Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Constable John David Garcia

Montgomery County Constable's Office - Precinct 5, Texas

End of Watch Thursday, July 17, 2003

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Reflections for Deputy Constable John David Garcia

John David, Its hard to beleive that it has been almost two years that you were called home. Not a day goes by that you are not our thoughts. We miss you brother in law.
Patricia and Olga miss you dearly. You would be proud of both. They have honored your life with respect and dignity.

Deputy Investigator Craig Darlow
Harris County Sheriffs Department

June 13, 2005

I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to the family, coworkers, and friends of Deputy Garcia. Many of our brothers and sisters are gone, but none are ever forgotten. May you rest in peace.

Mike G.
Federal Law enforcement Agency

May 20, 2005

I just want to let Shannon and Patricia know that everyday in some small way we all think of J.D. Whther it be when we tap our fingers as he did when he was bored, whether he knew it or not, or when we save quarters for own babies as he did for you Patricia. I remember changing my quarters for his cash. He was always trying to think of some way to make sure you would go to school. He loved you both with all his heart. He made that clear to anyone he met family first. Always stop and listen or you might miss a whisper.

Shawntel H

March 5, 2005

Then I heaard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? and Who will go for us? And I said "Here I am. Send Me!" ISAIH 6:8

Officer E.L. Jones
Newport News P.D. Newport News, Va

January 31, 2005

Then I heaard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? and Who will go for us? And I said "Here I am. Send Me!" ISAIH 6:8

Officer E.L. Jones
Newport News P.D. Newport News, Va

January 31, 2005

As John Davids best friend and former brother in law, and Police officer I know that he would have approved of the following:
After the investigation of his death had concluded and ruled an accident, I contacted the woman by mail that caused the accident. I wanted to convey the families thoughts and prayers towards her and that she was forgiven!
Accidents like this can happen to anyone of us on either end. Although David will never be forgotten and will live in our hearts and minds forever, he would have wanted the family to forgive her and to not let it ruin her family as well as herself.
I found out that since the accident, she has not found any joy in her life and that this has caused a deterioration of her physical and mental health.
My letter was well received and as she wrote back stated "My prayers have been answered. Since the accident, everynight I pray for God's and David's forgiveness as well as his families".
I was glad to know that she was then able to try to gather the peices of her life and continue.
I received word that this past month,
(October) that while getting ready to go into the hospital for a hip replacement (non releated to the accident) that she passed out and later died due to kidney failure.
We as well as her family found comfort knowing that she found peace within herself and with the knowledge that John David's family held no ill feeling for her.
Although tragedy happens in our lives, Its strange how we are able to pick up the pieces and still help one another.
I hope that those that read this and have had similar experiences can search theirs hearts and seek God for the strength to forgive and carry on.
As a Police Officer for the past 15 years, I know the pain of losing many dear friends and now family.
Keep the faith in God and everything else will fall into place.
Best wishes and Please be safe.

Craig Darlow
Harris COunty Sheriffs Dept.
Houston, Texas

Deputy Investigator Craig Darlow
Harris County Sheriffs Department

November 10, 2004

To all those touched by John David:
I never had the opportunity of knowing him personally, but I work side-by-side with many people who did. I can remember countless stories that have been told to me of all the ways he has touched each and every one of their lives. My prayers go out to his family and friends. I know he is watching over you from above. To those out there still protecting our streets, you will never know how much we appreciate you. It is an honor to work with all of you when the situation arises.
May God bless you all!

Jodie Fullwood, NREMT-I
Montgomery County Hospital District, Medic 1

June 30, 2004

I was John Davids Best friend and brother in law,
I would like to offer his Eulogu for those who new and loved him as much as I did.
First of all I would like to thank John Davids Family for the honor of reflecting on a brief portion of his life. I can’t possibly put Davids life and accomplishments into a few pages. I hope that you will accept this extremely condensed version.

