Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Saturday, August 2, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Timothy Wayne Woodard
Just got to thinking about you Big Daddy! Love you and miss you brother Keep an eye out for us!
Officer Todd White
White Pine Police Department
December 26, 2020
Rest easy
Mark Mottola
August 2, 2020
Rest in peace knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
August 2, 2020
Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Woodard.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2019
Hey Woodard, I havnt been on this page in many years but I think of you all the time. As you know I work for school police and we lost a Creekview senior to a car wreck involving a tree this week, not too far from where yours was. All those memories of that night that are in my head have been so vivid this week just like I was there over 15 years ago. Just know I’m thinking about you and miss you!
Beth Jeffreys (Furman)
Cherokee School Police
November 29, 2018
Rest In Peace Brother, we’ll hold the line from here.
Inv. John Brannen
Worth County Sheriffs Office
August 2, 2018
miss you my brother...always in our hearts <3
August 3, 2017
gone but never forgotten Big Daddy <3
cherokee county
August 2, 2016
13 years...Can't believe it. I still wonder what things would be like, who you would be, who we would be.
It's getting harder to remember the little details about things and it makes me sad.
Until we meet again.
August 2, 2016
I don't know what to say after nearly 13 yrs. I'm just now discovering this site. For a while, Wayne and Matt were just like family to me. So many memories...
Wayne, you were a great man! You left us with great memories, albeit far too soon. Love you man!
April 19, 2016
miss you woodard
July 30, 2015
Just got to thinking about you Big Daddy!
D/S Todd White
Jefferson County S.O.
October 26, 2014
Miss you Woodard...never forgotten
August 1, 2014
I have met your brother and know that your parent's live not far from our second home, a cabin in Taylor County, GA. Today, my thoughts are with your loved ones, as they remember the day, ten long years ago, when their lives were forever changed.
Norie Haas
Mother of Deputy Brian Haas, E.O.W. 4/24/04
August 2, 2013
happy 10 year anniversary.
March 29, 2013
Its hard to believe this time 10 years ago I was putting together the final preperations for our wedding. 6 days from now will be our 10th wedding anniversary and 10 years since you left us. It hurts just as much today as it did then. I still think of you often and wonder what life would be like if you were still here. I can't believe how times have changed and people. Matt is doing amazing work in his life but i am sure you know this and are right beside him all the time. I hope you still visit me. I don't know why I talk to you on here like you can hear me but I feel like I need some place to connect with you.
Love you always
March 23, 2013
We thank God for Sheriff Timothy Wayne Woodard, and his service to America will never be forgotten. Jesus said I am the resurrection, and the life. He that believes in me, though he be dead, yet shall he live. May his soul rest in the arms of Jesus, until He comes again.
Timothy Wayne George
black Preaching Network
February 27, 2013
Can't believe it has been 9 years. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. I still think of you often all though life has taken many different turns. Things are nowhere were I thought it would be in my life but I know first hand things happen for a reason.
Miss you
August 3, 2012
greatly missed but never forgotten big daddy..
August 1, 2012
Rest in Peace, Deputy Woodard. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
March 24, 2012
Hello Strong Man,
I miss you! I come here often just to find out how Missy is doing and she still holds so much love for you. You really did marry a sweet girl with a big heart. Her dreams will always include you. I recently found some old pictures of you, me and Kevin playing on the trampoline under the big tree behind BooGanny’s house and I realized that all three of you are probably together right this second. I found a picture of you and Chad sitting on the 4-wheeler, then a few of you being silly when you were a little boy. Chelsie talks about you every time we go to a high school wrestling match. She remembers you as the strongest guy in our family. Matt has really grown up to be quite a young man. I will never forget the day you told me about Matt getting those little toy cars stuck in his nose, I still laugh about that. Mostly, I just want you to know that I think about you and Kevin a lot and you are both very missed by so many of us!
Cindy Crossen
October 13, 2011
Hey big daddy,
I can't believe it's been 8 years and a day since you passed away. It seems like yesterday I talked to you on the phone while we were responding to that call. I'm working in Freehome now and I think about you everytime I pass by the spot of your wreck. But I'm sure you know that.
Take care brother and keep the rest of us safe.
Kappy #161
Cherokee County Sheriff's Office
August 3, 2011
cant believe it has been 8 yrs woodard..i follow ur lil brother on FB a bit & he looks just like u & is following in ur footsteps..u would be so proud of him..i know u r with all of us & keeping our men & women in uniform safe... u r truly missed each & every day..ur spirit & sense of humor still live on..we miss & luv u big daddy..
August 2, 2011
Hey wayne,
I have never left a reflection o ndhere before but image sure you know whays going on with uncle ron... I know he misses you and it seems you will be reunited with him.
I know you enjoy seeing booganny daily, tell her we all love an miss her. Take care and I love you
Becky Northern
March 10, 2011
Happy Birthday! I wish you were her to celebrate it with your friends and family. I still think about you everyday and wonder what you would have been like at this stage in your life. Hope you have a great birthday party in heaven.
September 29, 2010