Fort Myers Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, October 25, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Daniel Matthew Starks
I was working on a scrap book this weekend, and came acrossed several pictures of us from middle school. Remember German Class, and Just Plain Folks! I found all those pictures. It seems like that was a century ago, but it's only been a decade. I do miss you! I think of you often. I remeber coming over to the old house off Marvilla and seeing you work on that car of yours. As sad as this whole situation has been, I couldn't think of a more righteous person to start eternity at such a young age! I haven't seen your brothers, or your mom in ages. I really should go see Ms. Kathy. You are such a good person, Tell my loved ones, I will be as soon as I finish up things down there until then take care of them for me. Especially Dylan.
Miss you
Stephanie Midkiff
C/O 2000
April 12, 2006
Walking through a store a few days ago, I overheard a voice speaking with the woman that worked behind the counter. The voice was explaining that she had just lost her son this past Decemeber. He was active in the line of duty the day he was killed. He also worked for the department of homeland security. She made a statement that moved me. She said," we aren't over it yet." I turned to her and said,"death isn't something we get over, it's something we get use to."
I approached this woman as she left the store, thinking of you. Thinking of Jessica, and also Kathe. Your story made it easier to wrap my arms around her and tell her it was going to be okay. God had placed this oppurtunity in front of me to help someone because of you.
April 7, 2006
Hey buddy, it was yesterday when alot of memories came to me and made it really hard to go through the day. We suffered another loss in the Law Enforcement community on the 19th with the passing of Sgt. Felix Romano from the Sheriff's Office. I had the privalage of having Sgt. Romano as an instructor in the academy and also as a firearms instructor. I was devastated when I heard the news last Saturday night while working, it was very hard to keep a level head after hearing that we had lost another Law Enforcement Officer and that I had lost another friend. I thought about u immediately and thought about all of the good times we shared. Well tell Felix I said hi and I hope he is enjoying his new home up there with u protecting the streets of Heaven. I love ya man.
Deputy Travis Daniels
Lee County Sheriff's Office
March 24, 2006
Hey Daniel I also wanted to tell u I named my Daughter Harmony Jessica Lynn Ehrhardt which u already kno that. U were such a great friend. God I can remember sitting on the couch at the station and u saying look at these and jessica on the four wheelers and in the woods. And u would say that is the best name in the world. U loved her so much and u said when i get a little older i would understand. Not the high school boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. And I do. Karl is my world and I love being married. I knew that was something u used to look foward to. But in my eyes as much as you loved that girl u are married. By the way I still think u look exactly like the guy from shakiest gun in the west. You were amazing. I miss you. I went and saw you on your bday. Here is the something. My neice and nefue. twins were born that morning oct 25,03. And they are precious. It was devistating to loose a great friend/big brother. but two beatiful little brats were born. Unfortunatly Shyanne is healty as can be but Tommy was born with MD and is said to be in a wheelchair by the time he's twelve so i just pray for him and u and your fiance jess everyday. I miss ya!!
love your little buddy!!
March 20, 2006
It was this morning on 3/20/06. When Fox4 had a segment about deaths with deputys in car accidents. And Daniel was on their. Then it brought back alot of memories. I was an explorer for LCSO and Bayshore Fire Dept. Daniel was a volunteer with bayshore and he tought me so much he helped out with everything. We had a haunted house every year at bayshore and i can remember in 2002 Daniel and me got into a paint fight. He was like a big brother. And oh boy did he love his fiance talked about her all the time. And it was so nice to find a page where i could leave a refelection of the print he left in my heart. My dream was to be a deputy and firefighter. Proud to say now I am a mother and a Wife. I'm in Real estate and I work for International Community Mortgages. Thankyou Daniel for teaching me so much. You were a great friend. I'm glad to have told u that the friday before your death. By the way I miss our birthday party!! Jan 17,05!! You are still remembered Daniel.