David was my Brother in law and best friend. Blood could not make him any closer to me. He was my family

John David was born July 25th 1969 to Eusebio and Gloria Garcia here in Houston.
David was raised with his older sister Patricia and younger sister Angela.
In the more recent years he was blessed with an even younger sister Katherine Marie and Little brother Michael Christopher by his father and his wife Janise

David grew up in the Houston area where he met his first wife Olga. She was the Love of his life. David and Olga met when they were both at a very young age. The relationship continued all through their childhood and into their young adult lives. It was inevitable, They married in November 1988. The next year, November 5th 1989 John David and Olga were elated with the birth of their daughter, Patricia Liane. Those who knew David knew Patricia. She was the light of his life and he spoke of this constantly.
Their marriage grew apart later in the years however their Strong friendship and respect for one another did not. John David could never forget his responsibilities and the ones he loved.

David met his second wife in the following years and was over taken with her love and affection at the time. He spoke of her often in the time that they were dating and often told me how lucky he felt then to find someone like her.

David purchased a large part of his dream later into his relationship, 8 acres of property out here in Magnolia.

I asked him, David, What are you going to do with all that land? He said…. I don’t know brother in law, I need a plan. Well he soon found out what he was going to do with all that land………and that was mow it!

It could have been one hundred acres David would not have cared because he had dreams for this land and that was to make it his home and open it to all his family and friends.

David married his second wife July 27th 2002, almost a year ago. He told me that he would have back-to-back celebrations with a day to recover in between, His birthday and then his anniversary. David knew what he was doing. He had a plan.

I remember the first time I met David, almost nine years ago. I went over to his home to have dinner with his sister in law, who is now my wife. David was working construction and painting interiors. He was definitely not used to having a policeman in his home and wasn’t quite sure how to take it. He welcomed me into his home and it wasn’t long before the conversation got around to law enforcement. He asked me if The Sheriffs office allowed ride alongs for civilians. I will never forget the look on his face when I told him yes. He got that silly sheepish grin on his face that we all know so well. You never quite knew if he was just happy to see you or if he might be up to something.

David did the paperwork and started to ride with me. I was working mid shift, 7pm to 3am in West Houston at the time. David would come home from work, take a shower and be waiting for me out in his front yard at 7pm smiling. He was like a little boy, looking around, a million questions. Not only out of curiosity but he was learning.

John David had the “Fever”. Night after night after night he would be waiting out in his front yard for me to come and get him.

It was almost like we were dating.

I swear that he put more hours in that patrol car then I did. I would have to kick him out of the car at the end of the night.

We all soon discovered that John David had a driving desire. That was to be a Policeman. All he needed was to be pointed in the right direction and he took over from there.

He Graduated from the University of Houston Police academy and soon volunteered his time to a few various agencies so that he could learn and pursue his passion.

He started is law enforcement here in Montgomery County with pct 2 constables and then found his way to his home when he went to work for constable David Hill here in Pct 5. They all soon discovered that he was full of ambition and eager to get the job done. I think that they realized right away that he was capable of any job that they needed him for and was always ready for a challenge.

He lived his life with a smile and a good word. He was a friend to all he met and respected by everyone

John David died doing what he loved.

There are only two things that John David loved more than being a Policeman. The first was God. David was a true Christian man who spoke the Lords word often. The second was his family. David always centered his life around his family. He was there whenever anyone needed him and no matter what the reason. David was a no question man. If you needed him, that was enough. He was there for you.

When David married his second wife this past year, I was honored to be his best man. In my toast to him, I asked him to do three things for me in order to have a happy and successful life. Those three things were to:

Cheat…..Steal ……….and Lie. He looked at me like I had lost my mind.

I asked him to ….

1. Cheat the opportunity to what’s wrong by always doing what’s right.
2. Steal a few moments each day to perform an unsolicited random act of kindness………
3. That he may lie down each night with a clear and pleasant conscience.

I knew that I didn’t have to tell John David these words. He already did all of those things.

We have cried for our loss of John David and will for many years. Trust in God to not ask why and to find comfort that he is with the Lord. John David will forever live in our hearts and memories. I ask the Lord God to help to keep us strong and comfort us through this loss.

John David can’t protect us from this earth any longer..but you can bet that he will protect us from above.

The Star on his chest is now a star in the sky. Look up, pick one out and know that he is looking over us and smiling that smile.

David would be proud that all of you came here today to honor and respect his life. He once told me after his first attending a police funeral, that the highest honor for a policeman is to give his life and have it recognized and appreciated. You have all proven this to be true.

On behalf of the family, I would like to thank you for your support and prayers

We thank God for the gift of David being a part of our lives

John David…………. You did it right brother in law.
We will always love you my friend.

