Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Lieutenant Gregory Floyd Medlin

DeSoto County Sheriff's Office, Mississippi

End of Watch Sunday, November 2, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Lieutenant Gregory Floyd Medlin



June 29, 2004

The tragic loss of a loved one is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. When that loved one is your child, it is unbearable.

I pray God bless Lieutenant Medlin's family and friends with His grace, mercy and peace. May He give you strength to go on.

"You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted: you encourage them, and you listen to their cry." PSALM 10:17

To Lieutenant Medlin, rest in peace. We will never forget you.

"Well done, good and faithful servant!... Come and share your master's happiness." MATTHEW 25:21

Rosa Waters
Mother of Michael Waters
EOW: September 11, 2003

June 29, 2004

Dearest Greg,
I missed you so very much on your birthday and every moment of every day. I know how proud you are because of all of the friends and family that came to the candlelight service. You never knew how much you were loved and still are.
Our lives are not the same without you. My first thought of you every morning is like something tearing my heart out. I still can't accept you not being here. I will never let you go. I not only miss you being here with me I NEED you here with me. I love you.

Liz Medlin / Officer's Mother

May 28, 2004

It's me finally! Well Greg I do miss you so very much. Every day I think about you. I still laugh about all the things we have done. I remember we got into a fight (BIG TIME) and brave me smacked you across the face oh boy and then I froze. And smart you, you smacked me back.I thought Wow I'll never do that again!! I do remember how we laughed about it afterwards.
Well we're ALL going to Washington D.C. in honor of you. I wished you could go with us. But guess what? I've never flown in an airplane, neither has Tracy Boy or daddy or even your kids. That will be a sight to see Greg!!!! It will be the day after my birthday. Wow!Tracy Boy is missing you too. Watch over us all Greg. We love and miss you very much.
Tracey Girl
(Your other Sister)


May 3, 2004


It's me finally! Well Greg I miss you so much. Every day I think of you. I still laugh about all the funny things we have done. I remember we got into a fight (


May 3, 2004

I would like to express my sincerest sympathy and condolences to the family, friends and co-workers who were graced by the joys of knowing Lt. Medlin.

Although I never knew him, I am touched by the many reflections that are posted here for him. Even though I didn't know him while he was with us, I am able to remember and honor him while we are without him.

I am riding in the Police Unity Tour, taking place May10th - May12th, from Virginia Beach to Washington DC. Those days, I will be riding 250 miles, in rememberence of Lt. Medlin and all that he gave to Law Enforcement. I feel very fortunate to have received this honor and I will carry it out with dignity and pride.

May God bless all of those, who have been fortunate to be a part of Lt. Medlin's life. They truly have been touched by grace.

Rest peacefully my brother of the shield. You are now an angel to keep watch over the peacemakers as we continue our journey mournfully without you.

Patrol Officer, Kerri Nolden
Bloomington Police, Minnesota

April 29, 2004

I have been where you fear to go....
I have seen what you fear to see........
I have done what you fear to do.........
All these things I've done for you.
I am the one you leaned upon .............
The one you cast your scorn upon.......
The one you brought your troubles to......
All these people I've been for you.
The one you asked to stand apart........
The one you felt should have no heart.
The one you called the man in blue......
But I am human, just like you.
And through the years I've come to see
Just how much you relied on me.
Although of thanks there was little sign..........
As I stood for you
On that thin blue line...................
Now take my badge and take my gun.....
For now my tour of duty is done..........
Do you think that you can be
All those things you asked of me......?


April 20, 2004

You carried yourself both on and off duty with class,dignity, and pride. You touched all who knew you with your compassion, your sense of humor your infectious smile.You were taken from us way too soon and it has left us with a void in our hearts. Though you may be gone you will never be forgotten. You left a piece of yourself with everyone who knew you. We will carry that with us for the rest of our lives.
Thank you Greg
We love you
and miss you...

Your cousin
Shannon "Medlin" Price


April 16, 2004

I often visit this website after the death of two dear friends from the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003). Unfortunately, I recently had to add the name of another friend. Jeffery Hewitt with the Buncombe County (NC) Sheriff's Department, E.O.W. April 4, 2004.

I am deeply saddened to see the death of another very young man. From the reflections written about Lieutenant Medlin, it is obvious that he was a wonderful man and officer. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends and coworkers of Lieutenant Medlin. My heart breaks for each of you.

These are senseless occurrences that continue to happen. Thank you so much to the men and women who continue to serve their communities and this great Nation. God Bless You.

...Gone, but never Forgotten...