Theresa Musielak Ehrhardt
March 20, 2006
Dear Dan,
I just wanted to say hello, and thanks again for sending Jess my way. She has been such a blessing to me. Your precious Jess, Ga Jess, and I are hanging out in Florida. We are having a great time, but of course we miss our blue angels dearly. We look forward to seeing our guys again one day in Paradise. Your family is so awesome and such an inspiration to so many. Send Jess some extra love and angel kisses she misses and loves you so much. I'm sure you, Terry, and Cole are having a great time patroling the streets of Heaven.
LA Lynn
fiancee of Det. Terry Melancon
March 14, 2006
Hey buddy, I thought of u all day today. I realized what the date was when I woke up this morning to go to work. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3-11 and I smiled because I knew u were there. It must have been meant for me not to go to work today, because when I woke up I was sick and had to call in. I guess u were looking down on me and taking care of me. Well bud I guess I will go for now. MY BEST FRIEND #311. I love ya man.......
Deputy Travis Daniels
Lee County Sheriff's Office
March 11, 2006
my sweet precious son
today is march 11th. the safest day of the year. 311. today the girls arrive. i know you and the boys were rejoicing in their friendship. i saw the sky last night on my way home. all purple and swirls. i know you were all up there flying around having such a wonderful time together. i just want you to know that daddy and i are trying our very best to do what you would want us to do. you know how much we love the little girl and what a blessing she is to us. i hope we are making you proud of us as we are surely proud of you. i love you my precious son and not a day goes by that i dont miss you and wish you were here.
my love to you forever and ever.
March 11, 2006
Hello Darling -
Well Im gearing up to spend some awsome time with two other friends that are survivors. Ok, they are like my sisters. :) I know you are looking down and are like.."oh boy here we go..again." I hope you can watch over them as they travel and maybe send us some shooting stars..That would be stinkin awsome.
The visit is much needed. Lots has gone on in the past couple of months, and I frequently find myself calling upon you and the Lord for encouragement. I guess I have transitioned into that place in my life now. But, some people just really steam me..they have no clue. But then I remember, I can't expect them too. Some days I'm fine and other times I just want everyone to leave me alone.
Lately, I've found myself wrestling with "am I doing enough??".."am I trying hard enough??".. Whenever I ask myself those questions, I always seem to feel you close by. Because I know you are telling me yes, you ARE doing enough. You used to tell me all the time that I worry too much. It's my most biggest drawbag. Maybe I feel guilty that the night you died I wasn't even worried - because I knew I didn't need to worry about you. Maybe if I had -- things would be different. I know that sounds completely stupid but sometimes I wonder..
But what can I say - I miss you and love you so much. Even years later. Things are better than they were 2 1/2 years ago but unfort they will never be perfect. Because perfect would mean you were back here with all of us. I know that you are enjoying Heaven - and you wouldn't come back even if you could. I guess I'm still trying to figure out what my purpose is here -- and why you had to leave me behind.
Maybe I will understand someday.
I love you,
- Jess
Dan's Fiancee
March 9, 2006
comin to see ya again in less than a week! you boys better be prepared...cuz jess squared is reuniting and we're addin louisiana lynn to the mix!
~ga jess
March 5, 2006
Jessica, this world is a place of trouble and hard times, but God says in his word that He has a purpose and a plan for us, plans to "prosper you and give you a hope and a future". Sometimes that may seem hard to believe given our sorrow, but we can push through that sorrow by choosing to believe. After all none of us brought about our own existence, but God in his love brought us into existence. So God has also a purpose for us. The book of John in the Bible reveals that purpose. I hope it gives you comfort.
February 22, 2006
Just thinking about you and Matt. It is getting harder and harder, not easier. I hope I see your family in Washington.
Linda R.
February 21, 2006
Hi Daniel,
Was sitting here tonight thinking about all the beautiful and loving young people who are no longer here on earth, including my son Corey and his wife Michelle. So, I decided to visit and say that you are always in my prayers. Keep watching over Jessica. She loves and misses you so much.
Forever in my prayers,
Donna-Corey's Mom
In Loving Memory of Corey & Michelle James
Donna-Corey's Mom
February 18, 2006
happy valentines day baby.
miss you and love you.
