Wellston Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Monday, July 21, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Kelli Lee Lambert
A woman in blue has lost his life in service of law.
The love that makes this sacrifice the greatest love of all.
A Police woman was killed today, the reason I cannot say.
I don't know why she had to die.
The women in blue died for me and you;
we must remember him too.
Flags fly low, let use bow in prayer
for fallen police women everywhere;
and remember this: that they are missed.
The badge burns bright like an evening star
free from a world of war.
May 2, 2006
It's been a long time. I miss talking to you when we had our long boring evenings. I was so glad that you got to go on that drug raid with me the night of the incident. Everything reminds me of you. Everytime I look at the clock I notice 2:11 alot. All of passwords I have to use for different things involves either your name, and or unit number. My dad made you a really nice sign for your park I hope you like it. My Mom came home to be with you on June 4th 2005. Tell her I said I love her and I miss her. I hope you two are good friends just like my mom was with your grandmother. Kelli I love you, I miss you, and until we meet again keep a close eye on all of us. Goodbye for now my angel.
Ptl. Kevin Rippeth
Wellston Police Dept./ Friend-co-worker
April 17, 2006
god bless
we miss you
March 15, 2006
We sure miss you.... Not one day goes by that we do not see the signs you send us to say you are OK. I would tell you that your Mom is OK, but I would be lying. She will never be the same until she is with you again, nor will the rest of us.
See you on the other side,
Love ya and miss ya,
Mom,Katie,Zach and Me
February 25, 2006
While the Creator was well into his sixth day of overtime making peace officers, an angel appeared to him and said " you are doing alot of fiddling around on this one. " And the Creator replied " have you read the spec on this order? "
" A peace officer has to be able to run 5 miles through dark alleys, scale walls, enter homes a health inspector wouldnt touch, and not wrinkle their uniform. They have to be able to sit in an undercover car all day on a stakeout, cover a homicide scene that night, canvas the neighborhood for witnesses, and then testify in court the next day. They have to be in top physical shape at all times, running on black coffee and half eaten meals, and they have to have 3 pairs of eyes."
The angel shook its head and said, " 3 pairs of eyes, thats on the standard model? "
The Creator nodded. " One pair, in the back, to sense the approaching danger. Another pair here, on the side to look after there partner, and the third, the third is in the front so they can meet a bleeding victims eyes and tell them " youll be alright" even when they know it isnt so...
"Lord" said the angel, touching his sleeve...."rest and work tomorrow"
" I cant" said the Creator, " I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck. It can tell you the elements of hundreds of crimes; recite Miranda warnings in its sleep; detain,investigate,search,and arrest a
gang member in the street in less time that it takes five learned judges to debate the legality of the stop.....and still keeps there sense of humour."
" These Officers also have phenomenal control. They can deal with crime scenes painted in hell, coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victims family, AND THEN READ THE DAILY PAPER HOW LAW ENFORCEMENT IS NOT SENSITIVE TO THE RIGHTS OF CRIMINAL SUSPECTS."
Finally, the angel bent over and ran her fingers across the cheek of the peace officer. " heres a leak, she pronounced. " I knew you were trying to put to much into this model."
"thats not a leak....its a tear."
"What is the tear for?asked the angel"
" Its for bottled up emotions, for commintment to their country and community, for their fallen comrades, and for justice."
" your a genius" whispered the angel.
The creator somberly replied " I didnt put it there.
for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifce I shed a tear even though I might not have known you. It dosent matter if you serve in a big city, suburb, village, etc...we all ansewr the call...and drive forward to a scene where everybody is retreating...and sometimes, we pay the price, before we know all the answers...were all brothers/sisters in arms...lets remeber that!!!!
RIP KELLI...from one officer to antoher...youll never be forgotten!
Patrol Officer
Cleveland Police
February 22, 2006
Honey I miss you sooo! much.There isn`t a day that I do not think of you.I wish I could hug you again like I use to and tell you that I love you! Kelli I know that I told you all the time that I was proud of you for everything that you done even when you was a little.Their is a empty place in my heart that will never be filled.Imiss you so much I love you and I always will.
David Lambert
February 4, 2006
Kelli here we are another new year without you. I really miss you and the fun we used to have on and off duty. The department is just not the same without you being here. I keep a picture of you in my cruiser so you are with me on every call and traffic stop. You were a good cop not afraid anything or anyone. I used to worry about you all the time when we worked together but I found out you could definitely hold your own and take care of business. And those days I worked with you were some of the best in my career and my life.
Until we meet again
Your friend Stevie
PTL Steve Wilbur Friend/Co-worker
Wellston PD
January 9, 2006
merry christmas blue angel
December 26, 2005
December 25, 2005
December 24, 2005
kelli, you have inspired me and i dont even know you. MY sisters fiancee Jay Carruth got shot and killed the same year you did Feb. 20th 2003 and i got to looking at all of you HEROs and your name popped out at me I looked to see you were only 21 Jay was only 29 i have 3 more years to go till i can be in yalls shoes i was having serious doubts about being a police officer but now after seeing how brave all you are i want to be brave just like yall i am so proud of you and to your family, it gets better my heart is still in a million tiny pieces and hopefully soon will be put together again but hang on thats all you need to do and stay close to God.
Gods speed blue angel!!
December 19, 2005
Gods speed !!!!
December 19, 2005
"Who You’d Be Today"
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile
I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
I still can’t believe you’re gone
It aint fair you died too young
Like the story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Would you see the world?
Would you chase your dreams?
