. And let's face it, a lot of people will be harmed by the truth simply because they did not do the right thing in the first thing. Isn't that ironic??
December 13, 2008
You're a strong woman Jules (whether you want to believe it or not at times). Bryan will always be there to guide you every step of the way until you are both reunited. Until then, continue to keep making him proud and continue to move forward in life and enjoy what life has left to offer you. Bryan would want that for you. XO
December 12, 2008
Dear Juli,
I think I have started this reflection 1000 times and deleted it 999. I hesitate to write it because I have never had the pleasure of meeting you, but my husband and I knew Bryan. We went to school with him; and when you go to a school like ours, you know each other!! My husband played football and was on the track team with Bryan, and I got to know him through mutual friends at school. The thing that stands out to me about Bryan (other than his height!) was his sense of humor! He was hilarious and very witty; never at a loss for words.
His death came as such a shock, not just in the way it happened, but having to accept the fact that horrible things happen to good, young, undeserving people. My heart broke for you and his family. I couldn't wrap my mind around what had happened, and was searching for a reason why. His death was just the beginning of the realization that bad things happen in everyone's life. Several personal tragedies followed. Life had been pretty easy until that point, and all of a sudden I was learning that the world was not fair. I knew that, but had never had to experience it personally. I had two choices: be mad at God, which I tried for awhile, or increase my faith in Him, which I am trying to do now. I don't know why things happen the way the do, and I probably never will, but I do know that I am not alone!
I have read a lot of your reflections, and I feel like I know you through them. I completely understand what you mean by soulmate! My husband is definitely mine!! We share a love for each other that is foreign to so many people! (As a matter of fact, our youngest daughter has asked if we could love each other a little less. Apparently, we are to the embarrassing point of her life.) The mere thought of something happening to him brings me to my knees. I am so sorry that you have had to endure what the past 5 years has brought you. Bryan was lucky man to have had you as his wife. Your love for each other is so easy to see. I know you know that someday you will see him again and be reunited forever. I am sure that feels like a million miles away at times, but there will come a day!! I don't know if all our questions will be answered, or if we just won't care anymore in heaven, but it is coming!! Meanwhile, hang in there! You are doing awesome, just for getting out of bed every morning!!
My husband and I have talked a lot lately about what we would do if something happened to either of us. We always said we would never find anyone else, because no one could compare, and I truly believe that. But, after dealing with a family death, we have told each other that we would want the other to find someone else, because the thought of each other being alone was awful! No one can answer that for me (and I pray to God I never have to deal with that!), as no one can answer that for you! Just know that because he loved you so much, Bryan's only concern would be for your happiness and well being, which is a decision only you can make!!
I hope I haven't offended you by anything I have written. I just felt I needed to share that with you. I will be thinking of you and Bryan's family tomorrow and lifting you up in prayers!
December 12, 2008
Gosh, can't believe that it's been five whole years since you left. How this year the 13th falls on a Saturday again. We always think about you and Roberts. How we wish that day never was! Rest!!
December 11, 2008
Bryan and Juli, We keep you in our prayers as your EOW, Christmas, New Years and then your birthday approaches. If only it could be like heaven here on earth where there is no pain or sadness!! Bryan does not feel the pain and sadness like we do. He only knows that you will be coming to see him. There is no waiting in Heaven like there is here. To Bryan it is like he just got their and then it could be 30 years later that you arrive but in heaven time its you arrived right after him. This is true. You will be husband and wife just like you were here but it is then for eternity. You will have those things you did not have here on earth that you so badly wanted. The "forever" will be. God bless you Juli and you just try and enjoy your time on earth because you have such a beautiful life to look forward to in the future with Bryan and our Lord.
Merry Christmas Sweetie and God Bless!!
December 7, 2008
Hey Bryan - Just wanted to stop by and say Im thinking of you and of Jules and everyone as your EOW approaches. I know this is a hard time for Juli. Coupled with the holidays I don't know how Juli does it. She is extremley strong. Loosing Daniel was one of the hardest things in my life, by far, ever. But I when I met your Julie a few years ago and heard her story - my heart broke all over again. Just the complexity of it all. I wish there was something I could do to make it all better again. I can't though. No one can. All we can do is hope, pray, and continue to love. You continue to live on through Juli everyday and all any of us can do is always remember your sacrifice and remember the good times. I never got to meet you - but you sounded like an awsome person.
Thank you for your sacrifice. It is not forgotten.
- Jessica Bankston
December 5, 2008
Thinking of you always. I can't believe it is going to be five years.
December 3, 2008