- j
February 14, 2006
less than a month till i get to see your family and lovable fl jess again! i totally can't wait!!!!!
ga jess
February 13, 2006
daniel darling,
thank you for the blessings you have given me. Please help me with the things I cannot control. Please ask God to help lead me in the right direction. Thank you for listening to me on the days you probably want me to shut up! (ha ha)
I Love YOU!!
February 13, 2006
my darling son
i love you
January 22, 2006
happy birthday, daniel...i hope that you guys are having a blast in Heaven altho down here we are left missing you terribly. i know i never knew you or met you but i feel like i've lost you too just as fl jess has. you boys are so very loved and i hope that you help jess and the florida family through this rough day. at a time when we should be celebrating, we are questioning and missing and grabbing tight to each memory that flutters through our thoughts. just know that you are missed dearly. please tell my angel hello for me. it seems to be getting harder and harder rather than easier these days. take care of my jess for me when i cannot be with her, dan.
love to you on your birthday,
ga jess
January 17, 2006
Hi my baby -
Happy birthday sweetie. I hope you like the balloon and new solar light we left you at the cemetary. It didn't seem like enough - I hated to have to leave the cemetary and just see the balloon blowing. It just isn't enough anymore. It never was. Today has been a horrible day..I was hoping it would be a good one because it was your birthday. If you were here you'd just laugh and tell me it was alright.
My new job is really challenging me. Some days I dont think I can do it. Maybe I wont be good enough. Maybe I wont have all the right answers. But my heart is in it and that counts for something. I'm in the learning stages still. If you were doing the job you'd have it all learned by now..just like you did when you were on the road. I remember you being so excited when you were ok'd to be on your own officially. You were never over confident though - you just knew what you were doing. You were able to go early of course because they knew you already knew it and could do the job. I wish I had that kind of confidence. It must be nice to always know the right thing to do.
Maybe you can send me some of you're Heavenly wisdom or something. I love you..miss you..and everything else that goes along with that. :)
Happy Birthday honey,
- Jess
January 17, 2006
my darling daniel
happy birthday!!!
i have put this off because its hard to have your birthday and not have you. i remember the day you were born. what a beautiful baby you were and how happy we all were. andrew was beside himself to have a little brother. how he loved you then and now.
we will never forget you loving smile and giving heart. so humble and kind. we know you were not perfect but so much of you was. we have all learned so many lessons from the way you lived your life. how did you always know how to get where you were going. you never needed dirrections. i guess you just headed straight to heaven the same way you headed to river ranch.
i love you so my precious child and not a day goes by i dont miss you. save me a place in heaven.
have a wonderful birthday
i love you
January 17, 2006
No matter what comes my way or how crazy things may get, it helps me to know that God is in control, and I'm not. He is always right and I'm going to trust Him."
D. Rizzo "Turning Points"
January 2, 2006
Hi Dan,
Was thinking of Jessica today and whenever I think of her I see your handsome smiling face. I hope you were able to send her a sign of your everlasting presence over the holidays. Every day for her is difficult without you in her life, but the holidays intensify your absence. Please continue to watch over her, she's a very special friend!
I hope that you and Corey and Michelle had an awesome New Year's celebration in Heaven.
Donna-Corey's Mom
In Loving Memory of Corey & Michelle James
Donna-Corey's Mom
January 2, 2006
Happy New Year Dan! I look forward to meeting you one day.
January 1, 2006
Happy New Year to the best fiancee I will ever have know.
I Love You.
- J
December 31, 2005
Dan the Man,
i hope you boys had an awesome celebration in Heaven. it was tough for us girls down here, but somehow you helped us all through it like you always do. please continue to watch over jess. i love her so much and wish that we could all just be together. it is not fair that you guys are no longer with us, but i am so thankful for the friendship and bond that jess and i have. please also watch over your family. i know it must be so difficult to celebrate as a family when part of the family is not on this earth. i hope the florida parents know that you were and always will be with them in spirit. dan, please take care of cole and bryan, and now terry too. us girls are trying so very hard to stick together and help each other out through the laughter and the tears. i can't wait to meet you guys in Heaven!
GA jess
December 26, 2005