Deputy Craig A. Darlow
Harris County Sheriffs Dept. Houston Texas

February 24, 2004

John David,

How can I begin to tell you what a great friend you were to me. I will always remeber when we first met. I was just a dispatcher and you were a deputy and of course, you being you, did something on the radio that upset me which of course got you the "public service this operator" and that usually meant I was not happy and was going to tell you about it. I can still remember you calling up to dispatch and something about it I just couldn't get mad at you. Well, ever since then we have been friends. There are just so many memories of you.

One memory that stands out the most in my mind is when you met Shannon. I remeber talking to you and you telling me that you have got to meet her shes great. Well, I did meet her and yes she is great. I really wish she would have never had to go through losing you. I remeber how happy you were when you and Shannon moved into your house and the land you were just so proud of. I remeber when your daughter moved in with you and how much you loved her and talked about her all the time. I remember when I was going through the academy during the day, dispatching at night, and not getting much sleep which caused me to get cranky and you were one of the very few that could call me up and tell me about me attitude problems and then in the same breath tell me what a good job I was doing and that I could make through it all. That is one thing that everyone admired about you were just so positive all the time it would make me sick. I can't begin to tell you how much you meant to people around this county it really showed at your funeral. I watched the video for the first time the other day that of the procession, it only took me a little over 5 months to be able to watch it and I cried all the way throught it. I remember being at the funeral home the morning of your funeral and standing there and remembering my dad's procession and even though Willis and Precinct 1 were doing the escort I remember seeing that Precinct 5 car sitting in the middle of 105 when we turned. When we left the funeral home escorting you to the church we went through Montgomery and all I could think about was how many times did you back me up out there when I was working nights on patrol. You should have seen the firemen from station 51 they flew a flag across 105 just for you. We then proceeded to go by yours and Shannon's house which really hurt because I knew how much ya'll loved that place. I remember going by the accident site and crying so hard I could barely hear our siren. At the church it was packed I don't even know if everyone got inside...I hope they did because it was raining. I can only imagine what you were thinking. I remember hearing last call over the radio and that is really when it hit me you were gone. I guess that's just the old dispatcher in me it didn't hurt as bad until I heard them call you and you didn't answer. I miss talking to you about things and or hearing you on the radio while we were working. You were such a great friend to so many people. You know you truly were such a great friend to me. Just to let you know I am now a deputy constable with pct. 1...if I would have known I would love it as much as I do I would have done it 4 years ago and skipped patrol.


I can not begin to imagine what you have gone through in the last few months and what you will continue to go through. I know that ya'll really loved each other. I am so glad John David found you because you really made him happy and I know he made you happy. If there is anything that you need I know you can find my numbers through some of our friends. You are such a wonderful person.


I know how I felt when I lost my dad and although I had a few years longer than you with my dad I know how bad you are hurting and how much you will continue to hurt. I promise it will get better eventually. I can tell you that your dad was so proud of you all he ever did was talk about you and how happy he was when you moved in with them. I only met you a couple times but that never stopped your dad from talking about you and he loved you so much. I know you know he loved you very much but I just had to tell you how much bragged to other people about you.

** John were so loved by so many people...I miss you so much it only took me forever to write this because everytime I would start I would have to stop because I couldn't stop crying and get it together...anyhow....I miss you....See ya when I get there someday and you better be ready to door up!

Deputy Constable Tracy Traylor
Montgomery County Constable's Office - Precinct 1

November 28, 2003

My heartfelt sympathy goes out ot the family and coworkers of Deputy Constable Garcia.

Although I did not have the privilege to have known you personally, I grieve for your loss my friend. Rest in peace knowing that those of us left behind will proudly cover your post on the thin blue line.


August 25, 2003

To the family, friends and co-workers of Deputy Constable Garcia, my sincere condolenses for your loss. May you be surrounded by loved ones to comfort you.

Jamie Johnson, surviving sister of
Officer Jon Cook
San Francisco Police Dept.

