Federal Way Police Department, Washington
End of Watch Saturday, August 2, 2003
Reflections for Officer Patrick Martin Maher
Remebering - never forgetting - always in our hearts!
Lt. Mary Huggins
Orange County Sheriff's Office, Orlando, Fl
August 2, 2012
Always loved and Never Forgotten.
Tami Hieb
August 2, 2012
It still amazes me when I visit this site of the reflections that are still being left for you. You had such an impact on so many people's lives and I hope you knew that. What's that saying.... it not the years spent on this earth that counts, but what you do with those years that matters. August has never been an easy month for us even as kids and it never will.
I didn’t want to leave the normal reflection this year. Somehow the same words just won’t cut it this time. We come from a family that has law enforcement in it, and then I married into a family of LEO’s. You always teased me that I had the brains of a blonde...ha-ha…thanks a lot by the way. For those who don’t know our families…were Irish so what can I say about the jokes?
So, how do I honor you my brother? What can I do to show people just how special you are to us and so many others still today? We’re in a time where there is so much destruction going on around the globe. I think people forget just how precious life truly is. So, instead of leaving the traditional (so UN Irish of us) reflection. I want to set a challenge to everyone who visits your site. I have successfully set this challenge up with the kids in my area, but I wonder if adults remember how to do this. I would like to set “the pay it forward” challenge in honor of you and to every LEO who is on this site and those who are still serving. Maybe, just maybe it can make a difference. So my brother this I hope and pray will be a successful gift in your memory and your son's. You have proven to us that it’s not that hard to change our corner of world. It takes a little effort.
Miss you as always,
August 2, 2012
Today we remember you. Continue to walk with us as you live in our hearts.
August 1, 2012
I recently met your sister Mary at a training for survivors. Come to find out, she lives and works very near to two of my daughters who attend the University there. One week later while I am visiting, we meet for dinner and it's like we have known each other for a while. She is a most caring and very kind person...but you knew that. She spoke very highly of you and I smiling knowing that you are with my brother in Heaven. Until we meet...
Lisa Whitehead
Sister of Deputy Sheriff Joseph T. Whitehead, EOW 3/23/2006
July 20, 2012
Soon and very soon...you are remembered...you are missed
July 5, 2012
Never Forgotten...
USCBP Blaine K9
April 19, 2012
Thought of you and remembered good times we shared years ago.
Lisa knudsen
April 19, 2012
Was thinking about you today. I was telling my friends about your visits to California when I was younger and how excited I was to show you my spy kit :o)
Thank you for watching over.
Miss you and love you lots!
Brooke Maher
January 15, 2012
As the holidays quickly approach, we know all to well how even moe difficult the job of a police officer gets. Pat, watch over all your fellow officers and keep them safe!
Your never far from our hearts!
Jim and Peggy
Brother in law and Sister
November 28, 2011
Every single day, since you gave your life so others may live, I've missed you Patrick. Your huge smile, your humor, your tenacity. I don't start a shift without rubbing your face on the department coins affixed to my locker door, inspiring me to strive for excellence the way you always did.
I can't wait to see you again in the new heavenly earth, where we'll choir practice and reminesce on the good times we had.
Though you're not physically with us anymore, your spirit lives vividly in me and always shall Pattyboy. You're the best, You're the Sheepdog that engaged valiantly, you're my hero.
Love Always,
Sgt. Miguel Monico
Cornelius, OR PD
August 14, 2011
More memories.....hard to seem that it has been 8 yrs. IHOP is a constant reminder of your fun spirit. Whenever another officer has fallen, it sparks the break in hearts with your end of watch. RIP and keep watching over your sisters and Jimbo, and the rest of the family.
August 8, 2011
Still miss passing off the keys to 654 to you each morning. This still sucks and will always suck. RIP Pat.
August 3, 2011
Another anniversary, and yet it feels like yesturday. Keep that faithful watch over all of us. Love you and miss you. Rita
Rita Maher-Young
August 2, 2011
Thinking of you today and always. I wish we had a place to visit you on days like this... seems that might somehow ease the pain. I know you and Nathan are watching us from above. Love and miss you :-)
Tamarisk Hieb
August 2, 2011
August 2, 2011
Thinking of you and remembering you in our prayers on this sad anniversary. But, we will meet again.
God's Peace,
The Family
The Family
August 2, 2011
Thinking of you today as we remember and celebrate your life. I still keep thinking of that Calivin and Hobbs cartoon... about accomplishing things in life.... I can't think of too many things that you didn't accomplish with the exception of being able to grow old with your family. Thanks for the memories!!
Peggy Dreher
August 2, 2011
As each year passes it is harder to believe you are gone from our lives. If we could change one moment in time, but then we change God's plan for us. You have given us strength in knowing you were doing exactly what you had always wanted to do. Know the woman you saved that day is so grateful to you for placing your self in harms way and saving her life. I know you are my guardian angel as we push through the midnight shift and all the craziness.
If we could have a DVD of our lives we know what would be there. You were the best big brother to the NJ crew!
Loved always, and always remembered in our hearts.
Lt. Mary Huggins
Orange County Sheriff's Office, Orlando
August 1, 2011
On this anniversary date, we are remembering... Love ya
Teresa Maher
August 1, 2011
Still missed and will never be forgotten.
K9 Officer #5351
USCBP Blaine
June 6, 2011
Pat, Family gathered today and I thought of you. Still miss making that holiday phone call to you.
Teresa Maher
Sister, Patrick Maher, EOW 8.2.2003 Federal Way, WA
April 25, 2011
Pat, another birthday that is celebrated in your memory. IHOP here we come!!!
Rita Maher-Young
January 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Pat!!
Peggy Maher-Dreher
January 21, 2011
Pat, in this time of family gatherings and sharing of memories, you are remembered and missed.
Teresa Maher
Sister to Patrick Maher, Federal Way EOW 8.2.03
December 24, 2010