Laurens County Sheriff's Office, South Carolina
End of Watch Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joseph Scott Quarles
So much has happened since you left us. You always knew me too well and knew that in time friendships would heal. And they have. I thank you for all of your love while you were here and being the shoulder I needed when I was in a tough spot. It still doesnt seem real that you are gone. But were you are is the best place to be. No more pain, sadness, or sarrow. You were like my brother, the one who knew how to have a good time. And the one who taught me alot of things that I needed to learn. Thank you Scott. You are always in my heart and in my memories. I love you! Beth
January 21, 2004
Hi Scott,
I stopped by to see you the other day and left you a rose. Its been just over 6 months and we all still miss you. I think of you each day. I just wanted to make sure you know that I still miss you very much. Love ya.
December 23, 2003
Scooter, I have been crying all day, I have no idea how I will get through Christmas Eve without you. It seems the family is falling apart, we are having Christmas in shifts this year cause everyone has somewhere to be, it brakes my heart Scott, that one the night a year is all Grandma and Papa asked for and and now it seems that without Papa and You nobody can make the time, for ChristmasEve, it is just killing me inside. I just don't want to be a family that sees each other over a grave site. I miss you so much I wear your star next to my heart and my hero's name on a cuff on my wrist. It helps. Scooter loosing you made me see how fast life can change, my family has always been an important part of my life but now it seems that I try a little harder to make sure that they know that.
Scooter I know that you will be there Christmas Eve please keep your hand on my shoulder so I can feel your strength, and love. I love you!
Christy Quarles-Jacobs
December 23, 2003
Scott, it's been a little over six months since you left us and it's getting easier but it's still hard losing a brother in blue.I hope you and Drew are keeping an eye on everything down here cause you know we need it.We all always used to give you a hard time and I always admired how you handled it cause you knew we were just trying to help.I stopped by to talk to you on thanksgiving , when i stopped to see my grandfather.I saw your mom while i was there but she left before I got through talking to him.Scott we all miss you and we'll keep your family in our prayers GOD BLESS.
Deputy C.Sanders(245)
Laurens County Sheriff's Office
December 22, 2003
Well Scottie it has been 6 months now and it is all as fresh today as it was then. I can still hear your voice from the last time we talked on the phone June 10 at 6:00pm. Thanks for letting me know as usual that you loved I yearned to hear your voice again. Life is just not the same Son....don't walk to fast and Daddy will catch up with you in God's time. I love you baby!
Bill Quarles
December 15, 2003
It has been a few months now and I miss you everyday. I still have all your cards, letters, flowers and pictures of us and Cam up in the house. I miss you a lot and a lot has happened that I want to share with you. We were talking about sharing both our lives together and I regret so much we never were able to see that day when we could begin. I pray to God every night and hope that you know you are in those prayers, somehow - someway. The song that you wanted me to listen to not so long ago has a whole new meaning now to me. My family misses you and I know I miss you. Rhi
October 21, 2003
Hard to believe it has been 4 months...things get easier but the memories will never fade. What is left are the good times and the laughter. I'm glad I got to be a part of it all, and nobody could be a better friend than you. My brother, my co-pilot, my partner in crime...till we meet again.
October 12, 2003
Scott it seems just like yesterday we graduated the police academy together. I remember the good times all of us had. It is amazing that we trained together nine long weeks. Everyone always on the edge wondering who would make it one week to the next. It is a great comfort knowing that you lived for what you enforcement. God Bless the family of Deputy Quarles and all his loved ones. Scott was a good friend.
Deputy A. W. Rackley
Greenville County Sheriff's Office
August 21, 2003
Well Scooter it has been two months, the days have gotten easier but the tears still flow, this page has helped,I get to see you. We had daddy's 60th birthday party, it just didn't seem right without you. I know you are at peace now but you are also still proceting us from above. I have seen that in so many ways now, keep it up. I miss you and think of you everyday. Rest in Peace but keep up the good work!
I love you!
Christy Quarles-Jacobs
Well its been 2 months today since you left us. I know you are in a better place and that you are looking down on us, protecting us. I want you to know that not a day has gone by that I have not thought of you. I miss having you to turn to when I need you, for whatever reason. Just know that I love and miss you very much, as does everyone else you touched. Rest easy.
Brother, It is of greatest sorrow that we heard of your fall. The short time we've known you does no justice to the countless deeds of honor we've heard since your passing. We will not forget you. Your light has been bright and shines upon many.
We stand proud to know you and Godspeed 'til we meet again...