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Some days the sky’s so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
I know it might sound crazy
It aint fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Today (repeats 5 more times)
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I’ll see you again some day
Some day
Some day
October 21, 2005
Words can not express how selfish I feel right now.I recently finished my 4-H projects at the Jackson County Fair and I was so wrapped up in my events that I didnt make it to give you flowers on the 2-year mark. I feel so horrible.I hope you can forgive me. I did however make it out on your birthday. I hope you like the roses. Kelli, I think about you daily and I know you are happily walking and protecting the streets of heaven. I miss you so much and I know James does too. Please watch over him and give him that little extra encourage like you did when you graced us with your presence.I love and miss you Kelli.
*Lil Lunchbox*
Lil Lunchbox
August 8, 2005
Two years since the fateful day, and all I can say is that your dedication will never be forgotten. Keep the streets of heaven safe
Explorer Aaron McLearen
Clare County Sheriff Department Michigan
July 21, 2005
On this day that marks your second anniversary in heaven I just wanted to post a note and say thanks for your dedication. Thanks for your bravery and your promise to make your town a safer place. My best friend (Jake Laird was killed in the line of duty on 08/18/04). I can not even imagine the pain that your fiancee and famiy are feeling right now, but unfortunately I can say I have a very good idea. Rest in Peace Kelli. You are NOT forgotten.
July 21, 2005
Thinking of you, Kelli on the 2nd anniversary of your death. I know the
road to healing is a long, tedious one
for the survivors. When you get too
weary know that Jesus Christ longs
to carry you. Who better can understand pain, suffering and death
better than Him because He gladly
suffered on the cross for the WHOLE WORLD. May you experience His presence and know His peace. I know your hearts are especially heavy today as you remember your LOVED ONE, Kelli. This picture of her is darling and I know you can't look at it without smiling. God bless.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
July 21, 2005
Hey Kelli, just sitting here at work thinking about where my life is leading me. I still remember you encouraging Adam and I to go through the academy. Well I'm sure you know what happened there for both of us. But that isn't the end for me. I should be starting school this fall again, but I'm not sure I'll have the patience to do everything over again. My fiance' has been telling me to get it over with and it's still not the same as it did coming from you. I'm sure you know how I did in court, and I wish Shay and James could meet you. It's kinda hard not to think about you. Your picture is hanging on the wall as I walk out of the house, sort of a last reminder to never forget. Hopefully when I see you again, I too will be wearing the shield of honor across my heart, I guess only God knows though.
Until we see each other again, take care of things in the streets of heaven. And keep your eye on all the "brothers" down here on the department, no matter where thier path leads. Just remember, We will never forget.
James "Lunchbox" H.
Former S.O. 254
or as you would say, 250..Lunchbox
July 20, 2005
Kelli-I have thought about you all day. I never met you but I was working the day you got killed. As I was going to work today I saw a white grand am on US23 northbound that had Jackson County plates and your name on the window in red writing. They also had a COP survivor magnet on the back. I can only assume that it was a family member of yours.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you are not forgotten by so many people some that you didnt even know.
Say hello to my buddy, Officer Larry Cox from Chillicothe PD, he came home to be with you in April.
Ross County Sheriff Department
June 29, 2005
Well Sweetheart I just wanted to let you know that I love you!!Seems like it has been forever since I huged you and told you that your dad loves you and is so proud of you!Baby I miss you so much.I think of you all day long some times is it the funny things you use to do but most of the time it is that you are know longer here to talk to!!
Love you
May 8, 2005
Kelli, wow it's been almost 2 years since your last watch. I didn't know you personally, but I just married your good friend and partner, Roman. The guys at WPD miss you more than you can ever know. They talk about you and remember good times with you. You were an incredible inspiration to them and the entire community. I hope your family is healing some now, I wish them peace. Keep watching over us, Kelli. We will see you someday and maybe then we can get to know each other. God Bless.
Melvina Brandau
April 24, 2005
I have been an officer for about 8 years. I try to read about one officer's service each day to make me realize how lucky I am. I am saddened of your untimely exit and I will continue praying each and every day for all the names on "our" wall. I am lucky to be an officer who patrols the National Law Enforcement Memorial. I make my round there almost every single day. Even if it's just a "roll by", I say a quick prayer for all the brave who are listed. God Bless you Kelli and rest in peace.
Officer Jim. L
United States Park Police
March 29, 2005
Kelli, God Bless you for your hard work and sacrifice. You are not forgotten, please give Deputy Brandy Winfield a hug from all of us...
Deputy Jeff Bessinger
Delaware County Sheriffs Office-Ohio
December 1, 2004
Well, it's hard to even know where to begin. I didn't know you as well as I would have liked to, but the times that I was with you are good memories. Like having to stand outside at my 25 freezing. Not only that but laughing about it.(my toes were red when I got home), and talking to you on the phone when you were dispatching and laughing together as you told me of your first time alone in a cruiser. You were so funny! I finally came to Wellston as you suggested I do and I told you I wasn't going to do, though. Although not exactly what you suggested... I am not on the P.D. up here, I MOVED here!!!
I got to meet Zoe while visiting your final resting place one afternoon. No wonder you loved that dog!
Kelli, I miss your voice on the radio in the middle of the night and always changed my music station when I heard you suggest one to the guys up there because I knew it would be a good song.
For this reason, I always think of you when "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" comes on. Well, Christmas time is coming once again and I know you loved the season as much as I do. You will be in my memories this Christmas as you always are, while my thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends and all your fellow officers. Watch over all of us Kelli as I know you will.
Here's a Dorito's and lemon juice salute to you, my fellow Lady in Blue!
Police Officer Brown (OH-9)
Oak Hill Police Department
November 22, 2004
Your sacrifice will not be forgotten , Rest In Peace. God Bless.
Police Officer
Chicago Police Dept.
November 15, 2004