Marti Ingle (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 9, 2004

I went into a store two days ago and met with a lady who came up to me and said, " hey how are you doing?" in a really excited manner, it caught me off gaurd because I didn't know her from adam. After a second she told me that you and that other officer where there the day my house burned down. She went on to say you guys really kept me calm considering the situation and I never forgot that. I said thank you and walked off and as I was driving I remembered who she was and that I was working at the PD at the time and remembered what had taken place and realized who the other officer was, it was you my brother. I miss you buddy you still and will never be forgotten. Watch over us all as we press the fight.

Detective Craig Ferguson
DeSoto County Sheriff's dept.

March 23, 2004

Dear Greg,

I met you through my sister and through Garyn and only saw you about ten times but i heard a lot of stories about you that Garyn and my sister told me but those times i heard about you and when I was with you I learned that you were a caring and loving person. And since you passed away I can't tell you how many times I have thought about when you took me around in your squad car and how every time I think about it i miss you more and more. You were also a very funny guy to, like when we went out to eat one night you kept us laughing. And I know now that you are in each and everyone of the people you knew's heart and it doesn't matter if they are sleeping, they are in the gym working out , or they are just sitting and thinking about you, you will forever remain in our hearts.

Colin(mackenzie's little brother)
P.S. I will see you when i walk through the gates of Heaven

colin (Mackenzie

March 21, 2004


March 18, 2004

I didn't have alot of interaction with you, but what little I did have was a pure joy. A couple of times stick out in my mind...a bam bam doll, and a party Trey and myself went to. Whenever I think of either time, I just can't help but start laughing. Thats pretty much the general concensus I get from everyone I know that knew you. Always brightening up a room. Heaven is lucky to have you brightening it up. Rest in peace.
Craig Allen

Craig Allen

March 16, 2004


You are missed by so many. Your name comes up in conversation so much and it's hard to believe you are really gone. I know God has a plan for all of us, and that you are in a better place, but it just doesn't make sense. You were one of a kind. Someone I could truly call a friend, no matter what happened.

Rest in peace-----You will never be forgotten

Jordan Jones
Southaven Police Department

March 11, 2004


Yesterday Andi got baptized, it was so hard not seeing you there. I saw every bit of you in Danielle when she was sitting on my lap not being able to sit still. I know I have left alot of reflections but I never realized how much u taught me, showed me, and how much you touched everyone. I love you and miss you so much! I know you are watching over us and always will.

love always,

March 8, 2004


Today I was at my locker getting my books and I saw a picture of me and you, I paused for a second and finally realized that your gone. I missed you so much at the father-daughter dance, I didnt want to go without you but I knew you wouldnt want me to miss it! I know you were there because of some of the songs they played. At Andi and Danielle's birthday party, it wasnt the same without you throwing people in the pool or splashing people but Will tried his best to be just like you and pick on as much people as he could.I think about you all the time and I just dont understand and I have so many questions. I miss you so much, I wish you were here to pick on me as much as you did! I love you so much! over us!


February 20, 2004

Hey Greg,

I thought about you again today just like I do every day. I missed you at Andi and Danielles party, not being there to push me down skating or throwing me in the pool at Andi's party but id give anything for you to have been there. It just seemed like it was a dream until I realized the party was over and you were never there. I tried to bring happiness and act sort of like you (although I never will be as crazy as you were) and i just kept all of the people laughing and I was acting crazy like you probably would have been. Andi and Danielle really do miss you. It just seems like there not with it sometimes like there in a daze but I know they are just thinking about you. And Nano and Pepaw just dont seem like they used to be and I just feel so bad for them. My mom is not the same person, she is always thinking about you. We and especially yourself did not deserve this. We LOVE YOU and WILL NEVER FORGET YOU. JUST REMEMBER TO WATCH OVER US AND WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will Woods
Nephew Of Greg

February 18, 2004

as the cold lonesome wind blew a group of officers gathered around the flag pole in the middle of the night the officers ranged from rookies to seasoned veterans, each having their own memories of him there were no words spoken as the red and blue lights pierced the darkness. the stinging tears flowed for a fallen friend as all eyes watched old glory being lowered to half-mast. the only sound to be heard was the old flag popping in the wind after a moment of silence the group then fell out one by one and the flashing lights were extinguished as each officer drove slowly into the night. a great man once said that he knew each time a sparrow falls. SO NOW DEAR LORD HEAR OUR CRIES AND FEEL OUR PAIN FOR THIS TIME IT WAS AN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 18, 2004