Ofcr L. Worthy/W. Worthy
Hendersonville Police Dept, NC
My heart breaks as I see God has called home yet another deputy this year. Everytime I open this page I hope that not another deputy is called. Myheart goes out to the parents of Deputy Quarles if your son was anything like Adam he loved his job and did it well. I heard Adam say once that once it's in your blood you can never leave. I find that in ever officer i talk to. They love their job and we sometimes wonder why. As a parent I can't relate to your pain. But as someone who loved a fellow officer of the law I can. Your days will be hard and it will seem at times that they will neve rend , but they will get easier.Lean on friends, family and other officers. I find they are always there.
Katrina Hickox
girlfriend of Adam eow 1-13-03
My heart goes out to the family of the brave young man. Always remember your son gave his life doing what he loved.
Lori Brown
Aunt of Deputy Renee Azure 8/06/02
Rest in peace. brother.........
To the parents, friends and coworkers of Deputy Quarles,
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you can come together to support each other through this difficult time, and keep the memory alive of this hero who died so young. God bless and comfort you!
Mountain View, CO
Deputy Quarles' parents, fellow deputies & friends are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for them. Deputy Quarles now patrols the streets of Heaven!
My deepest sympathies to the family and coworkers of Deputy Quarles. May God hold you tight, keep you safe, and give you strength.
To Scott Quarles the MAN,
You were the cutest little boy, a wonderful kid, and the GREATEST of men! You were my cousin by birth and my brother in love. We were together everyday this past winter, and Scooter that is time that I would not trade for all the money in the world, it was truely priceless to me and my family.
You will be missed in mine, Mark's and Ashleigh's heart BUT you will NEVER be forgotten.
Scooter you are with Papa now and you are taking care of us from above. I can only imagine what it will like when we are together again.
It is still hard to believe that the phone wil not ring any more at midnight and you be on the other end asking Mark and I what we are doing because you are board. You traveled those roads late at night doing what you were called to do, you loved your job and the people you worked with so much. If good Lord have to have you in his garden, he knew he had to take you doing what you loved.
Scooter my sweatpants have been retired and my ugly green shirt you hated so are put away. and I don't smell like deer. I can here you laughing at me now, and telling me to get ready to eat.
Scooter keep your loving eye on us, We love you!
Christy, Mark, Ashleigh, Aunt Betty and Uncle Bruce
Christy Quarels-Jacobs
Family & Friend
Scott, you will be missed dearly by all of us. . I still see your smiling face at our backdoor !! I still hear Lizzy's little growl as you tried to pet her, unsuccessfully.
We loved and enjoyed knowing you. Where you are now, you definitely did not enter thru the back door. You flew on Eagles Wings. And some day we will have a big reunion.
The Kirtsey family & Lizzy
I am eternally thankful that I was able to spend the last several weeks of Scott's life with him. He is resting now and the memories I have will always be cherished. He was the most compassionate, giving, and thoughtful person I will ever know. I love him and know that God is watching over him as Scott watched over so many others while here on earth. R.I.P until we see one another again.
I have known Scott for quite some time now. He has been like a member of our family. His death is truly a tragedy. I will miss his sweet smiling face and stories about the latest call he was involved in. Scott truly lived for his work and was happiest when he was able to give of himself to help others. He was not only an excellent police officer, but an outstanding human being and friend as well. My prayers go out to Scott's family and friends as well as the countless other officers serving us on a daily basis.
Godspeed Scott, till we meet again.
Kristin Kirtsey Beck
long time friend
I knew Scott for 7 years. He would have done anything for those that he loved. And that is what made him the loveable guy that he was. His smile and caring attitude will be what I remember most. He was loved and will be missed greatly.
My deepest sympathy goes out to Margaret and Bill Quarles, parents of Scott. God only knows the pain you are going through at this time, but let me leave me with you these words of comfort..... Scott was a dear friend of mine, so dedicated, so willing to help anyone in need. He was respectful, compassionate, and his love of God known to anyone who came in contact with him, and you have all this to thank because of the both of you. He spoke fondly about the both of you, and I wish I could have met you on different terms. I spoke with Scott the day of the accident, and seemed very happy, the way he always did, and that is what I will carry with me. The Laurens County Sheriffs Department and the other helping agencies did an outstanding job on his visitation and funeral, Scott would have been honored. God bless the both of you and the entire family.
Rosa Armstrong, Friend of
My thoughts and prayers are with Deputy Shetiff Quarles' family, friends and co-workers. You will never be alone in your pain and grief. We are all surviviors and will be with you forever. Psalm 55:22
Denise Nichols - surviving spouse
Alabama State Trooper Brian Nichols EOW 2/17/2002
My prayers and deepest condolences are with your Department, and especially
with the friends and family of your fallen hero.
Stay strong, stay focused, and know that Deputy Quarles
will never be forgotten.
Mike Bradford; Tallahassee Police Dept., Ret.
Ret. Invest. Mike Bradford
Tallahassee Police Dept.