August 19, 2003



Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Ofc. E. Bruss #2181 - Police Officer
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Police Department - Houston Campus

Eric Bruss - Police Officer
U.S. Veterans Affairs Police

My friend John David,
Your inspiration carries on in the eyes of your fellow brothers in law enforcement both here in Magnolia and around the world. You have taught us much in your short stay here on earth. We WILL continue to carry the torch that you held with such grace and fortitude. It will be hard to patrol your beat without you, but we will do this knowing that you are in heaven up above working a much larger beat with God. We will all miss you greatly but will soon be with you in Heaven, after our watch ends here on earth. We all wish the best for your young bride and your beautiful daughter as they enter the troubled waters that surely lie ahead. We as a community will do all that we can to assist them in this struggle as they have paid the ultimate price in support of freedom and liberty in the loss of their loved one. God Bless you, 8507, and your family. We miss you already......
Charlie Sullivent, Deputy

Deputy Charlie Sullivent
Montgomery County (Tx) Sheriff's Department District 4 Patrol

Rest in peace my brother—You will not be forgotten. You have done your duty.

You, your family, and all those that have been affected by your passing are in my family’s prayers.

See you some day my brother.

CPL Jodie L. Warren
Prince George County Police Department, Virginia

To the family, friends, and co-workers of Deputy Garcia,
I am so sad to read of your loss, I know your pain, I have been there. Words can't take away the pain, so all I will say is that you are in my prayers. God only takes the best. John, say hi to Steve, he is a great guy. Thanks for a job well done.
Kristi Robinson
Girlfriend of Officer Linen, CA Highway Patrol, EOW 8/12/01

Kristi Robinson
Survivor 2001

Who was David Garcia?
Some called him a son, others called him a father. To some he was a brother and to others he was a cousin. To many he was a friend, to one he was a husband. He was a man of average height; he was a strong man. He was a man with a heart of gold and a love and faith that could move mountains. He was a kind and gentle man. He was the “cuddly teddy bear” type of man. We all knew this about David. But the one thing we didn’t know about him was that he was an Angel, sent to us from Heaven to teach us something.

We all learned something from David. Some of us learned his strength; some learned of his his love. Some learned his friendship while others of us learned of his patience and understanding. He taught many of us how to live life to the fullest, never taking a moment in time for granted. This Angel was sent to every one that he met to give them something to carry with them for the rest of their life.

The other thing we never knew about David was he was a miracle to all that he touched. David was the miracle that gave every one of us a part of what we are today. For this we should praise God and rejoice in David, this miracle that God gave us.

Why did this happen to someone as good as John David Garcia? Why was he taken from us as quickly as he was given to us? We can’t wonder why and we can’t ask for an explanation, for God works in mysterious ways. The thing that we can know is that God picks the pretty flowers and David was the fullest, brightest, most beautiful rose in the field.

I pray for help in healing those he touched and I pray to our guardian Angel David to bring those he loved the strength to go on, just as he has done and just as he would want us to do. John David Garcia, Our Angel, will be with all he loved in their hearts, in their souls and in their memories.
Deputy Constable John David Garcia, you will be remembered always and forever.
...Angels are a direct creation of God, each one a unique Master's piece...

Jennifer Piazza-Kramer





I am Sorry to hear that a fellow Brother has fallen , but our brother will always be here no matter what. You will never be forgotten .

Deputy Constable Alvin Patina II
Hidalgo County Constable Pct.3

Rest in peace brother in blue.
The watch is ours now.

God bless your family.

Pennsylvania State Police

Deputy Constable Garcia may you rest in peace. You truly are a hero. My prayers to your family and fellow blue.

Sgt. Hector Zertuche Jr
Alice Police Department

The last time I saw John David he told how much he loved his family & said to me "always remember ... communication is what makes it work". I'll always remember that. Thanks my friend ..I'll always treasure your friendship.


Today we all said bye to you J.D. there was at least 800 marked units. I know that you must have been looking down from heaven, with a huge smile. I was blessed to have met you a few times, but you shall never be forgotten. Thank you for all the wonderful Police work you did. You set the standards for us to all live up to. I ask that you watch over the rest of us as we serve and protect. I would be honored to have you as a guardian angel. My condolences go out to your family and close friends. Rest In Peace Brother.

Patrol Officer Mary Kipness
Montgomery Police Department

God Speed, Brother.

P.O.K. Murphy
Union PD, NJ

To Deputy Constable Garcia family and friends our hearts and prayers go out to you.

God Bless you

Terry Miyares, surviving spouse
Officer Emilio F. Miyares, Hialeah PD, FL, EOW 11/6/86

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