Its was hard for me when i found out you passed away.
you were the only one who ever understood me. you knew why i acted the way i did. why i use to cry for no reason. you were there as a great friend the night my cousin george selby died in the line of duty. you were there when i lost my german shepard who you use to play with if he was with me. you were there never did you turn your back on me. Though these guys might do it to this day turn away from me but you never did because you knew what pain was mine and why i did the things i did. i turned 21 and for the first time since i was 16 i didn't here a happy birthday from you. though on my birthday i knew i needed to straighten up and go back to school because i knew you would have killed me if you found out i had quit school. just you were my best friend of all times and will remain that until the day i die myself. just since you are now with my dog do me the favor take care of him until my time here is done with. only you know how my pain is now. just i love you bud and always will keep you as my best friend. sorry i just couldn't go to your funeral after i saw you in the hospital i had to stop coming i wanted to remember you how you really are.
your friend,

February 18, 2004

Death - the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening.
-Walter Scott
....................................................................................God's finger touched him, and he slept.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.
-Erich Fromm
Death comes to all
But great achievements build a monument
Which shall endure until the sun grows cold.
Respect should be earned by actions, and not
acquired by years. -Gary Wright
Responsibility is the price of greatness.
-Winston Churchill
Only eyes washed by tears can see clearly.
-Louis L. Mann
Men are what their mothers made them.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Children are our most valuable natural ressources.
-Herbert Hoover

------------------------------------------------------------ Greg,
It has been a very sad night.My emotions were out of control.
I think of you every waking hour,but today was especially sad.
I want you to know that I couldn't even go to your grave on
Valentines Day....I am so sorry Honey....I tried to read,play
with the animals,and I even tried to watch our favorite movies,I simply just could not concentrate! I physically wanted you sitting beside me.Nothing else would have done.

Your Mom and My Mom got me through ( Earth Angels?)
I'm sure that GOD guided them and I would love to believe
that you were near Him helping OUR MOMS help me.

I feel better when I feel your warmth.
I saw your Star tonight....THANK YOU
p.s...please ask God to help all the others (F.M)
that are in desperate need.I have made a
promise to myself and to God to pray every
day,TRY to not be angry,and ask for forgiveness.
You will not be forgotten.I promise!!!


February 17, 2004


I haven't been able to leave a message until now. I still can't
believe that you are gone. I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out and a void left in my life. Even though I may not have talked to you or seen you every day, just knowing you were there was all I needed. You were always there if I did need you though. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I can't believe that one person can shed so many tears but I have cried more since September 25 than I have my entire life. Will talks about you all the time and he misses you dearly. Al misses you too. I think back to the silly things we used to do when we were all kids and that makes me happy. Mom and Dad miss you so very much & my heart hurts so much for them. They have worried about all of us our entire lives and their worst nightmare came true. We will always keep your memory alive. I feel so guilty at times because we all carry on with our lives but I know this is what you would want us to do. I would give anything to have you here playing your tricks on me, trying out new police moves or even spraying mace on me. I wish I had told you more often just how much I loved (and still love) you, but I'm pretty sure you knew. My birthday was Friday and I missed you calling me to wish me happy birthday. Just watch over us all and protect us and we will see you again in heaven one day. I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH-------YOUR SISTER--DENISE 2/16/04


February 16, 2004

I miss my best friend. Wish you were here. I'll make sure Andi and Dani are O.K.

Lt. Robert L. Davis
DeSoto Co. (MS) Sheriff's Dept.

February 11, 2004

I want to say thank you for the inspiration you brought to my husband, and the joy you brought to our lives. Brad would always come home and tell me "Guess what Lt. Medlin taught me last night". I am thankful that he could confide in you. You were a great teacher and a wonderful friend. You are in our thoughts, and your family in our prayers. We miss you!!

Brad and Courtney Knox

Brad and Courtney Knox

February 8, 2004


I felt your spirit and heard your laughter today.
We were celebrating Andi and Danielle's birthday.

I know you were there because we laughed and cried.
I was so thankful to see your girls, a brave face I tried.

Andi has your beautiful eyes and Danielle, the cute "wild child."
I love that they are so much like you, I know you are proud.

I know you were chuckling to see them pick and play,
Especially knowing Will and Garyn were aggravating today.

Your personality was dominate in all these kids you look upon.
I know you see them, especially Will, with that "Greg Grin" on.

Yes Honey, We noticed how the moon was so full and bright. The star below was you letting us know your alright.


February 7, 2004

Greg, you are still a great inspiration in my life, and I will never forget you. You taught me a very important thing in life; humor. Some people find that there is a time and place for humor, as I once did before I had met you. You felt that humor was a way to escape from difficult times and it made even the most terrible situations not seem so bad. As you believed, I too found peace and comfort in humor. Not that you did not take life seriously, you just always seemed to look on the brighter side of things. Your laugh and smile were contagious and I could never resist in returning one back to you. We all miss you a great deal and I am truly blessed to have been apart of you life and experienced your wisdom.

Trey Crossno

February 4, 2004

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